Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 342 Chapter 339 Bad Doctor

"Use my medical knowledge to help you review? No problem, as long as you give me the medicine first, and then make something hot for me to eat." Morgana tilted her head, winked, and said coquettishly: "I only had energy bars all day and my stomach protested..."

"No problem, I'll make you a quick stew of hot porridge... By the way, there are frozen steamed buns in the refrigerator. I'll heat them up for you. Put the two together, they will be delicious!" Zhuang Xuteng said: "The steamed buns are I got it from home and kept it frozen in the refrigerator. I pressed the stock at the bottom of the box and it was so delicious!"

"Okay, I'll give it a try, I think it must be good." While Zhuang Xuteng was busy in the kitchen, Morgana picked up the books around and browsed through them briefly to prepare for her questions later.

Zhuang Xuteng soon became troubled by his request, because when the treatment scenes kept changing, his brain began to be unable to keep up, and various similar medical terms were confused; at the same time, he also felt lucky because he could actually perform the task. This problem was discovered before, and there is still time for him to improve it.

"I can remember which book the answer to the question is in, or even on which page, but I just can't connect it. If I get anxious, I'll make a mistake." Zhuang Xuteng frowned, announced to take a break, and then also blamed Morgana. Come: "And you, wandering around without clothes, it's too distracting!"

"Haha, when you really have to save someone, life is at stake, that's called nervousness. You can't even overcome your lust, and your performance will only get worse in critical moments."

"I can overcome lust, but I can't overcome you." Zhuang Xuteng quibbled for a moment, then shook his head and said: "If I try it now, the gap is still too big. Morgana, I will continue to strengthen my memory, but I'm worried that the more I remember, the more I will lose." It will get more and more chaotic - I already have signs of chaos."

"Let me give you a suggestion!" Morgana said: "The treatment methods mentioned in the book are very complete, but some of them are used for nursing care, some are used for first aid, some are more radical, and some are quite conservative. You You are going to play an emergency doctor in this operation, so you should seize this clue."

"There are many first aid options." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said, "There are too many to mention, but there are seven or eight paths."

"You should master one thing first, be familiar with three or four, and then know the remaining four or five. Just like the instant porridge you made for me, the core method is fixed. Use whatever you have on hand, and add whatever you feel is missing. What, the taste can be adjusted as you make it. Anyway, as long as the porridge is cooked, fragrant, non-toxic and harmless."

Zhuang Xuteng slapped his head and said: "That's right! Anyway, let people get through the most dangerous moment first and enter in an undead state. The rest can be adjusted slowly. Even if their problems are very tricky, I just need to catch them First aid is enough: I am an emergency doctor, and I deal with the most urgent matters first. As long as the person is stable, I can perform subsequent treatments while reading!"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Morgana pointed to the books in the room and said: "If you learn all these, you will be an all-rounder with Lanci syndrome, and you will be an all-rounder who memorizes paper by rote. You It is better to become an expert, choose a path, make it very familiar, and you can get started, and the effect will be better - I think."

"Haha, you saved my life! This method is good, and this is what a normal doctor should do. This knowledge of saving lives is used to save people, not to exercise memory. Morgana, you are too Okay, let me kiss her!" After Zhuang Xuteng finished speaking, he pounced on Morgana regardless of whether she agreed or not.

Roubao felt bored watching the two of them having sex, so he sneaked to the dining table. The meat buns are so fragrant, so fragrant...

With the new guiding ideology, Zhuang Xuteng straightened out his learning ideas. Before, it was not called learning ideas at all, it could only be called "memorizing the outline." He selected three of the eight common first aid ideas as the focus, and then selected the most widely applicable "Ramke First Aid Method" as the core method, and other methods as plug-ins for special use when encountering special situations. Through this method, he gradually evolved from "knowing how to treat" to "being able to treat".

A week later, Morgana called and gave Zhuang Xuteng an address and asked him to bring a thousand euros in cash to study. Based on the address, Zhuang Xuteng searched in the eastern part of Xiacheng District and finally found the "Hope Clinic" in a slum area filled with slums and sewage flowing across the street.

