Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 343 See who publishes the paper first

Chen Qi's surgery was a success.

The severed palm in the patient Zhang Xiaodong's leg was no longer there, but was transplanted to his own arm, and he could resume sports after six weeks.

Mao Chunmu saw this with his own eyes, and it cannot be faked, which made Dean Mao feel that things were difficult.

Mao Chunmu knew it, and Wu Jianlin knew it, and then hand surgeons all over the country knew that the Yuezhong Fourth Hospital had successfully completed the world's first allogeneic foster replantation of severed limbs.

The significance of this operation is absolutely no less than that of Yuan Taichu's invention of the first amputated limb transplantation, because both of them made the impossible possible.

Wu Jianlin was in a hurry to contact his senior brothers, and was a little confused for a while.

Deng Changxi was completely speechless in his heart. He couldn't figure out why this little plastic surgery doctor suddenly became interested in opponent surgery? Actually let him succeed in one go?

What is the point of this?

"Second senior brother, what should we do now?"

"I can only wait."

"Wait, what are you waiting for? Chen Qi's operation was successful, and publicity will definitely start after that, and the local government should be happy to see the success."

"Then we can only wait until he makes a move before we can dismantle it, otherwise what else can we do now?"

"But, but..."

"There is nothing but Chen Qi's successful surgery. Even if the local government cooperates with the publicity, it is limited to the local area. As long as they go out of Yuezhong, they must first need the certification of the National Hand Surgery Association if they want to publicize. The publication of the paper requires us. approval.

Lao Wu, I think the older you get, the more impatient you become. Without the certification of our Society of Hand Surgery, his operation would not be recognized by the country. It is not what he says is successful. Don’t forget that these days the local There are too many deceitful things. "

Wu Jianlin suddenly had a flash of inspiration,

"That's right, this kind of thing is true or false. It is not recognized by the highest medical association and not certified by hand surgery. His operation is a pheasant operation."

Deng Changxi put down the phone, so angry that he wanted to drop his teacup.

"Old Wu, hurry up and call everyone for a meeting. Everyone has discussed a detailed operation plan. We must ensure that our foster care operation is successful once, otherwise it will be too late."

In the ward of Yuezhong Fourth Hospital

Zhang Agen, Zhang Xiaodong's mother, and a group of villagers were all overjoyed to see with their own eyes that another hand had grown on Xiaodong's arm.

A villager is still bragging to his companions:

"See, I personally wrapped Xiaodong's arm in the mud from the bottom of the stream and sent it to the hospital. Now that I'm taking over the job, I'm half of the credit."

"It's amazing. With Chen Zhongzhuan here, there will be no more people with missing arms or legs."

"That's right, Chen Zhongzhuan is really the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who saves the suffering."

The villagers were talking about it, but Zhang Agen was a little worried. As a "common people", he was not afraid.

But Chen Qi is different. He is a member of the system, and the grassroots confronts the superiors. This crime can be big or small, but he will not stop there.

"Chen Qi, what are you going to do next? Will the superiors deal with you?"

Yan Shifan was unconvinced: "Uncle Agen, Mr. Chen's surgery was successful, and the superior should reward him. How could he still deal with it?"

Chen Qi, on the other hand, smiled:

"If we say we are successful, we are successful? We have no recognition from the National Association for Surgery of the Hand, no peers have come to the field for field visits, and no papers have been published. Whether the operation is successful or not is up to us, and they have the final say."

Both Yan Shifan and Zhang Agen were taken aback:

"Then what should we do? Now that we are in the ring, how can they still admit that our operation was successful? So what should we do now?"

Chen Qi shrugged: "Now we can only wait..."

Everyone is waiting. The National Association for Surgery of the Hand headed by Wei Cheng and Deng Changxi is waiting for Chen Qi's application for certification and the papers he wants to publish.

Waiting to slap Chen Qi's face fiercely.

At the same time, he is also waiting for the success of the foster surgery on his severed limb.

And Chen Qi is also waiting for the World Congress of the West German Society of Surgery in September.

For this reason, Chen Qi also went to Vietnam-China Television to ask the editors and directors there to help re-edit the operation video, and at the same time began to write a thesis.

As a result, the members of the Domestic Hand Surgery Association waited and waited, but Chen Qi's application for certification was not received.

But Chen Qi has already arrived in Shanghai, and is going to go to West Germany with the Hua Guo delegation.

Doctors who go abroad to participate in the WCS conference this time need to be certified by the organizing committee of the WCS conference, and they need to be internationally or internationally influential doctors to participate in the conference.

It is not a dog or a cat doctor who is self-certified in a certain country, so there are not many doctors going to West Germany.

Doctors from China who participated in the meeting were Professor Ning Mengzhu from Neurosurgery, Professor Zeng Xuexun from Thoracic Surgery, Professor Lu Hezai from Urology, and Professor Wei Cheng from Hand Surgery.

In addition, there is Chen Qi's idol, Professor Wu Mengchao, who is a member of the International Society of Surgery, and also the vice president of the International Society of Hepatobiliary Surgery, a secondary medical society under WCS.

In addition, among a group of old men, there was also a young man, Chen Qi, a director of the International Cleft Lip and Palate Society.

In particular, there are currently only two doctors in Huaguo, Wu Mengchao and Chen Qi, who are serving in relevant international medical associations. They belong to the WCS conference and are automatically eligible to participate in the conference.

For the other experts to participate in the meeting, they need to submit their own materials to the WCS conference, and they are allowed to participate after the review of the conference, which has strict certification.

In the Hujiang Hotel, Chen Qi had been standing at the door of the meeting room, looking around the corridor, looking very anxious.

Today is the day when all participating professors report for duty. Thinking of seeing the live-action version of Professor Wu for the first time, Chen Qi was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

In the previous life, when Chen Qi graduated and became a junior hepatobiliary surgeon, Professor Wu was still alive, and he was still able to perform surgery on stage at the age of 97. He was a very good person.

But Chen Qi was just one of the many humble little doctors in the country, and he never had the chance to meet Professor Wu, let alone become his student. He was not qualified.

Medicine is a technical job. As an ordinary doctor, he only worships those technical gods, which has nothing to do with whether he has a dog mentality.

While Chen Qi was waiting impatiently, a group of people came up from the stairwell. They were intellectuals just by their temperament.

Chen Qi was just a newcomer in the medical circle, so he didn't know any of the gods who came here, so he quickly stood aside, keeping a smile on his face.

A few people passing by thought that the person standing in the corridor was a staff member, so they didn't take a second look, and passed by talking and laughing.

Only one of the professors, who was about 50 years old, stopped and thought.

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