"Fang Mei, you book me the fastest flight to City C. We will meet at the airport." Xia Yitong sat in the car to the airport, stuck in the speed limit and galloped past, quickly backing up the glass window in his eyes. Reflected cold light, "What's the matter? I wish I knew something! Book a flight ticket and tell me, and also, call me Xiaoxi until she answers!"

Fang Wei was shocked when she said that she was talking on the phone, like they are star assistants. They can get tickets that ordinary people can't get. She beckoned to stop a taxi, and rushed to the airport non-stop to make appointments with others. After the ticket, I started to call Xiaoxi, just like Xia Yitong, but no one answered.

Xia Yitong hung up the phone, raised his hand in the air, retracted it, and slammed it on the back cushion.

Call Xue Yao and turn off the phone.

Shut down.

Shut down.

Still shut down.

The driver looked at Xia Yitong's face from the rearview mirror, his eyes flushed with anxiety and rage, and he always felt that the next moment she could see blood in her eyes. Xia Yitong couldn't help trembling, panting, and finally curled up on the seat and buried his face in his arms.

She hated the situation of knowing nothing, she didn't know what happened to Lu Yinbing, she didn't know whether she was alive or dead. It was completely dark, and she rubbed the phone screen nervously, mechanically repeating the action of tapping the green mark. Every few seconds, I called Xue Yao and Lu Yinbing one by one, and the sound of shutting down lingered like a nightmare in my ears.

She began to hope that all of this was an illusion, closing her eyes and opening them, but she was still in the car and punched again.

When the phone rang, she suddenly raised her head, pulled it over, wiped her face vigorously, cursed "fuck" with blushing eyes, and picked it up, Fang Wei said that she was at the airport, and asked where Xia Yitong was, and the security check has started. .

Xia Yitong said: "Immediately."

The two met at the airport, ignoring a word, and hurried to take their seats at the last minute of closing the cabin door. Fang Wei didn't know what happened, she just came out of the mall, and Xia Yitong didn't dare to ask her when she saw Xia Yitong's face. Xia Yitong rubbed her face with both hands, eyes full of fatigue, as if the short one-hour journey had dried her out, her lips moved lightly twice and said, "Ms. Lu may have something wrong."

Fang Mei felt a little bit in her heart, and she felt that way, no wonder Xiaoxi couldn't get through the phone all the time.

She didn't know what to say to comfort her, covered Xia Yitong's hand with her hand, squeezed it hard, touched her hand with cold sweat, took out a tissue from her bag and wiped it with her. As soon as he wiped it, Xia Yitong was dumbfounded, but immediately broke away, took out his phone and opened Weibo.

There is still some time before takeoff, and the mobile phone has not been forced to shut down. Weibo has such a large user base. If something happens to Lu Yinbing, there will be news. Click on the hot search and scan one by one. There are all kinds of mess, but there is no Lu Yinbing.

Then enter Lu Yinbing in the search bar for real-time dynamics. Pulling down with a glance and ten lines are all unnutritive confession, but these do not make Xia Yitong let go of her hanging heart, on the contrary, she is more anxious. She intuitively feels that something has happened to Lu Yinbing, and it does not appear on Weibo because it may be a matter of time that has not been fermented. , Or be directly suppressed by someone.

With shaking fingers, she added two words after Lu Yinbing, crew. It's just two words, wrong several times.

Searching again, the first real-time dynamic that appeared made her froze in her seat, feeling that the whole sky had fallen.

Fang Lii leaned close to the screen, and after seeing the first half of the sentence, his face paled in an instant.

[I heard that Lu Shen accidentally fell down while filming on the crew today...]

Falling down...

She tightened her heart and made a decisive move. She grabbed Xia Yitong's phone, pressed her shoulders with both hands, and pinned her to the seat: "Teacher Xia, Teacher Xia! Listen to me. Many rumors on the Internet are not personal. I can’t believe what I see! We have to wait for news from Xiaoxi or Mr. Xue."

Xia Yitong's chest was ups and downs, and her eyes seemed to lose focus, struggling hard under Fang Miao's hands.

"Teacher Xia!" Fang Fen stared into her eyes and shouted, "You look at me!"

Xia Yitong was still struggling and couldn't hear it at all.

Fang Hui: "What can you do if you are in a hurry? You are on an airplane now, do you want to jump and fly over by yourself? Are you faster than an airplane?!"

Xia Yitong turned a deaf ear, with a sullen expression like a cow whose head could not be pulled back.

Fang Wei let go and slapped her face directly.

Xia Yitong tilted his head to the left and stopped.

Fang Mei bit her lip and hissed, thinking that she might be expelled.

Xia Yitong slowly raised her head, looked at her eyes, and returned to focus. However, there were Fang Lie's eyes in front of her, and Lu Yinbing's eyes in her heart. She put her head on the table in front, and her tears fell on the ground like broken beads.

The flight attendant was attracted by the movement here, and asked in a low voice if he needed any help? Fang Fen waved her hand and ordered two glasses of lemonade.

