Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 343 Chapter 340 Ready

Necromancy cannot be used, but the treatment methods provided by the "Hope Clinic" can be tried. Zhuang Xuteng spent a thousand euros to buy the service of visiting and examining patients. He could also spend some more money to buy medicines here and treat patients. These treatments were of course all under the supervision of Dr. Mori and were definitely not experiments.

Most of the drugs for treating Lanci syndrome are available for purchase. They are just very expensive, and most doctors don’t know how to use them. This has resulted in the fact that only a few hospitals in Peicheng have this department, and only a few. Emergency treatment can be performed, but complete treatment still requires transfer to Sanliu Kouki University Hospital and Research Center.

Dr. Sen's here is also not a place to "treat" Ranchi syndrome. He has just received too many patients with side effects and is well-informed, so he knows what Ranchi syndrome is. In the process of treating side effects, he also slowly summarized some treatment methods for Lanci syndrome. Unfortunately, medicines are relatively expensive and patients cannot afford them, and he, a doctor, cannot force treatment at the expense of his own bankruptcy. In addition, Lanci syndrome can only be regarded as a minor illness compared to the strong side effects of implants. If the severe disease cannot be cured, the person will be gone, and Lanci or not Lanci will not matter.

"Let me check out your pharmacy and give it a try." Zhuang Xuteng gave up on necromancy, but he didn't give up on treatment. He finally came here and wanted to do something. The desire to help and save people will gradually cool down when seeing the prices of medicines.

The book will only indicate the medication regimen, never the market price of the medicine. Everyone knows that life is precious. In pharmaceutical and medical groups, this saying has become "life is measured by money" and has become a certain industry standard.

"These are the ones that are relatively cheap." Dr. Sen also noticed that Zhuang Xuteng was in pain, and was even more certain that he was just a medical student who had learned a lot of knowledge but had no practical experience. "The ones you chose have less side effects and more obvious curative effects. They are indeed good medicines, but they are expensive! Although you pay for them yourself, I don't need to feel sorry for you, but I have to clear the channels when I buy those good medicines. There are additional costs. Those good drugs are fine when used to save lives, but they are just used to treat Lanci syndrome, so they are wasted."

You have to be picky and picky when it comes to treating diseases and saving lives, all because of money. Zhuang Xuteng sighed. He knew very well that he could not invest too much in the patients. One or two thousand euros would be enough. If he spent more money, the cost accounting of the mercenary commission would not be justified. So he changed his plan and implemented a cocktail of relatively cheap drugs to see if they could alleviate the patient's symptoms.

As long as the physiological indicators can be improved and stabilized, and at least meet the standards for first aid and medical treatment, his level will be enough to fool him. If you really want to help the patients here, then get more effective medicines from the hospital. Even if it's a drop in the bucket, it's still a token of appreciation.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhuang Xuteng asked Dr. Sen about the prices of various drugs on the market, and prepared for him to steal the drug from the research center.

While Zhuang Xuteng was busy learning to play the role of a doctor, others were also busy preparing for this task. Gogongdao built a helicopter frame, decorated it in Platinum Contract style, and disguised it as their emergency helicopter.

Ge Gongdao flew a helicopter in Peicheng to improve his driving ability between high-rise buildings and became familiar with the common flight routes of Platinum Contract Company. The air flow in the city is complex, and various lights can cause interference to drivers. Especially at night, the light show turns into light pollution. In contrast to light and dark, many buildings seem to be invisible and dark, and other buildings are like mirrors. Reflecting another city. If you accidentally fall into the trap of these phantoms, a few seconds of negligence may cause destruction and death.

If you are just flying normally, you can of course avoid it as far as you want, but for mercenaries, you must always be prepared for the situation to take a turn for the worse and suddenly lose the so-called "safe normalcy". Ge Gongdao is well aware of his responsibility as the team's last line of defense and escape route. He wants to practice "stunt" flying well, and he wants the helicopter to obey orders like his own arms.

The two sisters Nightingale and Yanque took over all the trivial tasks. They disguised their identities and used the information network to find various equipment and documents that might be used in the mission. Especially Zhuang Xuteng's identity information must withstand inspection. He must have come from a serious medical school and have complete internship and work experience.

