The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 59 End of Semester

Moriarty stayed in the secret room for an hour before coming out, the students followed behind him, when they walked out of the underground passage, they saw the sorting hat hanging on the Slytherin staff, Fox stepped on the brim of the hat, Peeves floated beside Fox, and a large group of ghosts including Bloody Barrow floated quietly in the air.

The sun shines through the bodies of the ghosts, refracting into off-white, and shining with the ghosts as they float.

A ray of sunlight fell on Fawkes, and he seemed to be on fire, mingling with the silver light from the Slytherin staff.

"Magical creatures and humans coexist harmoniously, happy and peaceful, this is Hogwarts! I would like to call it the most beautiful painting this year!" Tonks murmured suddenly feeling overwhelmed.

Moriarty suggested: "I think we should be added to this painting. We have brought stories and light to Hogwarts."

The little wizards nodded in agreement, and Bill shouted at the end of the line: "I know that there is a camera in the Muggle world, the kind that can be seen immediately after taking a picture. I wish we had that kind of camera on hand, so that we can keep Next photo."

Bill was the only student not in formal attire, but it didn't detract from his looks in the slightest, and his words resonated with William and other seventh graders, who graduated a few months later.

Moriarty and Dumbledore noticed that the seventh-year students were depressed and their eyes moved slightly, and they thought of an idea at the same time.

After the Chamber of Secrets incident, the students went into an intense review period, and a lot of homework took up all the free time, but Moriarty still took the time to write a letter to Lockhart, asking him to share the Chamber of Secrets with the heir of Slytherin. The story was published in the Daily Prophet.

Three days later, the front page of the Daily Prophet.

Article 1: "The Truth About the Millennium Chamber of Secrets - The Slytherin Descendants Tell You Personally!" "

"The Chamber of Secrets left by Salazar Slytherin has been around for thousands of years. For thousands of years, we have regarded the Chamber of Secrets as a legend, but Moriarty, a descendant of Slytherin, proved the existence of the Chamber of Secrets with practical actions, and led Hogwarts All teachers and students of the school are ordered to enter the secret room!"

Moriarty was as unphotogenic as ever, accompanied by a photo of the Chamber of Secrets and a photo of the Basilisk.

Article 2: "The era of magic revival is coming? The heir of Slytherin tells you the answer! "

"It is reported that all the teachers and students of Hogwarts have become the heirs of Slytherin! We all know that Slytherin House has had a very bad reputation in recent decades, what Moriarty Slytherin has done, we have to Say it very boldly.

Albus Dumbledore, President of the International Federation of Wizards, Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot, and Headmaster of Hogwarts, said that Moriarty may dispel the misunderstanding of wizards about Slytherin House. "

Article 3: "Exclusive secret report, Moriarty Slytherin exposes the young man who can't even be named!" "

"The only direct descendant of Slytherin, in the name of the head of Slytherin, revealed yesterday that Tom Riddle opened the Chamber of Secrets and killed a Ravenclaw girl fifty years ago. · Facts about Hagrid.

In this regard, all the professors and all the ghosts of Hogwarts are willing to testify.

Though the man whose name cannot be mentioned is dead, few people know that his real name was Tom Riddle, of House Gaunt, the offshoot of House Slytherin..."

At the dining table in the auditorium, Lilith unfolded the newspaper and read the above content to Moriarty word for word. After reading, she raised the corners of her lips: "I don't know how much money you put into the Daily Prophet. They used to No news about the Dark Lord - not even a word!"

"It's just a number enough to feed those moths." Moriarty said contemptuously. To him, wealth is just a bunch of useless numbers, but some people just eat that.

Even with money to clear the way, those in the Ministry of Magic still don't want to admit that Voldemort is not dead, but that's good...

Most importantly, if Voldemort in the Albanian forest reads this newspaper, he will be furious, right?

Maybe it can't wait to attach itself to the back of some unlucky guy's head and sneak into Hogwarts to settle accounts with Moriarty.

Only then did Moriarty realize that he had changed the plot beyond recognition, wondering how old Deng would train his savior?

At least the Philosopher's Stone in Harry Potter's first grade is gone-no matter how crazy Voldemort was, he would not dare to snatch the Philosopher's Stone under the nose of Nicole Flamel.

The reason why Moriarty said this is because of the news on the second page of the "Daily Prophet": "Hogwarts is expected to invite the master alchemist Nicole Flamel to be the alchemy professor next year!" Nicole Flamel: How could I not know? "

Many students laughed when they saw the news, and everyone was thinking, what should Professor Dumbledore do to invite the old man who has lived for centuries.

However, Professor Dumbledore humorously said that it was a matter between their old men, and all the young children need to do is to prepare for the exam.

It was June, and the weather was very sultry, and the large classroom used to answer the exams was even more uncomfortably hot.

