The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 244: Bravely break through Tongren Pass (Part 2)

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To the outside world, the copper man threw himself directly with the copper stick, but now he saw it, but the copper man opened a door and walked with the copper stick.

These are almost two completely different scenes, it seems to be two battles.

Qin Yi, who has entered the ethereal state, easily noticed that the strength of this bronze man is stronger than that of the first bronze man.


The copper man carried a copper rod and was madly killed towards Qin Yi. No matter the speed, strength, or method of making moves, it was higher than the first copper man.


Qin Yi still uses Overlord Boxing. The boxing method is simple and direct, and he uses it very much. He entered the ethereal state, but he could not find the other party ’s flaws. He directly hit the bronze stick with the fist.


In a few breaks, the second bronze man was beaten to the ground again with a punch. Qin Yishen was calm and acted very relaxed.


The crowd watching under the pavilion was stunned again. The second bronze man was still defeated by Qin Yi's fist. Such a battle was really pleasing to the eyes and was bloody.

Feeling Qin Yi's body exudes a strong inner strength, even Linghu Hall Master was a little surprised in his face: "Zhan Yan, your disciple, the combat strength is particularly outstanding, but it is a pity that the first pass The potential test is only 5 rings, otherwise, I am afraid that the high level of the magic will be furiously contested. "

Lord Linghu's face was a little sorry.

"Linghu Hall's main statement is that Qin Yi's unsatisfactory potential is also a pain in my heart."

Tianxing Hou sighed and said very "cooperatively".

Inside the pavilion, or in the hall, the doors opened one by one, and all the bronze men, carrying copper rods, came to Qin Yi to kill him. Qin Yi was always impatient and easy to fight.

In the early days of Xuan Dao 8 Realm, Qin Yi was able to suppress the pastoral field of the peak of Xuan Dao 9 Realm. Force is far from being the same as Qin Yi.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ......

Each bronze man was easily defeated by Qin Yi.

The people under the pavilion were completely shocked by Qin Yi ’s fighting power. The average genius boy, who tried his best, could only defeat 2 or 3 Tongrens. Qin Yi, however, took each one lightly. Tongren fights.

"The third……"

"the fourth……"

"the fifth……"

None of the top five bronze men, beaten to the ground in less than three minutes in front of Qin Yi.

"Good fighting power!"

Na Xiu was the Feng Yu who had reached the middle of the 9th realm of Xuan Dao, and he was shocked in his heart. Although Qin Yi's cultivation was only the middle of the 8th realm of Xuan Dao, relatively, the cultivation of the Tongren was only the middle of the 8th realm of Xuan Dao, but he It is still easy to speculate on Qin Yi's true combat strength.

"Far beyond me!"

The result of this speculation made Feng Yu's mouth twitch lightly without any traces.

A cultivator in the middle of the Xuan Dao 8 realm, combat strength, but far better than a cultivator in the middle of the Xuan Dao 9 realm, really abnormal!

In the hall, from beginning to end, Qin Yi was freehand, and it wasn't until Qin Yi felt some pressure until the seventh bronze figure appeared.

He entered the ethereal state, and he could easily feel it. The seventh bronze man in front of him was three times stronger than the first bronze man.


The bronze stick of the 7th Tongren came and swept out a stick figure, and in a moment, all Qin Yi's retreat was sealed off.


Qin Yi did not change his martial arts and still fought against the seventh bronzer with his best-known overlord boxing.

"Ping Pong Ping Pong!"

Qin Yi's fist seems to have penetrated the world, fully integrated into the natural avenue, and completely suppressed the seventh bronze figure.

Three minutes later, the seventh bronze figure flew out and fell to the ground.


The seventh bronze man just fell to the ground, a closed door opened, and the eighth bronze man came out of the door, carrying a copper rod in his hand, and walked indifferently towards Qin Yi.

"Yes, the strength is five times that of the first bronze man."

Qin Yi frowned, exhaling lightly, his expression slightly dignified.


Qin Yi's body suddenly burst out and greeted the eighth bronze man: "Lingfeng Palm!"

Qin Yi finally stopped using Overlord Boxing and started to fight against Lingfeng Palm.

"Bawang Quan", after all, is just a basic martial art. Even if it reaches the perfect level, it still has limited effect in the face of strong enemies.

As Qin Yi slammed out, the entire hall was immediately taken up by a violent palm, and a gust of wind was rolled into it. The palm wind turned into a series of wind blades, densely packed, and rushed towards the eighth bronze man.


The eighth bronze man resisted all the dense wind blades with great force and shocked it out of the air.

However, the combat power of the eighth bronze man was not to be underestimated after all. During the flying, the body was folded at a weird angle, and suddenly there was a violent murder towards Qin Yi.

"Not bad!"

Qin Yi nodded his head lightly.

He didn't hesitate, stepped on his father's footsteps, and played "Lingfeng Palm", and instantly, he was fighting with the eighth bronze man.

After five minutes.


The eighth bronze man, split by Qin Yi's palm, flew out and fell to the ground suddenly, unable to climb up for a while.

Qin Yi won!

With the defeat of the 8th bronze figure, the 9th bronze figure appeared, carrying a brass rod, and came out of a door.

boom! boom!

The footsteps of the ninth bronze man echoed in the hall, and seemed to be integrated into the natural avenue. Every step taken seemed to be on the heart of the person. The blood in the body was inexplicably expanded.

His body cast with copper reveals an awe-inspiring coercion, which makes people suffocate slightly, and his whole body is like a sharp sword.

The previous Yang Shiqi and Long Yan were defeated in the hands of this bronze man, and their fighting power is evident.

"Some powerful!"

Qin Yi frowned, and the look on his face was a little more dignified. The inner strength of the ninth Tongren was so strong that even Qin Yi felt a huge sense of oppression.


The ninth Tongren didn't give Qin Yi any breathing time. His legs kicked, and the copper body burst out, waved the copper stick, and shot Qin Yi wildly.

With the shooting of this stick, Qin Yi only felt as if it were a huge mountain, and he pressed down **** himself. It weighed a million troops.

"Lingfeng Palm's first style-magic wind style!"

Qin Yi raised his head, and shot the ninth bronze person who shot the copper rod against the sky above his head. He slammed out a huge wave of energy and rushed out to the Quartet.


The ground at the foot of Qin Yi couldn't bear the strength of the duel between the two and directly cracked.

"It's really strong. The 9th bronze man, the combat power directly doubled on the basis of the 8th bronze man. No wonder Sister Yang and Long Yan will not be their opponents. Even Makita on the same day I'm afraid it's not an opponent! "

Qin Yi sighed secretly.


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