Xia Yitong's stagnant eyes rolled slowly, as if a ray of vitality was pouring into the dead ground. The earth had rejuvenated, and she stood up abruptly, because she got up too quickly to stand still, and the back of her head knocked on the wall. There was a bang.

Fang Wei hurriedly took her arm, if there was a concussion inside, it would also happen outside.

The blood in Xia Yitong's brain returned, and the door of the operating room in front of him was still closed. After a while, the surgeon wearing a mask came out. Xia Yitong rushed up first, followed by Xue Yao.

"Doctor, how is she?"

The doctor took off the mask: "The situation has basically stabilized, and there is no life-threatening condition, but I cannot go back to the ward for the time being. I will observe in the advanced observation room for a period of time."

While speaking, the nurses pushed Lu Yinbing out, and Xia Yitong stared at Lu Yinbing's pale face, and followed him all the way. Xue Yao pulled the doctor aside and asked quietly and cautiously: "Are there any sequelae?"

The doctor replied conservatively: "The fall is more serious, and there may be symptoms such as transient memory loss, slowness of movement, etc., but it is not necessarily. The specifics have to wait for her to wake up."

The brain is the most delicate organ of the human body. Only a small piece of it controls an important function of the human body. Falling to the brain is no better than falling elsewhere. It is better to raise the arms and legs. Sometimes there are problems in the brain that cannot be solved by medicine. There is no way to check it out.

Xue Yao further asked: "Is there a high probability of sequelae?"

Doctor: "It's hard to say, it will be a little bit, but the probability of recovery is also high."

Asking is equivalent to not asking, everything depends on fate. Xue Yao politely let the doctor go back, silently took out the box of Lady's cigarettes from the bag, went to the smoking area, and saw that the producer was also there.

The producer's cigarette burned to the bottom, and there was a cigarette **** between his fingers, and he smoked very hard.

Producer: "Mr. Xue, although he said that this is inappropriate at this time, Lu Yinghou has an accident right now, our contract..."

Xue Yao cut him off and said coldly: "Mr. Du, I haven't asked you what happened? Lu Yinbing was injured so badly, can you take responsibility?"

The producer nodded repeatedly to compensate: "Don't worry, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Xue Yao: "I don't want to reply now, you just tell me the matter as it is." Xue Yao listened to Xiaoxi's words, but Xiaoxi was far away when he saw Lu Yinbing fall down. There was nothing in detail. knowledge.

The producer recalled: "It seems that the stairs were rotten by the heavy rain, and when stepping on it, they were not reliable enough, or they were too slippery, so they stumbled and fell."

Xue Yao glanced at him: "It seems? Or?"

The producer also looked very sorry: "Hey."

"Are you teasing a three-year-old child!" Xue Yao suddenly shouted, "Ten hours have passed since the accident. Ten hours is not enough to find out what is going on? Du Teng, I'm not trying to force you Take full responsibility, and I don’t lack the money, you can check it out for me, my people can’t just be so unexplained!"

The producer made a cold sweat: "Yes, yes."

Xue Yao pinched the cigarette in the ashtray, and walked away with a grimace.

The producer lighted another cigarette and sighed.

Who knew this would happen? Originally, that scene was a rain scene. Today, no, the rainstorm fell yesterday, and it was the heavens that made it beautiful. The director asked Lu Yinbing if he could film it. Lu Yinbing said he could, and then went up to film it.

Although the stairs are a bit old, they checked before the filming and they were safe. Who knew something happened during the filming. Perhaps it was the heavy rain that destroyed the old-fashioned wood, and Lu Yinbing's cloth shoes naturally slipped on it. He can only think of this possibility.

The main responsibility for the accident is not their crew.

The most important thing now is that Lu Yinbing is injured and can no longer continue filming, and the entire crew has already started, and a lot of money was spent in the early stage. Every day of work stoppage costs hundreds of thousands of losses. You must find ways to make the crew run normally. , But what about the starring? Where can I find it?

The producer just wanted to discuss with Xue Yao, Xue Yao was getting angry, it would be nice if he didn't tear up their hands. How dare to ask about the contract.

The producer also squeezed the cigarettes and discussed with the director and the investor representatives who had just arrived. Either a new actor was found to replace Lu Yinbing, or the filming was stopped, the latter lost nearly 10 million in the early stage. It’s just a waste of water, and there are a lot of uncalculated bad debts such as the actors’ pay and so on. This group of people feel a headache when they think of it. The former is simple, but they can find someone who can replace Lu Yinbing. It's very difficult, let alone meet the schedule. What's worse is that the new person did not spend half a year thinking about how to perform this role like Lu Yinbing. The level that he can reach is definitely greatly reduced, which goes against the original intention of the director and screenwriter to win the award.

Originally I wanted to hit the foreign awards, but now even the domestic ones are hanging.

The director and screenwriter have artistic pursuits and don't want to get someone to replace it, but the investor wants to make money to eat, and the crew is absolutely not allowed to disband. The group of people negotiated and almost didn't fight afterwards, and was driven out from the corridor by the nurse: " All the noise will affect the patient's rest, so we must make noise outside!"

