A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 419: Thrilling Cold Night

"Harry, Harry! What's the matter with you?"

Harry panted heavily, hearing a familiar voice in his ears, and barely opened his eyes to see two vague, concerned faces, Ron and Neville. They looked terrified, their arms stretched out at a loss, and Harry found himself falling off the bed at some point and laying on the cold floor.

"I'm fine, Ron, and Neville, thanks," said Harry, who also saw Seamus and Dean drowsy looking up from the bed. "I'm fine..." he emphasized.

"You don't look like you're fine," Ron said stiffly.

"I... oh, I just have a sore scar... an old one," Harry stammered, getting up from the ground, Ron handed him his glasses, and when Harry put them on, the environment in the room changed. clear up.

Neville was carrying a magic lamp, the light was not dazzling, but it made Harry feel dizzy, he seemed to be back in that real dream, he was sitting on a chair, talking to someone... but It doesn't seem to be him. He is not that fragile. He needs to be fed even to drink medicine...

He tried to immerse himself in it, the feeling was too real, the viscous potion was like ice cubes, slid down his throat, and then turned upside down in his stomach...

"Are you sick, Harry?" Seamus looked at him in horror. "I think you need to go to the school hospital."

The scene in the dream was moving away from him, no, it couldn't be... Harry thought, making an excuse for himself: "I'm going to the toilet... don't worry, I'm fine..." He stumbled out in his pajamas. .

"I'll go see Harry, you guys go to sleep." Ron thought for a moment and said, and Neville handed Ron his little lion magic lamp, "Oh, thanks, Neville. Harry should have had a nightmare, go. Wash your face in the bathroom..."

Ron explained, leaving the bedroom behind Harry.

After he went out, he didn't see anyone in the direction of the door, and as expected, he saw Harry in a familiar position in the corner of the lounge, sitting on the golden red armchair, head up, a He rubbed his forehead with one hand, covered his chest with one hand, and frowned.

Harry tried desperately to remember, pretending he was still in the dark room, trying to remember the smell of that sticky potion, it was disgusting, worse than a pot of overcooked toad soup. Man nauseous... he was angry, something was messed up, he mentioned someone's son, and that person was right next to him, serving him without saying a word, it was horrible... no, that wasn't him, it was supposed to be Voldemort, Sirius analyzed it for him, it should be the cause of the scar on his head, and Dumbledore also explained it in the first grade...

Voldemort is weak and needs to take the medicine without interruption, and Harry sincerely hopes that the medicine is better to drink a little harder... But Voldemort has a body, bad news... Voldemort was attacked, but his reaction was very Quick, block that... black lightning? So familiar...it's Professor Hepu! How did he show up? Did he get Voldemort's clues from one of the many dance partners?

Harry put this unreliable idea aside, he had to recall more details... After a couple of chats, Voldemort asked one person to go first, who is it? The one who got scolded? Harry couldn't remember the name, but he knew it was a three-syllable pronunciation...Professor Hepp used a powerful fire magic, not like Hermione's, it was a white flame...they continued their conversation, Harry Shaking his head, he can't remember very well, his mind is like a sink with the plug unplugged, and the details of the dream keep leaking down...

They mentioned Professor Dumbledore, hypocrisy? There was a surge of anger in Harry's heart, but he quickly became nervous. He knew what happened next. The impression was so deep that he almost thought he was dead in the dream... Professor Hepp condensed a long flame The sword, pierced through his chest, wailed desperately... No, he made a mistake again, it was Voldemort, not himself.

Harry thought happily. Professor Heppe began to attack, countless brilliant magic flashes... Voldemort floated in the air, mocking Professor Heppe for his useless work... But Harry felt the hatred that devoured his heart firsthand. Voldemort's malice is too strong, absolutely Not as indifferent as he appeared... Harry seemed to be brought into Voldemort's perspective, not in a dream, but in what was happening right now!

