This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 553: Treasure Island

Sure enough, as Martha said, the corpse of the arch-backed reptile has nothing of value, only the green tissue fluid that can support the defense strength of the outer skin, which is a little concerning.

But listening to Martha, this thing can only produce special effects when the bow-backed reptile circulates in its body.

Taking it out alone is simply a pile of corrosive liquids, and has no other effect.

Since the wizards have been researching for so long and have found nothing, Fang Yi naturally does not feel that he is talented.

After carefully feeling the animal power absorbed, Fang Yi sighed in his heart.

This animal power is too weak, no wonder no one is interested in this sea beast.

There is really nothing of value in the whole body.

"Lord Gail, do you want to continue killing? Going in this direction, you should be able to find the lair of the bow-backed reptile."

"Kill it, by the way, investigate the situation on the island."

Looking at the movement of the weeds in the distance, Fang Yifa gave an order.

Anyway, the storm brought by the clouds and fog is still raging, and even if I go back, I can't go out to sea.

Might as well investigate the island situation, wait until the storm passes, and then go to sea.

Fang Yi's idea was very simple, but he didn't expect that the cloud and mist lasted for a whole month before it completely subsided.

For a month, he and his crew were trapped in this triangular island.

In the past month, Fang Yi has been observing the situation at sea, apart from sweeping the den of the bow-backed crawling beast to the sky.

Although it was stormy on his side, the other side of the island was calm.

Therefore, there are a lot of discoveries every day, among which Fang Yi is most concerned about the increasing number of ships pouring into the Nether Sea.

After paying a certain price and conducting inquiries, Fang Yi realized that the tide returning phenomenon in the original six sea areas had deteriorated to the point where it was impossible to survive.

The high tide submerged all the islands, forming death whirlpools one by one, and the environment was simply worse than the Nether Sea.

This group of them is fairly good, and they have escaped.

Those who recognized the reason for death and felt that they would only return to ordinary tides, and there was no need to take refuge in the Nether Sea.

Basically, they are trapped in the original sea area, and there is no chance to rush into the nether sea area to take refuge.

Listening to the gossip from people in other sea areas, it seems that this time the tide returns, even the pillars of the gods have begun to move, compressing the sea area and pushing everyone to the nether sea.

This surprised Fang Yi.

If what they say is true, it means that all players have gathered in the Nether Sea.

Otherwise, if you continue to stay in the six major sea areas, you will be killed by the system without anyone else's action.

Apart from him and his teammates, there are only two players left in the dungeon.

In the perilous Nether Sea, Fang Yi doubted that he could win the dungeon without doing anything.

After all, from a system point of view, his side is a team of three, and if two players die, the victory will be won.

As for the battle between him and Mingshang Yuthorn, it was the player's private behavior, and the system did not recognize it.

"It seems that we need to speed up the pace of finding teammates."

With an idea in mind, Fang Yi began to check the situation of the cloud frequently.

Finally, after another five days, the clouds began to subside.

After taking out the simple weather tester and testing it once, Fang Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw that the glass ball in the tester had weakened from a storm to a state of continuous light rain.

If you are just sailing with a cloud of mist that will rain lightly, there is no need to have any scruples.

All the crew members boarded the ship, and after more than a month, the fleet finally sailed again.

The goal is still pointing directly in the direction of the Trek Compass, Fang Yi's purpose is more clear than other people avoiding the tide return phenomenon and blindly rushing into the nether sea.

It's just that at the beginning, after he was going to get the treasure of the Trek Compass, he went directly to other sea areas to search for players.

As a result, the plan failed to keep up with the changes, and this became the current situation.

In any case, the treasure must come first.

The number of people pouring into the Nether Sea suddenly skyrocketed so much that Fang Yi was really worried that the treasure would be snatched away first.

Let the fleet speed up collectively, and the clouds and mists overhead finally dissipate completely after three days.

Half a month later, Fang Yi frowned as he looked at the looming island in the distance.

The most worrying thing happened after all...

The island in front is the end point pointed by the Trek compass!

But on the shore of this island, a large number of ships are parked.

When the distance was close, Fang Yi barely saw the pirate flags on these ships, and suddenly looked slightly stunned.

"Isn't this the flag of the Wanli Pirates and Zhenfeng Pirates?! How did they appear here?"

Meeting acquaintances in the Fragment Sea here is something Fang Yi did not expect.

Although the people from the six major sea areas are now all concentrated in the nether sea area.

But the nether sea area is not small, and if it is scattered, the probability of encountering people is actually not high.

If people from other sea areas all arrived at the Nether Sea area safely, it would definitely be easy to meet people.

But everyone else fled in. First, a group of people were wiped out by Chaogui, and then a group of people were wiped out by the ferocious Nether The rest are all strong people with real materials. , the number is naturally not that much.

Therefore, although Fang Yi had this mental preparation, he did not feel that he would really meet an acquaintance in his heart.

As a result, I collided directly on this treasure island... No! and many more!

Fang Yi suddenly remembered something, and looked at the bow of the Zhenfeng Pirates Group and the head of Sol.


It must be the leader of Sol who led the two here.

Depend on! I don't know how far this thing has grown, and it can actually know the coordinates of this island.

The treasure pointed to by the Trek compass was actually randomly selected in this dungeon world.

So it's entirely possible that the head of Thor knows where the treasure is.

What Fang Yi was depressed about was that there were so many treasures in the Netherworld Sea, so many treasures, why was Sol's first choice here.

It is estimated that it is inseparable from the demands put forward by the Wanli Pirates and Zhenfeng Pirates.

Fang Yi originally planned to take the treasure and start looking for Ming Shang and the others to meet. Now that this phenomenon occurs, I am afraid that he has to find a way to solve the people of these two fleets before he can get the treasure.

After letting the fleet go around half a circle, Fang Yi was about to stop the fleet when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

More than a thousand meters away from the Treasure Island, there is another small island.

It is really a very small island, only about a hundred square meters. The plants and treasure islands on the island have different styles.

It looks like it's independent.

Some areas of the independent island are pitted, as if they have been eaten by something, which looks quite strange.

Ps1: Thanks to 'Book Friends 20170811221649966' for the reward.

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