Time Traveler

Vol 7 Chapter 62: Call of duty

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This is a hearing. As the only soul that can move between different planes without barriers, Liu Yan directly reported to the think tank about the birth, development, and destruction of the entire prehistoric civilization he had monitored. This civilization does not arise naturally, but is the product of the so-called Protoss colonization in the future. It adopts a dualistic social system. The Protoss is superior and masters everything. Mankind is reduced to a second-class citizen. Everything depends on the gift of God, so it will be driven by steam The phenomenon of civilized upside-down of the floating warships throwing nuclear bombs, the fall of prehistoric civilization indicates that Ji Yuqian's dualistic society of gods and men will also die. This is the final conclusion of the hearing.

The fall of the new era established by Ji Yuqian lies in the failure to solve the need for faith. The emergence of God’s Domain has broken all human imaginations about "gods". The thousands of years of human history have basically been accompanied by religious beliefs, from ancient totem worship to modern times. In reforming religion, gods only appear in the imagination, while the heaven and **** system established by Ji Yuqian embodies “gods” infinitely. The heaven is close at hand, the gods are within reach, the supreme gods often appear in the sky, and human beings are under the protection of gods. To live, I lose all the desires and needs to explore the unknown. I only need to worship gods and work hard. The immortal protoss in the heavenly court are not as happy as the humans on the ground imagined. They don’t. Eating and drinking, not being troubled by disease and death, but often distressed, bored and dazed, thinking about why I live, what is the meaning and value of existence, they are already species higher than human beings and all things on the earth. Ji Yugan is God and creation. The **** of the world, but the **** of creation cannot reasonably explain the origin of life, nor can he tell them where to go after death.

Religion solves the problem of where people go after death. The Protoss of the heavenly courts are immortal, but they also have the power to die. Those who choose to die will have their bodies sealed, and their consciousness will be transferred to a protein-based memory and sealed. One day It can be resurrected, this is actually not a real death, and as long as the switch is pulled, the soul in the medium is completely deleted. This is a problem that Ji Yuqian can't explain.

But Liu Yanzhi has the ability to explain all this, this is the capital he can declare war on God's Domain.


Among the many planes artificially created by the traversers, the largest and most influential is the parallel world after the Battle of Yashan. Under the leadership of Liu Ziguang, the Ming Dynasty entered the world and conquered Tubo, Wa, Goryeo, Temasek and Tianzhu. , Landing in France, landing in England, burning Versailles, looting Buckingham, colonies all over the world, dominate the country, dominate the world.

In the 17th year of Daming Harmony, in the Forbidden City, Beijing, Liu Ziguang, a 40-year-old prisoner, was reviewing telegram memorials from all over the world at the Hall of Yangxin. Suddenly he heard a noise on the hall. He hurriedly put down his brush and shouted in a deep voice: "Where is the guard!"

No one of the guards in front of the temple answered. Liu Ziguang got up and took the saber and fire guns hanging on the wall. Although he was a superintendent, he had not put down his work, and his swords and horses were skilled. The assassin couldn't hurt him.

A voice was talking, "Follow me, go back to where you came from."

Liu Ziguang was confused: Who am I and where do I come from?

He is an ordinary young man in the 21st century. After a heavy rain, he traveled to a time and space that did not exist in this history. By chance, he possessed superpowers. He fought and killed the world to dominate the world, but he had already forgotten his own. life experience.

Before he knew it, Liu Ziguang walked out of the Hall of Nourishment, the night was as cool as water, and the palace lanterns were lonely. Looking up to the sky, the galaxy was brilliant, and a gust of wind rolled in, holding him up firmly, and in a blink of an eye, he was in the sky, overlooking the earth. The Yanshan Mountains are so huge that they are undulating and shimmering in the distance. It is the sea water of the Bohai Bay shimmering in the moonlight.