All people who use implants and shadow spells are at risk of developing Lanci syndrome, which is rarely fatal but always affects the sufferer's quality of life. Only in rare cases is it immediately and directly life-threatening. Most of the time, it is implant malfunction and side effects that threaten life.

This is what is written in the book. The main components of the cases are also heavy users of advanced implants or researchers of shadow magic. Ordinary people can't afford so many and good implants, and shadow magic is even less accessible, so the chance of "ordinary people" having Lanci syndrome is basically zero.

This is simply not the case.

It is true that people in the slums do not know how to use shadow magic, but many of them are exposed to implants and shadow devices. The former come from garbage dumps, black markets and gangs. After they get implants with serious side effects, they will find many people to share the side effects, thereby "pacifying" the implants and reducing the threat of the implants. The Lich Master's Shadow Follower has great side effects, and the Box of Light is specifically designed to appease the Lich Master, an active Shadow Follower, through group sharing.

There are many shadow slaves in the factory. Regardless of whether it is a small handicraft, a black factory or an underground workshop, they will not care whether the shadow equipment used for production is in a complete set or whether it has been used beyond the expiration date, as long as it can complete the workload. The lower-class people who use these shadow slaves will also be exposed to side effects. They will suffer from Lanci syndrome just like the high-class people who wear luxury watches, drive luxury cars, and use high-end shadow slaves.

The doctor at the "Hope Clinic" is a skinny, unshaven, and depressed middle-aged man. He was wearing a dirty white coat, a tank top and shorts underneath, socks with one thumb exposed and the middle finger exposed, and different pairs of slippers. This man with a cigarette in his mouth and a hoarse voice introduced himself as Sender Reese, and everyone called him Dr. Sen.

"Did you bring the money?" When Dr. Sen spoke, the cigarette on the edge of his lips trembled up and down, and the ash fell down. He took the thousand euros, counted them carefully, and said, "Thank you for your donation. You can come in and see the patients."

Opening the squeaky iron door patched with wooden boards, Zhuang Xuteng was brought into this "community hospital". There are no departments or rooms here. There is a large room right after the door. There are two rows of beds against the wall, with dying and bouncing patients lying on them. The so-called "jumping and bouncing" refers to a patient with severe side effects and pain who cannot stand or lie down, much less lie down. Most of those who are dying have been tortured, and the only treatment that can be given to them is a large amount of anesthetics, and maybe blue crystals and the like.

"I can't control Ranchi Syndrome here at all," Dr. Sen took a long puff of cigarette, directly to the butt of the cigarette, and then stomped it out with his slippers on the ground. "Compared with the side effects of Yingcong, Lanci syndrome is nothing. If you want to see the patient's symptoms, you can see them. If you want treatment, just come and tell me. You are not allowed to touch them without my supervision."

Zhuang Xuteng stood in the dim light, and the shadow caused by the wrinkles on his brow was quite obvious. He waved his hand, which could drive away the choking smell of smoke, but could not drive away the lingering smell of death in the room.

This is an excellent place for the necromancer to collect resentment. It is not a corpse pit, but it is better than a corpse pit. People who continue to suffer from the side effects of shadow addiction suffer from both physical and mental pain. The pain is not only entangled with each other, but is even so thick that it is about to ferment. Dr. Sen is right, there is a lot of Rachism here, but Rachism is not important.

"I didn't know there was such a place." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and covered his mouth with one hand.

"Not knowing is a kind of luck. Everyone hopes to be as far away from this kind of place as possible." Dr. Sen scratched his chest, then took out a crumpled cigarette case from his pocket, took out the last cigarette, and held it in his mouth. But don't light it. "Are you going to stand here, or..."

At this time, the patient next to Zhuang Xuteng tried his best to open his eyes, reached forward, pointed at Dr. Sen, and asked in a hoarse voice: "What is he here for? Is he going to use us for experiments? You said you wouldn't sell us. …”

"This is a medical student who needs a patient. You are here and you are not going anywhere. What are you thinking? I said I would not sell you, and of course I will! Now a real doctor comes to see you. , isn’t this a good thing? Which of you comes first?”

