The Great Conqueror

Chapter 136 Fork, more arrogant!

In the Jerusalem Academy of Warfare, there are more than a dozen teams as famous as Arthur, but most of them are led by third-year students or returning four-year students. Generally, there are no special circumstances before leaving the academy. This kind of academy will go out. The seniors who go out for trials will return. There are many benefits to come back. Bubble juniors, you can show off your strength, enjoy the taste of being a leader, etc., and really want to contribute to the academy.

Emma also formed a ten-member team, including four fourth-year students who are said to be quite good and have excellent records, three third-year students, three second-year students, and three second-year students who are all girls, while the other senior students are all in charge of fighting.

Emma herself was also one of the first batch of armored warriors to forge the Rhine Shield in the Soul Engraver Guild. She was equally enthusiastic. Emma was proud and gorgeous. She thought this was what she should be born with, and it was also her charm. She wanted to teach Arthur a lesson in this battle.

Father had their class struggles, and she had hers class struggles. Arthur must be made to make a fool of himself, not just make a fool of himself...

The principal was giving a passionate speech in the square, and student Zou was listening numbly below. Grandma Bill, it seemed that the leaders everywhere spoke equally lengthy. Principal Angelo didn't know if he hadn't shown up for a long time. At this moment of showing the principal's prestige, the old man seemed extremely excited and kept waving his arms.

After the principal's speech, the students headed to the underground world by various means of transportation under the leadership of the adventurer's guild leader.

This time I went to the newly discovered hole, but the level is not high. For this kind of small underground world without extension, the strategy of completely extinction is generally adopted. Of course, this is in the case of no extension space.

The school and the adventurer's guild provided carriages, and of course the students themselves could use their own means of transportation. Of course, Emma had to show off the most beautiful horse in the family, tossing herself like a proud princess. The two female classmates behind her looked like maids, and the other strong men were undoubtedly his attendants.

Student Zou couldn't help but think a bit viciously, but he thought about it. Although the other party's eyes were full of provocation, good men don't fight with women. He didn't know why Emma was so hostile to him, but after thinking about it carefully, there were many reasons. Whether it was the fight between the temple and the consul, or he drove away his sweetheart, there was no reason for a woman to be cruel.

So Zou Liang was very calm.

"Arthur, I'm discovering the second floor this time. Remember to invite us to enjoy it too. It's a pity that I didn't see you fighting against the monster lord." Gina was in a good mood, and the beauties also dressed up very beautifully when they went out.

"Forget it, you want to see me running away in embarrassment."

"You're good at everything, but you're too smart. Sometimes men are a bit stupid." Gina winked charmingly.

"Miss Gina, the blue cat is gone too. If you're lonely, you might as well choose me. Brother is very dedicated." Randy never forgets to sell himself, and at the same time, his contempt for the Rhineland remains the same as before.

"Little friend Randy, you are too tender, I like a mature man like your elder brother." Gina joked with carelessness.

"Actually, I'm a little bit older than my brother."

"That will only make you look more childish!"

Looking at Randy's grievance, everyone laughed wildly, the three beauties trembled wildly, especially Senior Lu Yao's soul-corroding breasts kept rising and falling, which aroused envy and hatred not far away.

"This time the main attacker is our Fifth Sister. Once the crossbow is released, whoever fights for the front, any monster is just a cloud!" Zou Liang said loudly, and he gradually got used to the heroism of the orc clan. Anyway, he is also half of the bear clan.

"Yo, what a breath!"

"I'm not afraid of the bullshit blowing the sky!"

"The current juniors really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

"It seems that a lot of interesting things have happened during our absence at the Academy, don't you, Emma?"

A few seniors dressed in smart martial arts were very jealous of the situation opposite them, but on the surface they wanted to pretend to be a master.

"It's probably like a monkey hanging on a low mountain, and a bastard jumping in a shallow water. The seniors are not here, and the Zhanzheng College has changed." Emma has confidence and is full of confidence. Although Kurt and others are of good level, they can't be compared with the seniors who have been tried for a long time and experienced big scenes.

Kurt and the others are obviously familiar with these people. Their faces are ugly, but they can't refute it. It seems that they have learned a little lesson as freshmen. Sometimes the advantages of age cannot be overcome immediately by talent and hard work.

Zou Liang raised his brows, grandma, Bill, would have burnt incense if she didn't bother others, and this girl actually took the initiative to make trouble.

"Wow, what a big lineup, does Miss Emma need so many attendants every time she travels? We are just going to clean up some low-level monsters. Those who don't know think we are going to slay dragons."

Classmate Zou said exaggeratedly.

