Time Traveler

Vol 7 Chapter 61: Ancient Empire

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Regarding the undeserved demands of UN officials, Guan Lu and Zhen Yue's answers were the same, just one word: "Go!"

The so-called last hope on the earth, the beacon of freedom, and the fire of mankind are nothing more than a hereditary cult organized by mobs. It is no different from the opium-growing warlords in the Golden Triangle of the 20th century. It is wishful thinking to expect them to revive mankind. Only innocent young people like Passepartout and Liu Baobao can wishfully believe in the existence of the revolutionary holy land.

Guan Lu and Zhen Yue are both considered the first generation of traversers. After thousands of years of human development, they have seen these fools thoroughly. Yan'an can’t stay any longer and must leave immediately. As for where to go, they Not ready yet.

But it was too late. After the two rejected the matchmaker, the United Nations protection agency arrested them and Liu Handong in the name of suppressing counter-revolutionaries, and sentenced them to death after a brief trial.

Before the implementation, the staff tried the final rescue measures. As long as they agreed to marry President Zhao, the death penalty would be exempted. Only then did Guan Lu and Zhen Yue know that the officials arranged for them to be the same person, and they were the wife of Zhao Zhentian and the resistance organization. The level of shamelessness and decay made them dumbfounded, but after slowing down, they felt reasonable.

Under the coercion of the heavens, the resistance organization can survive, and has to rely on brutal rule and foolish brainwashing policies, protracted suppression of rebellion, and privileged high-levels, just like North Korea did 600 years ago.

"I think I would choose to die." Guan Lu said.

"Shoot it, shoot it, hurry up." Zhen Yue is also fearless. Their attitude towards death is no longer fear, but desire. They can't see hope, don't understand the meaning of existence, and being alive is already a torture.

On the Loess Plateau, ravines are vertical and horizontal, and on the slopes in the distance, the sheep-playing baby sings the rock version of Xintianyou. The sky is high and wild. If it weren’t for the plasma rifles in the hands of the firing squad and the wakes of the high-altitude spacecraft, it’s like the 40th century The scenery of the era.

The three condemned prisoners stood in front of the cliff, seeing death as home, talking and laughing. They all rejected the traditional decapitated rice, a bowl of dried rice with toppings, and greeted death hungry.

"Last night, I dreamed that Yan Zhi was gone. He said that he could meet him when he died." Zhen Yue said, drew his hair together, caring about his post-mortem image.

"I also dreamed about it." Liu Handong said, "You can live forever if you die. Yanzhi is not dead, he will live forever."

"That's not a dream, but he is communicating with us." A smile appeared on Guan Lu's mouth, "I knew that he was still there, thinking about us all the time."

"Raise guns!" The firing squad commander gave an order, and 15 members raised their plasma rifles.

The three laughed at gunpoints and waited to die.

But the commander never ordered the shooting, but hurriedly evacuated with the firing squad, leaving only three people alone on the bare hillside.


When the United Nations was pursuing counter-revolutionaries, Ji Yugan was also clearing the door. He used thunder to arrest hundreds of rebellious youths, including Passepartout and Liu Baobao. After a court trial, they were all sentenced to death. This death penalty is complete. , Not only destroy the body, but also the consciousness.

In God’s Domain, only high-ranking powers are eligible to reproduce offspring. Therefore, this group of executed prisoners involves a large number of Ji Yugan’s subordinates. This group of people is so powerful that even Ji Yugan cannot underestimate the strength of their unity. Therefore, the pardon of executed prisoners Inevitably, capital crimes are unavoidable, and living crimes cannot be escaped. Ji Yugan sent them to open up the territory 100,000 years ago.

Over the past 600 years, Ji Yuqian’s way of exploring history has not improved significantly. He still uses the wormhole of Cuiwei Mountain, but the transit cabin has changed slightly. Each shipment has more people, but for large-scale colonial operations That's a drop in the bucket.

The ten people in the first echelon include Passepartout and Liu Baobao. Five men and five women are descendants of the Protoss. They have developed IQs and strong physiques. They can build houses with an axe. They have beaten large beasts with bare hands. The young people finally There is a chance to experience in nature, one by one, fascinated and complacent, but their grandparents and parents are sad, and regard this journey as an exile that never returns.

