The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Chapter 416: Transformation Curse

   At this point, everything that the boss Qian Wenwu has is gone. The so-called Family Book Collection Pavilion is a place for collecting various books and a place for retirement.

   As for the second child, the Lionheart City where Qian Wentao went to is the border city of the Kaiyang Kingdom, where there are only wars, and the most valuable weapons there are not books.

   is relatively better, maybe only Qian Wenshu, apart from not being able to go out casually, there is not much difference from the previous life.

   "Father, may I know how strong he is?"

   The question was Qian Wenwu, a good son in the family, the future head of the Qian family, but in an instant, all of this was far away from him, how could this make him reconciled.

  "He is the entire Zhongzhou land, one hundred and eight countries, one thousand three hundred cities, the king behind this boundless region, if he wants, he can turn his hands and turn the whole Zhongzhou land upside down.

   At the same time, he is still a real cultivator from the world of cultivating immortals. "

   After finishing speaking, Qian Fangkai did not give this any more. He knows how to please himself, the eldest son he once liked the most, and the opportunity to ask the second question.

   Qian Fang directly lifted his leg and left here.


   Staring at Qian Fangkai's distant figure for a long time, Qian Wenwu let out a long sigh, but his back straight, but silently, slowly bends down.

   "Big Brother?"

   Looking at such a big brother, Qian Wentao could not help but yell.

  In Qian Wentao's heart, the person he admired most has always been his elder brother. In his memory, no matter what happens, the eldest brother will always have a way.

   But this time, the eldest brother he admired didn't give him a way, but waved his hand.

   "Second, that's it!"

   "But, brother?"

   "Okay, don't say more, we lost."



  Wang Musheng didn't know what happened here, although he only needed to move his mind to know everything that happened in the Qian Mansion, and even the Shifang City.

   But Wang Musheng has no such interest.

  Because of the state of enlightened spiritual sense, Wang Musheng will always give birth to a kind of inexplicable. He seems to be omnipotent, like a **** who is above everything and controls everything.

   This feeling made Wang Musheng quite disliked.

   He still prefers his current state, a mortal form of emotions, joy, and hatred.


   This is the courtyard arranged by the Qian family for Wang Musheng and his party. It is said that since the courtyard was built, are Wang Musheng and his party the first guests to stay in it?

   And, if there is no accident, this courtyard will belong to Wang Musheng and his party in the future, and will never be open to others.

   Although it was just an ordinary yard, the Qian family’s attitude made Wang Musheng extremely satisfied.

   When Wang Musheng returned to Juhua Court with Xiao Lan Ling in his arms, Murong killed, killed, killed the sword, the three brothers, and the old Taoist priests had already arrived.

   Murong kills, kills, and kills the sword three brothers, screaming and drinking, playing Doudizhu taught to them by Wang Musheng.

   Murong Lingyun was looking at it, Qian Wenzhuo brought her specifically, the fourth part of Siyuanlu.

   As for Murong Qing, like a hardworking bee, he is constantly serving the three Murong brothers, as well as Murong Lingyun, mastiff, tea, and various cakes.

   Actually, they lived in this courtyard. The Qian family arranged for maids and servants to take care of them, but these maids and servants were all driven out by Murong Qing.

   "Well, fuck, didn't you just be with me! When did you come back?"

   Seeing the mastiff dry, Wang Musheng said in surprise.

   "Well, when you are having fun with the young masters and young ladies of Qian's family, see if you have nothing to do, I will come back first. Why, have fun."

  獒 shrugged and said.


   was Murong Qing who was pouring tea to the mastiff next to him, watching the mastiff against a cute little Zhengtai face, but pretending to be an old man talking there, he didn't hold back for a while, but he laughed directly.

   "That, I'm sorry!"

   Regarding this, neither Mastiff nor Wang Musheng blamed Murong Qing. Mastiff knew what he did, how ridiculous it was to know his face.

  Besides, although Mastiff's growth process is a bit deformed, he has lived for thousands of years, and he will not be ashamed and angry if he is not smiled by a little girl.

   As for Wang Musheng, let's not talk about it. He is a relatively casual temperament. As long as he doesn't touch his bottom line, many things are not taken care of.

   even prefers this kind of cheerful, lively scene.

"Look, I'm being laughed at again! Saying that you have lived for thousands of years anyway, how come you transformed into a kid? Would you like me to use the transformation curse to help you change and shape you? Have a mature appearance!"

  Wang Musheng, this is definitely not going too far, any chance that can stimulate the mastiff.

"No, I don't like letting other people's spells change my body, and after getting used to it, I actually feel that this body is also good, and nothing else, his own existence is a good disguise. It always makes people subconsciously ignore my threats, which is very Mastiff shook his head and refused.

   "Hey, do you know? What a great opportunity you rejected!"

   Wang Musheng said with a sigh.

"I do not need!"

  Mastiff resolutely refused again.

  "Xiao Qinger, how about I use the Transformation Curse to help you do it. My Transformation Curse is very powerful. It can shape every part of your body into your ideal and perfect state!

   Moreover, it is pure natural, pollution-free, without any side effects, and will not rebound for life! "

  Wang Musheng, who was rejected by the mastiff, didn't feel the slightest loss, and in a blink of an eye he moved his gaze to Murong Qing next to him, and said seductively.

   "Well, Prince Wang doesn't need it, I, I am very satisfied with my current body."

   Hearing Wang Musheng's words, Murong Qing's face was covered with a layer of red frost, only for a moment, even his neck became red.

   After speaking in a huff, he fled, and ran away quickly.

   Seeing this scene, Wang Musheng couldn't help but smashed his mouth in disappointment.

   "By the way, where is the Taoist chief?"

   "Drunk, lying in the house?"

   Mastiff didn't even lift his eyes, and said casually.

   "Well, the Daoist master is drunk, so let's not! With his cultivation, he can be drunk with the inferior drinks he usually drinks."

   Wang Musheng said in surprise.

   "This, you are going to ask your precious daughter."



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