Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 820 Discredit

"Madessa is coming!" Manda looked at Odysseus worriedly.

"I'm leaving now, I won't hurt you." Odysseus was very calm.

Manda held Odysseus' hand: "I said I would give you a destination. Even if the sky falls and the earth falls, I will protect you."

Odysseus withdrew his hand: "I still remember the vow you made to me. I firmly believe that what you said is true. I will keep this friendship in my heart forever, but I will not let you My home has suffered another disaster, let me take the artifact and leave peacefully."

The two looked at each other under the sunset for a long time. Manda shook his head and said, "The artifact will not be given to you."

"I can't live without the artifact."

"Don't worry about this," Manda held Odysseus' hand again, "I don't intend to let you go!"

Odysseus withdrew his hand again and looked at Manda with side eyes: "Speak directly if you have something to say, no need to beat around the bush. What do you want me to do?"

Manda began to analyze the situation: "Although Madesa has reached the status of a true god, his strength is only this. As long as you and I join forces, it will be easy to deal with him. The only disadvantage now is that he is in the dark and we are in the open. We have to Always be on guard against his sneak attacks."

Odysseus said: "Let me leave the Seven Stars Mountain. I am also in the dark, and he is also in the dark. Isn't this fair?"

"Are you going to abandon me? How can you say such heartless and unjust words?"

"I said, I don't want to implicate you. Madesa must really want his body back, and I must be his primary target."

"At this point, we thought of going together. I know that Madesa will definitely not let you go. Instead of waiting for him to take action against us, it is better for you to declare war on him directly. You two are in the open, and I am helping in secret. You, and then eradicate it completely in one battle!”

In the warm spring breeze, Odysseus gradually calmed himself down: "Claudius, if you want me to be a bait, you can be more direct."

"How can I bear to make you sad?"

"My heart has been broken by you. Tell me, what do you want me to do? Send a letter of challenge directly to God's Punisher and arrange a time and place for the duel. What do you think?" Odysseus can't live without Man. Da, he needs an eighth-level artifact to maintain his status, and Manda is his only choice at the moment.

"Madessa is not stupid either. The challenge is too obvious and he won't be fooled easily. I have a better way to make Madesa show up quickly. You can write down a scene first."

Three days later, Madesa killed two more Dionysian believers. Dionysus was furious and directly accused Manda through the oracle.

Manda immediately responded to Dionysus: "The person who killed your believers is a subordinate of the Lord of Divine Punishment, Seraph Madesa. I dare not provoke this person."

Dionysus no longer blamed Manda, and he directly began to build a passage connecting the mortal world, preparing to deal with Madesa himself.

His method was to soak a gap in the barrier with high-purity wine, and then crawl out through the gap.

Fortunately, this method was not very efficient and Hermes discovered it in advance.

After a whole day of persuasion, Dionysus' anger gradually subsided. He promised Hermes not to go to the mortal world for the time being, but he was quite critical of Hermes' attitude.

"Brother, I know that you have difficulties in this matter, and I also know that Pan has been wronged in this matter, but if we blindly give in to the Lord of Divine Punishment, what is the point of all our resistance?"

Hermes did not answer. Of course he would not give in blindly. He was formulating a strategy with Hephaestus to deal with the angels, but he would not reveal it to anyone until he succeeded.

Hercules brought gifts to the temple of Hermes, and happened to meet Dionysus, the god of wine, who was leaving in anger.

Hercules heard what he just said.

The temple of Gaia was successfully completed in the royal capital. This is the second temple of Gaia built by Manda in the Kingdom of Romulu. Since the temple on Qixing Mountain has been destroyed, this has become the only temple of Gaia in the Kingdom of Romulu. 's temple.

Manda organized the ministers to offer sacrifices to Gaia, and the ministers had no objection. Although the sacrificial process for the Earth Goddess was a bit more complicated, it was still better than drinking until the sky was dark every day in the temple of Dionysus.

But Dionysus had a strong opinion: "By offering sacrifices to Gaia in large numbers during my month, does Manda think too little of me?"

Hermes said: "This matter has been approved by me, and it also includes my considerations. Your loss of faith will be compensated to you at the appropriate time."

"When is the right time?" Dionysus showed his usual expression again, but this time, Hermes was not in the mood to see him cheating.

"In February and March, both Hephaestus and Aphrodite's sacrifices were completed in the company of fine wine. You also gained a lot of faith, and occasionally suffered a loss, which is not particularly aggrieved. Bar!"

