The War of Resistance

Chapter 1264 How to eat pancakes - observe that the five aggregates are empty

What you see through the gap between the trees is naturally a clearing in the forest. There is sparse grass growing in the clearing, which is not surprising.

But Shang Zhen remembered that when he arrived here in the morning, the terrain in front of the woods was a bit complicated with grass, shrubs, stones, and ridges.

In order to escape from the Japanese pursuit, Shang Zhen certainly needed such terrain.

But that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he fell in love with this forest.

But when he passed through the complex terrain and passed through the woods, he saw a village in the distance, and even one family was emitting a faint smoke.

At that time, Shang Zhen could only smile bitterly, and he could only retreat into the woods and finally chose the top of this big tree as his hiding place.

His appearance has already brought disaster to the surrounding people, and he doesn't want to hurt the second village again.

When Shang Zhen climbed up the tree and tied himself to the trunk with great difficulty, he was already very tired.

What is perseverance?

In fact, anyone who has read a book will understand. To put it bluntly, when everyone is very tired and endures hard work, some people will give up when they can’t bear it, and some people will tell themselves that they will keep going. , the latter is called perseverance.

Shang Zhen is undoubtedly a perseverant person.

But what was his starting point as a soldier? His starting point as a soldier was just as an ordinary person, and even his starting point was not as good as that of Mr. Wang, whether it was a veteran or a prostitute.

He just spent the time that others wasted on how to improve himself.

While others were drinking, gambling, and bragging, he was practicing Zamabu, stabbing, marksmanship, and physical strength. That was all.

But no matter how determined a person is, there will be times when he can't help it.

For example, this morning he really couldn't run anymore, so as the saying goes, he couldn't bear it anymore and he finally didn't want to run anymore.

So he followed the example of a monkey and climbed into a tree, regardless of whether he was trapped in a tree by Japanese soldiers. In fact, it would be a desperate situation, and it was actually no different from being trapped in a cellar.

If you are really beaten to death on a tree, it will just give you a better reputation. It is better than catching something in that big jar and beating it with the door closed. It can be regarded as a heroic sacrifice!

When people are tired, their mood is low. At that time, Shang Zhen thought, he was really sad.

Where does sorrow come from?

I am protecting the people, but the people don't know it, or they don't appreciate it when they don't see me fighting the Japanese. Is it because I want to shave off my head and make a choice?

As for how to have a good relationship with the common people, maybe only people with faith like Xiao Zhi can do it, right?

This was Shang Zhen's last thought before going to bed, and then he fell asleep on the tree. He was too tired.

In any case, Shang Zhen felt much better after a good sleep.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about the clearing in the forest that he used his feet to open, Shang Zhen used his feet to carefully open the gap between the trees and look down.

After he was sure that there was nothing unusual in the area he could see, he carefully took off his leggings.

The reason why Shang Zhen made it so complicated was because he was really afraid of the Japanese army chasing him.

If that group of Japanese soldiers suspected that they were hiding here and couldn't find themselves for the time being, then who knew where those bastards would hide. They even dared to hide in vegetable cellars.

So even after the restraints on his body were lifted, Shang Zhen was still cautious. Let's eat something first and wait until it gets darker before going down, which would be safer.

Then, he can go to Liu Ji.

In fact, even now, Shang Zhen's escape direction is also towards Liu Ji, but he has only escaped from the Japanese army temporarily.

Shang Zhen still leaned on the big tree branch, with his two feet each stepping on a thick branch, and began to eat the pancakes in his arms.

Originally, he was carrying a bag with several large cakes in it. However, as he was walking down the mountain, the bag was naturally worn out, and the large cakes inside were naturally "scattered and crushed into mud." "Dust".

The pancakes now were naturally given by the villagers of that small mountain village. The original soldier's clothes were replaced by civilian clothes, and the injuries on his back had scabbed over.

But for Shang Zhen at this time, that's all. What he needs most now is water!

It's just that he didn't bring a kettle with him during the march.

When he is alone, he always fights with the little devils. If he brings a kettle, it will make a "clatter" sound, which is extremely inconvenient for his fighting style.

When there are a lot of people, then now that he is one of their group, no, now he is the top officer of the security company, then does he still have to carry the military kettle on his own?

But now that there was no water, he just took a bite of the hard pancake and choked.

He sweated a lot while running away, but he didn't drink any water at all. What he was eating now was pancakes made of corn flour. These pancakes were definitely air-dried, and they were harder than the corn flour pancakes!

How about going down to find some water yourself? Shang Zhen thought.

But then he denied his urge to look for water and decided to hold on.

If that group of Japanese devils still didn't give up chasing him, would they be ambushing next to the water source?

The wind blows from afar, and waves of forest waves are heard in the woods, until Shang Zhen, who is riding on a tree branch, feels like he dares to become a part of the forest waves.

The wind in the forest finally calmed Shang Zhen's emotions. Since he can still endure it, he should endure it.

But now there is no saliva at all in his mouth, so how can he swallow that hard thing? Shang Zhen struggled to swallow the pancake stuck in his throat.

At this time, he discovered for the first time that it was so painful to be unable to swallow. At this time, he was suffering from the double suffering of being extremely hungry in his stomach but unable to swallow in his mouth.

How can this be done? Shang Zhen was worried, there was no spit or saliva!

saliva? Thinking of saliva, Shang Zhen suddenly remembered that when he was chatting with Qingfeng Li, Qingfeng Li had mentioned saliva to him.

What did the little Taoist call his saliva? It’s called Jinjinyuye! Yes, it's called Jinjin Yuye. Taoists say that thing is used to prolong life. The human body is like a tree, and the saliva is the Jinjin Yuye and Qiong Jade Liquid that water the tree!

How is saliva produced? Both Qingfeng Li and Da Laobeng have mentioned to him that in their practice methods, it is actually very simple to produce saliva, and they will never use Cao Cao's method of looking at plum blossoms to quench thirst.

Well, let’s use their tricks, Shang Zhen thought as his throat was still smoking and he felt that the pancakes could be used to deflect Japanese bullets.

Now that he was riding on a tree branch, it was impossible to sit cross-legged, but there was one thing Shang Zhen could do, and that move was called "tongue against the roof of the mouth."

The upper jaw is the cavity of the upper teeth. Shang Zhen knows this.

Although he has never had the experience of having his tongue touch the roof of his mouth and produce saliva, after all, he has also meditated decently with the old fool, and learned that "practice the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, and see that all five aggregates are empty." , although that time he only sat there for half an hour before he was called away.

Come on, Shang Zhen stuck out his tongue and licked his chapped lips. Why did it feel so stinging (astringent, frictional feeling)? Could it be that his tongue was as dry as a white cake?

Shang Zhen sighed silently in his heart, and finally withdrew his tongue and placed it on his upper teeth. He began to observe that the five aggregates were all empty.

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