The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 58 We are all heirs of Slytherin!

When Marcus walked into the secret room with other students, he found that it was completely new.

The originally dimly lit room became brighter now, because the high ceiling seemed to be enchanted, emitting a faint white light.

Marcus vaguely saw hundreds of emeralds inlaid on the ceiling, forming a magic circle, which took away the stench and pungent smell in the secret room, and brought fresh air from the outside.

Needless to say, Moriarty and the professors must have remodeled the Chamber of Secrets to make it comfortable and pleasant. Marcus grinned and read on.

There is a shield badge hanging on the huge stone pillar with a big snake, which is the Hogwarts school badge that Moriarty mentioned before. The part that symbolized Slytherin became particularly prominent.

The students were attracted by the decoration of the secret room. In order to see clearly, they scattered away. Whenever someone walked under the stone pillar, the silver snake on the badge would wriggle its body and spit out a letter.

The crowd was a bit crowded at first, but fortunately the secret room was big enough, leaving a vacant area as William and the other little snakes walked into the depths of the secret room.

The appearance in the depths of the secret room was not much different from what Marcus saw when he first entered the secret room, but it became brighter and warmer.

The statue of Salazar Slytherin, which was as tall as the room itself, still stood, and the professors headed by Moriarty and Dumbledore stood under the statue, but the little snakes all looked up at the statue, all watching shocked!

Lilith looked suddenly at Moriarty, then at the statue—she turned her head three times in a second, just to see if there was anything in common between Moriarty and the statue, and the answer was no.

Then Lilith didn't know what to think of, she lowered her head to giggle and laughed until her shoulders trembled.

Gemma, Tonks, Penello, and many other girls who came in later also laughed like this.

Seeing more and more students entering, the smile on Dumbledore's face bloomed like a daisy: "Let's keep talking about our topic, Moriarty, are you really going to donate the Slytherin Chamber to Howard?" Gwartz, for a classroom?"

The professors looked at Moriarty. The Chamber of Secrets was Slytherin's private property. If Moriarty disagreed, the school really couldn't forcibly occupy the Chamber of Secrets.

Moriarty nodded, "After today, the Chamber of Secrets will be a symbol that the British wizarding community will no longer have prejudice against Slytherin House! The qualities of Slytherin should be inherited. I remember that there is no alchemy class in the school. I think I could give an alchemy class in the Chamber of Secrets."

Speaking of alchemy, Moriarty and Dumbledore thought of a person at the same time - Nicole Flamel.

"If you can really clear up wizards' misconceptions about Slytherin House, I will personally go to France and hire an old friend of mine to teach alchemy."

After various incidents, Dumbledore has put Moriarty on an equal footing with him, and he has no doubt that Moriarty can eliminate the barriers between the four colleges—this Moriarty is almost done. arrive.

But the prejudice in people's hearts is like an indestructible mountain, even an archmage who has the power to move mountains is also powerless.

Adult wizards have a deep-rooted notion that Slytherin House is rich in dark wizards. Dumbledore doesn't think Moriarty can reverse this notion, but if Moriarty does, Dumbledore will surely win.

So Dumbledore still made a bet with Moriarty, and Moriarty agreed.

Looking at the crowded crowd, he said meaningfully: "They are the fire of hope. Maybe I can't shake the minds of the British wizarding community, but I can change the minds of a generation."

The faces of the professors changed slightly. They subconsciously thought of Voldemort. The young Tom once stood at a high place overlooking his supporters and expounded his ideas just like today.

Dumbledore didn't speak, just looked deeply at Moriarty, he had already made a mistake in educating Tom, and he didn't want to make a second mistake.

"I ask everyone to be quiet. I remember that Professor Dumbledore asked me what the purpose of the Chamber of Secrets was left by the ancestors of Salazar. I will tell you now."

Moriarty's voice was not very loud, but it was heard clearly in the ears of every student. Everyone watched Moriarty pointing at the statue with his cedar wood wand.

The mouth of the statue turned into a hole, and the basilisk Shiva crawled out and coiled itself around the hole.

The students panicked, but seeing their principal and professor only had smiles in their eyes, they quickly calmed down. William shouted, "Look, the basilisk's eyes are closed!"

"I'm glad you guys found this out," Moriarty said, "Shiva told me that Patriarch Salazar kept her in the Chamber of Secrets to protect Hogwarts, not to purify Hogwarts as rumored.

For thousands of years, the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets has become a place of terror under the slander of people with malicious intentions, and the Tom I mentioned before has turned the rumors into reality. "

Lilith stood up and asked, "Moriarty, will the basilisk Shiva always guard Hogwarts?"

"Good question!" Moriarty walked up to the students with a joyful tone, "If I allow, Shiva will always guard Hogwarts, but when I see everyone entering this place with cards and snake scales After opening the secret room, I changed my mind. There are already people in this school who are more suitable to protect Hogwarts than Shiva—us!

