Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 341 Chapter 338 Trainee Doctor

Zhuang Xuteng had been studying hard at home for more than two weeks when other members of the Ge Gongdao representative team knocked on his door. On the phone, everyone communicated many times about this commissioned task, but none of them was as good as seeing the status in person. Nightingale and Yanque have always been worried, fearing that he would be severely hit by the difficulty of learning, lose confidence, and even become depressed.

"I brought you shredded barbecue and a dozen cold beers," Gongdao said at the door: "Prince is not at home today, so I will sleep here with you!"

"Okay, come in!" Zhuang Xuteng took the beer and walked quickly to the living room. He first put the beer on the ground and tidied up the books on the table in order to ensure that he could find them quickly when he looked again. "It's been quite messy lately. Find a place to sit down while I clean it up."

They successively found more than fifty books for Zhuang Xuteng, and now they were all in front of them, surrounding the two people. Ge Gongdao casually looked at the book that had not been closed. There were horizontal lines and notes inside. There are sticky notes on the pages of all books recording the key points of learning in this part.

"I've read a lot of books! How do you feel?" Ge Gongdao said: "Everyone is worried that you will tire yourself out. I strengthened the helicopter driving in a surprise attack, but the difficulty is nothing compared to you. .Can you still hold on?"

"No problem!" Zhuang Xuteng smiled. He got plates and chopsticks from the kitchen and plated the barbecue brought by Ge Gongdao. At this time, Meat Bun began to stare at her, lowering his head, sticking his butt out and slowly rubbing towards the sofa. Zhuang Xuteng whistled and snorted. Roubao knew that his attempt had been discovered, so he immediately turned around and slipped away as if nothing happened.

"Oh, how could we forget the cute big cat!" Ge Gongdao laughed and took out a plastic bag from the inner pocket of his coat, which contained freshly cut meat. "This is good stuff, real whale meat, Prince brought it back."

"Natural meat, not synthetic?" Zhuang Xuteng frowned slightly and asked.

"Yes, naturally." Ge Gongdao explained: "Prince had a mission a while ago and went to a high-end party. She cleaned out the kitchen there and packed a refrigerated truck with half of it. Chilled beef shanks and pieces of whale meat in the carriage. You don’t eat whale, do you?”

"I don't eat. Unless I'm very hungry, I only eat farmed food. My family doesn't eat this. Everything fished from the sea feels unclean."

"Well, my family also teaches me this way, and I don't eat it either. Prince doesn't have this habit, and I'm cultivating it for her. She can eat it outside, but not in front of me. I think this fish, no matter how expensive it is, can only be eaten at most. It can be fed to cats. Meat buns, come here!" Ge Gongdao opened the bag and threw the meat pieces to the snow leopard again and again, teasing it with it. "Naike, I left two beef legs, but I don't know how to cook them. When Prince is free, he will cook them and send them to you. I think you don't have time to do the kitchen work now, do you?"

"Well, the food he eats recently is relatively simple, but the nutrition is definitely enough." Zhuang Xuteng pointed to his head and said, "It has been working hard recently, so we can't let it be thankless for its efforts, right?"

"Yes, you have to take good care of it! Our mission this time depends on it." Ge Gongdao finally gave the snow leopard a bag of meat so that he could concentrate on eating. Using his fingernails to pry open the beer can, he looked at Zhuang Xuteng: "Are you going to drink it?"

"Just drink one can. If you drink too much, it will affect your study status." Zhuang Xuteng took the can from Brother Dao and asked Brother Dao to continue to use his thick fingers to fight against the pull tab of the can, but did not hand him the spoon. "The pressure is all on my side now? Okay, I'll take it."

"How is your study progress?"

"It's okay. I've read it twice. I already know where all the knowledge points are, and I also know what difficulties need to be overcome. Now I'm strengthening the key points step by step and forming a system." Zhuang Xuteng picked up a piece of barbecue with chopsticks and put it into his mouth. As soon as he chewed it, his eyes lit up and he said, "This tastes very good! Did Prince make it?"

"She has some cooking skills, but she's not that good. She packed these back from the banquet, and I was responsible for heating them." Ge Gongdao also took a bite and said, "I have to say that the chefs of high-level people It does have some skills. No matter how much you use synthetic meat, you can’t get out the flavor of this barbecue."

