The Best Director

Chapter 348: Being named three times and four times

The award for Best Sound Effects went to...Pithu Helidar..."Citizen Hughes: Power, Money and Madness"!

As Wang Yang read out the results loudly on the stage, a burst of thunderous applause and cheers suddenly erupted from the Kodak Theater. Thousands of audience members and guests pushed the atmosphere of the party to a climax. Many people even stood up one after another to express their gratitude to those who walked excitedly to the stage. Hlidar applauded as if he were awarding the best film. In fact, this was just the award for best musical effect that was originally equivalent to commercial time.

It’s not that the people attending the Olska this year were particularly enthusiastic, but that the award presenters were extraordinary... Miraculous Young’s relaxed and humorous award speech made the audience burst into laughter. There was no doubt that the real host Chris, who had been slightly nervous before, was Locke was robbed of the limelight, and his opening string of words that found fault everywhere caused laughter at decibels... not as good as Magic Yangzhou's equally unobstructed attack across the map. Not only was the scene joyful, but the audience in front of the TV was also laughing... The ratings data monitored by the Nielsen agency silently showed that... since Wang Yang's appearance, the number of viewers in the United States has continued to rise significantly.

"Thank God!" Seeing that the atmosphere of the ceremony became lively, the organizer, award ceremony producer Gilbert Cates and other people in charge all wiped cold sweat... He is really the most humorous best director in history! It's a pity that he only awarded the award once in the whole evening...

At the same websites such as America Online, Associated Press, Reuters, and the New York well as,, and other global online media that carry out live broadcasts of text, pictures, and videos, are all While reporting on the latest developments: 'Wang Yang showed his talent for humor' and joked that he was afraid of growing old..., 'The atmosphere at Olska was dull at night and it was magical that Yang became the fire captain...'' One person presented the award and the audience burst into laughter, looking back on him Wonderful words of all times...

However, Gilbert, Cates and others seemed to have little luck tonight. Dobbin Williams' wackiness and Wang Yang's humor had no successors. They won the Best Sound Editing ("Human Mobilization") and the Best Costume Design ( After Sandy Can Will's "Citizen Houston", Best Documentary (Ross Buffman... Zena Briskey, "Born in a Brothel"), and Best Editing (Hugh Swinburne, "Crash"), the scene gradually gradually It became calm and dull again... No matter Kirsten... Dunst, Orlando Perrum and other guests showed no performance... It would be better to watch the singing performance of Counting Crows... the choir.

Just when the people in charge were anxious like ants on the hot pot... Adam... Sandler and Chris Rock jointly awarded the Best Adapted Screenplay (Alexander Payne, Jim Taylor... "Sideways"). Joking about Catherine...Zeta...Jones caused a lot of laughter, which relieved the embarrassing situation.

Next, Jake Gyllenhaal and Zhang Ziyi, who presented the award for the best visual effects ("Spider-Spot"), continued to be dull...Zhang Ziyi, whose English was not very good, only said two sentences, and her expression was nervous and stiff, which was quite embarrassing. The small number of viewers who made the special trip to see Olska were disappointed. After Al Pacino solemnly awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award to the famous director and film master Sidney Lumet and reviewed his classic works, the best live-action short film ("American Heathen"), the best animated short film ("American Heathen") Ryan") was awarded amidst rounds of applause.

Not counting the Academy Honorary Awards and Lifetime Achievement Awards... the major awards have already been awarded to Otter... "Mr. Hughes" won three technical statuettes, and "Crash" also had two.

Halfway through the night, the ceremony was too compact and full of jokes. At this time, Natalie Portman, holding the Best Documentary Short Award result envelope, walked out to the applause of the audience. She was wearing a light black gauze dress with a Grecian collar, looking sexy. It has a fresh temperament, which is very endearing.

‘Hoo ho! "Wang Yang applauded and responded with several enthusiastic shouts. Jessica beside him smiled and clapped his hands. He turned to her and said: "Now she is a Harvard student, we can all smell it sitting here. That nerdy smell of ivy. "That being said, humor also has its own time and occasion... Documentaries are exactly what I need to be serious, and girls also need to maintain their flirtatious demeanor... Unless it's an undercover fat mom or something... But Natalie Portman Is a popular idol.

