The War of Resistance

Chapter 1262 The hero’s embarrassment

In an ancient joke, how did the grape trellis in the county magistrate's house fall down? That's because the county magistrate's family also has a shrew.

How did that wall fall during this battle? Of course he was knocked down by Shang Zhen.

What was Shang Zhen busy with in the dark night before? He is busy setting up "traps".

That wall is the "trap" and "trap" he set up.

He dug out a lot of the long stone under the wall, making the wall crumbling.

When the Japanese army hid on the other side of the wall, he just used a pole to pry underneath, and the wall fell down.

When Shang Zhen walked around the wall that was standing just now in his memory, he felt countless fine dust being inhaled into his mouth and nose. It was naturally caused by the wall hitting the ground and shaking.

But he ignored it. He knew he had to run. Even as he ran, he heard the groans of the Japanese soldiers where the wall fell.

If it were a normal battle, Shang Zhen, who had always had the habit of replenishing his gun, would have replenished his opponent with a bayonet even if he didn't give him a shot, but this time he would not do so.

He was already satisfied with being able to knock down a wall and knock down a few Japanese soldiers. Now it was time to save his own life. He had to run out of the Japanese blockade before dawn!

So it only took a while for him to feel his feet weaken while running in the darkness relying on his memory. He finally stepped onto the waterless river where the villagers had previously evacuated.

It is said that when one's feet are on the solid ground, one's heart will be at ease, but this time Shang Zhen's feet are on the soft sand, and his heart will be at ease.

This waterless river covered with fine sand is his path to life.

But does such a thing really exist in this world? Can a person really fly across the sky without leaving a trace after doing something?

The Japanese ninja who first hid in Liu Neng's vegetable cellar couldn't do it, and neither could Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen, who was focused on escaping, ran out of the soft river and was only more than 40 meters away, when he suddenly felt that something was wrong!

What's wrong? Shang Zhen ran, thought and observed.

Oops, why is the surrounding area getting brighter?

its not right! How could time fly by so fast? Not to mention that the sky was bright, it was still half an hour before the dawn of dawn. It was impossible for me to remember the time wrongly.

Shang Zhen subconsciously turned around and looked in the direction he ran out of. That was the village he just left, and that was the east.

It's just that when he turned around, he didn't see the white fish belly in the eastern sky, but what he saw was the rising fire!

Why did his surroundings become brighter, but it was a firewood pile at the edge of the village that started a fire! He saw that the surroundings were getting brighter. Where there was skylight, it was illuminated by the rising fire!

Shang Zhen secretly screamed, turned around and fell on the soft river bed, but what he was thinking in his heart was, what a coincidence!

Yes, this is all a coincidence!

The first coincidence is that the wall that Shang Zhen knocked down cannot be said to have not hit all the Japanese soldiers, but at least they were not killed. If they were all killed, where did the fire that was obviously set on fire come from? of?

The truth in the dark night is that the Japanese army must have slipped through the net, and they lit fires as a warning.

Another coincidence is that, yes, the Japanese army set fire to this village two days ago, but most of the houses were burned, but only a firewood pile at the entrance of the village was left!

One coincidence plus one coincidence, isn't it two coincidences? The result of the coincidence was that the Japanese soldier who was not killed lit the firewood pile.

With the fire, Shang Zhen, who had only run a few dozen meters, had no choice but to lie down.

The fire at that end will surely be discovered by the Japanese army on the mountain outside the village. Even the Japanese army's marksmanship can shoot incense within a hundred meters at night!

This is no nonsense, the size of the incense burner is only the same as the size of the fire that the person lit.

But I didn't realize it until the surroundings became brighter. Will the Japanese soldiers on the mountain find me?

I am so stupid. Just now I felt that my surroundings had become brighter, and the firelight cast my shadow behind me. Why did I still run?

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and even now Shang Zhen could feel the heat of the burning firewood.

There is no point in regretting it, I might as well run, no, I might as well crawl!

Sometimes the battle is like chess, and you always have to look at a few moves in advance.

But sometimes fighting is different from playing chess, because although chess is complicated, there are rules, and you can always figure it out as long as you have enough brain power.

But there are too many unknown factors in the battle. Survival cannot be done by calculation alone. Luck is also needed, and now Shang Zhen needs luck again.

He crawled forward as fast as possible in that river, never willing to raise his body.

He was not sure whether the brightness of the fire behind him would allow the Japanese soldiers on the mountain or elsewhere to see him, but he knew that if he dared to stand up and show his body, even if he just raised his head, he would only die faster!

Because he was closer to the fire, he was in the light and the Japanese troops were in the dark. He would be discovered even if he raised his head!

He crawled forward desperately along the river. He felt like a blind pestle!

In my hometown in the Northeast, the mole is called a blind pestle, but Leng Xiaozhi is educated enough to say that the mole is also called a groundhog. Anyway, it is just for fun.

Since the blind pestle is accustomed to digging holes in the ground, a small new mound of soil will appear in the field after one night, which is its masterpiece.

Because that thing moves underground all year round, its eyes cannot see light. When it sees strong light, it will be irritated and unable to see anything, just like myopia. That's why people from the Northeast gave it such a name.

Now Shang Zhen doesn't dare to raise his head and look into the distance, for fear that he will be discovered by the Japanese army as soon as he raises his head. He doesn't dare to look even with his eyes open. Isn't that just like a blind man?

There are times when this person is embarrassed, but who cares so much about surviving?

Shang Zhen crawled forward desperately using both hands and feet. He climbed out another sixty or seventy meters and looked around again under the cover of the river bank. He felt that the influence of the fire here was finally much weaker, so he hurriedly observed the surrounding terrain. .

After a while, he saw a few small small earthen mounds outside the river bank. There were shrubs there, and there were small woods further away. The terrain was also complicated, so at least he could hide there.

Shang Zhen observed the surroundings again, and then decisively climbed out of the river. He bent his waist and jumped towards the small earthbags. When he reached the earthbags, he jumped and rolled to avoid them. Arrived behind a dirt bag.

He took a few deep breaths and was relieved when he saw that there was no gunshot, which meant that he had not been discovered by the Japanese army. Then he started moving again, this time running towards the bushes again. .

After a while, Shang Zhen lay down behind a bush again and started breathing heavily.

In fact, he was very tired in the village. It might not take much effort for a person to pry up a wall with a bar, but the bottom of the wall was almost hollowed out before. How much effort did he have to use?

Even though Shang Zhen didn't run very far from the village, he climbed on the river with fine sand.

Although the fine sand does not hurt a person and will not scratch or scratch him like the withered grass in the wild, the fine sand is too soft and cannot exert any force!

He ran out of the river. Although he was hunched, he still sprinted at a speed of fifty meters. Don't think that a fifty-meter sprint takes less effort than a hundred-meter sprint!

However, when Shang Zhen's breath calmed down slightly, he suddenly realized that it was all worth it.

Because under the light of the fire in the village, he vaguely saw a group of men in black appearing in his field of vision, running towards the village along the direction of the river.

If it weren't for the fire, he would never have discovered the group of men in black.

The group of men in black moved lightly, like a group of wild ghosts wandering through the fields in the dark night.

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