"'Firefly' is a magnificent epic seldom seen in decades 1 point, Stephanie-Zashak, 'Salon'

The well-known scoring website Mette conducted an exclusive special report titled ""Firefly" Conquers Film Critics: Review Observation..." On the website, "Firefly" scored as high as 95, and Wang Yang's controversial film "The Devil Wears Prada" " is 45 points.

"It's been said before, and I'll say it again, not only is Firefly the highest-rated movie so far this year, it's pretty much the highest-rated movie of the decade in our entire database, with Lord of the Rings III scoring just 94. Among Feng’s film reviews we counted, except for one medium review, all of them gave good reviews, including some works that I didn’t like Wang Yang very much, and I fought with him because of "The Devil Wears Prada". film critic."

This is the introduction made at the beginning of the topic, Stephanie... Zashak Detective belongs to the latter, she gave "The Devil Wears Prada" a B- rating, and bombarded Wang Yang "his ambition has changed from a classic movie to an only one." Hollywood popcorn in US dollars..."; now she uses,, this extremely admirable word to "Firefly".

"Austin Chronicle's Film Critic's Gold Shoot 1ì...Jones is not interested in Young's previous films. Jones's dissatisfaction with "The Devil Wears Prada" mainly lies in the thin meaning of the script and Yang's overly commercial director. She likes "The Devil Wears Prada" The Ninth District” is a little more, but she is still dissatisfied with the director’s tricks on the camera, because she feels that the pseudo-documentary technique is mí touching instead of mi, especially when the movie leaves the perspective of the protagonist. For “When Happiness Knocks on the Door”, She also felt that the script was too old-fashioned and hypocritical, while "Juno" failed to match the sharpness and standpoint of the characters." "Provided by the daybreak monk,

But now "Firefly" seems to have easily conquered her, and all her dissatisfaction has been perfectly resolved in the new movie. Her film review wrote: "Wang Yang and Joss...Whedon's teaming up is like a perfect match. Married, their humor permeates the entire script and the entire movie.", ""Firefly" shuttles freely like a ribbon under the two states of relaxed humor and tension.", "Wang contributed the most beautiful Taobao today. Women's clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Coat M and refreshing sci-fi images.", ""Firefly" is a rare movie with something to say, not necessarily the best, but definitely thought-provoking.", "I saw it The maturity and rise of a young director this year.


Kenneth Turan, another film critic of the Los Angeles Times, praised "Firefly" as a "powerful" story, while he previously thought that "The Devil Wears Prada" was a cliché and "Juno" It's glib rather than witty and humorous, and "District 9" has some logical irrationality. But in "Firefly", there are many characters in various forms, but the dialogue of each character is interesting and distinctive, bringing a kind of "rocket-like power..." and the inner explosive power of the film can penetrate the eyes of any viewer without being shaken...".

Turan, who scored 1, also wrote that the entire film, regardless of script dialogue and shots, "without an ounce of fat..." can be neatly connected,

He wanted too much to praise it all.

What else do movie critics like? The special report reports their evaluation and review of "Firefly" from various aspects, whether it is the story and characters, script and dialogue, pictures and shots, soundtrack and sound effects, photography and color, costumes and props, acting skills and director... When mí audiences discussed Miracle Yang and "Firefly", they always focused on its visual shock and amazement, and the film critics in the topic praised him in all aspects.

1 point, "Variety Show" Justin...Chen. : "It can be seen that Wang Yang's director is capable and full-fledged this time. This is a cohesive model. He gave up all the tricks he loved to play in the past, and told the story through the traditional beauty of camera settings, prop settings and editing. Before that, he gave "Tp" a score, and the average score of Wang Yang's eight films was 82.

95 points, "Time Magazine" Richard Collis: "In this world, almost no one can make a better movie than "Firefly"! Fantastic Young is a perfect director. At the same time, he boosted the morale and encouraged the creative team behind the scenes to drive a group of outstanding actors into flawless and talented acting." "Tp": points, average of eight films: 75 points.

45 points, "Philadelphia Inquirer" Carrie... Ricky: "What is particularly amazing is that the part of the movie that speaks and walks can exude a charming atmosphere. Wang Yang slowly Tell us what happened, and then pull us in, deep in." "Tp": 55 points, eight films average 8 points, "Hollywood Reporter" Kirk Honeycarter: "From the technical From a dazzling point of view, this is Wang Yang's most gorgeous so far. However, he has not lost his talent in special effects technology. The explosion of talent and actors' performances and unimaginable camera images have contributed to his best performance. I don't want to mention it again "The Devil Wears Prada", maybe this young man has reached a point where he doesn't need to prove anything. He likes to be simple and shocking. "Firefly" is exactly the kind of film that many filmmakers make their greatest films The realm of the times, but we can't forget that he is only 25 years old." "Tp": points, the average of eight films is 76 points.