... They truly documented autism, racial and religious prejudice, homelessness, and complex families. Although he was not overtly excited, the tone of his voice and the constant shifting of his body movements revealed the joy in his heart. He adjusted his glasses and continued into the microphone: "Finding Neverland" was a great experience. Marc Forster (director) should be here. Thank you for your attentiveness and talent: Richard is also here, Richard. Germany knows the charm of music best..."

In the quiet atmosphere of the audience, Zmelik thanked the crew of "Finding Neverland" with tears in his eyes, his wife, family, friends and agent. It must be said that he has won the award, which represents one of the highest halls of the film. The sense of achievement brought by the ska award is so great... Even the calm and calm Kezmelik was so happy that he was a little incoherent: "Who else, there are so many people... I am so excited... I should take this opportunity to thank you Wang Yang’s support for me and “Finding Neverland”.…

On the TV screens of tens of millions of viewers across the United States... the picture immediately focused on the guests' seats. Many fans and female fans either laughed or shouted excitedly: "Magic Yang!!" Only Wang Yang was seen. He smiled and winked with his left eye, still full of energy and said hello.

...He is a person with taste, inspiration, and he can be regarded as giving me a little creative help. ...As if mentioning Miraculous Yang, he remembered his humor before. Zhan, who was relaxed, also suddenly made a joke. The Kuangda Theater burst into laughter, and Wang Yang, who was teased, entered the camera again... ...He smiled and shrugged slightly...and winked his right eye again; Jessica next to him grinned proudly.

Zhan En on the stage also laughed: ...I am very grateful to him for being able to stand on this stage today. And all the players... they are extraordinary people who are always forgotten, who turn sheet music into music, without which music would not exist. To my collaborators in Poland and the United States, thank you! "

After the new best composer left the stage with thunderous applause, he came to present the Hersholt Humanitarian Award. This award is not a regular award every year, and this year’s winner is Roger Meyer... who has been involved for a long time. and leads the work of the Motion Picture and Television Foundation, which is a group that provides social and medical and other charitable assistance to Hollywood filmmakers; he is also the national protection film

The first chairman of the foundation, he does his best to preserve the legacy of film reels.

'Hahaha! , after Rogmeier took over the statuette... he thanked the foundation, MGM, L, Olska Academy and other related institutions that have supported these two undertakings for many years... the scene suddenly rang again There was a burst of laughter... The old man just said: "I also want to thank my family! They are all here tonight... my children Patty, Larry... daughter-in-law Neve, sister Florence, granddaughters Natasha and Anna …I would especially like to thank my wife of 52 and a half years, Pauline! 1

The applause continued. As he spoke, the camera showed three generations of the family who had come to the scene. They were all smiling happily... The old man said loudly: '52 and a half years! They say in Hollywood... not many things last that long! Yes, only love can! Taking care of ourselves…can! And videos that are properly preserved... ok! So I have to keep working hard. Hope to continue to receive your support...Thank you very much! …

Not long ago, Magic Young satirized Hollywood for growing old and living forever..." Roger Meyer's words were like a rebuttal, a kind of showing off... When he finished his speech and returned to the backstage... the live camera immediately showed the innocent Wang Yang... The applause burst into laughter before the applause stopped, and the audience was amused by this joyous scene.

Ha ha! "In the live screen shot, surrounded by everyone's laughter, Wang Yang couldn't help but look up and laugh, and quickly took the hand of his beloved wife Jessica beside him... and kissed the back of her hand.

But the atmosphere at the Kodak Theater soon became serious. The famous Chinese cellist Yo-Yo Ma took the stage... with a melancholy and poignant cello music to commemorate the famous Hollywood movie stars who passed away last year... Ronald Reagan, Peter... Ustino Husband, Callisaudres, Malone... Bai Lan Mo...

...Looking at the 'Godfather' who is no longer alive on the screen... Wang Yang and everyone in the audience gave respectful applause... and felt very sorry for not being able to cooperate with this great actor. He is not a fan of Ma Long... Baidu... However, no director would not want him to appear in his movie... But now that the legend is dead, this regret can only be a pity that will always make people sigh.

