The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 299: Rage Trick

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Especially in Makita, the corners of his mouth are quite lightly drawn, and his heart is very angry, that looks very wonderful.

Elder Jiang ’s identity is higher than that of worshipping immortals. Yang Shiqi and Long Yan have now become his disciples, while Makita and He Gong are just disciples of worshiping immortals.

In other words, the two of them jumped directly over their heads and trampled them under their feet!

In the future, even if you are a master, if you want to suppress them, it is already impossible.

However, the only thing that made them happy was that Qin Yi did not become an elder disciple of Elder Jiang, but now he only got a license from Elder Jiang.

"It turns out that four of you, three of them are elder disciples of Elder Jiang. This young man is also licensed by Elder Jiang."

In an instant, the two guards immediately nodded and bowed to the four people of Qin Yi with an extremely respectful attitude.

Did not pay attention to the guards and Makita, Qin Yi and his party, four people, not squinting, diameter entered the Collection Pavilion.

In their current identities, there is no need to pay more attention to Makita.

Seeing that Junyi's face, with a little proud boy, before passing his own eyes, he didn't even look at himself, Makita felt angry in his heart.

"Brother Qin!"

Makita couldn't control her emotions anymore and gave a cold sip.

"Brother Pastor, are you calling me?"

Qin Yi stopped and turned to look at Makita, with a little surprise on Junyi's face.

"Don't you become an elder disciple of the elders? After the agreement between you and the two directors is over, I will see if you are crazy or not?"

Makita said very seriously.

Once the agreement with the two directors is over, Qin Yi at the most will be able to become a disciple of the director. Only one director cannot compete with the elder Baixian.

"I'm waiting for you to suppress me at any time."

Qin Yi said lightly, his face light and pale.

After speaking, Qin Yi no longer delayed, and Yang Shiqi and others entered the collection cabinet.


Makita was so angry that he clenched his fists.

Makita ’s current practice is that in the late half-step of Zongdao, it ’s not much different from that of the day of the day, but Qin Yi is not afraid, because he has the powerful second form of "The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon." Hole card.

He believes that if he uses this type of ancient martial arts, at least he should be able to tie up with Makita.

Besides, after two days, he will go to Juling Array to practice. After the Juling Array comes out, Qin Yi believes that his practice will be violent.

In the past two days after entering the Juling Array, even if the immortal real person wants to move himself, he has to weigh one or two, because he has two big umbrellas, the leaf manager and the manager.

In the Collection Pavilion, there are two types of martial arts, one is Xuanjie martial arts and the other is Zongji martial arts. Xuanjie martial arts is provided for disciples who have not yet broken through the sect. The Zongjie martial arts were provided to the Zongdao strong.

It is said that the high-level martial arts practiced by Zongmen came from here.

"Zongjie Martial Arts?"

Qin Yi's eyes were slightly warm.

Among my own martial arts, there are several martial arts left over from the ancient centuries. If not, they are much stronger than the general Xuanji martial arts. Qin Yi is really interested in the Xuanji martial arts in front of him. Lacking.

Without hesitation, Qin Yi came to the area where Zongji martial arts were placed.

"This guy, his head was caught by the door? Just after breaking through the Xuan Dao 9 realm, he wanted to learn Zongji martial arts, can he understand it?"

Xi Xuan'er's behavior towards Qin Yi was slightly stunned, and immediately, he showed a disdainful look.

Yang Shiqi and Long Yan understand Qin Yi's talents, and no matter what unbelievable things happen to them, they should not be too surprised, so the two of them are surprised.

"Wow wow ..."

Without any politeness, Qin Yi urged his left hand to quickly read those Zongjie martial arts and copied them into his mind one by one.

In ten minutes, he has copied more than ten copies.

This speed of reading made some Clan Dao disciples around him look sideways, showing disdain to Qin Yi: "A Xuan Dao disciple, come here to read Zongjie Martial Arts, so fast? Pretend!"

Qin Yi didn't pay any attention, but just quickly read Zongjie Martial Arts and copied it frantically.

Lock Heart Palm: Zong Jie's low-level martial arts, mastered to the master, can shoot a palm at random, you can center the other party's heart, causing it to hit hard, and even shatter the other party's heart.

The Five Thunder Collection: Zong Jie's lower martial arts, who has been trained to become a master, can elicit five days of five thunders and attack his opponents, which is very powerful.

Dianhanyan: Zongjie's low-level martial arts, those who reach the level of mastery, can lead nine days of electric awns, attack their opponents, and the practitioners below Zongdao, killing them in one blow.

Cut Luo Yin: Zong Jie's middle-level martial arts, and those who reach the level of mastery, can condense their minds into seals, attack their opponents, and the practitioners below the second level of Zongdao, will be killed in one blow.

Celestial Sword: Zongjie's moderate martial arts, those who reach the level of mastery, can condense their mind into the ghost of the Celestial Sword, attack their opponents, and the practitioners below the Zongdao two realm, will be killed in one blow ...

The outline of that martial art appeared in Qin Yi's mind one by one. Qin Yi was stunned by their powerful lethality.

"One move can kill practitioners below the second level of Zongdao."

So amazing!

Qin Yi was dumbfounded.

He also adjusted the methods of cultivation of these martial arts, but found that it was extremely difficult and extremely difficult to practice.


Qin Yi's brow suddenly fell a little, because he found that one wooden frame was a little special, and the other wooden frames were filled with martial arts. Only that wooden frame had only two martial arts.

"These two martial arts, I am afraid there is nothing special."

Qin Yi made such a guess. Without hesitation, he immediately walked to the wooden frame and glanced at the two martial arts above. Two martial arts, one is called "Furious Decision", and the other is called "Six Changes of Magic Sound".

Without much thought, Qin Yi first picked up "Furious Rage".

Qin Yi soon noticed that four small characters were marked on the top of this "Rage of Secrets": Xian Gu Fragment.

However, at the moment Qin Yi picked up this Xiangu Fragment, a deep voice suddenly sounded in Qin Yi's mind: "" Fury Determination ", a taboo Xiangu Fragment, Extremely evil, once the cultivation is successful, the body's profound energy will be reversed. There is a 99% chance that the practitioner will die, and there is only a 1% chance that the practitioner can reverse the success and the combat power soars. "

This voice is undoubtedly reminding Qin Yi to choose carefully.

This fragment of ancient immortality is not auspicious martial arts.

However, when Qin Yi heard this voice, his heart burst into turbulent waves, because he was very familiar with this voice, and turned out to be ... the 10th Tongren in Tongrenguan!

"The 10th largest bronze man, the old gray robe, how could it appear here?"

Qin Yi was very uneasy in his heart and hurriedly glanced around. However, he did not find the shadow of the "10th Tongren".


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