Cuiwei Mountain, the Space-Time Administration Bureau, each space-time capsule is ready to be sent. The time interval for sending is only one minute, but the time anchor point is 50 years away. Ji Yuqian wants to build a huge earth empire 100 thousand years ago. Difficult, just like playing the "Civilization" game six hundred years ago. The establishment and development of a huge empire took hundreds of years, but that was time in history, and it took him only one day.

A civilized world established by the Protoss stood on the earth one hundred thousand years ago. They set up colonies in East Africa, India, and Atlantis, mining deposits, and building nuclear reactors. They live forever, marry each other, and domesticate wisdom. People and Neanderthals as subjects.

The rare normal-temperature superconducting ore is transported to God's Domain through the returning transshipment capsule and used for the construction of the spacecraft. Ji Yuqian's ambitions have finally moved a little toward the end, and the next step he will conquer the universe.

But the dream lasted only three days. The empire 100,000 years ago had problems. After thousands of years of development, the empire split into different countries, competing for resources and becoming enemies with each other. When the normal temperature superconducting ore was exhausted, The world war broke out, and the Protoss drove mankind to launch cruel wars. After several nuclear wars, the civilized world was wiped out, and only one of the transversal cabins escaped back with the video records of the time.

Ji Yuqian watched the holographic video, the sky full of floating warships poured fire and rain on the Indian subcontinent, riding a prehistoric behemoth, wearing a metal armor and holding a cold weapon, the Homo warrior turned into steam in the nuclear explosion and was outside the scope of the nuclear explosion. The army jumped into the water to clean armor and weapons. The city with a radius of tens of thousands of square kilometers was destroyed in the fire, the whole continent of Atlantis sank into the water, and the thousand-year management of the Protoss was destroyed.

After watching the video, Ji Yugan was silent for a long time, and when he appeared in the public again, he seemed to be a hundred years old.

Ji Yugan understood the origin of the floating island under the Bermuda sea, which was the remains of the civilized world he sent one hundred thousand years ago. This failed prehistoric colonial operation brought him a great reduction in prestige. Flying all over the sky, the feedback from the super master shows that someone is secretly spreading a rumor that the Supreme God is actually a cheap clone, a fake made by the United Nations 100 years ago!


The first face, Cuiwei Mountain in 2031.

In the Antai base, scientists gathered to watch a holographic movie. The movie recorded a short-lived civilization on the earth 100,000 years ago. The origin of this civilization came from the colonists of the ultimate plane, who opened up wasteland, cultivated land, and mined. , The establishment of settlements, from wooden fenced castles to brick and stone cities, and then into cities suspended in the air, civilization is highly developed, but the social system has adopted backward slavery, and the Protoss leads the primitive state Human beings do not marry each other, and the population has always remained at the level of thousands.

Later ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the colonial empire split into several regimes. The world war broke out, and the former glory disappeared without a trace. It took only three hundred years. Those majestic buildings, magnificent artworks and human use Daily necessities are deserted, degraded, eroded, and rotted, as if civilization had never existed.

However, a few war survivors remained. The outcasts of these Protoss chose to marry Homo sapiens to establish small tribes, but the inheritance of technology was unable to continue. The tribes continued to gather and hunt, and the immortal Protoss lacked successor. Medicines can only gradually get old, and eventually turn into a pile of two-meter-high withered bones. Their stories have been passed down through word of mouth to future generations and become myths.

At the end of the movie, Liu Yan spoke directly: "The last genetically modified man died 1,500 years after the demise of civilization. The last warship wandered in space for 90,000 years, and finally fell into the atmosphere and wandered over the earth for three thousand years. The dust was blown on the floating island to form a thick layer of soil. Birds took the seeds to the top, the vegetation took root, blossomed and sprouted, forming a floating city. In 300 BC, during the Qin Shihuang period, the floating island welcomed A visitor came, and that person is me."

He paused and continued: "I spent three years on the floating island, and finally the island fell into the Bermuda waters. After another three thousand years, the Protoss salvaged the floating island and found the floating element. The carbon 14 test identified it as For the remains of 100,000 years ago, Ji Yugan decided to send people to colonize the prehistoric era and establish a civilization 100,000 years ago."

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