Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 524 More fierce than the French

Before becoming the world-famous "Desert Fox" in later generations, Rommel first proved his worth and bravery to Hitler on the French battlefield in Europe.

Commanding the 7th Armored Division to advance rapidly in France, Rommel, who used the blitzkrieg invented by Guderian to the extreme, became the fastest advancing German army at the time.

At one point, he rushed too hard and penetrated deep into the French defense zone alone. All the surrounding German friendly troops were unable to keep up with Rommel's rapid advance, and the desert fox was almost surrounded by the French in advance. Even defeated the captives.

Fortunately, the French were not very intelligent at the time, and they had already planned to surrender quickly before the German army reached Paris to maintain the world record.

The heroic performance in France not only made Hitler, who advocated attack, praise Rommel greatly and decided to entrust him with important tasks, but also made the unit Rommel commanded at the time: the 7th Armored Division of the Wehrmacht famous for its hellish rapid march speed and powerful combat power. He was so loud that he was horrified by the French who drank cold water in the prisoner of war camp and called him "the devil's teacher".

To be able to serve under Rommel, this already cold German major must have his own special qualities.

Although the defeated general was now a corpse, Malashenko, who became more and more curious, decided to go further into the depths.

"Sasha, you stay. Maxim, go and bring over a German prisoner of war. The one with the highest rank, don't get me an idiot corporal like Hitler."

"Yes, Comrade Leader! I'll do it right now!"

Not two minutes after he finished his unintentional joke, Major Maxim, who was like a horse breeder leading his horses to sell at the market, brought a prisoner to Malashenko and tied his hands with his right hand. The rope and two tank soldiers escorting him at the same time seemed a bit funny to Malashenko, just like the ancient Chinese escort to the execution ground for execution in the afternoon.

"Walk faster, damn German! Have you not had enough to eat or are you lame!? Bastard!"

Major Maxim, who had a bad temper, looked even more violent in front of the German prisoners. He kicked the German prisoner with his size 46 oversized military boots on the buttocks of the German prisoner whose hands were tied. The German prisoners who had just passed Mi Liu were knocked to the ground.

"Comrade Commander, I searched around and couldn't find any German prisoners who were older than him. This guy's rank of major is already the highest among the prisoners. The Germans wearing the rank of lieutenant colonel have now been cleared into the pile of corpses. It’s inside, I guess there may be a few high-ranking Germans who have become barbecued in the tank oven.”

The entire German armored regiment was reduced to a dozen tanks. Malashenko could guess that most of the senior German officials must have been killed even if he didn't think about it carefully.

Malashenko considered it lucky to have a major still alive. According to Malashenko's previous expectations, it would have been great luck to have a German lieutenant or second lieutenant alive. He didn't expect to pick one up. With a sesame mentality, he got a watermelon, which was the most surprising thing to Malashenko.

He looked up and down at the German major in front of him, who was dirty, covered with half-dried mud, and his face was black and gray. It is rare to see such a short guy who is similar to a Japanese among the Germans who are famous for their tall stature. The curious Malashenko immediately took the initiative to ask questions.

"Name and position."

When Sasha repeated Malashenko's words in German, the German major, who looked like a mother-in-law, actually had the guts to ignore Malashenko and start a pig-headed formation.

"Hey! Why are you being held captive like this!? If I hadn't seen that you were of some use, I would have stuffed you into the crawler tracks and hanged you right now."

Malashenko, who was complaining secretly in his heart, took out the gun from his waist with a cold expression without saying a word, pointed directly under the crotch of the German major, and instantly raised his hand to pull the trigger.


The prestige of the Tokarev TT33 pistol was highlighted by China's May 4th Black Star in later generations.

The shot was followed by an extremely loud and loud sound, which instantly opened a hole in the ground directly under the crotch of the German major's pants. He never expected that the Soviet officer in front of him, who looked about the same age as his brother, would act like this. The angry and frightened German major was not so frightened that he peed on the spot, but it was not much different.

"Müller Engert, major battalion commander of the 129th Armored Regiment of the 14th Armored Division of the Wehrmacht."

"The bird is about to be beaten away. Why are you doing it already?"

Malashenko, who secretly mocked in his heart, did not take back the gun but continued to hold it in his hand. He just kept his right hand lowered and could raise the gun again at any time. This inevitably made the German major feel frightened. Worried about the safety of his little brother.

"Okay, now tell me what that guy over there did in France, I mean before the French surrendered."

Following the direction of Malashenko's finger, he saw Colonel Stolberg, whose dead mother was lying on the ground with her face facing the sky, skinned like a molted pig. All that was left in her heart was desolation and helpless sighing grace. Major Gert then spoke to Malashenko again.

"Colonel Stolberg was transferred last year, just two months before the attack on Russia. Before that, I served in other troops and was not with him. I only heard about him when he was in France. The soldiers who followed General Rommel defeated the French in great disarray. At most, one battalion captured half of the French division. "

"Many people who have never experienced it personally can't believe what it was like, but fortunately after breaking into your Russia, we saw a scene even more spectacular than that."

The words that were faithfully translated by Sasha made Major Maxim, who was standing by as a listener, very angry before Malashenko could reply.

What does it mean that our Soviet Red Army's surrender was more spectacular than the surrender of the French? If I don’t give you two punches, you won’t know the strong folk customs in the land of the Soviet Union.

Major Maxim rolled up his sleeves and was about to take action, but Malashenko raised his hand to stop him. In addition to having no intention of wasting time at this time, the scene of the surrender of Kiev's 600,000-strong army was indeed... Even more spectacular than the French surrender, it still held the Guinness World Record until Malashenko crossed it.

"Now let's talk about something else. Tell me honestly, do you know how this thing came about in that Colonel Stolberg?"

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