The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 245: The last bronze man

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He stepped on his father's footsteps, the profound energy in his body, madly surging, he played "Lingfeng Palm" to the extreme, and fought with the ninth bronzer.

Now, his "Lingfeng Palm" has been cultivated in half steps and four realms, not to say that it is not arrogant. When fighting Makita on the day, he always suppressed Makita, but the ninth bronze man in front of him was A bronze stick cut the shadow of Qin Yi's palm, and did not hack it on its copper body.


Qin Yi's heart instantly ignited monstrous fighting intentions, clothes hunting, black hair covered his head, dancing wildly.

With the passage of time, the ninth bronze figure finally fell faintly. Qin Yi's praised his father's steps. In many cases, it seemed that he was directly breaking a space, suddenly left and right, and his body was impossible to figure out. The 9th bronze figure was completely suppressed.

The people under the pavilion had already been completely stunned by Qin Yi's fighting power and looked fascinated.

They never dreamed that in the first level of assessment, there were only 5 points. The boy who barely passed, had such a monstrous combat power!


The masters of Linghutang over there, all for the battle between Qin Yi and the 9th bronze man, were deeply moved, their faces changed, and they felt extremely incredible.

"Zhan Yan, you really tuned out an excellent disciple!"

Lord Linghutang looked at Tian Xinghou and sighed: "In all the previous evaluations of the Magic Trail, I haven't seen the 9th bronze man who can fight so fiercely. It is said that the Sect Master of the Magical Traces in the past once came to challenge the top ten bronze men alone, and the result of the challenge, no one knows. Time to recover. "


Tian Xinghou's body was shocked, and his face showed a strong sense of shock: "The tenth largest bronze man, once actually hit the masters of the magic trails?"

Everyone on the scene felt short of breath and shocked so hard to attach. What was the tenth most powerful bronze man?

Tian Xinghou, Yang Shiqi, and Long Yan all had a look of worry on their faces.

Qin Yi's combat strength is strong, but compared with the master of the magical traces ...

"Yeah, the 10th copper man, hit the suzerain hard. At that time, the suzerain was almost dying, but it's a pity that in that challenge, the suzerain came alone. No one witnessed the world war between the suzerain and the 10th copper man. To this day, no one knows how powerful the 10th Tongren is, and no one has even witnessed his style. "

Linghu Tang said slowly.

What kind of fighting power does the 10th largest bronze figure have, and what kind of demeanor does it have?

All the people present were deeply curious about this, and some people even wondered what kind of existence of the top 10 bronze figures actually destroyed the demon master of the magic traces!

Among the halls, the battle between Qin Yi and the 9th Tongren continued.

At this moment, Qin Yi's battle spirits were not only simple to display "Lingfeng Palm" and "Three Types of Hegemony", but also by him.

The physical defense of the 9th largest bronze figure was almost to the extreme. Qin Yi hit the three punches of "Three Types of Hegemony" firmly on his copper body, directly hitting several deep punches, even all Failed to beat him.

At a certain moment.

"The Seventh Form of the Demon—The First Form!"

The mood of Qin Yi's whole person changed rapidly, as if he was an immortal ancient demon who came to this hall suddenly.


Zhang Kuan's left demon took the ninth largest copper man fiercely and made a huge copper trembling sound.


The 9th copper man fell to the ground.

Qin Yi won!

"This young man actually defeated the 9th largest bronze man!"

Under the pavilion, there was a cry of exclamation.

Prior to this, the entire magic trail, only the Sect Master defeated the ninth largest bronze figure.

Now, the 15-year-old boy in front of him has such a combat power that he can't imagine!

"Defeat the 9th largest copper man, and the 10th largest copper man will play!"

Lord Linghu Tang shouted, his expression was somewhat excited. All along, no one except the Sect Master has seen the true appearance of the 10th Tongren, and the Sect Master has never been willing to mention it. The 10th largest bronze figure.

Although it seemed from the outside of the magic circle, the tenth largest bronze man stood there with a bronze stick in his hand, but it was extremely hazy and impossible to see clearly.

"Finally defeated the 9th Tongren!"

In the hall, Qin Yi and Qin Yichang breathed out a breath. This battle was quite difficult. At this time, he was already scarred.

However, the effect of Cultivation of Xiaocheng Realm in "The Return of Life" is very remarkable. His wounds all healed quickly and in the blink of an eye, it was no big deal.

The whole person became energetic in an instant, without any fatigue after the war.

The advantages of "Return to Life" are most vividly reflected at this moment.

"Next, it's against the 10th bronze man!"

Qin Yi frowned, burning in his chest.

He is ready for the final battle and the most terrifying one!

"Pappa ..."

A soft clap came from behind.


Qin Yi sighed in his heart and quickly turned around, immediately confused: "The tenth bronze figure did not appear, but ... an old man appeared?"

An old man with a gray beard and gray beard is walking slowly towards Qin Yi. The old man in gray robe does not know how many years he has lived, his face is skin, like pine bark.

"I am the so-called tenth bronze figure."

The old gray robe said with a smile.


Qin Yi blinked hard a few times and shattered his chin directly.

The tenth bronze figure was not a bronze figure, but an old man who had lived forever. But before he came in, Qin Yi saw the ten bronze figures standing beside the pavilion!

"Boy, I know you are confused now. The top 10 bronze men standing beside the pavilion, the top 9 are all real, but the 10th bronze person is an illusion."

Said that the old man in gray robe flicked his sleeve at will.

With his brush, everyone outside the pavilion only felt that the scene inside the pavilion flickered, and then everything was still. The picture they saw was that Qin Yi and a Tongren sat there motionless.


what happened?

All the people present, including the host of Linghu Hall, were stunned.

They wanted to take a good look at the grace of the 10th Tongren. As a result, the picture didn't move.

"It was the 10th largest bronze man who applied some special means to prevent us from seeing their battle picture."

Lord Linghu made this judgment quickly.

Everyone immediately regretted it.

The most mysterious, splendid, and suspenseful battle cannot be seen.

Seeing this scene, Yang Shiqi, Tian Xinghou and Long Yan all showed anxious colors on their faces, very worried about Qin Yi's safety.

In the past, the 10th largest copper man has devastated the masters of the magical traces. Can Qin Yi resist the attack of the 10th copper man?


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