Several patients who were still awake looked at each other, and then pointed to the patient in the corner who was tied up with ropes but still struggling.

"I can't do anything with that guy, go and see him!" Dr. Sen touched his body, found a lighter, and lit the cigarette in the corner of his mouth. As the smoke dissipated, he said helplessly: "That guy is very stubborn. He would rather die in pain than use anesthetics. But ordinary use is useless. It must be at least 96% pure blue wild man. But who can buy that kind of thing? Can you afford it? Maybe Safety Blue will be cheaper after it goes on the market..."

Dr. Sen rambled on, but Zhuang Xuteng ignored him and went straight to see the dying patient. He could completely understand Dr. Sen's use of blue crystal products for hospice care, but that didn't mean he would agree, so he chose to remain silent.

The struggling patient once had a well-paying job, except that it required him to install shoulder implants in order to operate a production line. According to regulations, work units must provide implant health protection for workers in this position, including purchasing health insurance for a sufficient number of years.

In fact, many people get nothing except "If you don't want to do it, there are people out there who want to do it." The man in front of him was even worse. His implant was old, second-hand, or even taken from a corpse. The black market is afraid of trouble for this kind of goods, and generally will not sell them to healthy people. No one would have thought that a shady company would save so much money and use this kind of implant.

Zhuang Xuteng carefully checked his physical condition, and his shadow eyes scanned the energy response of the shadow. He had forcibly removed the shoulder implant, but the side effects had taken root in his body and become entangled with Ranchi's disease, opening up a second base in his brain.

The main source of his pain is this second base.

Seeing Zhuang Xuteng put his hand on the patient's head, Dr. Sen came over and smiled mischievously: "You see it? Not bad! It's not difficult to treat him. You just need to pry open the head and use... "

"Zhige Bi double standard concentration, four units, buried and surrounded by injection, suppress the lesion. Then install the Naoning implant and carry out three months of recovery treatment, during which the use of Rodocamide and Duoning 4 were rotated With the combination of intravenous injection and electrotherapy with ovulation-stimulating drugs such as Moroncicca 3 and etc., and stabilizing his physiological indicators, it is possible to remove the lesion."

Dr. Sen's eyes brightened, but then dimmed quickly in the smoke of reality. "Yes, you are right. Unfortunately, what he lacks is not treatment, but money. But even with the right treatment, how likely is it do you think it is possible?"

"I just took a look and felt it, so I can't make an accurate judgment..." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while, then reduced the number based on the content in the textbook, and said, "Thirty percent of the chance of a cure."

"Thirty percent... It seems that you came from a big hospital and saw, used, and touched all the good things." Dr. Sen scratched his head and said, "If he received treatment just after he got sick, this 30% is a bit low. But. He has been delayed for too long now, and even if he is given the best treatment, it will not be more than half possible, and the cost of treatment will be at least hundreds of thousands of euros, and no one can give him this money."

"No one?" Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "Is there really no one who can help him?"

"If you give me hundreds of thousands, I will choose to save the one with milder symptoms in this house, and then buy some of the best blue savages to make his death less painful." Dr. Sen said: "This guy has a problem with his head and is very stubborn. , he believes that as long as he suffers enough, he may turn into a terrible ghost so that he can seek revenge on those living bastards. If that happened, all the bastards would have died long ago, so how could they continue to harm people?"

Zhuang Xuteng sighed, moved a chair and sat beside the hospital bed, placing his hand on the patient's head. Lucy asked him to come here so that he could try his hand before the mission and gain experience through exercises, especially to exercise emotional control and make his nerves thicker - it would be better if he could gain some handling experience.

She never thought that Zhuang Xuteng could really cure these people.

Zhuang Xuteng also had some contradictions in his heart. He felt that he could treat these people by absorbing their grievances through necromancy. Although he did not necessarily cure them, he could at least alleviate their symptoms and prolong their lives.

But how does he explain his ability? What are the consequences of exposure? Zhuang Xuteng slowly retracted his hand. He quickly found a simple reason, which was enough to convince himself for the time being: Why should he use his own safety to pay for the disaster caused by those evildoers?

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