Zhuang Xuteng shrugged and said: "I saw in the news that many places have stopped work and many more people are unemployed. It doesn't seem to affect some people from holding banquets and enjoying delicious food!"

"That's true. But someone disturbed their banquet and all the food was on our table. I guess this will have an impact!"

"Thankfully, this society still has us, so we can have more interesting things." Zhuang Xuteng took a sip of beer to wash down the barbecue, and felt comfortable all over. The two of them chatted, from food to mission.

"Lucy came up with several more plans, such as pretending to be a cleaner there to sneak in, or simply pretending to be a researcher there - but I'm not optimistic about those plans." Ge Gongdao said: "Do you remember what we saw? Are those employees? Nine out of ten all have implants, including the cleaners. You said at the time: Implants are not needed for cleaning, and the identities of those people may not be simple."

"Yes, I did say that." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a moment and said, "As long as Lucy is more cautious, she will definitely find out that those people's identities are suspicious, and she will not act rashly. My idea is: if I can get their identity cards, It’s easier to move around.”

"Take their ID cards to open the lab door?"

"Well, that's my idea now. It's best to wait until I go in once to see the settings inside."

"Do you still want to go in many times?" Ge Gongdao sighed and said: "In the mercenary industry, there is a saying that once you are alive, twice will be familiar with you. When you act for the first time, the opponent is not prepared, and it is easier for you to jump around. The ground comes out; if you go back, the possibility of problems will be greatly increased, and it will be easily roasted on the fire, and you will be cooked."

"That's not how that sentence is explained - but I understand what you mean." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Of course it would be best if it could be completed at once, and we are also working in this direction. But we still don't know what is in the fourth-level defense zone. If you have something, you can’t put your money on one success.”

"This task is quite difficult. I feel it is much more troublesome than the train trip."

"It's not bad, it's just reading! If you think about it carefully, reading is much harder than killing. We can't just follow a good master and learn powerful martial arts, and then think killing is easy."

"You mentioned Master, I miss him quite a bit. I wonder what happened to him after he retired, whether he was basking in the sun on the beach and staring at beautiful women." Ge Gongdao raised the can and prepared to toast Master from afar.

Zhuang Xuteng shook the empty can and said: "I've finished drinking here. I don't want to drink more. You can give me a drink. It would be great if the master is here. Maybe he has experience in sneaking into the fourth-level security area and can tell us about it." .”

"No, if he has successfully sneaked into the fourth-level security zone, Lucy should have learned from experience, so we don't have to work so hard!"

"That's not necessarily true. Our master doesn't just work for Lucy, he also takes over commissions from other middlemen. Perhaps he entered the Level 4 security zone during a mission that Lucy didn't know about."

Ge Gongdao shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's hard to put it that way...did master tell you about his experiences?"

"No. There are other intermediaries who came to me and asked me to perform entrusted tasks for them. I think the master must have had similar experiences." Zhuang Xuteng looked at Ge Gongdao, waved his hands, and said, "I declined them all. I don't want to leave. The team goes out alone, and we already have a lot of money in our hands. I am not interested in unchallenging tasks. If it is to fight against gangs, hunt down criminals, or cause some trouble for the company, we can discuss it, but definitely We can’t delay Lucy’s work, and we have to tell her.”

Ge Gongdao frowned, unable to hide his worried look. "Now you want to cause trouble for the company, and Lucy has also begun to plan the task of causing trouble for the company. The world has changed! Don't make excuses. The universities and research centers of Sanliu Charity Foundation are part of the company, and they are top-notch Company! The previous rules have been broken, I don’t know whether this is good or bad.”

Zhuang Xuteng didn't know either. The main reason why he started targeting the company was Zhuang Teng. He had already been mentally prepared to study the company, penetrate the company, destroy the company, and subvert the company. The only thing left was when to act and how to act.

However, Lucy began to accept commissions that went against the company. It was unlikely that it was just for Morgana, right? Although Na Nizi comes from a church family and has many connections in her family, those connections will definitely not be used by middlemen. With Lucy's energy, Morgana can at most be developed into a channel to obtain information, resources and entrusted tasks, and that's it. Morgana is very clear about her strengths and weaknesses. She has always acted according to the rules of the middleman and mercenary industry, making it clear that she only wants to maintain a relationship between a customer and a service provider, and does not want to get entangled in human relationships.