It's all because this time we are entering company territory, so everyone has to use all their skills and strive to make every detail impeccable. The two sisters reproduced the venue environment 1:1, and reproduced the alarms, surveillance heads, and viewing angles of the doors and windows of each room based on the content of the return visit. They also used technical means to copy the identity cards of two staff members. However, they are not yet sure about the specific conditions of the access control system within the research center, so they do not recommend Zhuang Xuteng to use the ID card unless in an emergency.

According to the Platinum Contract's voyage records, they found all six places in Peicheng that could treat Lanci syndrome. These six places only serve high-end customers who have purchased platinum-level health insurance. Ordinary people cannot enter even with cash, and they will not receive sympathy if they die at the door, but will only be robbed.

Lucy tried to bribe some doctors in these clinics, not only to serve as insiders in this mission, but also to start other businesses in the future, especially medical business. However, she was keenly aware that these clinics were protected by insurance companies inside and outside, and the people inside were also subject to strict monitoring and restrictions. Even if they wanted to be bribed, they did not have the courage, let alone credible channels. . In the end, Lucy didn't dare to buy it because she was afraid that it would be a trap by the insurance company; the doctor didn't dare to sell it because he was also afraid of falling into the trap of the insurance company.

After much thought, I decided it would be best not to offend both companies at the same time, and finally decided not to "grow members" for the time being. Although things didn't go well at the reception area, the internal management of Platinum Contract Company was not that strict, and Lucy finally made a few mistakes.

With the efforts of everyone, after more than a month of careful preparation, and after spending more thought than the treasure train robbery, we are finally ready to take action. The decision to take action at this time is not based on complete certainty, but because everyone has made all the preparations that can be done based on the information currently available. The remaining things can only be obtained by exploring deep into the tiger's den. This action can be decisive, but the main purpose is to test.

Zhuang Xuteng put on a doctor's white coat and checked his image in front of the mirror. The clothes are in a very realistic state of distress, and the wear and tear on the equipment shows that they have been used frequently. Zhuang Xuteng adjusts the position of the equipment according to his own "personality" habits, and adjusts their length so that they can be picked up and used as soon as they are used.

"Take notes with you, the pen is not new or full, first aid medicines, tools..." Zhuang Xuteng checked carefully and simulated the scene in his mind to deepen his memory. His scenes basically come from Dr. Mori of the Hope Clinic. He is a street doctor with rich experience in both rescue and deception. Although he must operate under the gang that sells blue crystals, he has always tried his best to save lives.

That person had a great influence on Zhuang Xuteng. He couldn't help but imitate Dr. Sen in some body movements and facial expressions. He found that experienced doctors are like well-informed mercenaries. They have one thing in common: they regard "people" more as "things" in order to stay calm and collected and maintain rational thinking. Zhuang Xuteng learned from this experience and constantly reminded himself to focus on "transporting and rescuing people" in his actions, and not to look around or be uneasy. Only by becoming a doctor yourself can you avoid being discovered by others.

Nightingale brought him a special communicator, which looked exactly like orthodontic braces. She said that this was a special communicator using bone conduction. The signal transmission and reception range was very low, only more than 20 meters, which was only enough for Zhuang Xuteng to communicate with the helicopter. It doesn't normally turn on, and Zhuang Xuteng has to tap it with his fingers before it starts working. Its battery relies on a chemical reaction in saliva to support up to twenty minutes of talk time. Despite its various shortcomings, it has one irreplaceable benefit: no inspection will doubt it.

Shadow weapons cannot be carried, and surgical instruments are the only weapons Zhuang Xuteng has at hand. In this regard, Ge Gongdao and Zhuang Xuteng both said that there is no need to worry. Enemies they can deal with with martial arts can be defeated with or without weapons. Those that they cannot defeat with martial arts can only escape even if they are fully armed. In fact, it makes a difference whether they use weapons or not. Not big.

"Observe more and come out safely." Lucy didn't have many requirements for Zhuang Xuteng, but she had high requirements. "It's a level four safety zone. Being able to get in is already very successful, so don't be greedy for credit. Remember one thing in particular: you can stop the action and exit at any time before landing on the hospital rooftop."

One of Nightingale and Yanque went to the Platinum Contract's contact center, and the other went to the rented hotel observation position on Gorgon Road to provide support. They will constantly summarize the news into Ge Gongdao's earphones, and Zhuang Xuteng wants to play the role of a good doctor, so he can't just use a walkie-talkie to constantly assign tasks, right?

