The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 158 The Situation in Hungary

After bidding farewell to Laszlo, Peter felt that there was no one to talk to him. But soon, the arrival of an unexpected guest made him busy again.

"Who are you?"

As Peter was walking down the street, a man stood in front of him. Peter asked the other party's identity, and when she pulled down her hood, Peter was shocked. He had seen this person before and was a maid beside Queen Mary.

"My lord, please look at this."

The maid handed a letter to Peter, and the content inside made him start thinking about his policy towards Hungary again.

It turned out that after Mary escaped from Buda, Sigismund spread the news that Mary was seriously ill and was close to death. At the same time, people were secretly sent to search throughout Hungary, and Mary must be captured.

Mary suffered countless hardships along the way and could only rest in monasteries and churches. Once she went elsewhere, Sigismund would definitely find her.

They followed the Danube River and first came to Belgrade. Mary asked the local church for shelter here, but the bishop had already received the news and reported the news of Mary's arrival to Sigismund, but Mary found out and escaped. But outside the city, the locally developed Orthodox Church helped her, not only giving her clothes and food, but also giving her directions. This made Mary very grateful to the Orthodox.

At the same time, the oppression of the peasants by the Hungarian nobles and the church along the way shocked her deeply. Her education and religion since childhood made her think that Hungary has always been peaceful and peaceful, but now, everything seems not so good.

Exile life changed Mary's thinking, but now she needed an outsider to support her. Only then could she compete with Sigismund for Hungary. And the only one I can rely on is Peter.

So after leaving Belgrade, we went south along the Sava River, entered Wallachia, and then headed to Skopje by land. Because she heard that the future Grand Duke of Wallachia was here, she sent her maid here, hoping to see Peter.

"Where is the king now?"

"His Majesty has already stayed at the monastery. I hope you can go and see him."

Without further ado, Peter immediately headed to the monastery in Skopje. Although I don’t know how Mary escaped Hungary’s search, now that she is here, it is an opportunity, an opportunity to split Hungary.

By this time, Mary had taken off her Hungarian clothes and replaced them with Wallachian clothes. Everyone knows that the relationship between Hungary and Wallachia is unusual, and Mary's identity is also very important. At this time, it is better to reduce the attention.

Her life has indeed changed a lot in the past few days. At the same time, she also hates the nobles in Hungary deeply. When she returns, she will take care of them.

"Your Majesty, here you come!"

The attendant reported the situation to Mary, and she immediately stood up from her chair and walked toward the door. Sure enough, she saw the person she wanted to see.

"Long time no see, Your Majesty."

"haven't seen you for a long time"

In just a few words, it is impossible to describe what happened to Mary or the future. What is needed now is what to do next.

Peter brought Mary some supplies and some troops. And he also heard about Mary's experience in the past few months, and felt deep sympathy for her. He asked Mary to stay in the monastery first, and he would find a way.

"What's going on these past few years? Can't you take a break?"

It's not that Peter doesn't know what will happen if he goes to war, but he understands better that if he doesn't seize this opportunity, he doesn't know when it will happen next time.

When Sigismund heard that Mary had appeared in Belgrade, he immediately sent people to capture her, but they arrived a step too late. Mary has run away.

In order to do business, they could only torture the residents of Belgrade, but they did not get any useful information. Finally, on the advice of the bishop, they decided to confiscate the wealth of the pagans in the city and donate it to the king. They faked the arrival of bandits and massacred the Orthodox Christians. Even if they fled to the church, it would be of no avail, because the Catholic Church had already fought with them. The spoils were promised to be divided, but churches and monasteries were not opened at all.

To differentiate, all Catholics will light a candle in their window, which is issued by the church. The Hungarian soldiers dressed as bandits would avoid them when they saw these. Unfortunately for the heretics, only half of the original city of 6,000 people was killed. And most of them are Serbian.

After the incident, the Serbian monarch did not say a word. Instead, the survivors spoke out, saying that all this was a collusion between the Hungarian church and the government. But in this era without the Internet, who would listen to what they said? Woolen cloth.

The Belgrade Massacre became the trigger for the Hungarian War. Afterwards, many Orthodox Christians spontaneously armed themselves and rioted, attacking Catholic nobles. Especially in Transylvania, the attacks from both sides were the most intense. The peasants refused to farm for the nobles. They drove out the noble stewards and overseers and destroyed some Catholic churches. The nobles responded by sending troops to suppress them.

During this period, out of disillusionment with Hungary and Catholicism, and in order to gain more support, Mary decided to convert. She was baptized in the Orthodox Church in Skopje and became an Orthodox Christian.

Peter told Mary his thoughts. He believed that if Mary wanted to return to Hungary, she must first control Transylvania. At present, most of Transylvania was Orthodox Christians. Although Mary converted some People won’t accept it, but it still gets support from most people.

Getting support is the first step. Mary must persist there for three months so that her foundation can be solid, and she must also exercise her political skills and gain the support of more people. Although the big nobles wouldn't listen to her, the little nobles might be able to.

In the meantime, Andrea will also lend a helping hand. After her power was stabilized, she would request Wallachia to send troops in the name of the Grand Duchess of Transylvania. At that time, Peter would attack Hungary along the Sava and Danube rivers, as long as Sigismund was forced If they accept the status quo, they will win.

Mary wasn't happy with the plan, but it was done and she had nowhere better to go. She could only follow Peter's arrangements, and with her gratitude to the Orthodox Church and her hatred for her husband, she decided to take a gamble.

A month after arriving in Skopje, Marie left, heading for Transylvania. There she will find her true worth.

Looking at the carriage going away, Peter was filled with emotion. The Queen of Hungary, who died early, would change her ending because of him, and it would also become an opportunity for Wallachia to attack Hungary. For the hegemony of Wallachia and for the spread of the Orthodox Church, this war will probably have to be fought.

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