This Christmas night at Hogwarts was not peaceful. Many students were awakened by the explosion and were at a loss. Fortunately, the professors played a role. Therefore, although they were a little dissatisfied, they still crawled into bed and continued to sleep.

Before closing their eyes, a few little wizards secretly swore that they must find out the truth of the night as soon as possible when they wake up tomorrow. The noise in the castle gradually subsided, and only the school hospital was still brightly lit.

"You must drink the medicine and lie down in bed for a night with peace of mind. If there is no problem tomorrow morning, I will allow you to leave." Madam Pomfrey held a glass of shiny potion in one hand and stood between the two hospital beds with eyes like eagles. Same.

Harry and Ron drank the potion timidly, and when the liquid from the cups slid down their throats--though it felt completely different--it reminded Harry of the memory in the dream, and he fought back the nausea." beep." He drank it all in one breath.

Madam Pomfrey left with satisfaction.

She walked out of the ward, closed the door, and then went to the intensive care unit, and there were two patients waiting for her. Barty Crouch was severely traumatized both physically and mentally. She could only try to repair his body. Alastor Moody's physical condition was slightly better, but the mental damage should not be underestimated.

She was still thinking about her mind as she walked, hesitating whether to learn from Felix. With the fermentation of time, Felix Heppe's other identity, the reputation of the memory master has become more and more famous. Many people speculate that he must be one of the first batch of chocolate frog cards in the new century.

Around the corner of the corridor, Madam Pomfrey saw Dumbledore, Felix and McGonagall standing in the doorway of the intensive care unit.

"You're just in time, Poppy," Dumbledore said with a smile, looking in a good mood, "Felix has just diagnosed Barty and Alastor and dealt with the toughest of troubles, but it's going to take a while. It took a short time to recover.”

Madam Pomfrey looked at Felix subconsciously. In her mind, this person was the authority.

Felix nodded slightly and explained: "Mr. Crouch has been under the control of the Imperius Curse for a long time, as well as the Confusion Curse and the Cruciatus Curse, which has caused his brain to be a little confused. Although it is troublesome, it is not irreversible. I suggest He will be transferred to St Mungo's for a more systematic recuperation after a while."

"As for Professor Moody..." He thought about it and said uncertainly: "I don't know if his condition is good or not. His memory has been carefully modified, and many hints have been planted, such as not Checking out his room, ignoring certain oddities, and having to sleep until dawn when lying in bed...that's why Barty Crouch Jr. recklessly crawled into his room through the secret passage."

"He will lose some of his memories. As for which ones, I don't know. I think he will be very disgusted by his character."

Felix looked at Dumbledore questioningly, asking for his opinion. Dumbledore shook his head slightly, he knew the character of his old friend, and being manipulated in memory was enough to drive him crazy.

Madam Pomfrey understood, she hesitated, and asked, "Felix, can I watch while you're here for treatment these days?"

"No problem, ma'am," Felix agreed readily.

Madam Pomfrey thanked her, then pushed open the door of the intensive care unit and walked in. The other three people present could see Barty Crouch and Alastor Moody lying quietly on the bed, and Professor McGonagall's lips twitched.

"Minerva?" Dumbledore looked at her.

"I, I'm not suspicious...but don't we need to take some precautions? In case they are still affected by the mysterious man's black magic..."

"Don't worry, Minerva," Felix chimed in, laughing. "I still have some faith in memory magic, and their wands are now in the headmaster's hands."

Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief. They went downstairs together, and after a moment of silence, she couldn't help but say, "Albus, you shouldn't stop me from deducting points from Potter and Weasley, at least in confinement..."

Dumbledore blinked and looked at her with a smile.

"They are too reckless, and may lose their own lives." Professor McGonagall finished.

"Minerva, there's no need to be so strict, that kid just has a sense of responsibility far beyond ordinary people." Dumbledore said softly, "For this time, they can think of using the Marauder's map and the invisibility cloak. Unexpectedly, and it has to be decisive enough, if we delay a few minutes and spend precious time looking for professors, maybe we will see a different picture.”

At least Moody is definitely not going to survive.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and spread her frown, "You're right."


Felix returned to his office, standing by the window, recalling what Dumbledore had just said to him alone.

"Felix, I want to ask you one thing." Dumbledore said solemnly.

"What is it?" Felix asked, anticipating what came next.

They were standing high up in the castle, and the cold north wind was blowing hard and the window frames creaked. Dumbledore was silent for a long time, and seemed to be making up his mind, and at last he said, "Teach Harry Occlumency."

"No problem," Felix said immediately. After waiting for a while, he asked softly, "What about other than that?"

Another moment of silence--

"...don't hurt him."


Felix retracted his gaze, it was now the second half of the night, and the sky was lit up with a faint gray-green.

"I'm getting more sentimental, and it's not like me."


He lowered his head and saw Niffler Warren standing at the door of the bedroom, rubbing his eyes with one hand, staggering over, and swiping along his trousers twice, but he didn't climb up.

Felix laughed dumbly, and moved his fingertips, making Warren float in front of him.

"You didn't sleep? Warren, it's beyond my expectations..."


Valen waved his small hand and stroked in the air, Felix watched intently, as if writing, he tried to identify some deformed letters——


Warren nodded vigorously.

Felix asked tentatively, "Are you trying to ask Granger how he felt about the gift?"

Sniffing nodded, his small black eyes looked at him expectantly.

"She was overjoyed," Felix said.

Warren was very satisfied, it was one of the treasures it cherished the most, and the thought of sending it out made it bloody, it yawned, and opened its hands to hug.

Felix hugged Varen and put him on the crib.

When he put on his pajamas and lay on the bed, his mood improved unconsciously.

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