"Just be a good doctor and let's go now." Lucy was very nervous, but this matter could not be postponed indefinitely. She could only place her hope on everyone's professionalism and on-the-spot performance, and arrange at most a few groups of people to support her. It's certainly not possible to help them directly, but it's not difficult to create chaos, disrupt and slow down the opponent's actions.

Zhuang Xuteng got on the plane piloted by Ge Gongdao and took to the sky. They would land on top of a factory in the east of the city and remain on standby, waiting for news from Nightingale and Yanque. Everyone selected the two reception points in the east of the city as their targets, preparing to intercept the patients here. Since the starting point of the Platinum Contract is located in the north-west of Peicheng, which is far away from here, they have relatively plenty of time to do anything.

There will always be sick people, they just don't know when, they can only wait. The first day was in vain, the second day was fruitless, and on the third day I finally got a chance, waiting for an unlucky guy who suddenly suffered from Lanci syndrome.

Everyone immediately activated it as if they had touched a switch, and began to act according to the plan that had been turned over in their minds countless times. Yanque manipulated the Platinum Contract system and robbed the transportation of Lanchi syndrome by deceiving the superiors and concealing it from the inferiors. She received the identity access code from Platinum Contract, sent it to Gogong Dao, and installed it on her helicopter. Platinum Contract will contact Sanliu Guanghui University Hospital to inform them of the helicopter arrangement this time. In this way, the hospital will treat the helicopter on Gogong Road as one of its own.

They quickly flew to the clinic, and the crew that was originally going to fly here was diverted in other directions by Suzaku. The crew will circle in the air for a while and then be told that the mission is canceled and return. They will curse a few times at most, but in the end they will obey the instructions and fly back slowly.

The first step went smoothly. Even though it was his first time to come to the clinic, Ge Gongdao still stopped the plane steadily. Zhuang Xuteng opened the cabin door and strode out, staring blankly at the doctors and nurses who were sending patients in front of the clinic platform. In the past, they pushed the patients over, put them on the plane, and then sent a handover doctor to follow the plane away. Why did it change this time?

"I'm Sen Gang, Doctor Sen." Zhuang Xuteng pointed to the badge. "I'll follow the plane and take over the patient's case from here. Tell me about his situation!"

"What's going on? I used to go to the medical research center with the patients, how come I have to hand over here?" The doctor at the local clinic is a bald, middle-aged Mediterranean man with gold-rimmed glasses and a pair of The excited look that everyone owes him money. "I have not received any notification that changes are to be made."

“It’s not my job to inform you, but I do know the reason for it: to keep each clinic open to seeing patients. New methods are being trialled and may or may not be here to stay, and do you think I enjoy flying around? ?" Zhuang Xuteng acted like a doctor at the research center, completely ignoring that the other party was older. He must be superior anyway. "You have to hand over when you go there, and it's the same here. After handing over quickly, you can go back and rest directly."

The bald doctor tilted his mouth, squinted his face, and stared at Zhuang Xuteng. He didn't find panic or tension, only seriousness, calmness and no hidden arrogance. The doctors "above" are indeed of this tone. The guys at the medical research centers of top companies all think very highly of themselves, and they do have the strength and power not to take the doctors from the insurance company clinics below them seriously. He had already believed Zhuang Xuteng's words, but he was not willing to be directly "discriminated" in this way, especially in front of his colleagues, and he felt that he would not come to Taiwan.

"This patient is very complicated and the situation is critical. Talking about it here will waste time." The bald doctor came up with an idea and decided to make trouble for this "Sen Gang" by talking about the patient's health. "Don't spare my time. I'll follow the patient there and brief you on the situation on the way."

Zhuang Xuteng snorted and nodded: "It has no effect on me."

He really had no proper reason to prevent this and could only improvise. Whether it is an emergency clinic or a research center, patient safety must be ensured first, so suspicion cannot be aroused in this regard.

"There is a bed on the plane, move the patient up." Zhuang Xuteng lowered his head and glanced at the general situation of the patients, and then began to instruct the bald-headed doctors and nurses as if he were the director of the clinic.

But everyone thought this was normal, so they followed suit.

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