The time came to the next morning. Although both Harry and Ron wanted to leave the school hospital as soon as possible, they were too tired last night, and their injuries were not minor. Madam Pomfrey said that Ron's legs were still swollen, and Harry At least six broken ribs.

"The Healing Charm can only heal some minor injuries, like a twisted nose, etc. It's only useful in emergencies," Madam Pomfrey said at the time, but the two of them suspected at one point that she was just tricking them into taking the medicine means.

After drinking the potion, their brains immediately became groggy, like a mechanical alarm clock unwinding, turning slower and slower. Harry and Ron fell asleep without a word to each other. They slept through the night until Hermione came to visit them and woke them up.

Harry recounted what happened last night, and deliberately emphasized that "it's too late to call you", Hermione shrugged, "You can't get in unless you stand outside the whole girls' dormitory and shout, and I can't even hear..."

Ron coughed so hard that it sounded like "prom," and Hermione's ears turned red.

The two had a little unpleasantness last night——

After the opening dance, Ron accused her of being close to the enemy between drinks, Hermione dryly explained that the point of the Tournament was to "enable communication", and waited until Ron shouted that Krum was not interested in her, Hermione was incensed when she was just trying to find out the secret of the golden egg.

"He never asked me a word about golden eggs, never!"

Ron Lightspeed changed tactics.

"Then he definitely wants you to help him figure out the secret of the golden egg!"

"I never helped him study that golden egg!" Hermione was furious. "Actually, he invited me in the first place, in the library, but I've been hesitating, for the ridiculous warrior or something, Guess what? Roger Davis invited Collins right away, and my two idiots just complained that pretty girls were picked out!"

Harry's expression was innocent.

He really didn't expect to invite Hermione, but it was because he had always been secretive, maybe Cedric and Qiu Zhang quarreled... well, he knew it couldn't happen, but this conclusion made him Frustrated even more, he lacked interest in the next dance.

Anyway, after that, Harry and the unhappy Ron went to the courtyard to breathe, and accidentally overheard the conversation between Hagrid and Mrs. Maxime, and learned that they were both half-blood giants, and Hermione (according to herself) Staying in the auditorium, one's life is sullen.

Harry was skeptical about sulking because when they went back, they saw Hermione dancing happily with Professor Hepp...

After the dance, Harry found that Hermione and Ron were not talking again. They went back to the dormitory and slept with thought until they were awakened by a nightmare and chased the spies in the castle with Ron... See you this morning Hermione At the time, Ron and Hermione were both polite, as if yesterday's quarrel had never happened.

And when Hermione heard about Hagrid's half-giant status, she didn't find it surprising.

"Actually, I had long thought he must be a giant," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "I knew he couldn't be a purebred giant, because they were all about twenty feet tall. You can't be so nervous... It's a prejudice, like the attitude of people towards werewolves...and maybe the house-elves...even though the two prejudices are not the same!"

Ron obviously disagreed with this point of view, but he just politely repeated what he had said to Harry last night, and pretended to be introducing Harry for the first time:

"Hagrid shouldn't be talking about it everywhere, although it may be the first time he's met his kind, and he's too excited... I know he's not dangerous, everyone who knows him knows this, but it will be troublesome if outsiders hear it. Now, people are taboo." He snorted from his nose and said secretly: "Even if it is a kind of prejudice, it is a collective prejudice. When there is no way to change it, concealing it is the best way."

Seeing that Hermione opened his mouth to refute, he immediately sped up his speech and said to Harry: "In the public's impression, giants are cruel, although I also heard the love story of giants and dwarfs when I was a child, Frey De and George told me... but I haven't believed their bullshit since I was six."

Harry held back his laughter, also pretending to be hearing it for the first time, and nodded solemnly.

"My dad said that they sided with the mysterious man during the war, foolishly believing that the mysterious man would give them more living space... As a result, after the war, they were naturally liquidated, and a large number of giants were killed by Aurors Death, maybe Professor Moody was also involved, his leg may be injured at that time..." Ron guessed irresponsibly.

"...There is still a small tribe of giants who have not done much evil and have been driven out of the UK, and now I don't know which mountain to hide in."

Harry didn't think it was right to continue the discussion of 'Are giants cruel by nature', because Hermione's eyebrows were oddly raised, and he decided to take the initiative, "Well...Hermione, that's it, Ron and I see When you're late, you disappeared a few hours early yesterday afternoon, so it doesn't take that long to take care of your hair, right?"

He thought he was talking nonsense, because Hermione's hair was back to a messy state by now, and he thought—though not knowingly—that no one would refuse to make himself prettier if he could keep it.

Sure enough, Hermione rolled his eyes at him.

"If a girl wants to dress up, no amount of time is enough... But I'm not wasting time because of that, it's Warren, she gave me a Christmas present, and I, uh..." She bit her lip, do not know what to say.