This wind was faster than Monkey King's somersault cloud, and it reached the Jiangdong territory in a short time. The river below was winding, and there was a verdant mountain on the riverside. Forty miles away was the city of Jinjiang Palace. Liu Ziguang fell on this mountain.

The voice sounded again: "What is your mission?"

"What is my mission?" Liu Ziguang asked himself. He unified the Central Plains and brought civilization to all parts of the world, making China stand tall among the nations of the world. Isn't that enough.

Suddenly he had a great realization, and his mind flashed from the Xuanwu period hundreds of millions of years ago to the end-of-human wasteland of the twenty-seventh century. Various planes were intricate and countless faces appeared before his eyes...

Liu Yanzhi's primordial spirit entered Liu Ziguang's body. In order to contend with Ji Yuqian, he had to use a solid body. The original body had long been annihilated. The body in a vegetative state was fragile. Only the body of the direct descendant Liu Ziguang could be used.

Liu Ziguang's consciousness was temporarily obscured, and Liu Yan directly drove this body towards the transversal cabin and returned to the first plane.


The final plane, in 2632, East Asia, the Yangtze River Delta region. This area was originally the Greater Shanghai area, but now it is an important colony in the Heavenly Court. Humans live in giant houses like pigeon cages, and each area has a magnificent church. It is used for prayers and various complicated religious ceremonies. If you look down from the air, it is more like a huge concentration camp than a city where humans live.

Three travellers in the dust stood on the edge of the city. They were Liu Handong, Zhen Yue and Guan Lu who came down from the Loess Plateau and travelled thousands of miles.

The straight-line distance from Yan'an to Shanghai is 1,500 kilometers. The three of them took a detour. The distance was more than half. After three full months, the experience along the way quickly caught up with the experience of Tang Seng Xitian learning from the sky. In the end of the earth, robbers are rampant and evildoers are everywhere. The proliferation of genetic drugs has produced many half-human, half-animal alien species. They whizzed through the mountains and forests and harmed living creatures. They had to suffer the blessings and lives of three people.

After a long journey, the appearance of the three of them has undergone tremendous changes. Their skin is darkened by ultraviolet rays, their heads are wrapped in a headscarf, their faces are equipped with anti-UV and sand-proof goggles, and their bodies are as colorful as wearing colorful clothes. , Are all kinds of patches, like other wanderers in this world, they are all carrying kettles and plasma rifles, which are essential equipment for walking in the arena.

In the suburbs of Shanghai, there are tens of thousands of unidentified people who are not registered in the colonial household registration system. They have no jobs and rely on begging and black market transactions for their livelihoods. Their shelter is built with discarded building materials. The shack was full of sewage and garbage, and while the urchins and wild dogs were running, the air was full of pungent smell.

The three walked through countless cities and towns ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and knew the rules of survival. They first walked into the bar in the settlement. This is the first stop for the wanderers. It is equivalent to telling the earth snake that we are here. Politeness and rules.

The bar was full of people, full of high-profile guests. Just like Shanghai in the 19th century, this is still a paradise for adventurers. Liu Handong found a remote corner to sit down and ordered a glass of spirits and two glasses of water. .

After a while, the bartender offered a bottle of high-end red wine and two bottles of mineral water, which was a premium drink that the Protoss could only enjoy. Generally, only low-quality shochu and filtered water that meet drinking standards can be bought in bars. Occasionally, there are special drinks offered by the heavens, but most of them are fakes. Even if they are genuine, ordinary people cannot afford it.

Nothing to show courtesy, to commit crimes to steal. Could it be that a certain local snake took a fancy to the two women who were in the same group. Liu Handong became vigilant, touched the weapon on his waist, and asked the bartender: "Which one is the guest?"

The bartender pointed to the back in front of the counter: "That gentleman."

Before Liu Handong could react, Zhen Yue jumped up happily: "It's Yanzhi!"

The man slowly turned around, and it was Liu Yanzhi who had not met in a century.

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