Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 344 Meeting the idol from the previous life

The old intellectual looked at Chen Qi and asked a little uncertainly:

"Hello, are you Dr. Chen Qichen from the Fourth Hospital of Yuezhong?"

Chen Qi was stunned for a moment, thinking that this is because his reputation has spread all over the country, can this be recognized by others? My heart is still happy.

In fact, when Chen Qi completed a huge abdominal tumor resection in Huang Tan, his photo was published in the newspaper. Later, when he became a director of ICPF, his personal photo was also published in the newspaper.

However, the resolution of newspapers is very low now, and the photos and real people are always a little bit different, so Chen Qi is rarely recognized by people.

Chen Qi was a little flattered to be recognized by a great professor all of a sudden today.

"Hello, I'm Chen Qi, what's the teacher's name?"

"Oh, hehe, me, I'm Wei Cheng from Jishuitan Hospital, nice to meet you."

If Chen Qi wanted to focus on hand surgery, he should know right away that this Dr. Wei Cheng is the president of the Hua Guo Society of Hand Surgery and the senior brother of Yuan Pai Hand Surgery.

But now all Chen Qi's thoughts are waiting for Professor Wu, and he is not a hand surgeon, so he didn't realize that this person in front of him is one of his biggest enemies.

After the two greeted each other, Wei Cheng didn't stay long, and after taking a meaningful look at Chen Qi, he walked into the conference room.

Chen Qi didn't think much, because at this moment he saw Professor Wu Mengchao walking over with a bag in his hands.

Chen Qi's eyes are as bright as they want, just like when he saw Lan Lijuan at the school gate for the first time, his eyes are as fiery as possible.

I saw him stepping forward with a sword, and immediately nodded and bowed, his expression was as vivid as that of an interpreter Er Gouzi.

"Professor Wu, hello, hello, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Professor Wu Mengchao is not tall, but he has a kind of majesty on his body. He doesn't usually smile much. It's a bit strange to see Chen Qi like this:

"Little comrade, what's the matter with you? Is there any medical record that I need to see?"

A medical leader like Professor Wu is followed by patients wherever he goes. People who can’t usually get his number will try their best to wait at his haunts and ask him to help him look at the checklist and medical records.

Many times when Professor Wu went out for a walk, he would go back and forth for a certain distance, and he would be stopped N times halfway.

Even the few people who go out shopping with their families or go out to restaurants will be recognized by the masses, and then they will hand over their medical records and hope that experts can help them take a look.

Unlike those doctors who don't see the rabbit and don't throw the eagle, Mr. Wu's medical ethics and style are definitely a model in the world.

Even if he had already picked up the chopsticks, as long as a patient handed in information, he would put down the chopsticks to help the patient see a doctor. He never complained, and he never refused a request from the masses.

For this reason, Mr. Wu often provokes strong protests from his two daughters, because it is rare for the family to go out for a meal, and it will eventually become a medical consultation meeting.

So when Professor Wu was blocked by Chen Qi in the corridor, he naturally thought it was the patient's family who wanted to see a sickness or something.

Typical technical old otaku thinking.

Chen Qi felt emotional in his heart, and hurriedly introduced himself: "Professor Wu, I am Chen Qi from the Fourth Academy of Vietnam High School, and this time I am one of the members of the delegation going to West Germany with you."

"Oh, you are Chen Qi?"

Although Professor Wu Mengchao is 60 years old this year, he has a very good memory. When he heard the name of Yuezhong Chen Qi, he immediately matched the contents of the newspapers a few years ago.

"Chen Qi, did you work in Huangtan Health Center before, and the chief surgeon removed a huge abdominal tumor? Did you even make a newspaper about this?"

When Chen Qi heard that his idol knew him, he felt very proud, and of course he said modestly:

"Professor Wu has really read this report. Hehe, there is such a thing. The operation was successful. Unfortunately, the postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy could not keep up. The patient only survived for 3 months."

Professor Wu glanced at Chen Qi, seeing this little guy telling the truth, he was full of affection, but his expression was still very serious:

"Little comrades are so courageous. The hospital dared to perform this kind of fourth-level surgery. At first I read the newspaper and thought it was a local bragging. I didn't expect it to be true. By the way, you are engaged in general surgery. How did you become a doctor in the end?" Become an ICPF director? Do plastic surgery?"

In front of the Great God, of course it cannot be said that he had no choice but to choose cleft lip surgery because of infighting in the hospital.

Chen Qi smiled wryly and explained:

"Oh, that's the thing. Our grassroots level is too backward in terms of team level, surgical instruments, auxiliary examinations, etc., and we can't compare with big hospitals. It is difficult to perform complex operations. Basically, we can only do general surgery. Operation.

And the funds at the grassroots level are too scarce. I am the vice president of the Fourth Hospital of Yuezhong University. I was engaged in cleft lip and palate surgery in order to make money for the hospital. However, Professor Wu, I am very interested in hepatobiliary surgery. I dream of doing hepatobiliary surgery. foreign doctor. "

Chen Qi's face was full of anticipation, thinking that the great god in front of him could smile and say:

"Come on, good boy, since you want to be a hepatobiliary surgeon, then I will accept you as a closed disciple."

But often the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Professor Wu didn't seem to understand the meaning of the words, just smiled and patted Chen Qi on the shoulder, and walked into the conference room.

Chen Qi's shoulders drooped all of a sudden, and he walked into the conference room weakly.

Even though Chen Qi was often pissed off in his work unit, he had a very high status in the Chinese foreign surgery delegation.

In the conference room, Professor Wu Mengchao sat at the head of the leader, and Chen Qi sat at the head of him, followed by those professors and directors of Peking University Huashan Fudan University.

As for what these great professors and experts think, that is their business.

If you have the ability, you also go to get a director or committee member of the International Medical Association to come back and win glory for the country? If you don't have the ability, you can only follow the rules of the "Medical Association Officialdom".

What the leader said, Chen Qi didn't listen to a single word.

Don't look at these ministries, the leaders of the National Medical Association speak well, but if they really want to go abroad, they are either traveling, or they have no right to speak in front of foreign experts.

This kind of professional and technical society is also a global medical society. Your right to speak comes from your surgical level, not your administrative level.

During the meeting, Wei Cheng kept looking at Chen Qi from the corner of his eyes.

To be honest, he was a little puzzled. How could this young doctor who was only in his 20s and performing cleft lip surgery succeed in the operation on the severed palm?

You must know that Deng Changxi completed two cases of severed palm foster care last time, all of which failed. Deng is a well-known professor in the whole country.

After the meeting ended, Chen Qi hadn't figured out how to flatter Professor Wu when he saw Professor Wu take the initiative to gesture towards him, beckoning him to come over.

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