The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 298: Sapphire Order

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Qin Yi was slightly puzzled, and pulled the door open, but saw Yang Shiqi, Long Yan, and Xi Xuan'er standing outside the pavilion.

"Qin Yi."

Seeing Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi and Long Yan, they were all happy, and Xi Xuan'er's small face also squeezed out a smile. Since Yang Shiqi and Long Yan became elder disciples of Elder Jiang with their high potential, Xi Xuan'er's perception of Qin Yi has also changed.

"The three of you don't practice well in Elder Jiang's place, but run towards me."

Looking at the three people in front of him, Qin Yi said slightly blamed.

"Hehe ..."

Yang Shiqi smiled.

The girl ’s charming glazed eyes were obviously sullen: "Qin Yi, this is the case. Master asked us three to go to the Collection Pavilion now to choose martial arts suitable for your practice. Such an opportunity. "

The girl's voice is soft and beautiful, and it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Qin Yi knew it well. Now, he has become a pro-discipline disciple at the level of the elder Zongmen. The advantages of the pro-discipline disciple at the level of the elder Zongmen have once been in the collection hall to choose martial art.

Other disciples, even those of the inner disciples, did not enjoy such treatment and could only enter the Tibetan Classics to choose martial arts.

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and the Collection Pavilion are not at the same level. The collection of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is a more common martial art, and the martial arts in the Collection Pavilion are both fine works.

Yang Shiqi went on to say, "Master said that he could receive two prose disciples like me and Long Yan. You have contributed a lot. Therefore, in order to thank you, Master also allowed you to go to the collection hall with us and choose the one that suits you. Of martial arts. "

"What, Elder Jiang also gave me a chance to enter the collection cabinet?"

Qin Yi blinked incredulously.

Yang Shiqi said no more, two long white fingers, a pinch, a piece of exquisite sapphire card out, Qin Yi smiled.

"Treasure Cabinet Order!"

On the sapphire card, these four characters were branded with a special technique, and under the four characters, the words "Qin Yi" were also branded.

Undoubtedly, this is the pass token of the collection cabinet.

Holding a sapphire card with Yang Shiqi's body temperature slightly, Qin Yi's heart breeds a joy. This is a great opportunity.

You know, a superior martial art can make your combat power soar.

Without delaying time, Qin Yi and his party went straight to the collection pavilion at that gate.

The Collection Pavilion belongs to the Zongmen heavy ground in the magic trail, and it is usually guarded. Without the permission of the elder level, no one in the Zongmen can be close to half a step.

As for the various institutions of Zongmen, when they entered Zongmen, everyone was already familiar with them.


In front of a rather quaint building, it appeared in the sight of Qin Yi and his entourage.

Above the gate of the quaint building, there is a plaque that has been there for a certain period of time. Among the plaques, there are three big words "Treasure Pavilion" written by Feilong.

On the two sides of the gate, two strong guards, guarding the left and right, both exude a great momentum. Even ordinary people can see it at a glance at will. Master.

Among the sect, many disciples were shocked by the power of these two guards. For the collection cabinet, they could only wait and see from a distance. In their eyes, they were fascinated.

At the moment, the two guards were smiling at Makita and He Gong with respect, and made Qin Yi, who had just arrived here, suffocate.

"Who is this? This is a sect gate, please leave quickly!"

Seeing Qin Yi four people, two guards, immediately put away a respectful smile, sneered.

The look of Makita and He Gong who were about to enter was also slightly stunned. Immediately, He Gong smiled lazily: "It's okay, a few of them, they should just come and wait and see this collection cabinet."

Makita next to He Gong was unsmiling. Between his eyebrows, there was a hint of arrogance. Only when his eyes touched Xi Xuan'er, there was a slight war in his eyes.

In his view, Xi Xuan'er is his worthy opponent. On the day of the entry examination, Elder Jiang adopted Xi Xuan'er as a personal disciple, just to cultivate it and compete against himself.

"Even if you want to see the Tibetan Pavilion, you have to look at the appearance of a hundred meters. How can you tolerate the disciples to watch casually?"

One of the guards shouted, and the breath from his body grew larger and larger.


Xi Xuan'er's eyebrow frowned, extremely displeased, took out the sapphire card, and snorted coldly: "You open your eyes to show me clearly, what is this?"

Collection Pavilion Pass!

When the two guards saw this, their faces hurriedly raised a respectful smile: "It turned out to be a disciple of Elder Jiang, who doesn't know Taishan below. Please come in."

Elder Jiang's status is higher than that of worshipping immortals!

"I forgot, Xi Xuan'er, was taken by Elder Jiang during the entrance examination that day, and he was accepted as a personal disciple."

He Gong on the side shrugged indifferently. Immediately, he glanced at the three people of Qin Yi: "But these three are potential 'superiors.' disciple."

He Gong's words were extremely harsh.

However, Qin Yi and others felt funny, did not justify, and were unnecessary.

"Since these three are not the elders' disciples, please come back!"

The faces of the two guards became cold and handsome in an instant, a pair of awe-inspiring looks, a breath on their bodies, and a huge score.

Xi Xuan'er was slightly stunned, opened his mouth, and finally said nothing. The potential of these people is indeed superior, but it is not the "superior" in He Gong's mouth.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

Qin Yi, Yang Shiqi, and Long Yan, all at the same time, made the sapphire brand shine.


How is this going?

The two guards, as well as Makita and He Gong, were stunned and blinked incredulously. The potential of the three of them is not "superior", how can they also own the sapphire brand?

Seeing the three sapphire cards of Qin Yi's three people, Makita and He Gong, both shocked and suspicious. When did these three people become disciples of an elder?

"These two are already my sister and brother."

Xi Xuan'er looked at Yang Shiqi and Long Yan separately, and immediately looked at Qin Yi: "As for him, it is a little special. Although he is not a master disciple of the master, he has obtained the master's privilege and can follow We enter the collection cabinet once. "


Yang Shiqi and Long Yan have actually become elder disciples of Elder Jiang, and Qin Yi has also received a license from Elder Jiang!

What happened?

Makita and He Gong were shocked to the extreme.


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