Dionysus left the temple with a displeased face, while Hermes quietly observed Manda's actions.

"After this sacrifice, it's time for Gaia to give you the Soil of the Beginning."

The cathedral in the royal capital is deserted.

Leo had just returned from the fields with the deacons and monks. Manda had ended tithes and the nobles had stopped donating to the church, which in most cases had to rely on its own farming for a living.

Many believers are ashamed of this, but since the archbishop works the land himself, they dare not complain.

Back at the cathedral, Leo wanted to read a book and take a nap, but suddenly he heard a long-lost voice coming from the hall.

It was Lord Seraph, praying in the hall.

The deacons and monks were very excited. They all wanted to see the true face of the archangel again.

But Leo didn't allow anyone to enter the hall, and he just took a look outside the door.

When Seraph is praying, he doesn't want anyone to disturb him.

He often came to the cathedral late at night and prayed alone under the statue of the god. After praying, he would leave quietly, rarely disturbing other people, and Leo's usual way of handling it was to treat him as if he had never been there.

But Madesa did not leave today, because this Madesa was Odysseus pretending to be.

The purpose of his coming to the cathedral was to cause trouble. If he was treated as if he had never been there, nothing would happen.

After a long prayer, which was ignored, Odysseus went to Leo's room.

Although the appearance is exactly the same, Leo is very familiar with Madesa. Odysseus will reveal his flaws if he doesn't pay attention, so he omitted all the irrelevant pleasantries and went straight to the topic: "Friend, I have some Confused and need your help.”

Leo was extremely surprised that Seraph, the angel he admired most, actually needed him to answer his questions.

Leo was willing to listen, but Seraph said he needed more people's advice, so Leo called everyone to the hall to listen to Seraph's confusion.

Odysseus stood in the center of the hall, and under the gaze of everyone, he began a brief speech: "The Lord is our light, our hope, the meaning of faith, and the meaning of life. I always firmly believe that the Lord loves and protects us." Watching us, protecting us, but I saw some things I shouldn't have seen,

Everyone, please follow me to the roof of the church. Believers of the Lord should face the sky, so that we can be closest to the Lord and let the Lord answer the confusion in our hearts. "

The God Punishers followed the Archbishop and climbed to the roof of the cathedral in the middle of the night, watching the Seraph soaring in the sky with six wings.

These are the wings that Odysseus woven with silk thread. In the process of soaring, he showed the scene of the Lord of Divine Punishment destroying the Seven Stars Mountain.

The picture is very shocking. Whether it is the overall picture of Qixing Mountain falling into destruction or the partial close-up of people being brutally killed, the giant-screen movie full of devastation and flesh and blood has indeed brought great visual impact and spiritual shock to people.

But when it comes to the inner guilt, it is insignificant. In the eyes of the divine punishers, the process of the Lord’s divine punishment should be like this. Seeing the heretics torn into pieces under the majesty of the Lord, many divine punishers are surprised in their hearts. Overlap, hooked.

However, some smart God's Punishers realized that something was wrong, and Leo was one of them.

He heard about what happened to Qixing Mountain and expressed deep sympathy for Manda, but what was the purpose of Seraph presenting such a scene above the cathedral at this moment?

This will bring hatred to the God's Punisher. From the outside, it seems that the God's Punisher deliberately presents such a scene to demonstrate to the ancient god believers and ordinary people.

This also sends another message, Seraph has rebelled against the Lord.

Leo didn't know what Seraph had gone through, or what his purpose was.

He flapped his wings and kept flying in the tragic scene. There were only two consequences of doing so: one was to discredit the Church of God's Punishment in the hearts of the people, and the other was to discredit Seraph in the church.

Wait, is he really Seraph?

Presenting images in memory is Athena's skill. Can angels master the skills of ancient gods?

The more Leo thought about it, the more wrong he became. He returned to the bedroom, lit a row of candles, and let the divine power shuttle between the candle cores, causing the candle flames to jump up and down.

This was the contact method between him and Seraph, and Madesa, who was far away in Blue Bay, instantly sensed it.

Someone is impersonating me? The body shape and aura are exactly the same as mine, and can I use Athena's skills?

Madesa immediately thought of Odysseus and immediately ordered Leo: "Lead all the God's Punishers out of the church and go to a safe place to protect everyone. I will be there soon."

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