The Best Director

Chapter 366 The most amazing effect!

.qpz "Attack Shanxi," "Shanxi" "Shanxi", "Shanxi"

As the story of the film enters the decisive stage, the screening halls of "Firefly" in 3845 North American theaters were enveloped in a wave of excitement and excitement. Come to the Star Alliance, Blue Gloves, and Predators to fight to the death in Shanxi, whether it is an ordinary theater , the audience’s blood was burning and the temperature was rising steadily. Countless audience members who had already been fully immersed silently shouted excitedly: "nhn"

The soundtrack of "Dong Dong Dong" accompanied by the sound of oriental war drums is also the prelude to the impending explosion. Hans Zimmer fully demonstrates what it means to be a master, and the heavy drum music makes people's hearts beat; at the same time, the pavement On the huge screen that filled the whole field of vision, in the vast and vast universe, Serenity led a dense group of Predator battleships and spacecrafts soaring forward, forming an extremely dangerous and extremely spectacular scene.

An absolute classic scene in the history of science fiction movies. One of the best scenes this summer. I just finished enjoying "Star Wars Episode III", and now "Firefly" is coming. Many science fiction fans can't help but clench their fists, straighten their backs, and even want to Standing up, feeling indescribable excitement and happiness

"Sir, there is something strange in the clouds." Outside a planet mostly painted in earthy yellow, there are no more than a few groups of battleships and spaceships with the dragon and eagle star flags printed on them. They are not independent cowboy style or predatory ones. The brutal style, but the streamlined and tough style of traditional science fiction, the camera cuts to the battleship cab, the blue gloves waiting to be collected have a calm face, but the Covenant non-commissioned officers who are sitting around and operating instruments are shocked one by one. I saw a large number of light spots coming from the interstellar dust clouds on the chart screen, "Oh, my God"

Under the frontal panoramic camera view, Serenity was the first to break out of the nebula, followed by a group of predator ships one by one, like a sudden huge wave. Lan Suo took out his blue suit with an unchanging expression. Putting on the colored gloves, he said: "Let that firefly go, annihilate all the predators and open fire." During the camera switch, all the Covenant ships started to challenge, with various long-gun missiles and other equipment stretched out, making the driving sergeant very embarrassed. He shouted: "All are predator ships, the system cannot recognize them, sir", "There are too many enemies to take care of, sir". Blue Gloves obviously didn't want Reeva to die, and his mood changed rarely, and his eyes seemed angry. , with a calm tone: "Then, fire."

In just a few words, the Marauders team was already close in front of us and opened fire. The Covenant team on the left side of the big screen screen also fired thousands of guns. The flames of war were ignited and the magnificent symphonic soundtrack suddenly became exciting. The audience was sweating and could not take their eyes away. , strong special effects + frame composition, with the most realistic texture that can be touched and images that break the imagination, the most amazing effects are produced. If anyone does it at this time, they will be scolded to death...

"Booming" outside the Shanxi planet in the dark universe, the two forces of the Predator and the Covenant fought in chaos. As missiles, laser shells, electromagnetic pulse bombs, etc. from the warships crisscrossed each other, the hit spacecraft exploded and destroyed instantly, becoming Another ball of cosmic debris, the Serenity, was dangerously shuttling between the gunfire ships, flipping up and down, dodging left and right. A missile came and blew up a Covenant fighter plane next to it. The exploded debris hit, The whole spacecraft vibrated,

In the cab, Mal and others gritted their teeth and tried their best to hold on. Another spacecraft was shot down: "Boom!"

"Oh!" There were low exclamations in the screening hall, as if the audience was immersed in the scene. Their nervousness was no less than that of Mal and the others. Many young lovers naturally held hands and looked at each other. But he never left the big screen

Under the danger, Wash had to let Serenity pass through the narrow gap between the two warships that were partially exploded due to the collision. Mal couldn't help but nervously shouted: "n, n, n". Wash also had his head full. Khan: "!!" He said calmly with concentration: "I am a leaf falling in the wind, look at how I fly. I am a leaf falling in the wind..." On the giant screen, Serenity spun incredibly sharply to avoid the scary gunfire and passed through He flew out of the gap between the two warships and flew out of the chaotic and fierce ship group.

"Huh..." Just as everyone in Mal breathed a sigh of relief, and the audience also breathed a sigh of relief, several more fierce-looking predator spaceships chased after them. One of them fired a long laser beam and swept across.

