The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 770 Invisible

Yang Dongxu with a tired face returned home and threw himself on the sofa and kept rubbing his forehead. He now understands why so many business bosses have made a lot of money, which should be very nourishing in the eyes of ordinary people, but they all become successful. Bald or Mediterranean. Leadership is really not that easy, so he is going to find a helper for himself.

The game market has been in full swing for several years. Carrefour is so hostile this time, not only pulling Uni-President into the chariot, but also making a targeted plan to enter the mainland market.

If he disperses too much energy on the retail industry, he can't care about the game market. At this moment, he finally understood why even Zhou Ya looked at him with some resentment when he used to dig a hole and directly act as the hands-off shopkeeper.

It is true that a person's energy cannot cope with so many things, especially when participating in specific work. So he needs to find a reliable professional manager, that is, find a CEO for Millennium Supermarket.

Hu Dashan is a good executor, but he is not a good initiator. In the past, when there were no competitors in the domestic market, he could do a good job.

But in the face of a strong opponent's attack, how to defend and how to counterattack his personal ability is a bit stretched, so Yang Dongxu must go into battle shirtless.

In fact, not only Millennium Supermarket, but also Yang Dongxu's other industries have gradually begun to have such problems. For example, Ye Rongrong from Tunghsu Technology, although she is studying hard to improve her personal ability while working, now she feels more and more pressure when she is in charge of Tunghsu Technology, which is getting bigger and bigger.

He even took the initiative to ask Yang Dongxu to find a suitable CEO, so Yang Dongxu asked Lei Jun, a programmer, to become the general manager and executive vice president of Dongxu Technology. Participate in the specific management of Tunghsu Technology's other businesses while developing mobile phones.

At Sanwan Travel Agency, Chen Xin is currently focusing on the finances she is familiar with, but she is trying to hand over the CEO work to other general managers, because she knows her own ability and cannot control Sanwan, which is starting to speed up. .

Although Xiushui Trade has been making money in recent years, it has not achieved good development. Almost all the management of Hurricane Construction has changed from old people to Zhao Yu and others who are more capable.

Huaxiu's situation is the best. Bao Xiaomei, who is highly educated and has outstanding abilities, has enough skills to develop both the mainland market and the third-place foreign market.

The BMW Motor Company has not found a suitable person in charge, so this time he needs to personally take charge of the layout of imported cars in the United States.

In other words, it is not just Millennium Supermarket, it is for the better development of the enterprises under it. Almost all companies must make up for a crop of top talents. Even if they don’t need to recruit all CEOs, they must recruit some capable assistants.

Some old people can't keep up with the development of the company more and more. We must know that China will join the WTO in a short time. At that time, domestic companies will face even more fierce impact from international companies. How can they fight without a few generals who can keep up with the times?

Yang Dongxu took out his mobile phone and called Li Ji. Although the current development of the universal intermediary is not obvious, Li Ji's ability to handle such a complicated market with ease is beyond doubt.

He wondered whether to transfer Li Ji to another company to deal with the emergency, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that this was drinking poison to quench his thirst, and it might also mess up the well-developed intermediary company market.

So he decided to poach people and target professional talents. Now that the retail industry needs an independent general, it is necessary to dig out talents in the domestic or international retail industry with a clear goal. As long as you are willing to spend money, you will definitely be able to find the talents you need.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Dongxu felt that his energy was completely drained. He lay on the sofa like a dead fish and didn't want to move. Suguo's old horse can also be taken down.

These three people randomly come to a millennium supermarket that is in power, then he can continue to be the shopkeeper. Let these big cows compete with international capital.

It's a pity that these three people are either the founders of their own company or the shareholders of their own company. If he wanted to poach them, he was willing to spend huge sums of money to acquire these three companies.

But with the current assets of Gome and Suning, even the last established Suguo. Qianxi can barely eat Suguo, but it is impossible to eat Gome and Suning. These two businesses are no smaller than Millennium.

Go through all kinds of information about Suguo and various introductions from Lao Ma in your mind. Yang Dongxu shook his head. It is inappropriate to start a domestic merger and acquisition war at present, otherwise everyone will feel insecure and it will be harmful to resist foreign companies' naturalization.

After resting for one night and getting up early the next morning, Yang Dongxu ordered breakfast casually, and the company in the preparation area continued to hold meetings with Hu Dashan and others. Li Ji didn't find a suitable candidate, and even if he found a suitable candidate, he had to be familiar with the Millennium Supermarket during this period of time, so he had to devote all his energy to managing the Millennium Supermarket by himself.

"Hey, what's the matter?" When we got to the door of the company, we found that the security guard had chased a small man with a big brain out of the door.

"He said what kind of website he wanted to make, and asked Manager Hu to invest. Manager Hu is preparing for the meeting in the morning. He said he could wait, and then kept lobbying other management of the company, and then" the security guard explained.