Did I get into Voldemort's head? Harry thought with excitement and fear. He closed his eyes tightly, and he seemed to be floating in the clouds, moving fast, the night blurred everything around him, and then a dazzling silver light lit him up and flew to the sky. As he approached, it was a silver phoenix, like Fox, and he found himself shouting, "Dumbledore!"

Immediately he plunged headlong into the ground, shuttling through the black dirt and brown rocks, he had to race against time, there was one very important thing to do, he broke into a basement and possessed a hapless mouse , the mouse called "Zizi" a few times, and when he opened it again, his eyes had turned blood red. It climbed onto a table and triggered some mechanism. A brilliant purple light exploded in the air. The mouse was bounced and hit the wall more than ten feet away. died.

Then Voldemort's phantom floated out of the rat's corpse, and he stood there quietly, without making any sound, but Harry still felt a heavy sense of depression...

Harry opened his eyes, and Ron was sitting across from him, looking at him with a complicated expression, "You dreamed about that person again, didn't you?"

Harry took a deep breath and said affirmatively, "Voldemort notified his spy at school."

"What?" Ron looked at him in surprise. "Dude, do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know!" Harry tried to keep his tone as calm as possible. "I know, of course I know..." He stood up suddenly, circling the lounge, "Voldemort is short of manpower, he can't lose the castle. I can feel...Professor Hepp and Headmaster Dumbledore make a surprise attack, great job!" He slapped his chin suddenly.

Ron looked at him worriedly.

"But Voldemort has a way to get in touch with the spy in the castle, the guy who . Servant, all his previous plans were in vain, so he activated the emergency contact method..."

Harry stopped abruptly, looked at Ron with burning eyes, and said excitedly, "Do you know what we're going to do now?"

"Tell, tell the professor?" Ron stammered.

"Half right, give me the wand!" he said to Ron, who came out with his and Harry's wands.

Ron reluctantly handed Harry the wand.

Harry raised his wand and pointed in the direction of the dormitory: "Flying the Marauder's Map! The Invisibility Cloak is flying!" They heard the sound of the box popping open, a vague exclamation, and then waited silently for a few seconds—


Two cracks came flying, and Harry grabbed the map and the Invisibility Cloak nimbly.

Ron pursed his lips and swallowed as he watched Harry unfold the Marauder's map, his eyes constantly searching: "Come on soon... there must be, if I guess right..." Harry said.

"What are you looking for?" Ron was lying on the table, staring at the dense name on it.

"Don't care about the names that don't move, they must move! At this time, either a professor on patrol, or a spy who gets the news and wants to escape!"

Ron quickly lowered his head to help find it.

"It moves, it moves... there! Look, there's a guy named Eleanor Branstone!" Ron shouted, and Harry looked over excitedly, then heard Ron's dismay. Said, "Oh...probably not, she's going to the kitchen."

"Then add another one, running out of the castle, focusing on some people who move very fast but stop at the corner of the stairs." Harry said, and he imagined the spy's escape route according to his own ideas.

"Good idea," Ron said, and he looked at it for a while. "Peeves is so busy! Do you think someone stole his name, like name magic or something? Peter Pettigrew knew the Marauder's map, It's possible that he spoke to the You-Know-Who about it, maybe that person was on guard."

Harry was also very embarrassed. They found more than a dozen moving names, professors and students, living people and ghosts, and Filch's cat!

He had never realized that the night in the castle could be so lively.

"Wait!" said Harry, his eyes lit up. "It's him!"

"Who is it?" Ron looked around, trying to see clearly, but Harry had already pulled him to open the door of the lounge, and the fat lady was awakened, and just wanted to complain, Harry and Ron were like a gust of wind ran away.

"Reckless young man! Don't think I'll open the door for you!" she shouted towards their backs.

Harry and Ron went downstairs quickly, footsteps stepping on the stairs, making a "crack" sound, awakening many portraits hanging on the wall, pointing in the frame. But they didn't care and went three or four steps at a time.

"Who is it?" Ron asked, staring at the steps below.