Serenity dodged and rushed into the Shanxi planet. After ascending from the planet to the planet, it was obvious that the power of the entire group of predators was greater than that of the Covenant troops stationed in outer space. In particular, there were looting ships emerging from the clouds one after another. The main ship of the Star Alliance was in chaos, and the arrogant Blue Gloves had no choice but to jump into the emergency escape cabin and land in Shanxi. The camera switched to the Shanxi military base with the boiling soundtrack.

The scenery of Shanxi Star is very peculiar. It is a combination of desert, loess plateau and straight mountain peaks. The flat top of the huge mountain is the best ship paddock, and warships and small spaceships take off to welcome them.

In the cloudless blue sky, Serenity once again acted as a leader and rushed ahead, followed by many Predator battleships and spacecraft, all swooping towards the Covenant ship group and towards the largest mountain standing on the desert plateau. The flat-topped main base shows dives on the left and take-off on the right. The large format allows for very complex details, and it is a very visually stunning scene. The audience's heartbeats were like war drums, and the second part of the air battle was staged.

"Bang!" At this moment, Serenity finally couldn't avoid being hit by a Predator cannonball. The entire spacecraft was enveloped by circles of blue magnetic waves, and it suddenly plummeted out of control. Everyone was thrown into confusion. Mal shouted loudly: "Pulse" saw that Serenity was about to hit a mountain peak. Wash struggled to push a few buttons. The spacecraft jumped up thrillingly and continued to run towards the main mountain. Zoe shouted: "Backup energy activated%" Wash Also yelled: "We have to make a crash landing"

Some Predator spacecraft also began to land, and the ground defense system of the military base was also operating, attacking enemies in the sky. The sky was filled with bright and tragic flames of war, and the Serenity was about to explode at any time.

The audience was so nervous that they almost forgot to breathe. At this moment, they saw the vast atmosphere of the sky, and small spaceships suddenly rushed in. Everywhere they looked, they were densely packed with fireflies of the same model. The soundtrack suddenly came up. Hans Zimmer was good at it. A high-pitched voice appeared, and the voice of "oh ah ah" made the exciting atmosphere break through the red level again. The camera quickly rotated through nearly ten faces of the captain, including the whirlwind, and they all said the same sentence: "Fire", "Fire", "Fire"... finally stopped on the Serenity Mal, he looked up at the glass window above the cab: "They are coming"

Under the "Boom Boom" panoramic lens, densely packed fireflies in the sky fired "Boom Boom" and "Boom Boom" indiscriminately at the Predators and Covenant battleships fighting ahead...

"Wow wow wow!" There were bursts of excitement in 3845 North American theaters. The audience was in varying degrees of excitement. Some fans who were almost trembling could not help but raise their hands and stood up. The audience behind knew that it was too late to curse and did not want to miss a second. He also stood up, and a large section of the audience stood up.

The battle in the sky intensified as the Predators withstood the Covenant's firepower, and the Independents attacked the two from behind. The camera followed the fireflies galloping and flying. The logos on their hulls were so dazzling, Tp Tornado, Rh Rhino. , strength, straw…

This group of cowboys, outlaws, and reckless men frankly loves bragging, money, power, and beauties. Film critics have not failed to see that this group of people pride themselves on wealth, money, power, and worthlessness. They are originally greedy for life and afraid of death. However, for the justice and faith in their hearts, they bloomed like fireflies in the night. They once died in Tranquility Valley, and today they are alive again in Shanxi.

"Boom one by one" A Covenant warship was hit by countless cannons fired by the Fireflies. It fell sharply and crashed violently into a straight mountain peak standing on the vast plateau. The huge explosion filled the entire big screen, and the lens Cut to a distant view, and see thick black smoke rising from the mountain peaks that looked like they were on fire.

After finally seeing the complete situation in the trailer, the audience either smiled, breathed heavily, or even had tears in their eyes. These cowboys, one firefly may not be powerful enough, but there are hundreds, thousands, and ten thousand of them. A mountain is about to start smoking

"Ah ah..." After a thrilling flight, the Serenity over there finally arrived at its destination, the main base in Shanxi, and began to glide and make an emergency landing. The spacecraft hit the wide runway with a "bang", and everyone on the ship screamed in surprise. Shouting, the spacecraft rubbed against the ground and exploded with sparks, and slowly stopped, "I am a fallen leaf in the wind, let's see how I do..." Wash was both stunned and contented with joy. I admire him so much. But before he could finish his sentence, a laser blade suddenly broke through the window and hit Wash's chest. He let out a muffled groan before hanging his head and died.

