Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 419 Treasure Hunting in the Name of Archeology

"That's right, it's the treasure of Lima! I want to go to Cocos Island to hunt for treasure. I still have some confidence in this operation. I believe that I can solve the biggest mystery of Cocos Island!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, his eyes full of confidence and firmness.

The office fell silent, and the other three were stunned!

Lima Treasure! What a great fortune!

Since the day they were buried on Cocos Island, countless people have been crazy about them, trying to find this treasure and make a fortune!

Around this huge amount of pirate treasure, there have been countless bloodbaths, and countless people have lost their lives because of it!

Even so, people's enthusiasm has not diminished in the slightest, and they continue to land on Cocos Island to find the second largest known treasure in the world.

It wasn't until 1978 that the Costa Rican government banned treasure hunting on Cocos Island, and the enthusiasm for finding Lima's treasures gradually subsided, and Cocos Island was calm.

I didn't expect this guy, Steven, to come up with the idea of ​​Lima's treasure, and he said convincingly that he could find Lima's treasure, which is really crazy!

The three of them quickly woke up and looked at Ye Tian in disbelief.

"Steven, let alone whether your information is accurate or whether the treasure map is true or not, I want to remind you that treasure hunting on Cocos Island has been banned in Costa Rica!

So, the chances of you wanting to go to Cocos Island to find Lima's treasure are almost zero, unless you can get a treasure hunting permit from the Costa Rican government, which is almost impossible! "

Kane gradually regained his composure and began to analyze the matter.

"I know all of this, and it is indeed very difficult to obtain a treasure hunting permit, so I came to Colombia to find experts in Latin American history, just to cooperate with them and jointly hunt for treasures.

If we can find the right person, then we can cooperate and start this treasure hunt in the name of archaeology, and I don't mind the Costa Rican government getting involved.

Applying for a treasure hunting permit in the name of archaeology by a professor of the History Department of Columbia University must have a much higher chance of being approved, which is definitely better than applying for it personally.

All the expenses are borne by me, Columbia University does not need to pay a penny, and can enjoy all the academic achievements of archaeological research, I only want wealth, the best of both worlds!

Of course, the Costa Rican government will definitely take the biggest piece of the cake, there is no way! After all, Cocos Island is their territory, and we must act according to their face"

Ye Tian explained his thoughts, covering everything!

This is the only way he can think of at the moment. If he still can't get the treasure hunting permission, he can only hold the treasure map and look at the ocean and sigh!

Applying for a license as a professional treasure hunter is too difficult to get approved!

The former British treasure hunter White Hyde, in order to obtain the treasure hunting permit of Cocos Island, spent 18 months and spent countless money, only to get a pitiful 10 days of treasure hunting time.

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