"Barty Crouch!"

"The referee of the Triwizard Tournament?" Ron's jaw dropped, subconsciously following Harry around a staircase.

"It's reasonable, isn't it? He's the referee, or the Ministry of Magic official who organized the game, and he has the opportunity to touch the Goblet of Fire! And after the accident, he insisted that the person whose name was read must participate in the game, and he also took a long vacation... ...so he can get a chance to infiltrate Hogwarts!"

"But why? He can come here in the open?" Ron asked, almost stepping into the trap of the stairs because he was so focused.

"That way he'd only be there during the game, when there would be countless eyes on him," Harry gasped, staring at the Marauder's map, and it took less than a minute for them to catch their breath. rushed to the third floor.

"Strange, Crouch is walking slowly, and there shouldn't be a road there." Harry said suspiciously, looking at the map. "That direction should be Professor Moody's office..."

Ron chased after him, panting, "No, anyway... we caught up, didn't we? Put on the invisibility cloak, and when he comes out, we'll follow him behind, take the opportunity to sneak attack or warn passing professors ."

Harry didn't speak, just stared at the Marauder's map, constantly analyzing in his mind. Crouch doesn't seem to be walking, dawdling, what the hell is he doing? He had the courage to go undercover at Hogwarts, he should be loyal to Voldemort, and he would definitely leave immediately when he heard Voldemort's call.

but why……

Harry couldn't figure it out. They had come to the vicinity of the Defence Against the Dark Arts office, only seven or eight steps away from the door of the office. Ron opened the invisibility cloak and covered the two of them.

They stared at the Marauder's map, where the name Barty Crouch coincided with the location of the Defence Against the Dark Arts office. The two looked at each other in amazement, "He's going to attack Professor Moody? Why?" Ron asked in confusion.

Harry held his breath, the name belonging to Professor Moody was still motionless and should be lying in bed. Ron also realized this, and he muttered anxiously: "Get up, you're the greatest Auror, and you're about to cast the Cruciatus on us."

Harry dragged Ron a few steps forward, pressing his head against the door, and they heard a 'click', like the forcible sound of armor lacking in lube.

Moody's name on the map remained motionless.

"How to do?"

Ron asked, holding his wand. On the Marauder's Map, Barty Crouch walked across the office and stood in the doorway of the bedroom, no doubt he wanted to do something to Professor Moody, no matter how he showed up.

"You don't go out yet!" Harry said to Ron.

"What?" Ron asked uneasily.

Harry suddenly lifted the Invisibility Cloak, raised his wand, and read aloud: "Fractured!" The door to the office suddenly burst open, and the loud noise alarmed the people inside, and Barty Crouch Jr turned his head in horror.

"Remove your weapons!" Harry chanted violently, and the laser beam-like spell collided with Barty Crouch Jr's shield, sparking everywhere.

"It's you? It's you! Potter, you came just in time!" cried Barty Crouch Jr.

Harry was at a loss for a while, who is this person? Why carry the name of Mr. Barty Crouch? But he didn't have time to think about it. He was trying his best to maintain the spell. Barty Crouch Jr. was not weak at all. approach them.

Through the blurry barrier, Barty Crouch Jr stared at Harry with greed, "Potter, no, Harry, I'm Professor Moody, I taught you, did you forget? Come with me, I'll take you to the Dark Lord..."

"You're not Professor Moody!" Harry retorted loudly.

"There are two Moody's you've seen, and one of them is me," Barty Crouch Jr. grinned. "That trash Peter Pettigrew was somewhat useful, he told me the secret of Marauder's map. Of course I know how dangerous the day of the Warriors list is. What if Dumbledore suspects me? I am the only hope for the Dark Lord, the only hope for resurrection! I must be cautious enough to stay vigilant at all times... This sentence Well said, the Dark Lord is on me - I'm willing to do that - and together we modified Moody's memory, it was a success, wasn't it?"