92 points, "Rolling Stone" Peter Travers: "Whether it is witty in language or gorgeous in visual fireworks, Wang Yang has created the best and most evocative work since his film career." "Tp" : 35 points, eight films average: 62 points.

95 points, "Wall Street Journal" Joe ... Morgenstern ): "Wang Yang didn't just draw the action and the bombing cabin dialogue and Mei Piaoling..." Clearing the boundaries, he arranged with fearless energy and solid touch Every shot ultimately creates a magical world. ""Tp": points, the average of the eight films: 75 points.

1 point, "New York Daily News" Joe Neumeier: "Other directors may be overwhelmed by so many elements, but Fantastic Young's best work unbelievably unites them all, and in retrospect you even feel like you watched A lot of movies, that is "Firefly"." "tp": average of eight movies: 65 points.

92 points, "Rock" Donna... Stephens...: "Wang Yang is amazing to make a not-so-new story not only interesting but also so tense, not only relying on perfect music to pour out exciting scenes, Build characters and ideas for the camp step by step." "Tp": 25 points, eight films average: 71 points.

However, although "Firefly" has an astonishing 95 points, it is not. The four film critics all think it is a perfect movie. He questioned the director's way of dealing with female characters. Although Zoe is a wife, she is emotionally withdrawn, Kay is infatuated, and Ruiwa is nervous. He said: ""Firefly" is short of a normal beautiful woman. The shopping mall Taobao women's winter coat m ìng, and normal love elements."

I can't always satisfy everyone. Compared with this summer's "Star Wars Episode 3", "Kingdom of Heaven", "The Iron Fist Man" and so on, "Firefly" is as cool as a firefly in the dark! In this way, Wang Yang conquered the hearts of almost all North American film critics. Regardless of those who didn’t like him before or those who had conflicts because of “The Devil Wears Prada”, they were all convinced this time. It’s just a mess, the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is temporarily kept in the Xiaoyin Monk’s provision,

"Firefly is bound to haunt you for a long time before you tell yourself, well, it's just a sci-fi movie." - 35/4 (87 points), Jeffrey ... Westerhoff Northwest Herald. "Tp": 25 points, the average of the eight films: 75 points.

Jeffrey Westhoff, who was named after the battle of "The Devil Wears Prada", has been biting Wang Yang for almost two years. "Record 3" and other works are often satirized and ridiculed, but this time, he simply and generously praised "Firefly" as a masterpiece! Maybe he was very reluctant, but he just wanted to be the best film critic. He ridiculed Wang Yang before because he was dissatisfied, but now he praises him because he is satisfied. He is an eternally invincible film critic.

"Heath Ledger had a great performance, and he completed the crazy investment with gusto, which is enough to show that he is likely to become an actor like Marlon...Brando." After respectively praising the leading actors, Wei Sternhoff still taunted: "If Wang Yang, Jessica... Alba's terrible and boring performance on the big screen is not there, this will be a perfect masterpiece."

His film reviews can be said to have hidden murderous intentions and did not conduct all-round reviews, but focused on the performance of the actors, which has nothing to do with Heath... Ledger, Robert Downey Jr., Allen... Peggy and others Don't be stingy with words of praise, and in an atmosphere that people agree with, then show your true point of view with talent.

"Westhoff, everyone loves Captain Tornado, but you don't, your taste is really unique!" Countless miraculous Yang and fans of "Firefly" flocked to Westhoff's Blog, leaving a lot of laughter, even mdB is captured by them, let alone a blog, they will not let go of this famous Yang black, ngu left a message and said: "I remember who said 'Magic Yang is over ', now he says 'I'm troubled', who is it?" ee-k said, "Of course you're troubled, you can't understand Firefly, it's not just a sci-fi movie.

, e-1 said: "This is why people miss classic movies and waste time because of the "Northwest Herald." bnen saw through the trick: "Why don't you comment on the director? And Miracle Yang has performed very well, I really don't know what else can stump him. "...

"Hey, what should I do!" In the spacious and elegant bedroom under the night, Wang Yang walked around with the film he had taken during the day, looking at the baby in the black film, he was happy for a while. He sighed again, he was really a bit unfounded to worry about, but he was really rushed by a lot of questions, he thought that his baby daughter would definitely be super beautiful and cute in the future, a girl of thousands of people, what should she do when she reaches the age of dating and love, what should she do if she is cheated by a bastard ?

"No!!" How could a baby girl be hurt by a bastard! ! Wang Yang waved his fist, walked a few steps with a stuffy mouth, and finally understood the mood of his father-in-law. How could there be someone who knows how to take care of a baby girl better than him? And thinking about the hurt Helen suffered back then... Oh my God!

