The Best Director

Chapter 349 The classic among classics

As the biggest event of the awards season comes to an end, the pages of newspapers, magazines, websites and other media are occupied by the 77th Academy Awards winners list, red carpet, behind-the-scenes and other news content, which won the best picture, director, actress and supporting actor. "Million Dollar Baby" won an important award and became the biggest winner this year.

Fire Movies, which was nominated for two films, finally won six statuettes. "Mr. Hughes" won the best art direction, best costume design, and best sound effects; "Crash" won the best original screenplay and best editing. and best original song.

Four of the trophies are technical trophies, and the most important one is undoubtedly the best original screenplay. The rest are like consolation prizes. This time, the huge flames can be said to be an anticlimax. As long as there are winners, there will be losers. This failure did not surprise Flame, Wang Yang and many media. In terms of academic preference and theme, "Mr. Hughes 2" cannot compete with "Million Dollar Baby"; A dark horse is a dark horse after all, and "Crash" lacks a bit of momentum; Warner Bros. is also better than the Flames in terms of resources and capabilities in publicity and canvassing.

The moment he heard the consequences, Wang Yang felt a little disappointed. He couldn't even say "damn" in his heart. He didn't know who to scold. The original Best Picture "Crash" at the 7th Oscar was moved to the 1st Oscar and failed. So, Can "Brokeback Mountain", which hits the 2019 edition, make a difference? Do Academy judges dare to award Best Picture to a film with pro-gay themes? In any case, Flame Films is ready to fully promote "Brokeback Mountain" and compete for the Oscars next year!

Although the awards ceremony was very dull for most of the time, the fading shadow of the war and the popularity of host Chris Rock all played a positive role. According to Nielsen agency statistics, an average of 10,000 American viewers watched this movie event, easily It has become the most popular award show this year. The previous Golden Globe Awards had 10,000 people; the CBS Grammy Awards had 10,000 people, and the People's Choice Awards only had 10,000 people.

In the most prosperous viewing market in history, this year's Oscar ratings hit a five-year high; however, the overall decline in viewership shows that the first Oscars are more popular in big cities than in rural areas.

The highest ratings of the night occurred during the award ceremony for Best Picture. Wan was only ten thousand less than when "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" won last year's Wan; and when Miracle Young appeared to present the award, it was hard to even touch Wan in the past. The best sound effects actually attracted up to 41.95 million viewers, fully demonstrating the explosive popularity of this married idol best director!

Wang Yang not only did not disappoint the academy, but also did not disappoint 41.95 million viewers across the United States. His wonderful and humorous remarks made him undoubtedly crowned the most popular of this year on various media websites, regardless of opinion polls or commentators. award presenters, best guests, guest hosts...

The guest host's all-map attack was okay, but the host Chris Rock became the target of public criticism. The celebrities who were named expressed their disgust, especially the joke he made about Jude Law: "Do you want to Looking for Cruise, only to find Jude Law? Who is Jude Law? Why has he been in every movie in the past four years? He can be seen everywhere...he is gay at the moment,

One moment it’s heterosexual; one moment it’s American, the next moment it’s British…”

Last year, Jude Law starred in five well-received movies including "Stealing Hearts", but he didn't get a single Oscar nomination. The over-the-top jokes have escalated to the point of humiliation. Chris Rock was rebutted by Sean Penn when he presented the award that night: "Jude Law is an excellent actor..." Afterwards, the producer of "Stealing Hearts" John Kelly also said: "It's okay to joke, but if you joke too much, you will be annoying." Others, such as Toby Marble, also pointed the finger at Locke.

Jude Law did not attend the Oscars that day. He was on vacation with his fiancée Selena in his hometown in the UK. When he found out about it, he was named and attacked in such a grand ceremony, becoming the biggest laughing stock, and some even mocked him. Acting career! Jude Y. Law did not respond directly, but expressed in other ways that he was very hurt and angry. He believed that his agent did something outrageous, which made him suffer this humiliation. This led to numerous media reports that he had decided to fire his current agent, and Change brokerage firms to give yourself a fresh start.