Harry gritted his teeth, unable to believe everything he said. "Are you the Death Eater who ran away?"

"Yeah, it's me. Stop struggling, Harry, I only need half a minute—"


"Quickly imprisoned!"

Ron suddenly stuck his head out of the Invisibility Cloak and chanted a spell in the direction of Barty Crouch Jr. A magic rope almost brushed against the ground and wrapped around his calf. Harry took the opportunity to increase the output of magic, and Barty Crouch Jr stumbled back, tripped over the large box, and disappeared behind the box.

Harry's spell hit a stack of glassware in the office with a clear shattering sound, and he caught a glimpse of a glass looking glass smashed to smithereens.

"Stunned!" "Stunned!"

Harry and Ron seized the opportunity and attacked again and again, but the spell only hit the big open box with a dull sound. Harry was about to rush forward regardless, and he saw Barty Crouch Jr. fall to the ground, not under a spell, but tripped.

He has to take his chance...

At this time, the rope on Barty Crouch Jr turned into a large snake, blocking a cutting spell and an obstacle spell. He glanced around hastily, and his eyes fell on a mirror-like thing hanging on the office wall. ——There were many dark figures dangling and blurred in there, but at this moment, the people in the mirror became clearer and clearer, and they could see their clear outlines. It was two people, one with a long beard, the other with brisk feet, looking very young...


Barty Crouch Jr.'s whole face was contorted. He rolled over suddenly and rolled into the big box. Harry was about to chase, and half of his wand was stuck out of the box. The tip of the wand was shining brightly red.


A huge explosion sounded in his ears, and Harry was swept away by the huge shock wave, and Ron, along with him, slammed into the wall in the corridor. Harry felt his bones were broken, and Ron was miserable, groaning in pain when a large rock hit him in the leg.

Harry looked at the Defence Against the Dark Arts office, where half the wall had collapsed, the ceiling had a hole in it, and the dust was everywhere.

"Cough cough!" Harry was choked and coughed. He looked at Ron. Ron's face was pale, and his moans were much weaker. Harry sat up forcibly, leaned against the wall, and raised his wand feebly: "Healing--cough-cough-cough! Healing like--"

"Healing as ever," said a voice.

Harry raised his head and shouted in surprise, "Professor Dumbledore!" In the smoke and dust, his shadow was exactly the same as the one he saw in the mirror before. He looked to the side, and another figure appeared in the mirror. Now, "Professor Hepp!"

"Well," Felix nodded at him, threw a few healing spells, turned his head to one side, and looked at the ruins in front of him, "The Defence Against the Dark Arts office is really troubled..."

He didn't know it when he was in first grade, but since he joined the Defence Against the Dark Arts professors with their offices have not had a good time. The first year Lockhart and Rita Skeeter got into an argument in the basement office, which left Lockhart under the Oblivion Charm and spent weeks in the dark; in the second year, Lupin and Snape got into an argument, fighting The aftermath completely destroyed the entire office and had to move to the third floor. Unexpectedly, this year, even the new office was not retained.

But fortunately, it should be just a simple explosive spell, not as difficult to handle as black magic, Felix waved his wand, let the stones float, let them return to their original positions, and everything was back to normal.

On the other hand, under the treatment of Dumbledore's spell, Ron's expression softened.

"Emergency first, and when the matter is over, you have to go to the school hospital." Dumbledore said.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief when it occurred to him that there was another person in the office, "Professor, Professor Moody's still in there...he should be under a spell! And the spy, the spy who threw our names into the Goblet of Fire. , he's a young man, but his name says Barty Crouch..."

His expression was confused and puzzled.

"That man is Barty Crouch's son, little Crouch, with the same name and last name." Felix explained briefly. He took Harry's Marauder's map, glanced at it, and said disappointedly, "His name is gone, he's running away."

At the time of speaking, the office had been restored to its original state - except for those enchanted items, which were not within the scope of the spell's restoration.

