Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 821 The Mark of Gaia

Madesa also suspected that this was Odysseus' trap, but he had to come. He could not accept that the Lord of Divine Punishment was discredited, nor could he accept that he himself was discredited. Leo was not Odysseus's opponent. The matter can only be solved by him personally.

Using the flame jump, Madesa quickly came to Odysseus, fighting with her own body for the first time. Madesa was a little uncomfortable, but looking at the bloody scene behind Odysseus, and Odysseus In a flying posture that was not easy to beat, Madesa resolutely used the flow of flames to knock Odysseus down.

The people went down, but the picture did not disappear. The huge movie displayed in the sky had attracted many viewers in the royal capital, and many good people were throwing stones at the church.

These meddlers were all organized by Manda. The onlookers had no special feelings for Qixing Mountain, but they all had a herd mentality. Incited by the meddlers, they all joined in the siege of the cathedral.

Madesa was very anxious and had to find an opportunity to kill Odysseus as soon as possible. He saw a torch on the roof and quickly jumped behind Odysseus using the flame jump.

The positioning was so precise and the timing was perfect, all it took was one strike from Madesa to kill Odysseus.

But he ignored one question, why was there a torch on the roof? Why is this torch so well placed?

Because this torch was inserted by Manda.

Madesa activated the Divine Sword Seal, and Odysseus did not look back. With his back completely turned to Madesa, he easily dodged a golden light.

Before the golden light dissipated, a golden net fell from the sky and covered Madesa. The golden net was made by Guatel and wrapped with Athena's olive leaves. Tangled in golden nets and wrapped in olive leaves, Madesa was quickly rolled into a silkworm chrysalis. Manda carried Madesa and disappeared quietly in the night. Odysseus continued to maintain the image of a seraph, hovering in front of everyone for a long time, and then left calmly.

Madesa, who was struggling in the net, saw a glimmer of light. He wanted to turn into a flame and get out through the gap. Suddenly, he saw Manda tearing down the entire golden net.

What does it mean? Want to let me go?

It’s not that cheap, it must be another trap. After Madesa broke out of the golden net, she did not escape, but immediately launched a counterattack at Manda. Manda dodged with all her strength, and Madesa suddenly found herself falling into the water during the pursuit. .

It's not water, it's fine dust. Dust finer than flour suddenly gathered into an ocean.

What is this place? It looks like a temple to Gaia!

The majestic goddess was looking down at him.

Is this Gaia's skill? Manda stole Gaia's skills?

What level of skill is this? How could it be so powerful! This is much scarier than swamps and mudslides!

Dust kept pouring into Madesa's mouth and nose, and he was almost drowned in the fine dust.

The voice of the Earth Goddess came to my ears: "Crazy man, how dare you deceive me!"

Gaia is here, Manda summons the Earth Goddess!

"I didn't lie to you!" Madesa responded with difficulty in singing.

"You have the power of a god, why do you pretend to be a mortal?"

"I'm not a god. You can smell my breath. I'm just a mortal, an ordinary divine punisher. I haven't hurt you, I haven't provoked you. You can't hurt an ordinary divine punisher on the earth at will. , otherwise it is tantamount to declaring war on the Lord.”

From Madesa's words, Manda got two pieces of information.

First, Madesa's aura still belongs to mortals, which is why Gaia cannot sense him.

Secondly, Gaia cannot arbitrarily kill the Divine Punisher who has not yet become a god. This is an agreement between herself and the Lord of Divine Punishment.

"I am not God!" Madesa repeatedly emphasized his identity.

Gaia was a little shaken. From what he knew, Madesa was indeed a mortal.

Manda shouted from the side: "He is a god! He can easily defeat the eighth-level demigod. This is not a power that mortals can possess."

"Winning or losing in battle means nothing. Don't listen to his nonsense. My breath belongs to mortals."

Gaia was silent for a moment and shouted loudly: "You lied, you are a god!"

Why is Gaia unreasonable? Breath is the standard that distinguishes gods from mortals. This is Gaia's rule. Why does he only listen to Manda's side of the story?

Looking at Manda's despicable smile, Madesa really wanted to tear him into pieces.

