Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 822 The Wrath of Dionysus

Concentrate the divine power that forms the circle on a point outside the circle.

Pull the ring toward that point to form a cone.

The cone becomes an arrow, the direction in which celestial bodies move.

Manda used the method taught to him by the God of Celestial Bodies to move the wooden house from the top of Left Wing Mountain to the mountainside.

The wooden house landed and the divine power was exhausted, but before landing, the God of Celestial Bodies reminded Manda: "You'd better put the wooden house back to its original place. If others see an extra wooden house on the mountainside, it will attract unrest." Suspicion is necessary, and the cracks left near the top of the mountain won’t go away.”

The crack that the celestial god refers to is the vacuum area under the wooden house.

This is different from what Manda imagined. Manda believed that as the wooden house moves in the air, the vacuum area below will also move with it. But according to the description of the celestial god, the vacuum area will not move and will remain in place unless it is lifted up. to the objects in the sky and put them back into place.

This matter can easily bring up many associations, such as the underworld.

It was almost dawn, and Manda ate some pearls. Before anyone noticed anything unusual, he moved the wooden house back, walked a full circle around Qixing Mountain, returned to his own house, and prepared to have a good sleep.

Horna warmed the bed, and as soon as Manda got in, a throbbing sensation drove away her sleepiness.

It was another urgent message from the spy. Manda opened the letter and saw the news he least wanted to see.

In Golden Light City, a Dionysian believer was killed during a sacrifice, and the divine blood stone was taken away. His class was unknown.

Madesa again?

Impossible, he had just received a warning from Gaia, he should at least restrain himself.

What's more, the tundra is so far away, and there is no fire nearby for him to shuttle and jump, so he can't come so fast.

Could it be that there really is another angel?

Don't be arbitrary. If you are just a low-level Dionysian believer, you don't need an angel. A high-level divine punishment warrior can kill him.

What Manda was worried about was that Madesa's previous actions had aroused the God's Punisher's sense of revenge. If they united to kill the believers of the ancient god, a war would be inevitable.

Manda went to Golden Light City through the underworld and saw the body of the believer.

This is no ordinary believer. Judging from his aura, he has an eighth-level personality.

An eighth-level believer was killed. This is definitely not something that ordinary divine punishment warriors can do. It seems that the first speculation is closer. It turns out that there is more than one angel.

After losing an eighth-level believer, Dionysus wouldn't go crazy, right?

In fact, Dionysus has gone crazy, and he has lost more than just an eighth-level believer.

At this moment, He was in the temple of Hermes, insisting on asking for an explanation.

"I saw Manda's temple. He had reached the fifth level. When he came to Mount Olympia, we had another fifth-level god.

Brother, I respect you very much. You have a good vision. Your followers are about to become fifth-level gods. But my agent in the world died just like that, and my artifact was also lost! You turned a blind eye? "

Hermes held his chin and looked at the body of the demigod. There were wounds left by the Holy Light on his body, and he obviously died from the skills of the Lord of Divine Punishment.

"I will let Manda investigate this matter. Please wait patiently for my news."

"I am patient enough, brother! Since April, my followers have been killed continuously. This is a great humiliation for me, but Manda has been searching for so long, but found nothing."

Hermes frowned and said: "Manda is fighting alone in the mortal world. Do you think it is easy?"

Dionysus pointed to the bluestone and said: "My believer was also fighting, and he died in the battle!"

"If he doesn't want to die, he should follow Manda to fight. It's the same with gods, and it's the same with people. If he doesn't want to struggle in front of the Lord of Divine Punishment, he must learn to let go of his suspicion of each other."

Dionysus softened his tone: "I want to go to the mortal world just to help him."

"Don't worry, there will be a chance."

Hermes gave an oracle to Manda: "Find out the identity of the murderer, and no matter whether it was Madesa who did it or not, don't fight him."

To search for clues, we should go to the place where the crime occurred, but Manda didn't want to go to Golden Light City again. He had already been there once. The other party was an expert, an expert who was better at killing than Madesa, and he didn't leave any clues for him.

The current Pope Cequon?

It might be him. He and Madesa were both candidates to be promoted to angels at the beginning. Madesa had the upper hand because of his superior skills. It is really possible that the second angel was Ke Kui En.

But he had sworn an oath in front of the Skettis River that he would never be an enemy of Romulus for the rest of his life. Could it be that after becoming an angel, he could escape the sanctions of the River of Oaths?

How to verify this?

Take a trip to Shenglin City?