Dumbledore walked ahead and entered the office. He took a quick glance and came to the bedroom. There is still some distance from the center of the explosion, coupled with the defensive magic of Hogwarts Castle, the impact was very small. When he opened the door with the unlocking spell, he could see Modian lying quietly on the bed, slept very sweetly.

Although this situation is not normal.

"The noise didn't wake him up..." Ron whispered to Harry.

Dumbledore leaned over to check Moody's condition, Harry took the opportunity to tell them what happened before, and when he heard that Harry could still see Voldemort's movements after waking up, Dumbledore's face became solemn, "You How did you see it, Harry? Was it from a high altitude looking down at this scene, or..."

"I am him," Harry said. When he said this sentence, he suddenly realized what he had said, his voice became hoarse, and he explained with a pale face: "I, I got into Voldemort's mind and observed the outside world through his eyes, Feel his anger."

There was something he didn't say. Harry felt strange looking at Dumbledore and Professor Hepp now, because he had previously brought in Voldemort's emotions, and he had an astonishing hatred for the two of them.

The air was restlessly silent. Harry noticed Professor Hepp's eyes swirling around him, and for a moment he thought the Professor would say something, but nothing, nor did Headmaster Dumbledore.

Dumbledore suddenly straightened up and said to the people present: "Alastor is not injured. As for his memory... Felix, may need your help."

"No problem, Albus," Felix said solemnly.

Dumbledore nodded slightly, "So, we now need to solve the last question, how did Barty Crouch Jr hide in the castle, as far as I know - Felix, have you observed Alastor? "

"Occasionally observed, not only him, but also some people I think are suspicious." Felix scratched his chin, "It turned out to be nothing, which is strange."

"It's really strange..." Dumbledore stared at the large box that had been closed, "I didn't notice any traces of the unmarkable spell, unless he dug a passage, which required permission from the Headmaster, otherwise he wouldn't It might be possible to do that.”

"Albus, the unmarkable spell you mentioned reminded me that we all forgot a possibility. There was Voldemort standing behind little Crouch, and Voldemort was familiar enough with the castle." Felix said with hindsight.

Dumbledore stared at him and said softly, "You mean, Chamber of Secrets?"

It could also be a Room of Requirement... Felix thought, but it's less likely than the Chamber of Secrets.

"Just look at it," he said. "We only found the entrance to the girls' bathroom, but it's possible that Slytherin built more than one. Or, Voldemort could point Crouch to the nearest door. That pipeline of..."

They opened the big box, and it was pitch black inside, extending downwards, Felix threw a ball of light inside, and saw a damp pipe at the end.

Dumbledore sighed, "Even me, it's impossible to find out all the secrets of the castle. Let's go down and see, if little Crouch leaves in a hurry, there may be unexpected surprises."

Harry gave Ron a meaningful look, and Ron understood it, and they silently followed the two professors down the long stairs and then stood on a damp pipe. Felix motioned Harry to look at a dim snake symbol on the wall, and Harry suddenly understood that this was the entrance.

He made a "hissing" sound with ease, and said in Parseltongue: "Open." At this moment, a green light lit up from the wet pipes under his feet, and then, their feet lightened, and a sense of weightlessness was felt. Come.

Felix quickly waved his hand, and put a layer of floating spell and a layer of humanoid armor spell on everyone, and they floated on the ground lightly.

Harry touched his face curiously, and felt a thin but tough barrier covering his face. He knew this spell. Professor Hepp in classroom 7 taught them from memory, but he never used it very well. it is good.

The pipe was unusually thick, but it was still too small for a person, and they had to lower their bodies, especially for Dumbledore and Felix, it was very laborious to walk.

Felix moved forward slowly, he had a strong urge to blast the pipe, but Dumbledore's age was walking forward, and he had nothing to complain about.

They made their way down the pipe, and along the way they saw a long trail, made by someone crawling on the ground. Felix can fully imagine how flustered the little Crouch at that time, completely disregarding any image, and scrambling to escape.