Zoe immediately shouted uncontrollably: "Ah, Wash, baby, get up." Everyone also yelled in shock and grief: "Wash" Another laser blade rushed in, and Mal kept awake to the current situation: "Quickly "Disembark"

The funny and interesting Serenity lost its crew and first mate in this way. The very loving geek pilot died. Audiences who liked this character all felt tight in their chests. Will there be deaths in the future? Marr and others escaped from the spaceship with their weapons. There was already a melee on the apron outside. Countless Marauders and Covenant soldiers were exchanging fierce fire. After all, they were both normal humans, or the command function of the blue sleeve, the Covenant The soldiers all fought against the predators first. Marr led everyone to the base communication building with signal towers, receiving pots and other devices in the distance: "Go inside."

However, when the camera panned to the end of the runway in the desert loess, Blue Glove was seen standing calmly. His eyes were facing forward, with marauders running rampant on the runway ahead, and Mal and others struggling to move forward. Blue Glove put on his unilateral glasses and tugged on them. Gloves, suddenly ran away quickly

On the big screen, under the scanning of various data of the glasses, the speed of the predators became slow motion; but as soon as the blue gloves were out of sight, he stood up and ran, and between "thank you", he punched each predator , all of them scattered into blue light fragments, and in a blink of an eye they were in front of Marr and others. Just as he punched the unprepared Marriva, she quickly raised the heavy firepower machine gun next to her and pulled the trigger. "Click, click, click." The fire dragon rushes

The glasses showed that Mou Langeng had to change the trajectory of his fist instantly, and blocked all the bullets with both hands. The fire dragon all turned into blue light and shattered. He said in a deep voice: "Rewa, have you forgotten who you are?" Reeva said lightly: "I am "I remember who I am." Blue Glove's face tightened: "It seems that you have really forgotten that no matter what you want to do, I will not let it happen." Before he finished speaking, Mal and Jenny started to fire, "Da da da da..."

"The energy of his gloves may be able to absorb all our firepower and let me deal with it." Reeva shouted. Seeing that the blue gloves were indeed unable to kill, and more and more marauders gathered around, Mal stopped firing and shouted: "Move forward." Save firepower." Reeva rushed forward to hold Lan Suo back, and everyone was able to move forward. Although he was worried about his sister's safety, Simon could only follow: "Reeva, be careful,"

On the one hand, during the fight between Reeva and Blue Gloves, it was not clear whether Blue Gloves meant to kill her, because all his violent fists were in vain. Rewa was cutting punches with both hands and kicking with both legs, and the opponent's gloves were not even touched at all. In the camera shot under the vision of blue gloves, there is a gossip shadow on Reeva's body. He can completely see her life and death, and predict her punches. However, Reeva does not follow the routine at all, and his punches always fail. , Lan Tao was surprised: "How..." Reeva said: "My mind is clear now"

"Hoo" she took the opportunity to grab his upper arm with her left hand, moved her right palm straight to the middle, pushed his face and pressed it down, then retracted her elbow and hit his chest downwards, then punched his glasses again with her right palm. , the tiger climbed up the mountain and broke his glasses with a punch

High-tech, if they weren't on the side of Serenity, the audience might feel a little regretful. Now they can only applaud "Firefly". The weapons and equipment of "Firefly" include all kinds of expensive traditional science fiction from the Covenant, as well as fire potions and blue gloves. Specifications, there are also cowboys' gunpowder weapons that meet some of the changes in the future era but have a retro appearance. The audience who fell in love with this style and culture at first sight has silently shouted more than once: "It's so cool."

On the other hand, Marr and others were also advancing to kill the predators, but because these monsters would not die without a fatal blow, they shot the night away and stood up again, so they and the surrounding Covenant soldiers were about to die. There are more and more looters gathering that cannot be dealt with.

