The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 631: Red Forth

The helmsman, boatmen, and guards were busy on the sailing boat. In several cabins, a dead green tree printed in front of you. This is a [green tree] transplanted from the ancient kingdom of Ankahet, returning to the North Sea Polkaria. At that time, half of the transplantation was given to some scientists in the family laboratory, hoping that they could find a way to cultivate.

With half of the green trees remaining, Reinhardt is preparing to migrate to the New World Reiting Kingdom. He also wants to try to be cultivated in the soil of the New World. However, the sailing ship has only just entered the New World and is exposed to severe cold/severe heat/humidity. / Cold wind and other extreme environmental impacts, which withered most of them.

In this regard, Reinhardt did not have any emergency means. Although it was an unexpected change, it did not make him lose the confidence to continue to cultivate [green trees], even if these [green trees] brought to the new world were all because of this. He doesn't worry about death, after all, there is still this other half [green tree] in Beihai, which is enough to provide research materials for the plant scientists in the family.

"Master Duke, [Green Tree] is already half dead, and the other half is relatively strong in resisting extreme environments, but if it is still in such an environment, it will probably not be long before it will be completely dead." One of the guards slowed down. Said that he has some research on botany, although it is not very deep, but he also entered the door.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if they are all dead, now we don't have any other means to provide ‘protection’ for these [green trees]..." Reinhardt glanced over the trees without paying any attention. For him, it seems that these green trees are dispensable.

In fact, the same is true. Reinhardt never thought of meeting these re-growth green trees in Ankacht, let alone transplanting these green trees out, so it was just an unintentional move, not an unexpected thing. .

While Reinhardt said so, the guard didn't say anything, so he bowed to Reinhardt and turned around and went busy.

The sailing boat continued to sail. Everyone had already experienced the cruel and harsh environment of the new world. Under this, although the sailing of the huge ship was intense and exciting, there was no danger of destroying the sailing ship in the middle.

The navigator stood in the cabin to observe, the helmsman was controlling the course of the sailboat, and the figure of watchman appeared on the deck, while the boatmen and guards were standing by at various positions on the hull, and a considerable part of them were on standby in the power room. Prevent accidents from causing the failure of the sail.


At this moment, a huge sirens sounded on the sailing boat, and everyone was shocked, feeling a little weird.

At this time, a double-mast hull suddenly appeared on the sea not far away, and a pirate flag with a black shading and white pattern appeared on the huge white sail.

The hull is huge, with many artillery scattered around, and the bow looks like a golden crown.

Red... One of the lookouts immediately exclaimed, but it was because of panic or panic that he couldn't say a word afterwards.

Then a louder voice rang: "Four...Four Emperors..."

"It's the Redhead Pirates!"

"Four Emperors...Red-haired Shanks...that's the Red Forth..."

"Why did you meet the Four Emperors..."

"This time I will definitely be dead. The other party is the Four Emperors with red hair..."

"Don't worry, Red Hair is not like the other two Four Emperors. He is a murderous demon. This is a reasonable Four Emperor. As long as we don't attack each other, the other party will definitely not attack us. After all, we It is a guard under the banner of Qiwuhai [Black Duke]."

After the appearance of the Red-haired Pirates, the voices of everyone exclaimed on the deck.

However, although the red hair is a pirate group that rarely attacks others as expected, the current situation does not match the situation in the impression, and the other party seems to be coming towards him and others this time.

Everyone looked at Reinhardt nervously, waiting for his order.

"All calm!" Weiss frowned and shouted from the deck, then glanced at some of the loudest guards in the distance, and then said coldly: "As the boss's subordinates, you just do this. Guts?"

After hearing what Weiss said, everyone lowered their heads in shame, so the boat returned to silence.

"Don't say that to them, Weiss..." Reinhardt walked up to Weiss and laughed softly, "Fear is the instinct of the weak facing the strong, don't blame them."

Reinhardt didn't get angry because of this, he was as lenient as ever with this kind of thing.

Weiss nodded, and took a binoculars to look at the red-haired pirates in the distance for a while, then his expression became more gloomy: "Boss, the heading of the red-haired pirates seems to be facing us. ."

"Of course..." Reinhardt laughed immediately, as if he didn't pay attention to this matter at all. "After all, we have entered the sea area of ​​the Auberge Star Islands, but here is the establishment of the Redhead Pirate Group. The base of the emperor's name."

Many people know that the Red-Haired Pirates defeated the Pirate Alliance led by evil spirits in the sea area of ​​the island called Orebel, which established the Red-Haired Pirates’ promotion to the fourth sea emperor. The foundation of the transcendent status.

In particular, I was still a member of the pirates' opposing faction [Seven Wu Hai under Kings], and rushed to the base camp of the red-haired pirates in a sailboat, flying the [Black Duke] flag, how could the other party not personally send out to'greet' it? What...

"Need to turn..." said paused for a while, then continued, "Or return?"

Reinhardt shook his head immediately: "No need, just greet him head-on. Note that if the other party is also greeted head-on, don't collide with the other party."

Calm down, if you really recklessly collided with the Red Fors of the Red-haired Pirates, it means that he took the initiative to trigger the war with the Four Emperors this time. Reinhardt is not a fool. Mang is not foolish, he must pay attention to the details, after all, temptation is just temptation.

"Understood." Weiss nodded, turned and walked towards the cabin, and began to control the course of the sailboat with the helmsman.

Reinhardt was standing on the bow of the ship with a knife astride, watching the Red Forth rushing forward in the distance, and there was some waves in his heart.

Red-haired Shanks, this is another legendary big thief. Although it hasn’t been long since he became the Four Emperors, but in terms of strength, he is not weaker than the other three Emperors. If it is from a legendary aspect Look, it may be better than Kaido on Ghost Island and BIGMOM on Cake Island.

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