After walking a distance in the horizontal direction, they came to the place where the pipes converged. A thick water pipe went straight down. They were very familiar with this road, after all, they came in two years ago.

Below is the Slytherin Chamber. The secret room is not within the marked range of the Marauder's map.

"That person... Little Crouch or something, has been under our feet for months?" Ron asked in surprise.

"Not always. According to what Harry said before, he still likes teaching, but after the night of the Goblet of Fire, he learned to be cautious. Of course, it does not rule out that when he is bored, he will go to the Three Broomsticks for a drink..."

At this moment, they had entered the secret room and saw the familiar huge statue of Salazar Slytherin. At the foot of the huge statue, there were very obvious signs of life.

Felix picked up a newspaper and glanced at it. "A week ago, his news was not blocked. The previous speculation is likely to happen, at least he should occasionally visit his owner with limited mobility."

Harry and Ron stared, the environment in the secret room was very bad, maybe it was good when it was first built, but after a thousand years of abandonment, it has become part of the sewer circulation system, and the air quality is very bad.

Dumbledore didn't speak, he looked up at the top of his head, Salazar Slytherin's mouth opened, revealing a dark hole with fluorescent lights on the edge, which was the place where the Basilisk hibernated before.

"Let's go in and see," said Dumbledore.

Sure enough, something new was discovered here. After unlocking the Humanoid Iron Armor, the smell of snakes inside was pungent. Harry and Ron showed disgusted expressions and retched.

Felix smiled, "You two should learn some of these spells, the Iron Armor Spell and the Bubble Head Spell, they all work well. You are warriors, don't forget to improve yourself when you study the golden egg."

Harry and Ron put on the Humanoid Iron Armor again and thanked the professor sternly.

At this moment, they found Dumbledore looking at a large cauldron, and Harry leaned in. It was empty, but the oncoming heat told him that maybe half an hour earlier, some kind of potion had been simmering in the cauldron. .

"Compound Decoction?" he asked, and he could only think of this possibility.

"I don't think so." Dumbledore said, his slender fingers scraped a layer of medicinal liquid along the inner wall of the cauldron, and sniffed the tip of his nose. Harry noticed that the headmaster's slightly crooked hooked nose was wrinkled. .

Felix picked up a half piece of charred parchment from the ground, magic power rippled at his fingertips, trying to piece together the complete content, the blue light flickered twice, then completely dimmed, and the parchment in his hand completely turned into a fly. Ash.

"It's all very evil materials. I really don't know what else is there other than a pot of poison mixed with so many highly toxic materials." Felix said hesitantly, "Maybe we should ask West Fleurs, or Damocles."

"I will," said Dumbledore quietly.

They checked again and found no other traces, so they returned to the ground, Professor Moody was still lying quietly, Professor McGonagall was standing on the side with a nervous expression, and next to him stood Dumbledore's patron saint, the Phoenix.

"Oh, what the hell is going on with all of this, Albus? I heard a loud bang, worried that something was wrong, and came out in a hurry to find some of the students woken up too... Then I met your patron saint, let I'm guarding Professor Moody, is he stunned?" Professor McGonagall asked eagerly.

"Minerva, it's over, we found the spy in the castle, unfortunately he escaped, but... thanks to Potter and Weasley, our Defence Against the Dark Arts professor saved his life. "

Dumbledore said with a smile, the dignified expression on his face was gone.

Professor McGonagall stared at him blankly. She looked at Moody on the bed and then at Dumbledore, her eyes circling around everyone, the lines around her mouth pursed into a thin line. Her chest heaved violently as her serious expression fell on Harry and Ron in their pajamas.

"So," she said angrily, gasping for breath, "Potter, Weasley, are you acting on your own again?"

Harry and Ron were dumbfounded, shivering in the cold wind in their flimsy pajamas.

I apologize to the readers, the author's update is too late, mainly because the plot is not easy to unpack. I thought it was delayed by more than ten minutes, and the result was modified, and it went too far without knowing it.

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