The "Boom Boom" scene switches to an air battle. At this time, the entire blue sky is still raging with war. Battleships and spacecrafts are constantly crashing and exploding, and people are dying. Thick smoke is rising from the mountain peaks in Shanxi, and the loess desert below the peak is full of debris. Predators , the Star Alliance, and the independent faction jointly performed a tragic and heroic

The fireflies also began to land on high ground or on various mountain peaks one after another. The runway of the main base was in crisis. Mal and others were surrounded by predators. The screen switched on the big screen, and the Cyclone was seen ferociously passing by and swooping down. Several predators that hit the ground flew high and raised up. Captain Tornado held the hatch with one hand and leaned out. The fierce wind blew his head back. With a heroic smile on his face, he smiled and shouted towards the front of the ground: "Haha Hahamar, we are here to save you.”

He's so damn handsome. The audience's eyes lit up, and many fans laughed and exclaimed: "Wow!" Natalie pumped her fists excitedly: "His fighting scene has finally arrived." From the appearance of the Tornado, the soundtrack The changes made the exciting atmosphere break through the red again. Oriental-flavored Xiao music, accompanied by high vocals, drums, symphony and electronic music, wonderfully resounded through the screening rooms of 5 North American theaters. These chic and heroic Xiao music made the audience The blood in our hearts is completely burning

"Tp" Mal shouted, and the cyclone fell unabated. A mule truck flew out from the tail cabin, carrying Megan and the other five people. The cyclone released its hand holding the hatch, and the entire The man jumped out of the spaceship, stepped heavily on the mule truck and landed firmly on the ground. The Cyclone unexpectedly landed on the runway and glided and crashed, knocking over all the predators blocking the way. The audience couldn't help but wonder. It’s the exclamation: “Wow”

"Go quickly" Xuanfeng looked at Mal and others, then walked towards the enemy who were chasing behind him. When passing by the mule, he quickly ordered Megan and others: "Protect them with all your strength. Start now. The commander is Mal."

It was obviously impossible for ten people to ride on a mule. The two muscular men and the violent woman Michelle and Rodriguez jumped out of the Tornado carrying weapons. Kelly and Simon, who had no fighting ability, sat on them. Mal looked at them deeply. He glanced at the cyclone that stopped the marauders, turned around and ran towards the communication building.


"Ah" Tornado, who was surrounded by more than a dozen predators, was desperate for his life. He fought wildly and magnificently. The chain kick was just the most normal move. The powerful fists and kicks explained what it means to explode the audience. Eyes wide open, action movie fans have been exclaiming in admiration. It would be a waste if Kung Fu Miracle Yang doesn't make a movie. Jessica's acute nephritis is so good. It's not funny, it's not a light body, tall and strong Miracle Yang is all about real Kung Fu. How handsome and cool can you be on the screen? "The Matrix" was one, and now "Firefly" is another

Whirlwind dived forward like a rhinoceros, hitting a marauder with both hands to make him retreat repeatedly, but then hit the Covenant soldier on the side of the runway with another cannon strike. Under the close-up, his eyes were filled with murderous intent and a real anger.

Suddenly, two predators wearing spiked clothes and eroded faces attacked from both sides. Tornado bent down and leaned back. He pulled out a rifle from his waist with both hands and pulled the trigger left and right. "Bang bang" Two blasts hit the heart, and the two predators screamed and fell to the ground. The whirlwind fell heavily to the ground and then rolled up again. It slaughtered the predators with double guns in the shape of "bang", "bang", "bang"... …

The brave and invincible Captain Tornado watched Tornado knock down a predator with one shot on the big screen. The audience's heartbeats followed the sound of the gun. But when the camera was raised, they saw that there were already too many predators surrounding Tornado. It almost took up the entire giant screen, and my heart skipped a beat.

"Ho, ah, ho..." The camera switched, Reeva and Blue Gloves were still fighting, and the situation around them was not much better. What was nervous was that the cold leader of the predators did not die in the air battle, and his face was covered with gray. But she still pounced on Reeva arrogantly: "Girl, I am a human being." Reeva was immediately entangled by him. Blue Gloves looked at him blankly, said "goodbye" and then turned and ran towards Mal, the leader of the predators. took over the battle

The besieged Tornado over there was in pain again and again. The tiger was no match for the pack of wolves. There were several bloody marks on his face. Several predators grabbed his hands and feet. The Tornado roared wildly, twisted and kicked. : "Ahhh one by one" "Huhu bang bang" Suddenly a row of bullets came like a fire dragon. A group of predators and cyclones were immediately hit. A small Covenant fighter plane flew past and flew towards Mal and the others. Xuanfeng's body shook a few times, and he fell to the ground with a fixed look in his eyes.