Regarding Chris Rock's hosting style, two completely different attitudes have appeared in various media outlets. The New York Times commented: "Chris Rock desperately wants to be provocative." "Hua Sheng" The Post's review: "While Rock is a talented, sarcastic comedian, he is shockingly clumsy and spiritually vulgar as an Oscar host."... Praise for his performance There are also many comments. "Salon" magazine said: "Rock is the lifeguard of the Oscars, bringing the awards ceremony back to life."...

I have to say that Qi Qiyang is so smart. Why is he so popular in Hollywood? As we all know, he is a die-hard fan of "Friends". That night, he clearly intended to satirize Brad, who was a little bit over the top. Pitt, no one else could find the trace. He was not disgusted whether he was divorced or not, but found it very funny. Just as Steve Martin, a popular white-headed man, once made a hilarious joke when hosting the show a few years ago: "We're all gay."

The "New York Times", "Washington Post", "Salon", "Los Angeles Times", etc. all unanimously praised Qi Qiyang's wonderful performance that only took a few minutes to lift the atmosphere of the entire audience. "The Los Angeles Times" commented: "The married Yang is moving towards another maturity! You can get a glimpse of it from the change in his award speech. His humorous and philosophical views on marriage are worthy of being the most mature person in history." Interesting best director." The "San Francisco Chronicle" review praised highly: "Young taught Locke a lesson."...

Movie fans are not surprised that such a vulgar thing as "leg hair" has been used so humorously by Miriam Young, as well as the life philosophy of women changing before and after marriage. "Juno" and "The Hangover" have already explained everything. If that's not enough, there's "The Big Bang Theory."

Gentu Yahoo Entertainment and other media have stirred up a rumor that has been circulating for a long time. The Academy and the Academy intend to invite Magic Yang to be the host of the 78th Oscars. They will continue to follow the path of taste for teenagers and young people. You need to know what aspects Magic Yang has won. I don’t know how many times more than Chris Yike, then he will be the first Asian host of the Oscars, and at the age of 26, he will also be the youngest host in history...

Fans are looking forward to supporting this rumor; the Academy and the Academy have a good idea, but in fact there are some toads who want to eat swan meat. It is very difficult to invite him to be an award guest, let alone the host! How can a big director and boss have so much time for rehearsals, discussions, promotions... just dream!

People like people who are funny and humorous, which is one of the reasons why Wang Yang is so popular. Many of the 41.95 million viewers that day were made to laugh and also became interested in "Fireflies".

This year's Oscars lasted only 3 hours and 15 minutes, the shortest since 1986, but it didn't stop its second-second ads from selling for a whopping $10,000 each. Since the Academy stipulates that movie trailers are not allowed to become Oscar advertisements, films such as "Husband Panda" and "Firefly" released in the summer will naturally not have the chance to appear. However, like other companies in the industry, Flame Films has a series of publicity plans prepared and implemented for them, including poster postings, outdoor advertising, and trailers for 6-screen "AA National Championship", "The Big Bang Theory" and other advertising periods.

Time has entered March Madness... The filming of "The Ghost Story 3" has been completed a long time ago, and the editing is almost completed. It can successfully catch up with the North American release date of April 1st. The new film that will be released on a large scale that week is "Guilty". City", "Hala Artist".

Lionsgate, which holds "The Ghost Story 3" in its hands, is responsible for the promotion work. It doesn't need Fire Movies to worry about, but Fire Movies is busy enough. The top priority is "Husband Panda", which will be released globally on May 13. , "Firefly" will be released globally on June 17. "The rich and powerful... Flame Movies are so tough, not only the promotional expenses of "Firefly" have skyrocketed... the treatment of "Husband Panda" is also not bad.

