The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 159 Hungarian Civil War

"Why haven't you found it yet?"

Sigismund angrily scolded his men in Buda, "It's been so long and I can't even catch anyone. What's the use of you?"

"Your Majesty, please calm down. It has been found that the heretics from Belgrade helped the king. We have already punished them."

Sigismund softened his expression a little after hearing the news. It would be good to get some money without catching Mary. And they are all pagans, but the Transylvania region has been somewhat unstable recently, and he still needs to use his troops to suppress it.

Since most of the targets of the massacre were Orthodox Christians, Wallachia, which shared the same religion, could not just sit idly by and watch. Hungary had to be wary of them.

Sigismund is very short of money now because he has to bribe many nobles, including those from Hungary and the HRE, especially the HRE. His brother Wenzel has no heirs, so sooner or later the king of Bohemia and the Roman people will become kings. It's your own. But these all need to be elected by the nobles, so a lot of money is needed for them to support them. It happened that through this rebellion of the Orthodox Christians, they took possession of their property, and their wallets became much richer.

Next, in addition to slowly looking for Mary, he also had to run the elections in Shinra. There was no king busier than him. Why don't those nobles buy it?

Meanwhile, Andrei's principal personnel in Transylvania gathered in Cluj.

"The infidels are too rampant. They think that if they send troops, we will surrender. It's impossible."

Bishop Busolaf said that he would fight to the death with the Hungarians, because his diocese was the diocese of Bratislava with the largest number of Hungarians and Germans. Here he battled wits with the Catholic Church and succeeded in gaining a foothold here.

"But can we win against Hungary? They have a lot of troops."

The bishop of Timisoara made a suggestion, because the Hungarian army was not good at dealing with foreign countries, but it was more than enough for internal use. What's more, they have no combat experience and are just a bunch of rabble. How can this compete with the other party.

"We have to fight even if we can't win, otherwise they will always dominate us. We must let them understand that we are not easy to mess with either."


"That's right"

Those who can serve as bishops in Transylvania are all fervent believers of the Orthodox Church, or people who hate Hungary. So actively participated in the anti-Hungarian movement, with the ultimate goal of separating Transylvania from Hungary.

The massacre in Belgrade shocked them. Hungary's cruelty to Orthodox Christians was no longer ordinary, and they could not wait any longer.

In the spring of 1396, the Orthodox Church led by Bishop John of Cluj launched an uprising against Hungary. The Hungarian War officially broke out.

The rebel army gathered more than 3,000 people in Cluj. They invaded the manor of the local nobles, confiscated the property and distributed it to the peasants. They issued a declaration that all Orthodox serfs would be free from that day on, calling on them to fight for freedom.

And this outbreak swept across the entire Hungary like a powder keg exploding. The situation of Hungarian farmers was very miserable. The nobles united and increased taxes several times on the original basis. They imprisoned all farmers in a fixed place and were not allowed to move at will. If farmers want to terminate their employment relationship, it will be even more difficult for them to do so. They are exploited by the feudal aristocrats to the point where they are left with only one breath left. The people are in dire straits and their lives are extremely difficult. There were only two paths before the peasants, one was to be exploited to death by the nobles; the other was to rise up and resist, overthrow the noble forces and become the masters of their own country.

The farmers and urban poor in Hungary decisively chose the second path, because choosing the first path would mean waiting for death, while the second path still had a glimmer of hope of survival. For the poor people in desperate situations, as long as there is a little hope, they are willing to try.

In cities such as Pécs, farmers and urban citizens launched uprisings to drive out officials and declare the establishment of independent institutions for governance. For a time, war broke out all over Hungary.

Sigismund was confused. How could there suddenly be so many rebels who were doing well at first, and the momentum was not small?

However, this situation did not allow him to think too much, and he quickly mobilized the army to quell the rebellion. First wipe out the rebels in nearby towns, and then elsewhere.

At this moment, the Hungarian nobles had no time or mood to negotiate terms with Sigismund. They passed the conscription decree. After all, protecting the king meant protecting themselves.

Of course, untrained farmers were no match for this group of well-trained soldiers. The rebellions in several surrounding cities were quickly resolved, but rebellions in border areas such as Transylvania continued, and the rebels there did not know where to start. Where they got a batch of firearms, bows and armor, they caused great losses to the Hungarian army. In addition, the Wallachians were the majority, and they quickly occupied a large area. The Hungarian army could only huddle in a few cities and hold on.

The civil strife in Hungary also made foreign forces ready to take action. King Wladyslaw of Poland planned to obtain the crown of Hungary through the relationship of his wife Jadwiga. Laszlo of Naples, who was fighting with Louis, also wanted to unite some Hungarian nobles to seize Hungary. Mir Grand Duke Cha also had thoughts about Transylvania.

The forces coming from three directions made it difficult for Sigismund to resist, but in his opinion, Poland was busy with the Teutons and Naples was still fighting among themselves. There was no threat from these two for the time being. The only thing for him to guard against was Wallachia has suddenly risen in recent years. They had been interested in Transylvania for decades. They will definitely not miss this opportunity.

At the same time, he ordered the army to garrison some important cities, such as Belgrade, to prevent sudden loss.

In order to obtain more troops, Sigismund also recruited mercenaries from the territory of the HRE and persuaded some nobles to help, including Austria. Vienna sent 1,000 people to help, which was the largest number of noble reinforcements.

After patching things together, Sigismund gathered an army of 10,000 men and marched toward Transylvania aggressively. The fire of resistance must be extinguished.

The impact of this war on Hungary was huge. Sigismund wanted to turn Transylvania into his own jurisdiction, while the Vlachs wanted to become independent or join Wallachia. The confrontation between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church is intensifying. Every day, churches are smashed and believers fight. This triggered a migration of residents.

This war, which combines religious conflicts, ethnic conflicts, and peasant conflicts, has completely broken out, but once it starts, it will not stop according to human will unless both parties compromise, or one party completely overwhelms the other.

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