"Boy, what are you doing, there is no place for you to speak here!"

A Bir clan roared. There was a scar on his forehead, which looked particularly rough. Judging from his body, he must be extremely powerful. A little Bir dared to shout in front of him. It seems that he has not come back for a while. It is really a rebellion.

"What are you, dare to talk to me like that!"

Some people are crazy, and Zou Liang is even more crazy.

Scarface Bill didn't expect that someone would talk back to him. When he was a student, he used to be one-sided. When the younger generation saw him, they would bow their heads and go to him. Now someone dared to provoke him.

"court death!"

The two open carriages were parallel, and Scarface Bill rushed over with a roar in mid-air.


There was also a low roar of Bill in the carriage here, Ernest had already jumped out, hit the landslide in mid-air as usual, and hit the big man who was a head stronger than himself with his right shoulder.


Ernest fell back into the carriage unharmed, his right arm also went numb for a while, while the scar-faced Bill on the opposite side was miserable. How could he know that a guy who was a head smaller than himself had such great strength, half of his body went numb, and he fell directly into the carriage.

Scarface Bill got up suddenly, his body still shaking for a while, "Wu that bear-headed boy, report your name."


Ernest roared without showing weakness, anyone who dared to be rude to his elder brother would be directly classified as a villain by Ernest. His world is very simple, either a good person or a wicked person, and the wicked will be judged.

"Senior, there's no need to get angry with him. We'll talk about it when we get to the ground." Emma said in a low voice, she didn't expect to suffer a loss when they met each other, and she also murmured in her heart that such a big man grew up for nothing.

Seeing that his own people were at a disadvantage, the fourth-year student who seemed to be the leader of the Rhine took a look, "Kurt, I haven't seen you in half a year, you have made great progress."

"Senior, you're being polite." Kurt said lightly.

The other party did not expect that Kurt would not buy it. These people used to be one-sided in the academy, and they only needed to be driven to manage their fellow students. Obviously, all this was changed by the young Priest Bill.

The priests of the Bir tribe are very strange.

"What's the name of this junior?" The Rhine senior naturally saw his companion suffered a loss, and it took two years for him to have such strength.

"Arthur, trainee priest." Zou Liang smiled.

A Snake Archer frowned, "Arthur, I sound familiar. Are you the guy who forced Randolph's cousin to transfer schools?"

"That kid Randolph has some brains. As I said, as long as I, Erusham, see him, hit him once. You see, after hitting him a few times, his brain will become smarter. How good it is to transfer to another school obediently."

Arthur said in a very sincere tone.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. They have seen crazy people, but they have never seen such crazy people.

"Several seniors, I told you that this priest Arthur is rampant in Jerusalem." Emma immediately took the opportunity to add insult to injury, finalizing his impression in everyone's minds, especially the archer Suke, who was somewhat distantly related to Randolph, and gained a lot of benefits from the Archers Guild. During his absence, his cousin was bullied like this. How could he bear it? The triangular face that resembled Randolph immediately became cloudy.

"Little bear, you're crazy. It seems that I won't teach you a lesson. I really think I'm a famous person." On the one hand, Suke wants to show himself in front of Emma, ​​and at the same time, he also wants to earn some points for himself. If this matter spreads to his ears, he will definitely praise him. After all, his relatives are far away.

Speaking of bow and arrow in hand, he wants to frighten the other party, and at the same time show his own strength, even in a Mercedes-Benz carriage, he can still show a stable arrow technique.

It's just that his bow has not been stabilized yet, an arrow has already pierced his scalp, bringing up a bunch of hairs, and a pale ditch appeared.

Suke trembled all over, and his face changed drastically. He was not ready yet, and he didn't know how to prepare. An arrow came from the opposite side, and he was not prepared at all.

Avril Lavigne had already put away the crossbow, "Before you do it, you'd better use your brain first, if you annoy Arthur, you should still get the hell out of Jerusalem!"

Seeing the gentle Avril go crazy, Zou Liang was stunned, and immediately gave a thumbs up. It seems that Avril also learned a little toughness from himself after the sworn marriage.

Suke was ashamed and angry in his heart. He took the lead but was shot first by a junior, and obviously he was merciful, otherwise he would have taken his head directly. On the shaking carriage, there was such an accuracy.

"It's a big tone, is it up to you?"

"Isn't that enough? Don't be fooled by that boobless woman next to you. Use your brains to figure out who your opponent is before you do something." Zou Liangyun said calmly, even messing with the president of the professional guild.

Although these words were arrogant, it also made Suke sober. Randolph was President Renault's biological son.

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