"Who do you think has no breasts and no brains?" Emma suddenly became angry. Since she was born, no one dared to talk to her like this.

"You are really stupid, do you still have to ask others?" Arthur shrugged disapprovingly.

Emma was so angry that she couldn't speak, and the fourth-year student of the Rhine nationality couldn't help it anymore, and her face darkened, "Arthur, it's better to leave some leeway for what you say, and be careful that it won't end well if you talk too much."

"To each other, if someone wants to slap me on the left cheek, I will slap my teeth all over the place. We Bier people are more straightforward and not so fancy. We laugh at it."

Zou Liang didn't intend to give them face at all, so he made a fool of his mother and came to the door for something to do. If he just put up with it, he would be stupid. He would beat him up so hard that they didn't even know his mother, and they would go out of their way when they saw him!

The Rhines were at a loss for words for a while, they had heard a lot about each other's "deeds" from Emma, ​​and they had already made up their minds to teach each other a lesson, a mere apprentice priest, what is that, the beatings were for nothing, but looking at the situation now something is not quite right.

"Miss Emma, ​​why bother to be angry with this kind of person, you are honorable, let them forget about it." A few juniors at the side persuaded, seeing that they couldn't take advantage of it, they could only give in.

"Hey, who is so bold, can it be said that the daughter of my majestic Sandia consul is very low?" Gina was not happy. What she said was that the city of Sandia was a little bigger than Jerusalem.

The flatterers immediately shut up. They forgot that there was indeed a nobleman with the same status in the opposite team. Whether it was Arthur’s high priest disciple or Kurt and the others, they were all inferior in terms of background. However, Gina was the daughter of a genuine Sandia consul, and a veteran nobleman with a noble surname "Lamb".

Zou Liang's side was completely victorious. Seeing that the opponent had lost his temper, he didn't bother to babble. He ordered the coachman to give him a whip, and the carriage rushed forward.

As for offending, Zou Liang didn't even think about it. The other party made it clear that it was targeted, and it wouldn't change because of your attitude. It's just that you really have to guard against these guys in battle, especially those Snake archers. Zou Liang subconsciously wants to fight anyone with a triangular face.

This was a straightforward victory, and everyone was in a good mood, especially when Gina's remarks at the critical moment made everyone regard her as a comrade-in-arms. In fact, the opponent's provocation had nothing to do with her, nor was it aimed at her, but when it came to her background, she was the only one who could challenge the opponent. At the critical moment, she really stood up.

In fact, Gina, like Emma, ​​is a master who is not afraid of anything, except that Gina doesn't provoke others, and she doesn't have the same problems as Emma, ​​who always thinks that the world revolves around her.

It's no wonder that Emma's spirits are high again today, because the engraver's guild has created a new engraving method with good results, and her father is also in a good mood. The engraver's guild is strong enough to counter the temple, and he can find opportunities to turn the situation around. Of course, she also has to help. In this battle, she must make these guys remember who is the princess of Erusamo, and who has the final say. This matter must not just end like this.

Thinking of the humiliation she had suffered, Emma didn't vent her anger. No matter who said she had no breasts, it was impossible for her to be bold...

Nouns such as despicable, insidious, shameless, etc. are annotated behind Arthur.

After this toss, the two sides did not meet each other until they arrived at the destination, which was 50 kilometers outside Yelu Mosa City. It was a distance from the city, but too many monsters would rush to the ground and hurt the surrounding villages and towns. Since the adventurers had already explored, the level of monsters here was very low. Judging from all aspects, there was no need for city guards or beast knights to fight, and it was more suitable for Zhanzheng College to conduct a large-scale sweep.

Of course, the Adventurer's Guild will cooperate accordingly. This is the meaning of the existence of the Adventurer's Guild. They have to do all kinds of miscellaneous things.

Temporary supply points have been established. It has to be said that the Adventurer's Guild is really strong. Maybe it is not as good as the eyes of the upper class, but for the majority of ordinary orcs, its low threshold and convenient services are much more practical than those of the professional guild.

If you want to get a status and climb up, you have to please the professional guild, but if you want to survive, the most important thing is the adventurer guild.

There are nearly a hundred teams in the college, more than 800 people have gathered. The Zhanzheng Academy has a large number of people, and it can be regarded as a war reserve of the Mengjia Empire. In the empire, there are not many regular troops. The city has city guards under the command of the consul, and temples have knights, but the number is limited, and the security problem is easy to solve. At least have general fighting qualities, even untrained fighters can display considerable combat effectiveness with some rough weapons.

Therefore, the empire will not spend money to support a large number of troops, nor can it afford it. The role of the War College is very important, and it can maintain the fighting level of the empire to a certain extent.

