The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 632: Before meeting (Happy New Year)

Opposite the sea here, on the huge deck of the Red Forth.

The members of the Red-Haired Pirate Group naturally discovered the [Black Duke] flag hanging on the giant sail in the distance. In fact, this time they also discovered it when they returned to the base camp in the sea area of ​​the Orebor Star Islands. The flag of the Black Duke, so the red hair and others wanted to test the depth of the Black Duke, so they let the helmsman on the Red Forth sail directly toward the sailboat where Reinhardt was.

Therefore, Weiss’s previous guess was not wrong, and the Red Forth came towards [Black Duke].

"Head, the newly promoted Qiwuhai kid on the opposite side doesn't seem to be afraid of you." A man with a bald head and no eyebrows who looked like a gorilla grinned.

"Hahahaha... young people, it is inevitable to be a little arrogant." The red-haired Shanks did not speak, but **** cloth with a spear on his back.

"Head, it seems that you, the four emperors, can't frighten some little ghosts at all." Laki Lu was wearing an orange coat, holding a huge **** in his hand, eating while speaking slurred. Said mockingly.

The red-haired standing on the deck, after listening to these words from his companion, smiled indifferently: "Wow hahaha...Little ones, go to the meeting [Black Duke]."

As he said, there was a huge smile from the Red Forth, and several core cadres of the Red-haired Pirate Group also laughed, but the deputy captain Ben Beckman slowly smoked a cigarette in his mouth, keeping his eyes open. On the giant sail that rushed over from the opposite side.

Vaguely, he saw the figure who was more than three meters tall. He was wearing a dark black crown, with long dark black hair draped over his shoulders, and there was a purple one and one black hanging from his left waist. The blade will attract the attention of others for the first time.

There is a strong domineering temperament in that majestic manner. This temperament is very similar to the aura exuded from their captain red-haired Shanks. It is formed by absolute strength plus a strong domineering temperament. , It’s just that he knew in his heart that Reinhardt’s strength was definitely not comparable to that of the captain.

At this time, Ben Beckman's gaze paused, and the powerful sight and dominance completely felt the breath of Reinhardt on the opposite side. After glanced at the figure that appeared in the distance, he picked up an old newspaper and read it. Up.

The newspaper reported on Black Duke Reinhardt, who looked a bit yellowish on the paper, which he had previously kept.

[Black Duke] Reinhardt, born in Beihai on October 7, 1489, is 28 years old, his true identity is unknown, and his height is 3.15M. He is a member of the Seven Martial Seas under the King, a swordsman in the New World and holds two positions. Weapons of unknown rank, but not low-quality weapons, are purple [Maple Cut] and pure black [Karachizun].

As for his identity and strength, I won’t mention much. With so many names in Beihai, they are far inferior to the name of the King Seven Wuhai [Black Duke]. If you talk about strength, Reinhardt’s personal strength It was enough to match the name Qiwuhai. As the deputy captain of the Four Emperors Pirate Group, Ben Beckman knew very well in his heart that this fellow Beihai named Reinhardt had a powerful force that he could pay attention to.

This is a potential strong man who is proficient in swordsmanship, physique, devil fruit and three-color domineering. The most important thing is that Reinhardt is only twenty-eight years old, and he has great potential that has not been fully developed. It.

Because he is a fellow of the North Sea, Ben Beckman has been following Reinhardt in private, especially after the news that Reinhardt defeated the Evil Pirates in the North Sea spread all over the world, he was very Shocked.

This incident was completely beyond his expectation. Similarly, the news also surprised the members of the Redhead Pirate Group. As they have fought head-on with the Evil Spirit Pirate Group many times, they have never been able to completely eliminate it. The evil spirit pirate group, they knew very well the powerful strength of this pirate group.

Being able to confront the red-haired pirates many times without losing any vitality, this is enough to prove the power of the evil spirit pirates. Although the overall strength of the red-haired pirates was very different from now, it was After all, it was the predecessor of the Four Emperors Group, and in that manner, it defeated the pirate alliance formed by the alliance of the evil spirits, the blood diamond, and the three large pirate groups in the new world of the ghost cow.

It was precisely because Reinhardt defeated the evil spirit pirate group that he was finally invited by the world government to be the last king under Qiwuhai.

This was unexpected. None of them expected that Reinhardt would completely wipe out the Evil Spirit Pirates in the form of the North Sea, although only the remnants of the Evil Pirates would be eliminated. Power, but this is surprising enough.

"He might not stop the sailing boat." Thinking of this, Ben Beckman chuckled, then shook his head, then turned to look at the red hair, and laughed in a low voice: "Maybe that guy will pump directly. Maybe the sword comes over..."

"Hahahaha...If that's the case, I would take a higher look at [Black Duke]. I have the courage to face the Four Emperors alone, and there are not many people in this world who draw swords against the Four Emperors. ."

"Boss, why don't I go and test it out first to see how strong that guy is?" Laki Lukhan finished eating and said with a smile.

"No, I want to see what [Black Duke] will do next..." The red-haired Shanks pressed his palm on [Griffin] and said domineeringly, his eyes were extremely sharp, his left eye The last three claw injuries made his entire facial profile look The red hair thought of Reinhardt, a young man who was only six years younger than himself. There was a weird feeling in his heart, although The two of them took completely opposite routes, but they had something very similar in common. As for which aspect, he couldn't tell for a while.

But at least, the red hair is very interested in [Black Duke].


The sound of huge currents kept ringing, and the sea area of ​​Orebel’s star islands had completely restored calm. The two sailboats were clearly separated from each other and located on the same channel. I believe that it won’t be long before the flowers will collide together if they don’t rewind.

The tumbling sound of the sailing boat's draught continued to be heard. On the deck where Reinhardt was sitting, Weis had a very nervous face, constantly wiping the sweat from his forehead. For ordinary people, even after following Reinhardt for many years Ordinary people in China don’t have the courage to face the Four Emperors.

"Boss, I'm about to get in touch." Weiss said nervously.

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