Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 345 Wu Mengchao asks the reason

Seeing Professor Wu take the initiative to throw his hands at him, Chen Qi was overjoyed, and hurried to rush to him.

The two walked in the small garden.

Professor Wu asked a little strangely:

"I've heard a rumor. Have you changed direction recently? Did you switch from plastic surgery to hand surgery?"

Chen Qi is a little embarrassed. In the field of surgery, he is very specialized. The finer the surgery, the more professional the doctor. Doctors who can do any kind of surgery are usually just ordinary mainland doctors.

"It's like this. Cleft lip and palate surgery requires a microscope. I am the only doctor who can do microsurgery at the grassroots level. So there was a worker whose palm was cut off by a machine. He was an eighth-level fitter and was in critical condition.

In order to keep the patient's severed palm, with the cooperation of the orthopedics department, I completed a case of severed palm replantation, and the operation was very successful. So it was a helpless move to do this operation at the beginning, but the operation was very successful and the patient recovered well.

Didn’t I come across another case a few months ago, a rural girl, when the road was being built, her arm was smashed here by rolling stones, and her palm was smashed off. It was impossible to transplant at that time, but Professor Wu, think about it, we doctors can’t just sit and watch. Watching patients amputate?

So I came up with the idea of ​​transplanting the severed palm to the calf first, and using the blood vessels and nerves of the calf to temporarily support the severed palm. Two months later, the second-stage operation will be performed to reconnect the severed palm to the arm. Now the operation has been successful. The patient is recovering. "

Professor Wu asked in surprise, "The operation was successful?"

"Well, it's a success. It's estimated that I will be able to do activities in two weeks. I recorded the whole process and wrote a paper."

"Oh?" Professor Wu stopped, looked at Chen Qi seriously and said:

"The rumors I heard are not like this. It is said that there is a doctor named Chen Qi in Yuezhong. He used to perform cleft lip surgery. One day he suddenly wanted to do hand surgery and connected the patient's hand to his leg. The rumors are very Unbearable."

Chen Qi smiled wryly again:

"Professor Wu, would you believe me if I said that I offended people in the circle because of this severed limb allogeneic foster care and replantation?"

"It's hard to say just based on your one-sided words. In this way, you don't have a video, come on, let's ask the hotel to find a video camera, and I'll take a look."

"Hi, okay."

Wu Mengchao didn't care about this rumor because he had nothing to eat.

First of all, he is the vice president of the Chinese Medical Association, and he has the right and obligation to find out about the "lawsuits" in the medical circle. Whether it is someone who wants to slander Chen Qi or Chen Qi is lying, this unhealthy trend must be severely suppressed.

The second and most important reason is that he "cherishes talents".

Huaguo finally had a second director of the International Medical Association. This is all for the glory of the country. This is a fact that is on the surface, not blown out.

If Chen Qi was really wronged, his reputation should not be completely tainted by a few rumors in the circle. This is not only a loss for Hua Guo, but also a loss for the International Medical Association.

Third, if Chen Qi's operation was fake and it was as unbearable as the rumors, then this person is not good in character or technique, and he doesn't mind exposing Chen Qi directly, and even submitting it to the International Society of Surgery.

There is no room for sand in the old man's eyes.

For a soldier like him, one is one, two is two, and there is no ambiguity in between.

However, Professor Wu's attitude is quite beneficial to Chen Qi, of course he is happy.

In the guest room, Chen Qi stuffed the video tape into the video camera, and the picture of Zhang Xiaodong before he was injured appeared on the TV screen.

Chen Qi took the "international version" this time. In order to let foreigners see it, he deliberately re-dubbed it in English on the TV station. Fortunately, Professor Wu can understand English.

When the video was over, Professor Wu pondered for a long time, and he already understood what was going on in his heart.

Just because I understand that some people in China want to suppress the rising stars and hinder the development of the domestic medical industry, I feel more angry.

"What nonsense, they should at least go and see for themselves whether your operation is successful or not. How can they irresponsibly publicize that the operation failed? They have lived a long time in the stomach of a dog.

Chen Qi, you did a great job. Even I, a hepatobiliary doctor, understand that this amputated limb foster surgery is very meaningful. This is the first of its kind in the world. By the way, what are your plans for taking this videotape abroad? ? "

Chen Qi nodded again and again, pointing to the thesis and video tape in his hand and said:

"Originally, I didn't care to compete with them for fame and fortune, but they went too far time and time again. In order to restrict my operation, they even used their relationship to try to snatch the patient away, and said bad things about me everywhere, so I don't need to fight back with the facts. , the atmosphere in our circle is getting worse.

Since I can't publicly publish this operation in China, I will publish it abroad. Didn't the great LX say that the east is not bright and the west is bright. The more they want to suppress, the more I have to resist. Hand surgery belongs to the whole world, not their Yuan family. "

Professor Wu gave a rare smile:

"Don't talk nonsense. If Professor Yuan Taichu knew about this, he would definitely be even more angry. The main reason is that the people below messed around. It seems that this incident also reminded me. I don't know if my students are engaging in mountainism."

Chen Qi had reached the point of his mouth, but had to swallow it down again, thinking that I also want to be your student and worship your mountain top.

But he has already understood that he is now engaged in general surgery, plastic surgery and limb amputation, and has not made any outstanding achievements in the direction of liver and gallbladder. His original education is still a technical secondary school, why should he accept you?

A few years ago, the pancreatic cancer operation performed by the deputy county magistrate was counted on the People's Hospital, and his name did not appear on the public list.

A talented person like Professor Wu Mengchao recruits students, or he has followed him since college, and then both masters and doctorates are in the Second Military Doctor, and they know each other well.

Or a doctor who has already made his mark in hepatobiliary surgery in various local hospitals and has already become famous, only then is he eligible to be worshiped under the name of Professor Wu.

Professor Wu would not consider an unknown junior like Chen Qi, who is still a grassroots general surgeon in a county-level hospital, until he has shown his liver and gallbladder talent.

He also cherishes his own feathers, and can't accept everyone as a student.

You must know that if Zheng'er Bajing is accepted as an apprentice, the fate of the two parties will be linked together in the future. One will prosper and the other will suffer. Of course, we must choose and choose carefully.

Chen Qi understood this, so he didn't speak a second time.

The first time he opened his mouth, he was regarded as a polite one. If he refused the second time, it would offend him, and then it would be difficult to speak the third time.

Now that the two parties have known each other and had some contacts, Chen Qi feels that this is a good start, and there will always be opportunities in the future.

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