Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 418 The Real Purpose

Betty looked at Ye Tian puzzled, with question marks all over her head.

Where did this come from? Didn't you agree to let Kane check Sherman's march notes? Why did you suddenly change your mind? That's not Steven's way of doing things!

Melissa was also puzzled, and there was a bit of displeasure in her eyes.

For Kane's question, Ye Tian just smiled and didn't care.

"Don't be impatient, Kane. Although I won't show Sherman's marching notes, it doesn't prevent you from understanding the contents of this note!"

"Ah! Could it be a photograph?"

Kane exclaimed, his eyes suddenly began to shine, and they became extremely bright in an instant!

Hope to see you again!

"That's right, it's a photo! I took some of the contents of the notes with my mobile phone, which is more convenient for research and will not damage the original notebook!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, giving an affirmative answer.

"That notebook has been sealed for too long, and it is very precious. You should be more careful. Any damage is unforgivable! I don't know how many photos you took? Are those contents?"

"I only took a quarter of the notes, including the history of Sherman's army preparing for war in Chattanooga until the occupation of Atlanta, which is very detailed and a lot of information!

Today I will give you the first ten pages of photos, and I will talk about the other photos later. Although the number of photos is not many, the amount of information is definitely not small, and you will definitely find surprises from them! "

"Ah! Only ten photos! That's too little! Why don't you give me all these photos? I don't quite understand this approach!"

Kane asked in bewilderment, he wanted more, preferably the whole notebook!

Melissa and Betty were equally puzzled, and they were all looking at Ye Tian, ​​expecting him to give a reasonable explanation.

"It's normal for you to not understand, but have you ever thought about it? I'm not a historian, let alone an archaeologist. I'm a professional treasure hunter, and treasure hunting is my business!

Sherman's March Notes are a commodity to me, and in line with the principle of maximizing profits, it is impossible for me to fully disclose the contents of the notes to the public! That's not in my interest!

Before this notebook is photographed, I will only publish a quarter of the content at most, which can be used to prove the value of this notebook or to hype this notebook.

You may sound uncomfortable, but this is the reality, it is my choice, and no one can change it! So I can only give you ten photos at the moment, no more! "

Ye Tian explained the reason, his tone was calm but unquestionable.

The scene fell silent, everyone stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, unable to say a word.

You really deserve to come out of Wall Street! The abacus is too good! Cunning to the extreme!

Kane has already woken up, the kid in front of him is playing a conspiracy, and it is clear that the chariots and horses want to use him to create momentum for this marching notebook in order to obtain greater benefits!

As long as I discover something on these ten photos and draw research results, no matter how big or small the results are, the biggest beneficiary will be this kid in front of me!

He will use this to push the price of this notebook even higher and make a fortune!

Although he understood this and was a little unwilling, Kane found that he had no other choice but to be used by the bad boy in front of him! Help him get rich!

No wonder this kid is so successful! There are too many minds, it's like a hornet's nest! Who can play him!

Kane secretly sighed a few words, and had to accept the reality!

Who made Sherman's Marching Notes not belong to me, and full of temptations, I can only vote!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Kane, if you want to know the full content of the notes, you can only wait for this note to be photographed, and the person who gets the note will publish it. I believe this day is not far away!"

"It seems that this is the only way to go! Steven, you are such a cunning boy,

No one can take advantage of you, I admire you! "

Kane said angrily and gave a thumbs up at the same time.


Both Melissa and Betty laughed, and imitated their thumbs up.

"No way, the treasure hunting industry is like this. Everyone has countless minds, and it becomes natural to get used to it!"

Ye Tian said pretending to be helpless, but there was a hint of complacency in his eyes.

"Okay! Steven, send me those ten photos, I can't wait, the content in the photos must be very exciting!"

Kane said while rubbing his hands, his eyebrows were beaming with excitement, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

"You'd better find a laptop. That way you can see more clearly and carefully. Believe me, you will definitely find surprises!"

After speaking, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and started sending pictures.

at the same time.

Melissa brought her laptop and placed it on the table in front of everyone for Kane to use.

Image transfer is instant! Finish quickly!

In a blink of an eye, these photos were displayed on the computer screen, and the most authentic history of the American Civil War was presented to everyone.

Kane and Melissa immediately rushed to the computer and excitedly began to check the contents of the notes.

"There is no doubt that these are indeed General Sherman's marching notes! I have studied his handwriting carefully during this time, and they are exactly the same! It is wonderful!"

"That's true! Although this is a marching notebook, from these lines, we can see the social form of the American South in the 19th century, which is of great research value!"

The two professors studied the content of the notes while discussing in a low voice, comparing it with the relevant historical knowledge they knew.

From their words, the taste of joy can be clearly heard.

Obviously, in these photos, both men have gained something.

They only looked at the contents of the notes, and they were so focused that they had already forgotten that there were two other people in the office.

Ye Tian and Betty were also happy and leisurely, chatting in low voices and waiting, not in a hurry, anyway, today is fine!

Twenty minutes passed quickly, and the two professors looked at the ten photos several times, and they were almost memorized. Then they looked away from the photos and looked at Ye Tian and Betty.

"Steven, thank you so much! This is a very precious gift! Although there are only ten photos, the information revealed by them is enough to shock the American historians!"

Kane said excitedly, almost coming up to give Ye Tian the warmest hug.

Melissa next to her was the same, her face flushed with excitement, and she smiled happily.

"You're welcome, Kane, you are an expert in the study of American history, these photos are most valuable only if they are in your hands! Only then can they be used to the fullest!

In addition to these photos of Sherman's marching notes, I am here today for another purpose. I would like to ask you for help with something. Do you agree? "

Ye Tian praised Kane for a few words, and then began to tell the real purpose.

The foreshadowing is complete, and the picture is here!

"What's the matter? Tell me, if I can help you, I will do my best!"

Kane nodded and looked at Ye Tian curiously.

What's up with this cunning fellow? Perhaps this is his main purpose.

Melissa and Betty also looked at Ye Tian curiously, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd!

"It's not difficult, it's easy for you, I would like you to help introduce an expert in Latin American history, preferably one who has studied pirate culture, presided over or participated in related archaeological work!"

Ye Tian explained the reason, with a very relaxed demeanor and an understatement.

But these words sounded like a thunderbolt in Kane's ears, and almost stunned him.

"Oh my god! Steven, don't say that you found a pirate treasure and are going to dig it, so you need to find a Latin American historian who has studied pirates!"

Kane said in shock, eyes full of disbelief.

Melissa and Betty also exclaimed, looking at Ye Tian in disbelief, their eyes widened!

"You guessed right! Kane, I do have information about a pirate treasure, and there is a treasure map. After careful identification, I am very sure that the treasure map is genuine, from Latin America in the early nineteenth century!"

Ye Tian didn't hide anything, and said it frankly.

Cocos Island is home to a wealth of pirate treasure, and people all over the world know that there is no need to hide it!

As for whether you can find the treasure, it depends on your ability!

"Wow! It really is a pirate's treasure. Is it the treasure left by that pirate? Where is the location? I am very interested. If possible, I would also like to participate in it!"

Kane asked excitedly, almost dancing.

Dig for pirate treasure! What an exciting thing, that man doesn't yearn for it? Now that we have encountered it, how can we miss it, and we must participate in it no matter what!

"It's the treasure left by Captain William Thompson, the famous Lima Treasure! It's located on Cocos Island, Costa Rica!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, the tone was calm, but the content was earth-shattering!

“Lima Treasure! How is it possible?”

Kane yelled and jumped up from the sofa.

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