This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 552: island sea beast

Bow-backed reptile?

Fang Yi couldn't help but cast a suspicious gaze.

Martha then began to introduce it in detail.

Simply put, this is just a kind of herbivorous monster that is harmless and survives only by winning by numbers.

Originally, according to this standard, it is still far from the level of monsters.

But when the number of arched reptiles reaches a certain level, they will spontaneously change their eating habits.

Instead, they dive collectively into the sea, transforming from harmless herbivores to carnivores, often feeding on humans, and often attacking ships.

Therefore, this kind of animal was finally defined as the category of sea beasts.

"I saw a lot of corpses of arch-backed reptiles nearby just now, doesn't that mean..."

"Lord Gale guessed right, there should be a nest of bow-backed reptiles nearby, but I don't know where it is."

Masha looked at Fang Yi with some doubts, and didn't quite understand why Fang Yi was asking for trouble.

Although the ability of the bow-backed reptiles is not strong, once they encounter them, they are often very numerous, and it is extremely troublesome to deal with.

Even in the herbivorous state of the initial terrestrial stage, its own ability should not be underestimated.

Masha has no interest in this sea beast, and the value of her corpse is very low.

It can be said that in addition to the number of advantages, compared with other sea beasts, there is no advantage in other aspects.

Even if thousands of corpses were placed in front of Martha, the curse would not do her any good, but waste energy to clear it.

Therefore, after discovering the real body of the wreckage, the first thing she thought about was how to avoid these sea beasts.

But Fang Yi was very interested.

Although amphibian sea beasts are rare, Fang Yi is not a researcher, and he is not very interested in the ecology of sea beasts in the game.

The reason why he is so interested in the bow-backed reptiles is mainly to try to see if killing these sea beasts can improve his knighthood.

In these days of sailing, he has encountered many sea beasts, but the speed of the improvement of the heart of the knight is still too slow.

If you can use the bow-backed reptile to quickly improve the heart of the knight and absorb the power of the beast, this can be regarded as a disguised enhancement of strength.

Although in this dungeon, the role of personal strength has been reduced, and the strength of ships occupies a larger proportion.

But that's just too weak personal strength. If he is as strong as a wizard who enters Ren, it is estimated that his personal strength can determine the outcome of a naval battle.

Fang Yi didn't know what level of strength of Wizard Ren was.

But in the end, the stronger the individual, the better.

Anyway, the fleet is now trapped in a storm and won't be able to go out to sea for a while, so it's better to use this time to do something.

Of course, there is no need to talk to Martha about these things in detail, trying to get her to find the location of the arch-backed reptile's lair. The latter couldn't help but show depression, but he still obediently conducted an investigation.

In the end, he is an official wizard. Although he has been cursed, his growth trajectory is different from that of ordinary wizards, but his strength and knowledge are solid. Finding a nest of a bow-backed reptile is not a problem at all.

The crew clenched their weapons nervously as they followed Wizard Martha.

They don't understand Fangyi's intentions, they just follow orders.

With Martha's discovery, the team's direction began to gradually become clear.

Soon, the first bow-backed reptile entered everyone's sight.

It's actually inappropriate to say that it is one, because behind this arch-backed reptile, not far from it, there are more than a dozen arch-backed reptiles scattered on the ground, eating weeds on the ground.

The shape of the arch-backed reptile is a bit like an arched bridge. The head and tail are extremely low and short, but the back is high and arched, which is a bit deformed and weird.

If you look carefully, you can see that its nose is pointed like a sharp iron nail.

The mouth looks very small, and it is constantly squirming up and down without stopping, just like the small mouth of a rabbit.

Seemingly aware of something, the bow-backed reptile turned its head, and the iron nail's nose made a buzzing warning sound, and slowly turned.

"This is one of the attack methods of the herbivorous form of the bow-backed reptile. The nose will suddenly extend to more than one meter long, like a sharp blade. If you are negligent, you may lose your life."

After all, it is a sea beast, and it is impossible without the slightest danger.

Therefore, Fang Yi didn't say anything about the attack methods possessed by the bow-backed reptiles, but just asked the crew to be more careful.

Although these arch-backed reptiles seem to be easy to deal with, they are quite small.

But if hundreds, even thousands, or tens of thousands of them all stretch out their nails' noses together, the danger is still very high.

After discovering the bow-backed reptile lying on its stomach and grazing behind it, it seemed to have sensed the situation of its companions, and began to gradually move towards here.

Fang Yi no longer hesitated, took out the flintlock gun, and pressed the trigger.


The gunshots rang out, and the smoke drifted away.

The bow-backed reptile immediately buzzed, and some white marks appeared on the skin of its body.

...the skin is a bit tough.

Fang Yi scratched his head, this was what he didn't expect.

Doesn't it mean that gregarious creatures are weak in individual strength?

Why does this guy eat a flintlock gun like nothing buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz!

The bow-backed reptile over there seemed to be provoked by this gun, making a buzzing sound, and the nail's nose suddenly stretched, soaring to more than one meter long, like a sharp blade, and began to charge Fang Yi.

The companions in the back also grew sharp-edged proboscis and sprinted over.

The crew on Fang Yi's side drew out their machetes one after another and waited solemnly.

Martha on the side stretched out her right hand, and the viscous black liquid was ready to fall at any time.

Compared with the initial time, the cooperation between the crew and Fang Yi is now very skillful, and there will be no confusion at all because of such a small scene.

With a wave of his right hand, Fang Yi asked Martha and the others to step back.

"Let me try the strength of the bow-backed reptile first."

The captain spoke, and everyone naturally backed away.

Take out the black iron epee and meet the bow-backed reptile.

Avoiding the tip of the nose of the iron nail that stabbed, he struck back with a sword.


The blade of the sword and the tip of the nail's nose rubbed sporadic sparks, accompanied by Fang Yi's slight increase in strength.


The tip of the nail's nose snapped.


The arch-backed reptile screamed, blood dripping from the tip of its nose, and rolled on the ground with tears in its eyes.

It's a pity that it doesn't look very good, so it doesn't attract the slightest sympathy at all.

Not to mention that it is still square and righteous, and it is simply ineffective.

With no expression on his face, he raised his sword and stabbed it down!


The green blood immediately splashed more than three meters high, staining the surrounding ground.

With the emergence of these green liquids, the hard shell of the arch-backed reptile became soft, like a shrunken sponge, shrunk into a ball, and its size shrunk a lot at once.

In the same way, the other bow-backed reptiles were also dealt with together, and then the corpses were checked.

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