Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 523 7th Armored Division

According to regulations, the Knight's Iron Cross can only be awarded to those who have shown extraordinary courage on the battlefield and have previously been awarded the Iron Cross First Class. It is very valuable and difficult to obtain in the German military medal system. high-level medal.

Throughout World War II, only 7,361 people were awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, which was less than a fully equipped German standard infantry division. For the German army of the Third Reich, which had as many as 5 million active soldiers at its peak, this was undoubtedly a pitifully small number.

The Knight's Cross of Iron Cross that Malashenko is holding on his finger at this moment does not have oak leaves and double swords. It is just an ordinary Knight's Cross of Iron Cross. But even so, this medal is already so extraordinary. The German colonel who was able to receive this high-level medal in 1942 undoubtedly has a legendary experience of his own.

Curious, Malashenko stood up from his half-crouched state and glanced at the corpse of the German colonel lying at his feet with a stinking face. The body, which was gradually cold and losing its temperature, had already been killed by Malashenko. He was grilled like a shaved pig, and there was no trace of the majesty of the armored colonel he once was.

Wanting to know the identity of the German armored colonel, Malashenko decided to get to the bottom of things and immediately began to rummage through the briefcase that had been removed from the German colonel's body.

This small bag, which is very common among German army officers, is now filled to the brim. Its rather thick texture obviously indicates that it is filled with something that Malashenko does not know but is very interested in.

"Map? Keep this thing for usefulness. We'll look at it later."

He stuffed a thick map folded into square corners into his large coat pocket. Malashenko, who continued to rummage through his small leather bag, quickly took out a cowhide notebook, which looked like it should be recorded. Something for everyday chores.

With curiosity, he opened the first page of this cowhide notebook. Malashenko glanced at it to see what was written in it and suddenly discovered something very idiotic.

I don’t understand fucking German at all!

Malashenko shook his head to express his inability to complain about his stupid behavior. He stuffed the cowhide book into the other pocket of his jacket and continued to rummage through his bag. What he found immediately after was something that made Marashenko Shen Ke's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Military ID? That's great. I need to find someone who can understand what's written on it and ask."

Generally speaking, a small military officer's certificate usually records the service record and transfer situation of the certificate holder. It is the simplest and clearest way to understand what a soldier has done in the past and present.

Malashenko, who had made up his mind to get to the bottom of things, immediately reached out and called the bearded Major Maxim, who was cleaning the battlefield not far away and commanding the escort of prisoners. The bearded major who was grateful to Malashenko was listening. After receiving Malashenko's order, he immediately ran over.

"Comrade leader, what's the matter?"

"Well, there is one thing. What was the name of the young man who knew German last time? He was the young man who acted as the translator for me and the German doctor."

After hearing Malashenko's question, he immediately pondered for a moment and searched for the answer in his mind. After a while, Major Maxim, who knew who Malashenko was referring to, immediately answered and spoke directly.

"Oh, you are talking about Sasha. Last time he acted as translator for you and the German doctor. He was escorting the prisoners over there. I will call him over to you right now."

Although he has a beard that represents a rough man, this does not mean that Major Maxim is a person who cannot observe what is happening and act according to circumstances.

On the contrary, this previously careless Red Army tank veteran immediately felt that his rank had undergone a qualitative change after being promoted to major by Malashenko. School-level officers are already mid-level officers. If they are still as careless and clumsy as before, they will be laughed at by others.

With such a simple idea, Major Maxim changed his previous rough style and began to learn literature and art, but without losing his heroic and domineering political commissar Petrov improved his style of life. After listening to Malashenko's question, he Being able to guess what Malashenko wants to do is one of the learning outcomes of this recent period.

About two minutes later, when Maxim, who was jogging all the way, brought the young man named Sasha to Malashenko, Malashenko, who was already a little impatient, took the first step and took the officer who was not yet warm in his hand. The certificate was handed to Sasha.

"Look at what's written here, Sasha. I want to know the most accurate result, not a guess."

Realizing that the problem was unusual from Malashenko's serious expression, Sasha with a solemn face took the military officer's ID card handed over by Malashenko and quickly flipped through it to read. This scene was actually Major Maxim on the side was at a loss as to what to do next.

A minute later, Sasha, who quickly read through all the contents on the military officer's ID card, could only barely understand about 80% of it. Sasha, who had never had a formal German course and was at best a self-taught master, slowly followed. Open your mouth.

"The document states that this person's name is Hans Stolberg, he is 37 years old, he has the rank of colonel in the Wehrmacht, and his position is the colonel commander of the 129th Armored Regiment, which is affiliated with the 14th Armored Division of the Wehrmacht."

After dictating some of the content that he was sure of, Sasha, who was not very sure about the remaining uncertain content, hesitated to speak.

"I don't quite understand the complicated part behind the document. It probably means that this German guy previously served in the 7th Armored Division of the Wehrmacht as a battalion commander. He was promoted to the rank of colonel and commander of an armored regiment just last year. The service record says that he participated in battles in France, but I’m not sure of the details, Comrade Commander, there are some obscure French place names and battle summaries.”

"Seventh Armored Division?"

Malashenko couldn't help but be a little stunned when he heard this most important detail in Sasha's oral words. Other Red Army commanders and fighters may not know what kind of force the 7th Armored Division of the Wehrmacht is, but Malashenko, as a future time traveler, Rashenko knows this very well.

"Damn, the 7th Armored Division is Rommel's unit! This German guy is actually Rommel's former subordinate. Isn't this too fucking useless!? It really puts Rommel's face in his crotch went!"

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