The camp will continue to provide all kinds of supplies and medical support during the battle. Of course, this needs to be consumed. Those with more money naturally don’t care. Those with less money can prepare it at home.

Young people are full of excitement and passion for this kind of battle, and this cave is in charge of the Jerusalem War College, which is also the glory of the college. The number and quality of enemies killed will also be recorded as achievements, which will also be used as conditions for applying for professional guild rewards.

There were long queues at each supply point, and there was a lot of voices. In Zou Liang's view, this kind of life-and-death battle was like a spring outing in the previous life for the orcs, but the spring outing was not as exciting.

"Brother, I'm going to line up." Ernest volunteered. Although he was from the Bill family, Ernest was very patient.

"No, I'll ask someone in the future." Zou Liang shook his head. He was observing. Combined with the confidence he had learned recently, the Adventurer's Guild was completely a child raised by a sad stepmother. A large part of the money he earned had to be handed over to various forces, including the professional guild. Simply put, the professional guild took their money and distributed it to the adventurers. Fortunately, he took the route of priests, otherwise he would not be mad at the masters of the professional guild.

There was a commotion not far away, and it would be weird if a group of orc young people stayed together if no one made trouble.

"Go away, why do I have to queue up, I have a lot of money, can't I buy things if I have money!"

"Our young master is paying double the price, and I won't let you guys come here. I know that the Adventurer's Guild has special guests, so I don't wink at you. Big customers like our young master are rare!"

A Fox was standing proudly in a gorgeous white brocade robe, and he would not do it if he was asked to line up with these poor ghosts. This man brought his followers in the academy battles, so one could imagine, but their family was a well-known nouveau riche in Jerusalem, who discovered a copper mine and became very rich.

There was also a commotion not far away.

"What do you mean, my majestic consul's daughter is also waiting here?" Miss Emma went into a rage again.

The members of the Adventurer's Guild are very used to dealing with the temper of these nobles. Whether you get angry or beat and scold, they still laugh with you, but the rules cannot be changed. If everything is changed, the Adventurer's Guild will lose its final bottom line.

"Dear Miss Emma, ​​of course we know your name. Please understand. This is the rule of our Adventurer's Guild, and it is also the order maintained by His Excellency the Consul. The privileges of the Adventurer's Guild are only open to high-level adventurers. The few around you are excellent adventurers, and they should know."

"Emma, ​​forget it, they can't be the masters. Unless the leader of the Adventurer's Guild specially approves, adventurers must be three stars or above to enjoy the privileges, and they must be based on their level."

Said Bamer, a Rhine armored warrior.

Emma was upset, but Bamer was the strongest among the crowd, only one-star adventurer, and the others didn't have any stars, so they didn't have any privileges. The reason why the consul wanted to maintain this order was actually for their own benefit. The Adventurer's Guild made money to support many people. If there were no rules at all, the money would be less and their interests would be damaged.

But at this moment, it was discovered that the nasty Priest Bill had swaggered in with a group of people.

"You, come here. I can't do it. How can he bring people in? Do you dare to count my father just because you are afraid of the high priest?"

Emma said angrily, like a little wild cat with teeth and claws.

Barmer and others also saw it, so they couldn't bear it anymore.

"It seems that the rules of the Adventurer's Guild are also fluctuating. They vary from person to person. I look down on Mr. Sara the Consul." Suke gritted his teeth in hatred for Arthur, of course he wanted to provoke him.

"Give us an explanation. As far as I know, regardless of whether the president is special or a three-star adventurer, you can only go in by yourself!" As a one-star adventurer, Barmer certainly knows the inside story, so don't try to fool him.

Emma's people surrounded him, and as long as this guy couldn't give an explanation, he would immediately beat him up violently.

The staff of the Adventurer's Guild was very indifferent, "My young ladies, please don't worry, you are talking about Priest Arthur, let alone a temporary camp, even if he is in the Adventurer's Guild, he can go wherever he wants, little people like us are not qualified to intervene."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't expect the members of the Adventurer's Guild to take Arthur's face in this way.

The story of Arthur's leadership for the Adventurer's Guild has spread throughout the Jerusalem Adventurer's Guild, and even the surrounding cities know that Arthur is a high-status adventurer, and he protects them so much. For the Adventurer's Guild who lacks care, of course, it is the kindness of dripping water that springs up to repay it.

Bamer frowned, "You don't want to tell me that he is a four-star adventurer?"

"My lord, I'm sorry, this is not something a small person like me can ask. If you have any dissatisfaction, please feel free to complain, and if you need anything, please feel free to ask."

The staff has become tight-lipped again.

Emma really wanted to rush in and crush this frightened guy to death, especially when he was deliberately looking at her when he went in, he stayed on his chest for a few seconds, and finally shook his head to go in...

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