There is another big problem. Different from his and Jessica's growth trajectory, the baby is loved by thousands of people, and when he gains a lot, he also loses a lot. What kind of education method should be used? He absolutely hates to see his baby girl become a spoiled t-gr1, but the baby must be like her mother, she's a day-to-day girl, but then again, he's really starting to think about whether it's like the princess diaries ,Is it possible? Oh, those paparazzi! What should be the way of getting along with the baby and the media? Do your best to protect Yin Si? Or accompany her to learn how to deal with her from elementary school? "...he's going to explode!

"Honey, you're thinking too fast!" The same Jessica who had a daughter who likes to plan doesn't have so many long-term ideas. baby girl clothes with a satisfied smile on her face! She wants to dress up the baby beautifully, so that the baby will be a happy white swan since childhood, and also buy a collet hat... At this time, Wang Yang over there shouted again: ''.

Jessica turned her eyes up and shook her head. It was only the first week of pregnancy, what was he thinking! She felt that at that time, she would naturally have a whole set of education methods, and all the baby-care magazines and books she had read since she was a child were all in her head. It wasn't like him who read a few "Complete Guidance During Pregnancy" for filming, which can be compared with "Dawn Yin Monk Provided". Jessica smiled while mentioning a baby shirt with a flower pattern: "You don't have to think so much, just leave it to me! Don't worry, I will teach the baby well."

"Well, I'm sure you can do it."

Wang Yang nodded. He looked at the film and frowned again: "I can't imagine if the baby is Paris Hilton..." Jessica suddenly shouted angrily: "Please! Are we such parents? !" She reached out and picked up a pillow and threw it towards Ye Ye, and said angrily: "You might as well worry that the baby is a witch who beats people everywhere!" She shrugged her shoulders: "Who said it wasn't? Dad is the captain of the whirlwind , mother is blue gloves."

"But I'm sure she will be more beautiful than Charlize... Theron." Wang Yang caught the pillow and smirked haha, Jessica turned her head and glanced at him: "Really?" Pregnant woman! Wang Yang reacted quickly: "Of course, I don't want to see who the mother is?" He threw his fist like crazy, and roared like a beast fighting: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) No one is allowed to hurt my baby!" I kicked... with a loud bang, he turned around and kicked the lower cabinet door of the dressing table, almost breaking it, Jessica gritted her teeth helplessly and hissed at him: "Oh, my God! "

The night was getting darker. In the middle of the night, there was a sudden noise in the quiet and dark bedroom. Jessica who was woken up turned on the headlight with a "tat", and saw Wang Yang standing by the storage cabinet and watching The film, the drawer of the cabinet was naturally opened, and when the light came on, he immediately turned his head to look, laughed and said, "Uh, I got up to see my daughter..." Jessica couldn't help laughing, and patted her stomach: "My daughter is here." Seeing the tenderness in her eyes and the way she bit her mouth very charmingly, Wang Yang put the film back in the drawer, walked over to Jiang Ye with a smile: "Yes! I want to kiss her !"...

The screening halls of "Firefly" in 3,845 North American theaters are not crowded at midnight on weekends, but they are not deserted either. At this time, the film is being shown in the New Shanxi War, and the big screen is full of firefly spaceships. , the auditorium exclaimed from time to time: "Wow..."

Sunrise and sunset, the time is past in the past night, "Firefly" is far ahead on the North American weekly box office rankings, there is no suspense: mdB's film and movie wars have become more and more inseparable, currently the top three are "The Shawshank Redemption of Firefly Godfather"

"Everyone, let's teach "Firefly" a lesson!" Bu... The secretary called on the forum: "Let it go back to its place! Let me explain first, I also like this movie very much, but I really can't understand some fans. Crazy behavior... mn also said: "I was pissed off by "Firefly"! We can't let mdB become a marketing turf for studios. , ednb asked back: "Who is the first to score 1 point votes? MDB doesn't allow movies with 9.8 points?" nnk didn't want to talk nonsense: "The Godfather is coming up again, keep smashing it!!"...

There are various media reports every day, and Yahoo Entertainment quoted a new piece of news: ""Batman: Beginning" suffered a terrorist attack, Warner Bros. said that Aronofsky cannot be blamed."

"It has nothing to do with Aronofsky, it has nothing to do with "Batman". Finished..." Warner Bros. spokesperson Scott Lowe is now very sad. He told the media: "We are not desperate yet, we are still confident that the box office of "Batman" should pick up in the next few weeks. "

In fact, what he said was to take advantage of the global attention of "Firefly" to remind moviegoers: "Come and see "Batman"! We are not as bad as the box office figures, but we are overshadowed by "Firefly" .”

Not to mention that "Batman" is not brilliant. Its charm is indeed completely compared with other movies by Cowboy Bebop. When June 17th-23rd is the past, a new weekend comes, a week in North America , The global box office rankings were also announced, and "Firefly" continued to perform fabulously.

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