Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 522 Catch them all in one fell swoop

Through the periscope of the commander in front of him in the smoke-filled turret, he saw clearly that the first seven or eight German tanks had driven out of the village, and the fragile side armor of the vehicles was facing his field of vision without any defense.

He thought to himself that his comrade, the commander of the regiment, was really good at guessing the little thoughts of these Germans. The bearded commander threw away the almost burnt cigarette butt with his almost evil smile. In a roaring tone, he gave orders loudly to the crew members who were already in a state of war.

"Now! Kill these naughty lackeys!"


A roar was followed by a deafening blast. The 76mm hooded armor-piercing grenade that had been waiting in the barrel for a long time instantly escaped from the barrel under the violent impact of the breech firing pin, carrying a hot and bright gun. Kou Lieyan ripped open the fragile side armor of the German tank and rushed straight into the body of the vehicle.

The violent explosion of ammunition and gasoline tore the entire Panzer IV tank into pieces almost instantly. The German armored colonel, who was shocked by the strong explosion, almost subconsciously turned his head towards the roar of artillery fire. place as far as the eye can see.

But who in this world can predict that this subconscious look back at Yidu will make the last remaining life feel such unprecedented and intense despair.

"Damn it, I was fooled!"

On both sides of the main road at the end of the village, Soviet tanks one after another were climbing uphill from the low-lying area where the German army's view was blocked, revealing their ferocious barrels and armor. Just a rough visual inspection revealed that there were more than twenty tanks. So many cars.

The few remaining German tanks that had just driven out of the village were no match for the Soviet tanks that were charging all the way with all their teeth and claws. The double disadvantages in quality and quantity were destined to be crushed to the point where no one was left.

Later, more German tanks were still queuing up in a long queue in the village, waiting to leave the village. What was bad was that the short-barreled Panzer IV tank that was destroyed by a single shot and killed instantly was the last tank to leave the village. It was so bad. The flaming, lifeless and twisted wreckage just blocked the road out of the village for the rest of the German tanks lined up behind.

What's even more terrible is that behind the destroyed Panzer IV tank is a pitiful Panzer III tank with a small engine power. Trying to forcefully push the wreckage of the Panzer IV tank away is tantamount to wishful thinking.

At this moment, the bearded commander with a sinister look on his face was the man who had successfully captured Dr. August alive for Malashenko.

Malashenko, who was in a good mood after capturing August alive, directly transferred Maxim, who had made great contributions, back to the earliest position of heavy tank commander, and was reinstated to his post. He completely said goodbye to the T3457 medium tank that was so crowded that no one was killed. .

In addition, Malashenko incidentally moved Maxim's rank up and promoted him to major, directly replacing a major who was killed in the battle and becoming the battalion commander of the third heavy tank battalion.

I don’t know how important the German doctor who seems to be frail is. He only knows that he has made great contributions. The bearded Major Maxim, who is in high spirits on happy occasions, is still very happy because he was reinstated and promoted to military rank.

He originally thought that he was just being sent by Malashenko to block the village entrance this time as a dispensable decoration. Maxim never thought that the German tanks that Malashenko said might come from behind. Murao rushed out, but it turned into reality in front of him at most half an hour later.

Although he was extremely excited, he fortunately did not forget the order given by Malashenko before leaving. Maxim, who released the first seven tanks of the Germans out of the village, suddenly launched a sinister move and destroyed the eighth German tank. Blocking the road out of the village with debris,

Words like closing the door and beating the dog are perfectly suitable to describe the current scene.

Although the German's follow-up tanks may crash into several consecutive wooden houses on the edge of the village and rush out of the village from the side, the time required is enough for Maxim.

If he couldn't win the 23-on-7 battle with an absolute quality advantage, he wouldn't need to be the battalion commander. He could just find a place where no one was around and pull out the Tokarev TT33 pistol and jump on his own, which would save Petro. The political commissar husband wasted a precious bullet on this.

When the house leaks, it rains continuously all night, and if someone is unlucky enough to fart, their heels will be hit.

Among the seven German tanks locked up outside the village happened to be the regimental command vehicle of the German armored colonel. On the tail of the vehicle was the unique shape of a special star-shaped high-power antenna, plus the latest long-tube 75 gun Panzer IV.

After witnessing this scene, Maxim realized that he was unlikely to catch another big fish. Like a hungry wolf seeing fat, he immediately led several battalion tanks around him and headed towards this car with an obviously different appearance. The new German Panzer IV tanks rushed over.

At the same time, Malashenko, who had cleaned up the remaining German anti-tank guns and the remaining infantry without anti-tank weapons in the village, also led his regiment tanks and chased them head-on at full speed along the main road in the village.

The explosion of the Kraut's armored columns coincided with Maxim's cannon fire outside the village.

The fierce fighting both inside and outside the village was extremely detrimental to the German armored forces. The German armored forces, which could not contact the commander outside the village within two minutes of the start of the battle, quickly fell into chaos and were leaderless. Malashenko personally came to the scene to command. The Soviet tank troops were in an extremely embarrassed state.

This brutal pursuit, interception, and armored strangulation lasted for almost an hour.

The arrival of the two remaining fully-equipped heavy tank battalions under Malashenko, plus the medium tank companies composed of the remaining T3457 tanks after the Winter War, became the last step to crush the will of this German armored force on the verge of collapse. A fatal straw.

The burning wreckage of German tanks and the corpses of German armored soldiers who were killed by machine guns after abandoning the vehicles and escaping were everywhere in and outside the village. Words strewn with corpses are enough to describe the horror of the current scene, or even worse. The few remaining German tanks The tank finally raised its hands and got out of the car to surrender under Malashenko's poor German shouting that he had just learned a few words.

Malashenko, who got off the car and went to clean the battlefield in person, hoping to find some valuable trophies, actually got a good harvest. The German armored colonel, who was seriously injured after his armor was penetrated and was covered in blood, abandoned the vehicle and escaped within two days. As soon as he stepped out of the turret, the bearded Major Maxim used his newly acquired Bobosha submachine gun to sweep away the enemy into a hornet's nest.

Malashenko, who mainly searched for the most valuable body, harvested a stuffed small leather satchel, a Ruger P08 pistol, a Roman watch and other high-end rare items.

Malashenko almost took off his pants to see if there was any treasure hidden inside. He did not care at all that what he was handling was a body that was still warm and dripping with blood.

After touching the pocket of the corpse's jacket, it was obvious that there was a hard metal object inside. Malashenko put his right hand in and then took out a well-maintained medal that he carried with him.

Holding the medal between his index and thumb fingers, he pointed it at the sunlight above his head and looked at it carefully. Malashenko couldn't help but whisper to himself when he remembered what this fancy-looking medal was.

"Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. It seems that this German colonel has some stories to tell."

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