The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Chapter 415: Wrong punishment

   "Four children!"

   It was Mrs. Qian who yelled.

   Seeing the familiar figure among several people lying on the ground, the Madam Qian couldn't help but exclaimed immediately.

   As soon as he moved, he was about to rush over, but he was directly held back by his side, Qian Wenwu and Qian Wentao.

   Wang Musheng didn't say anything about this either, he just handed the tea cup in front of him to Xiao Lan Ling.

   "Come on, drink some water, shake your mouth, tell you to eat everything, it's dirty."

   Wang Musheng pretended to be disgusted and said.

   "What's going on here?"

At the same time, after a period of time of reaction, those of the Qian family finally reacted. The contemporary Patriarch of the Qian family, Qian Fangkai, wearing a black armor, quickly rushed into this place with a group of elite guards. A courtyard.

   "Master, you are here, it's him, right there, both of them are evildoers, my four sons! It is still unknown whether they are alive or dead, the master killed them!"

   At the moment when Qian Fangkai arrived, Mrs. Qian, who had been very weak before, seemed to have found a backer at this moment, and a sad cry came out immediately.

   pointed to Wang Musheng and Lan Ling who were still in the pavilion, and said with a bitter expression.


   But before Mrs. Qian's words fell, a loud slap fell on Mrs. Qian's face.

   The scene that happened suddenly, everyone present, even Madam Qian himself was stunned.


   Madam Qian even opened her mouth and spit out blood with several teeth.

   "Old, sir, why, why?"

   Madam Qian said in a daze.

   "Hmph, visit the pavilion master, and please do not have the same knowledge of the ignorant women and children of Jiani, I am here to apologize to the pavilion master on behalf of Jiani."

   Ignoring Mrs. Qian's stunned look, Qian Fangkai hurried to the pavilion and gave a deep salute to Wang Musheng.

  Looking at this, it is clear that Qian Fangkai had already known through Qian Wenzhuo, and Wang Musheng had specifically exposed something, otherwise Qian Fangkai would never be so respectful at this time.

   "It doesn't matter. It's just a little guy playing around. On the contrary, it disturbs the cleanliness of the Qian Mansion. I hope Patriarch Qian will forgive me."

  "Where did the pavilion master start! The little princess is so cute, I can’t wait to like it!

   Besides, this Qian family is usually lifeless and indifferent. Am I thinking about the excitement? "

Qian Fangkai took off his helmet, and said with a full smile on the face of a fairly handsome middle-aged man, saying that Qian Fangkai was about to touch Lan Ling's head with his hand to show friendly.

   However, it is a pity that Qian Fangkai was directly rejected by the little guy and avoided.

   This made Qian Fangkai only able to withdraw his hand in embarrassment.

   However, he deserves to be the head of the family, and there is no unnatural expression on his face for such embarrassing things.

   "Thanks for the great amount of Patriarch Qian, if nothing happens, then I will take the little guy back."

   Wang Musheng said with a smile.

   "It's okay, it's okay. By the way, the pavilion master, just now before I came, the people under my staff came to report, and your friends are here. I will arrange them in the yard where you live."

   "Well, are they here too? I bother Patriarch Qian."

   "Haha, you have to know that you are also a member of the Qian family now! Everyone is a family, so what is the trouble."

   "Yes! A family."

   "Well, family."

   "Baba, hug!"

   "Okay, come and hug Dad!"



   Wang Musheng left, taking the little guy with him.

   As for the four young masters who are still unconscious on the ground, I don't know whether it is Wang Musheng or Qian Fangkai from the beginning to the end. It is as if the four young masters were selectively forgotten by the two.

   "Woo, sir!"

"To shut up!"

   Looking at Wang Musheng's disappearing back, Mrs. Qian was about to show her coquettishness and ask what was going on.

   But before Madam Qian could say it, Qian Fangkai drank it directly. Not only that, when Qian Fangkai faced Wang Musheng before, the smile on his face disappeared completely, and some were just cold.

   "Master, Sier."

Looking at Qian Fangkai at this time, whether it was Qian Wenwu or Qian Wentao, Qian Wenshu was trembling, even if it was the injury on her face, Madam Qian’s painful eyes twitched, but she still endured it abruptly. , Did not hum.

   a long time.

   Looking at the four sons on the ground who are still alive and dead, Madam Qian said weakly.

   "Huh! You guys, go and see if this rebel is dead. If it's dead, drag it out and find a place to bury it. If it's not dead, send it back to the room to find a few doctors."


   "The Patriarch, the Fourth Young Master, and these guards are not life-threatening, and there are no obvious injuries on their bodies, they just fainted."

   "Well, send it back!"



   Looking at this scene, Mrs. Qian couldn't help but wanted to step forward to take a look, but she was afraid of Qian Fangkai and called out hesitantly.

   "This is the last time. If there is another time, I will clean the door myself. The Qian family does not raise waste, especially this kind of waste that continues to corrupt the Qian family's style."

   "Yes, sir, I must be optimistic about Sier."

   Looking at Qian Fangkai with cold eyes, Madam Qian’s pupils could not help but shrank quickly responded.

   He has been with Qian Fangkai for a long time. Based on what she knows about Qian Fangkai, Qian Fangkai is serious this time. If there is something wrong with him again.

   Qian Fangkai will never be softened because Si'er is his own son.

   Mrs. Qian hurriedly responded, holding her visibly swollen face with one hand, and hurriedly left here with the support of the two maids.

   "You guys."

   Qian Fangkai signaled to Qian Wenwu, Qian Wentao, and Qian Wenshu, then turned and walked towards the deeper part of the garden.

   Qian Wenwu, Qian Wentao, and Qian Wenshu also silently followed this scene.

   a long time!

   Qian Fangkai still said first.

   "Do you know why?"

   "I know, my father once taught us that in this world, weak is wrong and strong is right. Obviously we didn't see the situation clearly and we were wrong."

   Qian Wenwu lowered his head and said.

   "I once told you that if you make a mistake, you will be punished. You still remember."

   Qian Fangkai continued.

   "Yes, father."

  "That's good, the third child will become the next head of the Qian family.

   The eldest enters the family library and focuses on book editing.

   The second child immediately set off to Lionheart City and was responsible for the development of Shifang Book Pavilion over there.

   As for Wenshu, stay with your mother in the family! Don't just go out if you have nothing to do. "



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