Herbology, astronomy and other exams were all handwritten answers, and the professor gave students new quills specially used for exams, all of which had anti-cheating spells chanted.

Moriarty was the first to finish answering the questions every time, and Penello and Lilith faced each other again in the exam, but this time it was Penello who walked out of the exam room first.

There is also a practical exam.

Professor Flitwick asked the students to go into the room one by one to see if they could get a pineapple to tap dance across a desk.

Most of the students could do this. Moriarty even asked Pineapple to throw up the desk to perform acrobatics. No one knew how he did it. Professor Flitwick gave him full marks on the spot.

Professor McGonagall asked the students to turn a small stool into a cat litter—the softer the litter, the higher the points, and points were deducted if a hard stool was left in the litter.

Moriarty has not only been transformed into a cozy cat nest, but has also been transformed into an entire kitty furniture set with other chairs and desks.

Professor McGonagall's eyes lit up, and Moriarty thought, if she was the only one present, maybe she would turn into a tabby and try the cat climbing frame and play with the cat teaser.

During the Potions exam, Moriarty was also the first student to concoct the Potion of Forgetting. When he walked out of the classroom, Jericho was still desperately remembering the procedure for concocting the Potion of Forgetting.

Fortunately, he sat next to Moriarty all year and saw Moriarty's potion notes. In fact, so did Lilith, who was the second to complete it.

Ralpo was not so lucky, being watched closely by Snape standing at the back of the classroom.

Teacher Si's appearance made the students feel his breath on the back of their necks, which made the students very nervous, and Penello's eye circles were red again.

The last exam was History of Magic, and most of the students were complaining, only Moriarty and Professor Binns had a lively chat.

They chatted from the goblin rebellion to the old wizards who invented the self-stirring cauldron—Professor Binns said he knew one of the inventors, and asked Moriarty if he wanted a self-stirring cauldron from hundreds of years ago.

A week later, the test results will be released.

Not surprisingly, Moriarty got a perfect score in all subjects and became the number one in the first grade.

All the students said Moriarty deserved it.

Penello was second, with full marks except for Potions.

Lilith was the third place. She was really not interested in astronomy and the history of magic. Losing to Penello made her unhappy for a long time. She was not happy until Moriarty invited her to visit Slytherin Castle during the summer vacation.

Percy's status as the third child of ten thousand years could not be maintained. He became the fourth, and Jericho was the sixth. Everyone did well in the exam.

It is worth mentioning that William and Bill each got six excellent exams in the Ultimate Wizarding Examination! This means they can apply to be an Auror at the Ministry of Magic at any time.

Moriarty invited William and Bill to the castle, and it was at this time that Lilith knew that Moriarty had not only invited her, but Jericho, Tonks, Charlie, Percy, Gemma, Penelope, Leon and the others made her look at Moriarty resentfully all day long.

In the third week of June, the last school banquet of the 1988-1989 school year came, and tomorrow the Hogwarts Express would send the students back to London.

The vast Great Hall was full, decorated in Slytherin green and silver to celebrate their fourth straight House Cup win.

When Moriarty entered the auditorium, he was applauded by the little snakes.

Slytherin House scored 910 points this year, and neither the second-place Lion House nor the third-place Eagle House combined had as many points as theirs! Among them, Moriarty got 700 points alone!

A moment later, Dumbledore also arrived, and the noise in the auditorium gradually died down.

"Another year has passed!" said Dumbledore cheerily. "Before we feast on these delicious meals, I must trouble you all to listen to an old man's platitudes. What a year it has been! Surely in your little heads They are richer than before.

Yeah yeah, I think this year is an unforgettable year, we witnessed the arrival of Moriarty, saw the apology of Slytherin and Gryffindor, surprised to discover the miracle of the Quidditch match, witnessed The Millennium Chamber of Secrets and the Millennium Basilisk became the heirs of Slytherin together!

For that, I have reason to add fifty points to Gryffindor! Add fifty points to Ravenclaw! Add fifty points to Hufflepuff! One hundred points for Slytherin! I have even more reason to believe that this year is a special year! "

If someone was standing outside the auditorium at this moment, they might think that there was an explosion here, and the cheers from the four dining tables were louder and louder.

As if it had been agreed long ago, Moriarty released a silver snake with his staff, Tonks conjured a little badger, Penello conjured an eagle, and the three Weiss at the Gryffindor table Sly conjured a red-haired lion, and they gathered over the auditorium to form the school badge.

Poseidon flew into the auditorium and sent Moriarty a magic camera—this was the idea Moriarty came up with after coming out of the underground passage.

Hagrid took a camera to take a group photo of all the teachers and students in the school, and the Hogwarts badge was shining brightly above the auditorium.

Please follow up on Thursday, help me advance~

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