The plane rose from the troposphere to the stratosphere, and its huge wings traversed the white clouds. Xia Yitong sips lemonade in small mouths. The redness of the corners of his eyes has not faded, looking at the floating clouds outside, like a miracle.

Lu Yinbing.

Lu Yinbing.

Lu Yinbing.

Without expression, she squeezed the paper cup she had finished drinking and threw it into the garbage bag.


Xiaoxi’s mobile phone is now like a hot potato. She cried and reported to Xue Yao the first time the accident happened. Xue Yao almost lost her soul on the spot, but she is far away in the capital and can’t quench her thirst. Xiaoxi shouldn't answer calls from anyone other than her, wait for her to deal with everything.

Xiaoxi never felt that so many people knew her cell phone number, and they called in every unfamiliar number. When it was getting dark, she received a call from Xia Yitong. She jumped up and Xue Yao was still on the plane. She didn't know how to deal with it at all, so she had to leave it alone just like everyone else, and after thinking about it, Xue Yao had to do this. She was an assistant and couldn't bear the responsibility if something went wrong.

Xue Yao's flight time happened to be staggered with Xia Yitong, so when Xia Yitong called, she was on the plane and couldn't answer the phone.

After about two hours of flying, Xia Yitong successfully arrived at the provincial capital of J province. After getting off the plane, her legs were soft, and she almost fell to the ground with a stagger, Fang Wei hurriedly held her. Xia Yitong turned on his cell phone for the first time and called Xue Yao when he got a signal.

She was ready to shut down, but it suddenly got through. Fang Wei was also calling Xiaoxi. She noticed that Xia Yitong suddenly stopped, and then stopped, and said in a bitter voice, "What's the matter?"

Xue Yao saw hundreds of missed calls from Xia Yitong when she turned on the phone, and sighed. She wanted to hide it for a while. She knew it so soon. She turned it off when she dialed it back. It was expected to be on the plane.

The unexpected thing was not clear in a few words on the phone, Xue Yao only said: "You are here, I am at XX Hospital in C City."

As expected came true, Xia Yitong held Fang Lie's shoulder to maintain her balance, and said in a trembled voice, "Is it serious?"

"In the operating room." Xue Yao glanced at the light on the operating room to his side and rubbed her eyebrows. "You haven't come out yet, don't worry too much, there should be no life-threatening."

"..." After a while, Xia Yitong slowed down, hearing her own voice calm as if it were from another person, "Okay, I'll be there soon."

Without life threatening, Xia Yitong kept repeating these words in his heart, clenching his hands into fists and letting go, that's good, that's good.

Xue Yao pressed the phone, and the people around the periphery of the operating room, the director, the coordinator, the producer, and the screenwriter were all crowded together, anxiously waiting for the door to open, silently.

After Xue Yao's answer, a heavy rock in Xia Yitong's heart seemed to have fallen to the ground, and the road to the hospital was extremely peaceful, but Fang Wei always felt that it was the tranquility before the storm.

Sure enough, Xia Yitong pulled her legs out and ran in. Fang Wei hurriedly reminded her to wear a mask and a hat behind her. On the way there was no one to recognize her that she could no longer take care of her. She ran all the way with the wind behind her ears. Flew up.

The sound of running fast approached this direction. The crowd in the operating room raised their heads and saw a woman wearing a mask with tangled hair, staring straight at the operating room with lights not far away. The whole person was struck by lightning. It's the same as in, it doesn't move anymore.

The benches outside were already full. Xia Yitong found a place closest to the operating room and sat directly on the ground. He hugged his knees with his arms, and opened his eyes without saying a word.

She was like a ghost, drifting over quietly, and quietly settled down. Except for the people in the operating room, everyone else was in another dimension, and she had no reason to do so.

Fang Mei helped her to pull off the mask to let her breathe. Many eyes were cast. There was a slight commotion outside the operating room. Soon, it retreated like a tide and calmed down again.

Fang Fei pulled Xiaoxi to the corridor and asked, "What the **** is going on? How can you fall downstairs if you are good at it?"

Xiaoxi didn't even notice how Fang Lie, who had just arrived, knew about the fall. She was full of fear. She saw the scene with her own eyes. Lu Yinbing smashed it down and moved her fingers twice. Then it didn't move.

Xiaoxi obviously cried for a long time. Both eyes were swollen. Fang Wei asked her to cry again: "I don't know what's going on. There is a scene in the afternoon where Teacher Lu was ill. I don’t know..." She said as she said and really started to cry, "I don’t know, I saw Teacher Lu fell from the top with blood all over her head... They clearly said it was safe, why? Will fall..."

Fang Fei also wanted to slap her, pressing down her voice and shouted, "Don't cry, what did the doctor say?"

Xiaoxi choked and said, "Speaking of a comminuted fracture of the arm, and then a concussion and intracranial fluid accumulation, I went directly to the rescue."

Fang Wei handed her a tissue, and when she was almost relieved, she returned to the original place. The lights in the operating room went out for ten hours from dark to the next morning.

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