He thought he was dead, but when he was about to lose consciousness, the dust around him suddenly disappeared.

The aura of Gaia was still there, and Madesa could feel the feeling of being watched. He lay prone on the ground, not daring to move rashly. Suddenly, he felt a tightness behind his back, as if he had been stepped hard by a war horse.

"This is the mark I leave you!" Gaia said, "I declare that you no longer belong to the mortal world and no longer have my protection. If you act recklessly in the mortal world, you will be punished by me at any time."

"It's not fair..."

"I haven't finished speaking yet!" Gaia didn't give Madesa a chance to defend herself. Dust covered Madesa's mouth and nose. "If the Lord of Divine Punishment commits crimes against the human world again, you will be the first to be punished. The mark on your back will make you regard the Lord of Divine Punishment as your mortal enemy. Either you kill him or he kills you, otherwise your war will never end."

"How shameless this is..."

"Presumptuous!" Madesa fell into the dust again. Through the dust, he could see Manda's hateful face.

"Tell your Lord to stay away from this world, and neither you nor He will suffer."

When the dust cleared, Madesa woke up and found herself in a land of ice and snow.

Gaia threw him on the tundra, which was his final punishment. There was only so much he could do for Manda, after all, he couldn't really declare war on the Lord of Divine Punishment.

Manda was very satisfied with this result. Madesa was still alive, and the Lord of Divine Punishment should not take crazy revenge for him.

If he really wants revenge, Manda also has a strategy to deal with it, and he can also watch a good show of cannibalism.

Manda returned to the left wing mountain, reached the wooden house, and let the wooden house fly to the edge of the first barrier.

He didn't want to fly too high, he just wanted to have a conversation with the God of Celestial Bodies.

"There are fine wines, pearls, and roast chicken," the God of Celestial Bodies sniffed, "Tell me, what do you want to ask me?"

"where are you?"

"I am here."

"You are not here." Manda's status has improved, and his perception has also improved. He can feel that the God of Celestial Bodies is in a very distant place. Every time Manda uses the Ascension Technique, the God of Celestial Bodies can open A channel to connect with him.

"Did Hermes ask you to inquire about my whereabouts?" In the eyes of the celestial god, every action of Manda was related to Hermes.

"It's okay, you don't have to answer if you don't want to." Manda gave the God of Celestial Bodies a can of wine.

The God of Celestial Bodies smiled and said: "Hermes believers are all good at doing business. Your business is not very good. You gave me a lot of things without asking for anything in return. If your god knew about it, he would definitely I will punish you severely."

Manda smiled: "To be honest, the way you test me is really cute. You hope I don't tell everything to Hermes, but even if you hear the answer from my mouth again and again, you don't want to believe it. ,

You think that with your wisdom, you can always get some useful information from me, or you can use me to help you do something, but you know how difficult it is. Even if you let me be fooled once, you will have to pay a lot of money. Little effort,

Use these efforts elsewhere. You are a god older than Cronus. Why not use your wisdom to help us get a better road, a road that we can all benefit from. "

"Road?" The God of Celestial Bodies sneered, "If I let you see where I am, what would you do?"

"If the price is right, I'll let you go."

"Do you know the consequences of letting me go?"

"I did something similar. I didn't think about the consequences at the time, and I still don't regret it now."

Two heavy gasps came, and the God of Celestial Bodies asked: "Do you know where you are?"

"In the sky."

"The sky is huge."

"In the sky of Qixing Mountain."

"Want to visit somewhere else?"

Go somewhere else?

Manda's ascension skill can only fly straight up and down. Does the God of Celestial Bodies mean that he can also move in the sky?

"I will teach you the essentials now. It is very difficult and will consume a lot of divine power."

"First tell me your price." Such a skill should cost even 20,000 pearls, but Manda was worried that what he wanted was not pearls.

"There's no price tag."

"Don't make such a joke. There is no reason for you to help me for no reason."

"You said you want a path, and trusting each other is the beginning of the path!"

"But you have to tell me the reason. Why are you willing to teach me such a powerful skill?"

"Manda Claudesay, you are considered the son of Hermes, and I am your great-grandfather. When your elders talk to you, just listen and don't ask so many questions."

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