"Husband Panda" has been promoting and building momentum around the world a long time ago, especially in Asia and China. However, unlike the "warm welcome..." originally envisioned by the Flame Team and Wang Yang, things were not so beautiful and optimistic. Although he was Chinese, a Chinese who could speak Chinese and write Chinese characters, many people in the Chinese-speaking area responded to this "warm welcome..." A love letter to Chinese movie fans..." They were not interested. On the contrary, they were disgusted. They believed that Wang Yang's move was an insult to China's national treasure and a commercial behavior with ulterior motives. They all called for a boycott of "Husband Panda".

There must be a commercial nature, otherwise how can the entire crew, all the animators at Blue Sky Studio, the Fire Department, etc. work? Can’t you have to lose money in order to make money? Is it a heinous sin for a good movie to do well at the box office?

Wang Yang knew that he, Steve and Oedekirk, and the whole team had absolutely no intention of insulting anything from beginning to end. They were all members who loved and were fascinated by Chinese culture. The whole movie was full of sincerity and hard work. If those People who clamor for "ulterior motives" may become quieter if they know a little bit about the production process behind "Husband Panda". The crew took three years to make it and spent more than a year in preparation, studying traditional Chinese culture and Fuwen...

There are also many experts and scholars who focus on Chinese culture to participate in the work, finalizing the storyline, designing original paintings, and action shots... Every detail of the entire cartoon is done to the best to restore the style of an ancient Chinese town, even if it is not The focus area of ​​the painting is just the clutter in the corner that is not noticed by the audience.

If "Husband Panda" is successful, it will make more people around the world interested in and fall in love with pandas, traditional Chinese culture, husbands, etc. You must know that many of a person's hobbies are formed due to the influence they received in childhood. The "Husband Panda" series can influence countless children. Movie fans can watch a good movie again, what's wrong? Panda will not be "occupied..." The same excellent movie will have the same excellent performance.

Sometimes, Wang Yang does feel very depressed about this. It’s not that China doesn’t have funds or talents, nor does it lack sources of stories. Chinese stories contain rich unique elements and emotional elements. “Husband Panda” will have Chinese husbands and Chinese Spirit, master-disciple relationship, brotherhood, etc., these are emotional expressions and artistic conceptions that are different from those in Europe and the United States. It can be said that China’s ancient culture is the best resource for creating animations. He and Chris Waiki and many others After many discussions, they all believe that as China’s world status rises, sooner or later the culture of this ancient civilization will attract the attention and love of people around the world.

If you have funds, talents, and stories, you can learn and improve any technology. However, you lack the patience and professionalism that are most needed for making movies, and you even lack the attitude to learn how to tell stories. You always say that you are humble, but where is your humility? He thought that the inevitable version of "Husband Panda" in his mind was boycotted by some viewers because of the complicated factors of Steven Spielberg; he did not expect that the same would happen in the Flame 6 Blue Sky version of "Husband Panda". Some of the curse words were even worse. Why? Woolen cloth?

He thinks that one day, there will be a production company in China that is willing to spend three years and painstakingly produce an animated film. Then the people who are clamoring today will no longer call for boycott, and top animation talents such as Xu Chengyi will also Return flow, this is the crux of the matter.

Fortunately, only some people are calling for boycott, and most people's voices are still rational. According to the survey, the audience is also looking forward to this love letter... This makes Huoyan Film and Wang Yang still full of confidence in "Husband Panda".

Last month, at 21:45 on Monday night, February 28th, Beijing time, TV-6 broadcast the 77th Oscar Awards. A total of three Chinese people took to the stage that night. Wang Yang, Yo-Yo Ma and Zhang Ziyi performed with "Ten Although Zhao Xiaoding, who was nominated for best photography in "Ambush in the Face", arrived at the scene, he lost. This made the Chinese media think a lot. Both men are Chinese Americans. Zhang Ziyi had a stiff expression and only recited two sentences. How to allocate the space? After much deliberation, the media still focused on Magic Yang, which was also the focus of foreign media.

Magic Yang's wonderful words, Jenn and Kezmelik's thanks, Natalie Portman's "confession"... And in lively gathering places such as Tianya Forum and Baidu Tieba, Magic Yang is the undisputed biggest focus , although there are also many hackers who carry out bar-exploding activities.