Manda was not that crazy. He went to the Royal Capital Cathedral to find out some information from Leo.

Leo has a lot of wrinkles on his face and a lot of calluses on his hands. This man who cares very much about his appearance has gone through many vicissitudes over the years.

Manda offered to donate 20,000 gold coins to the church, provided that Leo could provide some valuable information.

Leo rejected Manda's donation. He made it clear to Manda that this matter was definitely not the work of the church, nor was it the work of Seraph Madesa.

"I know that you are trying your best to maintain order in the kingdom, and I feel deep sorrow for the deceased, but if you want to impose crimes on the church, I will fight you to the death with my life."

"I don't want to accuse anyone, I just need to..."

"I'm going to start praying. As a believer in other gods, you'd better not stay here."

Manda shrugged and was about to leave, but noticed some subtle changes.

"There are two more candles under the statue. Did you place them wrong or did I remember them wrong?"

Leo was silent for a long time and said slowly: "Eleven candles are dedicated to the Lord, one candle is dedicated to the Seraphim, and the other candle is dedicated to the Cherubim."

From Leo's point of view, he has given the maximum hint.

Cherubim, a new angel has indeed appeared.

Manda did not pry anymore and directly reported the news to Hermes. An angel-level opponent was terrifying enough, but what was even more terrifying was that Manda knew nothing about it.

Hermes's thoughts were basically the same as Manda's. The matter needed to be investigated, but Manda could not be allowed to take risks alone.

Dionysus had always wanted to visit the mortal world, and this was the perfect opportunity to fulfill his wish.

That night, Mirro was taking a nap in the temple with a wine can in his arms, when he suddenly saw a young man sitting next to him.

The young man took out the wine bag and poured a glass for Milo. Milo drank it all and found that the taste of the wine was very special.

The young man smiled and said, "Have you never had such a good drink before?"

Milo smacked his lips, thought about it, took off his wine bag, and poured a glass for the boy.

"You don't overestimate your capabilities!" The young man sneered, drank the wine, and the smile on his face froze.

This is the wine Worm made by improving the recipe of Polyphemus.

Milo rubbed his nose and said, "Have you never had such a good bar?"

The young man was furious: "You are so presumptuous!"

At dawn the next day, Milo came to Manda's bedside and said in Manda's ear: "The God of Wine wants to see you."

Manda opened her sleepy eyes and looked at Milo in surprise: "Are you talking about Dionysus?"

"Are there other gods of wine?" Milo lowered his voice again, "I didn't know him well before, but now I realize that he is not an easy god to serve. He has a bit of a temper. Please bear with it."

Manda washed herself, dressed neatly, and came to the temple of Bacchus.

The god of wine sat on the stone steps and looked down at Manda: "Salute to me."

Manda bowed and saluted.

Dionysus frowned and said, "Is this in line with the rules for mortals to salute gods?"

Upon hearing this, Manda knelt down on her knees and saluted again.

Dionysus nodded and smiled: "You are very smart and don't give me a chance to get angry, but in my month of sacrifice, I lost many believers and my representative. I must have this temper." Sent."

"You can take out your rage on your enemies."

"Have you found the enemy?"

"Excuse my incompetence..."

"It's my brother's business to forgive you," Dionysus drank the wine in the wine bag, stood up and said to Manda, "I am only responsible for punishing you."

Milo's eyebrows suddenly rose. He had been teasing him for most of his life, but there were some things that were not to be teased.

Not even his god could harm the head of Claude Sai's family.

The God of Dionysus noticed Milo's change and looked at his beloved up and down: "Whose seed are you? Mine or his?"

Milo said nothing, he was too lazy to answer such idiotic questions.

Manda still bowed his head and remained silent. Dionysus was limited in the mortal world. If he went too far, Manda could teach him to be a god at any time.

But now Manda must exercise restraint, for he can feel Hermes' gaze.

Dionysus is violent by nature, but under the watchful eye of Hermes, he probably won't go too far. More importantly, Manda doesn't want to show his strength in front of Hermes.

But Manda was wrong. Dionysus had no intention of restraining himself. He respected Hermes and was considered one of his supporters, but it did not mean that he also respected Manda.

He threw away the wineskin and came to the Manda.

Manda grabbed Milo and told him not to act rashly.

The Dionysian's expression became more and more ferocious, and thick wine mist filled the entire temple.

Seeing that He was about to attack Manda, he suddenly saw Longgesen walking into the hall accompanied by a tall man.

"Dionysus, are you here to do something, or are you here to cause trouble?"

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