"Brother Dao, at our stage of development, it is inevitable to enter the company's sphere of influence. Even if we don't have a way to enter a university supported by the company, let's deal with gangs. Which gang does not have the shadow of the company behind it?" Zhuang Xuteng said: "Now, We are no longer looking for jobs at the level of the Wild Monkey Gang. Unless you are lucky and have high potential returns, you may lose money if you hire us. There are four big gangs above, and the risks and difficulties of engaging them are not necessarily as high as It’s rare to go to the campus hospital.”

"That's right..." Ge Gongdao thought for a while and said: "After we complete this mission, I want to lower the price. The price is too high, and the commissions that come are quite biased. We need to stabilize it and improve our skills first. Learn well."

"Absolutely, I agree. The two sisters need treatment to see if the latest implant technology can alleviate their symptoms. The two of us are only one step away from the sixth flash. It's best to get over it as soon as possible. And then... There are seven flashes, and that is the most important level. Raising the price after seven flashes will give us more confidence, and secondly, we will not embarrass the master."

"Yes, haha, if Qishan doesn't raise the price, wouldn't Master teach us in vain? If he hears about it, then... Hey, why does Meat Bun prick up its ears? Look at it, isn't it excited?"

Zhuang Xuteng turned around and saw that Roubao's eyes were indeed bright and his butt was swaying, looking a little excited. He quickly licked his cheeks and paws to clean himself, then scratched his whiskers as he headed for the door. This...someone is coming?

The door opened, opened with a key, it could only be Morgana. Zhuang Xuteng stood up quickly. He wanted to let Morgana know that there was a Taoist brother in the room before she made a roaring sound. However, Morgana was more cautious than he thought. After entering, she poked her head around and looked around, as if she was conducting detective work. She quickly discovered Ge Gongdao, then raised her eyebrows and said, "So you are here!"

"I'm full, I'll be gone soon!" Ge Gongdao winked at Zhuang Xuteng with an expression of 'I understand you so well'. "It happened to be that I wanted to go back and wait for Prince. I left after saying this: I will bring it to you when the beef leg is ready."

"Beef shank? Synthetic or real? Fresh or frozen?"

"It was cold before and has been frozen in the refrigerator. What, do you want it?" Ge Gongdao asked.

"Forget it if it's been frozen. If it's completely fresh, I can show my hand. Goodbye, Brother Dao, and be on your way, Brother Dao!" Morgana sent Brother Dao off, closed the door with her own hands, and then breathed a sigh of relief and said: " Naike, come here and help me, give me some medicine. I think I'm green."

After asking, I found out that Morgana was involved in a riot by demonstrators while she was on duty. Although she was wearing a protective suit and survived, she was hit many times in front and back, and her skin and flesh were inevitably injured. After finishing the mission, she saw that the PCPD hospital was overcrowded, and she didn't want to take off her clothes in public, so she insisted on coming to Zhuang Xuteng.

Zhuang Xuteng had a full set of medicines for treating trauma. While spraying them, he took off her clothes by taking advantage of the analgesic and paralysis effect of the medicines. "It's just a bruise, no open bleeding. You're lucky. You just need to spray some medicine and wait for the blood to subside and the swelling will be gone. If there is a wound, sweaty clothes are not hygienic. If not treated in time, the wound may worsen. .”

"I came to you because I thought there was no bleeding, otherwise I would have handled it at the medical station. Well, judging from your technique, it's a bit interesting. You seem to be someone who has learned medical knowledge."

"I have been studying recently, please read these books!" Just in case, Zhuang Xuteng prepared effervescent tablets for Morgana to speed up wound healing and avoid internal infection. "I now know how much a doctor has to learn. I'm really lucky that I didn't go to college."

Morgana scanned the book titles on the floor and soon saw the case of Lanci Syndrome, and she knew what Zhuang Xuteng was preparing. "Thank you for the hard work on this commission. There is so much preparation work to do."

"It's not hard. I've learned this knowledge well and can use it. That's..." Zhuang Xuteng had an idea and came up with a good idea and said: "Morgana, do you know some of these things? Can you take the test in a simulated scenario? Me, help me consolidate my learning progress?"

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