Soon Flame Films won the sixth Oscar tonight, Paul Haggis, Robert... Moresco won the best original screenplay for "Crash", the two people thanked each other on the podium, and the partners were naturally indispensable. Fire Movies and Black Hole Magic Young who held "Crash"... Just like Jenn... Kezmelik... Paul Haggis was so excited that he almost cried, holding the trophy tightly in his hand:... Especially... Thank you Wang Yang for your support of "Crash"! He has put a lot of effort into making it work... let our efforts bear fruit, thank you! …

So the live broadcast camera switched to a close-up shot of Wang Yang for an unknown number of times...even more than Johnny Depp, the nominee for Best Actor, Captain Jack Sparrow. He smiled and clapped with both hands, because of the seriousness of the theme of "Crash". Xiao's nature is not funny.

‘The winner of the Orska Award for Best Supporting Actress is…Natalie Portman, “Stealing Hearts”! "

Then the award for Best Supporting Actress, which had no suspense but attracted great attention, was finally announced. Natalie, who was 23 years and nine months old... Portman won the first statuette in her life! It was 8 years earlier than Meryl... Streep who only completed this move at the age of 31! Became the 1st Olska for Best Supporting Actress!

When the award guest Tim... Robbins read out nTQ... "At that moment... the Kodak Theater burst into applause and shouts... Lee-RTmn!" "net"! The protagonist of the live shot was already a happy and excited Natalie. She reflexively covered her mouth with her hands... and then hugged and celebrated with the surrounding crew members of "Stealing Hearts"... and glanced behind her... She was enthusiastically received by the audience. With standing congratulations, I walked towards the stage with a smile and won the award!

"Whoosh!" Wang Yang blew loudly. "The applause stopped... Natalie on the stage spoke... She held the envelope in both hands and looked straight ahead, reciting the prepared award speech with a calm expression. This is the first time she has agreed to an award invitation from Olska. Because of the Best Supporting Actress award, this is also the first time she has stood on this stage in front of more than 3,000 celebrities, celebrities, audience reporters.

Oh my God! How come Miraculous Yang is doing so well? Personable, cheerful, and humorous... Random thoughts flashed through Natalie's mind, and there was something unsettlingly different about reading the manuscript as if she was reciting it. She looked in the direction of the guest seats... Continued Read: "These are the people who were nominated for the Best Documentary Short Award this year and I salute them. Geldine Uzberg, The Next Generation of Leninism; Hannah Pollack, Andrzej, Salins Key... "Hardwood"..."

‘We are done. I don't know about you, but I've been practicing my Oscar acceptance speech in the bathtub since I was 8 years old..." Robert, who eventually won the award for "The Miracle Hour: The Journey of Children"... Hudson, Burpee...Houston is quite humorous.

After John Matheson won the Best Cinematography Award for "Phantom of the Opera": Guest John Mengvolta handed the statuette for Best Original Score to Jan Kezmelik. The Polish composer won the award at the session He received his first Oscar nomination for "The Good Luck Knocks on the Door" and finally won the award for the second time in four years with "Finding Neverland"... As an old friend, Wang Yang was very happy and the applause was particularly powerful. ; This is also good news for "Firefly", two of Olska's best soundtrack masters have joined forces to create!

'I can't express my joy in words...Thank you to the conference, uh...Jen Kezmelik, wearing a bow tie and glasses, was very elegant and whistled, and he was almost the first person to stand up and applaud! Wow! This is awesome! Oh my gosh, so surprising! "Although every media and gambling company was sure that Natalie would win beforehand...when the scene really came...Wang Yang knew how he would feel, happy! So happy! This guy is the one who can talk about everything. Good brothers, "competitors" in terms of personal film achievements, have spent many youthful years together, inspiring and helping each other...

Now that I see her about to lift the statuette, I feel even more excited than when I won the award! Wang Yang was about to get carried away and smiled excitedly at Jessica beside him: "Haha! I've said it for a long time, I've said it since I've said it! This girl knows how to get Olska! Oh! She must thank me. Support!... Jessica smiled and nodded. If you had watched "Crazy Summer Camp"... what would you say? On the one hand, she was also very happy for Natalie: on the other hand, she couldn't help but have a little reverie, what? When would he be so happy and proud of her?

Because she was sitting further up the front, Natalie didn't have the chance to hug the person she most wanted to hug. She stepped onto the wide stage for the second time tonight and secretly sighed again, Oh my God! The whole world was suddenly silent... She couldn't hear the applause, cheers, or the words she said, "Thank you"... According to him, the volume was turned down to the lowest level. She and Tim Robbins hugged each other face to face. , received the golden and heavy trophy, he won the best director at the age of 23, she could not win the best actress at the age of 2... It was good to win the best supporting actress!