"We know," said Ron, "I mean . . . we heard a little bit about what she gave you to make a fuss about and forget the time, wouldn't it be a lot of Galleons? One of my aunts. Grandma said that the only one who can beat time is the golden cutie."

Harry and Hermione looked at him at the same time, Ron shrugged, "She's dead of old age and left a will saying that all her property will be exchanged for Galleons and buried with her, but I'm not sure if her descendants will do the same. …”

"Of course not, a broken time-turner," Hermione said lightly.

"Wallen gave you a time-turner?" Ron shrieked, wide-eyed.

"No fuss, just a broken one," said Hermione, returning the same word 'fuss', but Ron didn't catch it at all.

"Take it out and see! Hermione, I haven't seen a time-turner yet!" said Ron.

Harry also looked at her expectantly, "Did you bring it?"

Hermione's eyes curled up, "Of course," she lifted a golden chain from her chest. It was a small disc-shaped timer with a circle of gold brackets on the outside and a small hourglass on the innermost side. Very precise.

"This is the time-turner? It looks so pretty...Are you sure it's broken?"

Hermione didn't speak, she rolled her eyes in front of them, and tucked back into her clothes.

"It's nothing to see, we might as well spend our time on cracking the secret of the golden egg," she said cheerfully: "I've finally settled on a plan, and I'm sure not to destroy its structure..."

Harry and Ron stared at the golden egg she brought, which was now sitting on the side cabinet, with a hesitant expression. Harry looked at his pajamas, and if it screamed uncontrollably while parsing the golden egg, they would struggle to even run out.

He didn't want to be embarrassed in the castle corridors in a pair of pajamas during the day.

But Hermione had made up her mind.

She stood up and hugged the golden egg in her arms, then pulled Harry's pillow over and put it under the golden egg. Harry and Ron watched in fright, and made up their minds:

"We can try the Visibility Potion—"

"I tried it," said Hermione.

"The Manifestation Spell, the Eraser, the Analytical Spell—"

"It's useless." Hermione fiddled with the golden egg and drew out her wand.

"How about trying Adrian's deconstruction method, he blows it so mysteriously in the book—"

"Well," Hermione said to the two, putting down her wand, "Frankly, I did use some of the tricks he mentioned, mainly because I found that he liked to figure out these shortcuts... One of the reasons he's underrated."

Ron gave Harry a look, which meant, I'll just say it.

Taking advantage of this, Hermione put her wand on the golden egg, tapped it, stopped occasionally to listen, or recited a few Latin spells, some of which Harry and Ron understood. Part of it, after all, they all read the same book - just different progress and digestibility.

"She's using delamination," Harry whispered to Ron.

This method is very commonly used in alchemy. The principle is to remove all redundant parts that can be removed, such as protection spells, decorations, and those minutiae functions, pointing directly to the most core secrets, especially suitable for alchemy novice operations.

From time to time, Hermione took out bottles and jars from the beaded pouch, and smeared the golden egg with a small brush dipped in the potion. In the shocked expressions of the two, she took off a piece of eggshell.

"He, He, Hermione, you, you took it apart?!"

"Because it's not important." Hermione said with a stern face, and while speaking, took off another piece.

Harry felt so helpless, as if he were back when he lived in the Dursleys a few years ago, when he lived in the cupboard under the stairs and waited anxiously for Dudley to go upstairs every evening—he would. Deliberately step on the steps with great force to shake off the dust.

But now, his mood is the same, when he doesn't know how many pieces of golden egg he has torn down, it will suddenly cry out a creepy sound, startling everyone.

When only half the golden egg was left, Harry's inner impulse was stronger. He hesitated to remind Hermione that there was a sick Professor Moody not far from here. If he heard it, he would probably be irritable. rushed in and cursed them all, like sticking their ears to the golden egg...

"It's done!" said Hermione happily.

Harry and Ron leaned over to see that there was only a palm-sized golden egg fragment left in her hand, but it was quiet now, just like any other fragment.

"Are you sure you succeeded, Hermione? We won't laugh at you if you fail," said Ron generously.

He remembered that Collins Foley had reminded him at the Christmas dinner, and although he didn't know why, and he couldn't catch a word, he felt that since there was a first time, she wouldn't mind telling him a second time.

Hermione snorted twice, her eyes narrowed and crescented into a crescent, and her wand was lightly tapped on it.


There was a slight shattering sound, the last fragment in her hand split in half, and a low, piercing shriek crept into their ears.

"Any difference other than being quieter?" Harry asked, the only consolation that he didn't have to cast the Whispering Charm.

"Oh, it lacks a necessary environment," Hermione smiled brightly. "I kept its core function of storing and transforming sounds, as long as I put it in—"

"In the water!" Ron said suddenly, patting his head.

Hermione looked at him badly.

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