In the end, a neutral strategy was adopted: the actors first looked for, and the crew filmed other people's scenes first.

The director is about to laugh. The whole film focuses on the adoptive mother and her daughter. Others' individual scenes can be finished within a few days, and everything else must be done with the adoptive mother.

Annoyed, he went back to the crew to continue directing the show, but the newly-changed actor couldn't pass his level and couldn't join the group. The big deal is that he quit the director and asked someone to do it instead, so as not to smash the sign.


The observation room was not allowed to enter, and Xia Yitong and Xiaoxi Fen sat outside.

Last night Fang Lie had sorted out what Xiaoxi had said and told Xia Yitong. There was a comminuted arm fracture, a concussion, and intracranial hydrops. Every word made Xia Yitong's face pale.

Fang Fen went outside and packed a meal. Xia Yitong shook his head and said that he has no appetite and can't eat it. You can eat it.

While waiting, she went online to check the terms. Those terms seemed to have been understood before, but they were just a vague impression. When the intracranial fluid was found, she almost fell on a chair, thinking about the symptoms over and over again in her mind. One of them was a big blow to Lu Yinbing, who was always proud.

Why didn't she fall? Why?

Xia Yitong lowered his head, covered his eyes with his hands, and cried silently.

Xue Yao came back, opened the Fangfen packaged rice, and handed it to her hand: "If you pass out of hunger now, you can't be the first to see her after Lu Yinbing wakes up."

Xia Yitong froze for a moment, and immediately bored his head and took a few big mouthfuls of rice. Xue Yao rubbed his eyebrows and said that he was awake at last. As soon as his heart fell an inch, he saw Xia Yitong put down the rice and rushed to the trash can a few steps away. , Not only did the meal just spit out, but also retched.

Xia Yitong walked over with a pale face and whispered: "...I'm sorry."

Xue Yao patted her on the shoulder, and she didn't force it. She probably couldn't eat until Lu Yinbing woke up.

Xiaoxi looked at Xue Yao and stopped talking. Xue Yao exchanged glances with her, sighed, and said, "Xia Xia, I have something to tell you about Lu Yinbing."

Xia Yitong suddenly raised her head and stared at her for a moment.

Xue Yao: "Xiao Xi said that before Lu Yinbing lost consciousness, he probably knew that he could no longer continue filming with this fall, so I asked you to play this role for her."

Konishi nodded to one side.

Xia Yitong looked at her quietly for a while, as if she understood the sentence, she said slowly and slowly: "I'm sorry, I want to wait until Lu Yinbing wakes up about this matter."

Then he continued to hang his head motionless, like a piece of withered wood.

Xue Yao called Lu Yinbing's mother, cautiously, she came out, there is no life-threatening, and then observe and observe, you can relax. Mother Lu almost fainted after hearing this. Father Lu would drive halfway and receive a phone call from his wife. He was frightened and calmly comforted his wife. The two took the fastest flight to get here.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Father and Mother Lu also arrived. They didn’t see his daughter first, and saw Xia Yitong, who was just like a walking dead in the observation room. The patient, but family members waiting outside for news, the two persuaded Xia Yitong to go to lie down in other rooms for a while.

Xia Yitong originally thought that he would not be able to sleep, but fell asleep until the middle of the moon.

She washed her face, tied her hair, and sat back in the observation room silently, staring at the door of the observation room. Lu Yinbing hasn't come out yet. How long has passed, and many hours have passed.

It was another morning when Lu Yinbing transferred from the observation room to the VIP ward, with an oxygen mask on his face. A bunch of equipment he knew and didn’t recognize in the room rang steadily. The doctor said he would wake up at about noon and don’t make a lot of noise. Let the patient rest well.

Xia Yitong lay in front of the hospital bed, holding Lu Yinbing's hand that didn't **** the needle, and staring at her face with good eyes.

Father and Mother Lu slept on a hospital bed next to them. They were too old and hadn't slept all night last night, and their bodies couldn't stand it.

At about twelve o'clock, Lu's father and Lu's mother went outside to have a meal. Xia Yitong's legs were a little numb, and he changed his posture. As soon as he lowered his eyes, he saw Lu Yinbing's eyelashes tremble.

She didn't move anymore, watching with blinking eyes. Immediately afterwards, the hand of her palm also moved, and her trimmed fingertips scratched her palm, and Xia Yitong's eyes immediately turned red.

Lu Yinbing opened his eyes slowly, her shadow was everywhere in the center of the deep pupils.

Lu Yinbing sighed, and a white mist suddenly appeared in the oxygen mask.

"Don't move." Xia Yitong was at a loss and went to ring the bell. The nurse rushed in and saw Lu Yinbing wake up and ran out to call the doctor again.

Xia Yitong leaned down and asked her gently, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Lu Yinbing was dizzy and nauseous, but still shook his head slightly, and a weak voice came from the oxygen mask: "...I'm sorry."

Xia Yitong knelt down on the ground as if she was free, buried her face in her hands, and howled.

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