"Are you the leader of the company? Can you give me ten minutes? Not three minutes is enough!" Ma Fengyun said after getting rid of the entanglement of the security guards and tidying up his clothes and shoulder bag.

The security guard wanted to step forward to stop Yang Dongxu and waved his hand. Looking at the influential figure in front of him a few years later with more interest, the trajectory of history has not changed. The richest man in front of him, who is called the alien, is now starting a business and investing everywhere.

"Ma Fengyun?" Yang Dongxu asked.

"You know me?" Ma Fengyun's eyes lit up.

"I heard that, after all, you seem to know many entrepreneurs." Yang Dongxu said.

Ma Fengyun touched his nose in embarrassment, he knew many entrepreneurs. There's no way you want to fool other people's investment, how can you fool them if you don't know them?

But this embarrassment disappeared in a flash, who is Ma Fengyun? With a three-inch tongue, he tricked eighteen arhats with good income into resigning, and finally became the richest man in the country. The embarrassment is just that he has not yet become a young man, but in his heart he is the guy who regrets creating Ali and doesn't like money.

"Aren't you negotiating with Softbank? Why do you have time to run here?" Yang Dongxu continued to ask.

Seeing that Yang Dongxu was willing to talk to him, Ma Fengyun, who was preparing words to fool him, suddenly changed his expression and looked at Yang Dongxu vigilantly.

Ali is indeed in contact with Softbank now, but the negotiations have reached an impasse. There is resistance to Softbank's shareholding requirements, so everyone is still talking.

And this time he personally came to find Hu Dashan, one reason is that Millennium Supermarket is currently the leader of domestic supermarkets, and if he cooperates with him to launch online shopping rewards, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

The second is that Millennium has an evening logistics system, and it is a strategic partnership with Dafeng Logistics, which has suddenly risen in the past two years. Pulling in the Millennium is equivalent to pulling in half of Dafeng Logistics, which is a great boost to the online shopping he launched later.

But when I negotiated with Softbank, I didn't talk about confidentiality, but it's not something ordinary people can know. Especially after many domestic entrepreneurs rejected him, no one noticed it at all. How did this young man know?

Did he know that he was so impatient to recruit Millennium and Dafeng Logistics in order to improve Ali's confidence and let Softbank let go of the plan?

Without waiting for Ma Fengyun, who was in doubt, to speak, Yang Dongxu continued: "You and Lao Sun said that the negotiation of investing in Ali will be carried out according to your requirements, and I agree, but there is one more thing to add. After that, under the same financing conditions, Softbank will have priority. Equity."

Without waiting for Ma Fengyun to answer, he turned around and walked into the company. Leaving behind Ma Fengyun who was messed up in the wind, he looked at his back as if he was looking at a fool.

"Is this guy's head caught by the door?" This was Ma Fengyun's first reaction after hearing Yang Dongxu's words.

He admits that Millennium Supermarket is awesome, but this is awesome in China. You, the leader of the Millennium Supermarket, even ordered Softbank to invest in yourself, and you agreed? You agree with a hammer, this guy is better at pretending to be X than yourself, he has reached the realm of pretending to be like the wind, and is always with me, at least one block away from him who likes to pretend.

When he came to the company, Yang Dongxu was anxious that Hu Dashan and others would continue to hold meetings to study ways to deal with the onslaught of Carrefour. As for Ma Fengyun, he put it on the back of his mind for the time being.

It's not that he doesn't care about Ma Fengyun, if he doesn't care, he will let Softbank invest in Ali? It's just that although the development of the domestic Internet has begun to enter the fast lane, it will take a few years for online shopping to develop.

At this time, as long as you continue to invest in Ali, let him have enough funds to develop. There is no need to get involved and point fingers, the richest man in the horse was able to fight his way through so many difficulties in his previous life.

What's more, in this life, he has opened up the supply of funds, so he only needs to invest money and reap the results. You don't have to dig a hole yourself like before, and then you have to bury it yourself in the end. This time, what the hands-off shopkeeper did was definitely more relaxed than any digging in the past, and he was full of confidence and not afraid of slaps in the face.

Ma Fengyun returned to the company a little unhappy after being pretended to be a bully.

"How did the talk go?" Peng Lei, one of the Eighteen Arhats, asked.

"It was very successful, but they want to deal with Carrefour now, and they don't have the energy to do other things for the time being. This cooperation has only reached a verbal agreement, and they can't allocate much energy to negotiate with us." Ma Fengyun was excited at first, and then sighed It looked like the time was not right.

"How is the discussion over at Minsheng? His online payment system is too important to us." Seeing Peng Lei's look in I don't know you, Ma Fengyun rubbed his nose and changed the subject.

Pretend to be too much, let the companions get used to it and even see what they really want at a glance. Ma Fengyun feels that there is still a lot of room for improvement in this aspect.

"The progress is not satisfactory, but I will help you make an appointment with Boss Zong for dinner tonight."

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