'Thanks! I'm really, really happy...Thank you to everyone on the crew of "Stealing Hearts" and thank you for your fate..." Natalie's voice was trembling a little...looking at the more than 3,000 people in front of her...the volume was gradually turned up again. ... She could hear her own voice, and after thanking the director of "Stealing Hearts" and everyone else, her parents, family and friends... she held up the trophy and looked at a young face in the guest seat, and smiled... and said loudly:... Special , Special thanks to Wang Yang!”

Is it any of his business? Seeing that Qi Qiyang was named again...director Louis Hallweis also asked the camera to cut to a close-up of Wang Yang again, and saw him smiling heartily...and giving a thumbs up. Fans who are familiar with the two of them are not surprised by this. Who doesn't know that Yang and Natalie are super good friends?

Under the interested gazes of countless audience guests and media reporters... Natalie continued to laugh and said: 'You are really good at swearing on the set. "Her sudden humor brought laughter to the Kodak Theater. Wang Yang made fun of everyone in the audience tonight and was also teased several times. Natalie said seriously: ...But just because of your scoldings, you I encourage you to support me... that’s why I’m so amazing!" Her heart surged... she couldn’t help but clutch the trophy... and laughed loudly: "I like you so much, haha! Haha!"

‘Hoo ho! 'For a moment, the whole theater was in a state of shock... The crowd's applause and shouts were deafening... The camera must go to Wang Yang in the dining room, who threw his head back and laughed, applauding with both hands; Jessica next to him smiled and applauded without any concern. People will take a word of praise as a big deal.

But the media is not included! Especially the gossip entertainment media! Like it too much? What does Natalie Portman mean? Is this a confession! ? Is she going to steal her heart? The reporters’ eyes lit up, this is definitely an excellent news subject! After contacting Miraculous Yang, she was afraid of divorce... and then hundreds of millions of viewers across the world heard Natalie saying that she liked Miraculous Yang, didn't they?

‘Hehehe! Ha ha! "Natalie laughed several times on the stage without thinking too was just a thank you for the compliment. She hadn't said anything yet, so she smiled and said: "Really, thank you! Finally, I would like to thank my parents and family again. Your support is so important, thank you! …

With the awarding of Best Supporting Actress...this ceremony only has five awards left in suspense: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Foreign Language Film. 'Best Foreign Language Film' It's "The Big Sleep" (Spain)! ", 'The winner of the Best Actress award was Hilary Swank..."Million Dollar Baby!" On this starry night...2019-year-old Hilary Swank won her second Oscar for the first time. The queen of lascar! She said excitedly: ...I don't know what I did to be so lucky. I was just a girl with a dream in a parking lot. I never thought that this dream would come true...

Hilary... Swank is naturally talented and gifted in acting; in her private life, she got married at the age of 23 and has never had any scandals... She thanked her husband Chad... Rowe's words, "You are everything in my world" The audience burst into applause.

But forget it once and win Best Actress, now she has won two awards! There has always been a consensus in Hollywood that "after three years as an actress, a movie star declines..." What's even more frightening is that a married woman will inevitably get divorced after winning a movie. Can Swank escape the curse of Olska? ? This is also a topic that the gossip media is concerned about.

What happened next was quite disappointing for Fire Movie... but it was also somewhat expected... Best Actor was not awarded to the nominated comedy king Kim... Carrey... The Academy judges really didn't like him... ...It is unprecedented to nominate him. Jack Fox became the third black movie star in history with his superb performance in "The King of Soul"; Clint Eastwood won the Golden Globe and Directors Guild's double best director. "Million Dollar Baby" won another Oscar, and it was also his second Best Director Oscar after "Unforgiven" in 1992.

Christopher Nolan, Paul... Haggis, who had been mentally prepared to accompany him on the run, was not disappointed. He and the other losers applauded and paid tribute. It was not like "not angry at the performance...".

‘The winner of the best film at Olska is...

Hearing this news, the Kodak Theater suddenly burst into excitement, and everyone stood up... applauded to congratulate the winners... The crew of "Million Dollar Baby" jumped up with joy; Wang Yang smiled and clapped... Bian let out a sigh of relief, let's fight again next year!

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