That's why I say we are all heirs of Slytherin! "

Charlie stood up, "Did we learn from Slytherin that there is only guardianship?"

Moriarty replied: "It's not just Slytherin who left behind the guardianship. The Big Four all have the same meaning, but the ancestor of Salazar left the message of guardianship first. I have a guess that the ancestor of Salazar was the first to discover There was some kind of threat, so the secret room was left."

The students discussed, they have always been very interested in the past of the Big Four, Charlie said to Percy: "I should search more in the castle, maybe I can find the secret room left by Gryffindor, and make another Gryffindor Multiple heirs!"

"Move your brains, don't fantasize about adventure stories all day long!" Professor Snape said suddenly, his face had been ugly since entering the Chamber of Secrets, "Mr. Slytherin, although I agree with your theory of the heir to Slytherin , does not mean that I will agree to let my students take classes with a basilisk!"

"Actually, I will solve this problem without you saying it." Moriarty nodded slightly to Tonks and the others, and Tonks, Jericho, and Marcus walked to his side.

Tonks drew out his wand, condensing the runes, Jericho crawled on the ground below the statue, taking measurements, and Marcus took out the magic ingredients and piled them up into a hill.

Moriarty waved his wand, and the magic power of the water element surged out, swaying in the air, causing circle after circle of ripples, people felt a chill hit, and soon, a vague magic circle appeared on the ground.

"Slap!" Moriarty snapped his fingers, and called out in snake language: "In the name of the Big Four, summon Slytherin's elves, Ingo!"

With a crisp sound of "Bo", the goblin Ingo appeared out of nowhere above the chamber, and Moriarty ordered him to engrave Tonks' condensed runes on the space magic circle.

Everyone stared at this scene with wide eyes. Isn't Hogwarts prohibiting apparition? How did the goblin get in.

No one asked, they only guessed that it was related to Moriarty. They watched Ingo open his hands, open and close his mouth, silently chanting unknown spells.

The magic circle on the ground changed from blurred to clear, the runes flew over, and the magic materials that Marcus had sorted out also flew up, turned into powder in the air, and sprinkled on the magic circle.

Moriarty picked up his wand, pointed left and right at the magic circle, and cast a large memory spell and permanent curing spell.

When Dumbledore heard Moriarty's spell, a familiar feeling rose in his heart instantly. He looked at Moriarty in surprise: How could Moriarty know about the spell that GG and I developed together? ?

With Ingo's help, the process of engraving the magic circle didn't last long. Ten minutes later, Ingo nodded to Moriarty. Judging by his expression, he didn't seem to want to stay at Hogwarts for even a moment longer. , Moriarty sent him away.

Then Shiva followed Moriarty's guidance, climbed into the magic circle and coiled up. Moriarty patted her head, then retreated outside the magic circle, holding his wand high.

"Talk to me - Slytherin!"

"Open your eyes to see death, close your eyes to see the future!"

"Every angel has a past, and every demon has a future!"

Three consecutive mysterious spells were uttered from Moriarty's mouth, as if the switch of the magic circle was pressed, a dazzling silver light shot into the magic circle from the top of the wand, everyone's ears hissed, and in the blink of an eye , the basilisk Shiva disappeared.

"Ding dong~ It is detected that the host has completed the task of bringing the snake home, and the host will be rewarded with 5000 points!"

After earning 5,000 points all at once, Moriarty saw the two spells of Legilimency and Occlumency beckoning to him.

"Did it succeed?" Tonks asked, and after receiving Moriarty's affirmative answer, she, Jericho, Marcus and the others were as happy as if they had won a battle.

Students surrounded them, asking what happened.

Si Jiao shook his head regretfully. He has no feelings for the basilisk. He hopes to kill the basilisk. For a potion master, the thousand-year-old basilisk is a treasure.

Dumbledore walked up to the magic circle and took a few glances, "The combination of ancient spells and goblin craftsmanship seems...cannot be used a second time."

"Yeah, but I think that's enough to impress Nicole Flamel."

Moriarty sighed. Naturally, the magic circle he arranged hurriedly couldn't be compared with the millennium magic circle built by Salazar's ancestors, but there is no doubt that in this age when alchemy has fallen into silence, it is enough to attract alchemists. attention of master artisans.

Dumbledore blushed. The bet he made with Moriarty was actually a trick he had tricked Moriarty into. However, Moriarty had already planned to invite Nicole Flamel to come. conditions of.

He clapped his hands to attract the attention of the students, and said with a smile: "I discussed with Moriarty, and he generously agreed to donate the secret room to us as a classroom, and the school will also hire the master alchemist Nico LeMay, as the alchemy professor at Hogwarts! Now, I can proudly say that I am the heir of Slytherin!"

"No, what you said is not comprehensive." Moriarty laughed, and then said in unison with the students: "We are all heirs of Slytherin!"

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