Although 4 of the Flames' 6 Oscars were technical awards, the box office did not help at all. In mid-March, the box office of "Mr. Tis 2" and "Crash" that were released more than a week ago on a large scale has been determined. "Citizen Hughes" has been fully released recently. The North American box office is set at 133 million U.S. dollars, and the overseas box office is currently 86.82 million. It is only 30 million away from the Flame's predetermined target of 250 million global box office. There is definitely hope to achieve it.

The award-winning "Crash" is still showing in many theaters, with a box office of 57.19 million in North America and 21.68 million overseas. According to analysts' predictions, it is expected to have a global box office of over 100 million, or even more than 10,000. Compared with other films With a production cost of 10,000 (buyout fee), Flame Movie is the undoubted winner. The coveted film library has another film with an Oscar halo.

The 5-year release schedule of Fire Movies is already full of movies; the 6-year release schedule also includes "Ice Age 3", "The Hangover 3", "Rush 2", "Saw 4" and "The Prestige". . %The sequel is not the Flame's ultimate goal for 2006. In addition to the promising "Green Hornet" plan, which is scheduled for 2006 or 2007, the latest plan of the Flame Production Department is to lobby Judy Kramer to bring the famous The stage play Mamma Mia! 》 onto the big screen.

"Mamma Mia! "As a hot new stage play around the world, it has played tens of thousands of performances around the world since its first performance in London in 1999. Today, when "Chicago" won the Oscar for Best Picture and musicals are reviving, it is certainly not without film producers. I have taken a fancy to it, but "Mamma Mia!" "Just like Baijiahui's tradition of not arbitrarily investing rights in adapting classic musicals, it maintains the independence and uniqueness of the stage version.

Producer Judy Kramer has faced lobbying from studios big and small for years, but she has refused to give up anything about Mamma Mia! "right," she said: "It is true that some musicals have become more popular around the world after being adapted into movies, but once the audience walks out of the theater disappointed, it will be difficult for us to show them in the theater." It's not that she doesn't want "Mommy" ah! 》 was put on the big screen, but he did not dare to be rash and casual for fear of ruining this classic stage play.

The Fire Movie is not just a minor role. It single-handedly started the revival of musical movies. Musical movies have always been its golden signature. The "High School Musical" trilogy, "Sweetheart", and "So You Think You Can Dance" are all deeply loved. The popularity among young people is very consistent with Mamma Mia! 》Youthful, lively, enthusiastic and unrestrained style. Coupled with the sincere lobbying of the magical SS, what else does Judy Kramer have to fear? Huo Huo is very confident that he can impress her and obtain the film adaptation rights.

"After finishing "Firefly", I will immediately start working on a new film directed by Wang Yang. A few days ago, Wang Yang told Max Lente that this is a small-cost independent film in the modern love genre, scheduled for Christmas this year. Released.

Mark Slant was almost completely used to the "whims" of this young boss. Almost almost, he was still a little surprised, because... modern love type! There have always been some film critics who pointed out that Qi Qiyang's works lacked the enthusiasm to chase girls, that the love story is stuck in high school, and that there will never be a kiss scene... He suddenly wants to make a romance movie? A small-budget independent film that has been questioned as “never made again”?


Wang Yang answered Mark Slunter succinctly and told him to keep it secret for the time being. There was no need to let the news out to the outside world and reduce the attention of fans to the director's first film "Firefly"; on the other hand, as long as "Firefly" If it can be a big success, facing the Christmas season in just six months, this movie will have a high 1+1 effect with a little promotion. Mark Slant naturally understands, just write on the poster "The latest film by the director of "Firefly"..." This is the director's charm. The question is, how many people don't know Miyazaki?

In the dimly lit editing and screening room, Wang Yang, Margaret, and Lee Smith quietly looked back at the ending scene of "Fireflies" and considered the options for the theatrical version.

After many months of hard work, the theatrical version of "Fireflies", which is full of special effects shots, is about to be finished. Not counting the end credits, the film is 155 minutes long, which is exactly 2.5 hours. For the shots, stories, and everything contained in this 155-minute video... Margaret praised again and again. From the beginning, the entire movie went through strong foreshadowing, showing the world of Jiyan's unique atmosphere; The short stories that appear make people nervous and exciting, and they gradually learn the ins and outs of the story through the amazing visual enjoyment.

"The Battle of New Shanxi", the biggest decisive battle in the entire film, does not even have a soundtrack. It makes people tremble with excitement. And this extremely shocking ending connects everything the entire film is about to say..." Before 154 minutes and before the last line, the moviegoers were not expecting this scene, and then they were hit by a trace of depression that penetrated their souls! Margaret couldn't wait to participate in the work of the DVD commentary track, and couldn't wait to praise: "This is Amazing! "

Now they are discussing whether the last shot before the credits ends with a close-up of the character? Or does it end with a long shot? No matter which plan, the ending will not change, but the subtleties are different, and the director makes the final choice.

"If we choose a close-up shot, because the time is short, the impact will be stronger..." Wang Yang gently held his chin and looked at the picture on the screen. After playing the two versions several times, he said: "Long shot plan Let’s do it! This way it will be more artistic and worth remembering… That’s it!”

"Okay!" Neither Margaret nor Li Yi Smith had any objections. "Firefly", which ends with close-ups and long shots, is definitely a classic science fiction Star Wars movie, a classic among classics. Seeing Wang Yang stand up, stretch his waist and take a breath, Margaret consoled him: "Director, thank you for your hard work! You have been tired for so many days, why don't you take a good rest this weekend?" Wang Yang suddenly laughed and shrugged: "Thank you, I'm fine." He pursed his lips and thought excitedly: "The weekend is finally here, let's see... haha!"

Entering March, Jessica has been fully recovered from acute nephritis for 5 months. Although it is not half a year, this month is the last chance to give birth to a baby in 2005. The due date of pregnancy in the middle of tomorrow will be December, so the two of them will be pregnant early. It was agreed that people would be killed this month. So since Jessica's old friend arrived in February, in order to ensure "quality and quantity... even for half a month before the friend period, safe period and dangerous period, Wang Yang has been in Amitabha, always storing energy, Get ready for this war.

The elegant bedroom with soft light was filled with a charming and romantic atmosphere. Jessica, who had just finished taking a bath and got ready, walked in wrapped in a bath towel and with a sweet smile on her face.

"Hey." Wang, who was sitting on the bed, raised his upper body. When he saw the figure of his beloved wife, his strong muscles suddenly tightened. He saw her untied her bath towel, revealing her hot figure, and only wore light clothes on her upper body. A purple lace bra and a pair of lavender lace short boxer briefs were worn on the lower body. A drop-shaped silver navel nail was tied on the flat lower abdomen. It was very sexy, but the face was as beautiful as an angel. He had been holding it in for many days. Looking at those familiar long legs and raised buttocks, there is an uncontrollable animalistic impulse.

Jessica on the other side met his burning eyes, her watery eyes rolled, and she responded a little shyly: "Hey."

Both of them can feel the difference tonight. This feeling is very special. It is not like the usual sweetness or sweetness, nor is it like the first time in a long time that their hearts were pounding. However, they have the shyness and messy heartbeat that they have not experienced in a long time. Jessica, who claims to be "the best wife in the world", actually didn't know what to do. She took a few steps closer to the bed, raised her hands and shook them seductively, and winked seductively: "I Dance for you.”

"Sweetheart, come here!" Wang Yang waved to her nervously, then opened his hands and laughed: "I'm full of energy!" Jessica grinned toothily, and she walked up to the bed in two steps. She threw herself into his arms and said in a shy voice just like the first time: "Then you teach me..." Wang Yang kissed her lips: "Of course."

He caressed her hot body and kissed her two soft lips. She hugged his neck with her hands, and the two people hugging each other gradually fell on the bed...

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