The camera was shot from a high angle, and he seemed to be expressionless, but also looking up to the sky with a smile. Fireflies were still fighting fiercely in the sky. It was a psychological montage. The big screen left Shanxi and came to Tranquility Valley, as if The photo frame that Mal placed in the captain's cabin looks like a whirlwind in the grass lying in the valley. The green weeds are very tall and swaying in the wind.

There are film critics with surging emotions in Tranquility Valley again. People can still notice this; Yang Hei's film critics secretly criticize and ridicule Miyao Yang's acting skills, but they dare not ignore this point. That is Tranquility Valley in the heart of the whirlwind, a weed. The beautiful bushy Taobao women's clothing Tmall Taobao mall Taobao women's winter coat m valley, the place where he should have died years ago

Back on the big screen in Shanxi, layers of predators pounced on the fallen Tornado, and there was no trace of the brave captain.

Mal, who was approaching the communications building at the end of the runway, looked back and immediately shouted uncontrollably: "Tp" The expressions of the five crew members of the Tornado suddenly became cold and angry. Megan, who was driving the mule, did not look back, but could not suppress her grief. Absolutely shouting: "Ahhhh..."

Watching this section and listening to the passionate but sad soundtrack, except for a very small number of people who hate Miracle Young and hope that "Firefly" fails, the long-awaited audience felt uneasy. Movie fans may have wet eyes or sigh with regret. Captain Tornado is dead. Evelin is holding her red and sore nose, tears are about to well up and fall from her eyes. Is this still "a little sad..."... Natalie couldn't help but pat the chair and cursed softly: "Why on earth did such a good man have to die and die so miserably?" Rachel wiped her wet eyes. What an impressive performance.

In the Dianwei Pavilion, Jessica held Wang Yang's hand tightly and gasped with lingering fear: "Oh my God, it's so scary..." Wang Yang took a moment to sneak in and leaned over to Jiang Ye, and asked Yibao: " Dad is quite handsome, right?"

"Go to hell!" The violent woman held her machine gun and fired wildly at the Covenant fighter planes. The two muscular men also used their best to clean up the surrounding predators. When the Covenant fighter planes swept away everyone's crisis, they finally came to the communication Floor, the mule truck broke through the glass, and everyone walked in.

In the fast editing room, Mal, Janey, Zoe and Tornado easily defeated the Covenant defense force in the communication building. They finally arrived at the signal room. However, they wanted to use the encrypted communication system and were responsible for cracking the password. Kelly nervously said: "No, 951753, I need at least 15 minutes." In such a serious and heavy situation, the audience still couldn't help but smile, but they had to hold on for 15 minutes. In the aisle, the blue gloves walked in step by step, calmly Say: "That's it."

"Bang bang bang", "bang bang bang" everyone in the shooting room raised their weapons and aimed at him, and the firepower was overwhelming. Although he lost his glasses, his blue gloves covered his face with his hands, and his whole body seemed to be able to absorb impact. Wearing a bulletproof black windbreaker, although he retreated, he actually walked into the shooting room. There were too many people in the room and they had to worry about the communication machines around them. Mal and others had to reduce their firepower. They liked Jenny who was wearing a full set of weapons. At this time, a strange thing happened. A grenade was thrown towards Jiang Ye. "Boom", the blue gloves punched Jiang Ye. The grenade exploded and turned into blue light instantly, and his gloves also dimmed into black.

He was running so fast that everyone was already a step too late to shoot. Mal shouted, "Cease fire and pay attention to the machine." Blue Glove stood in the middle and seemed to scan the crowd: "What do you want to do?" The voice Before it fell, he started to move, and everyone from Serenity and Cyclone attacked him.

"Oh" The audience watched this indoor fight scene with nervousness and anxiety. Eight people stopped Blue Gloves. However, despite this, they seemed to be unable to do it: the camera switched, and Reeva, who was fighting the leader of the predators on the other side, fought fiercely for several more times. After the round, he was finally able to escape and rushed to the signal room of the communication building. Seeing the bad situation, Simon also roared and rushed forward: "Don't underestimate the doctor, I don't only know how to massage." It must be said that his joining broke the balance, and the blue gloves His face and neck began to be hit by punches, and he could only barely resist.

"Okay!" Kelly, who was leaning on the instrument to operate the communication system, shouted. She put the annunciator in place, and Mal said to Blue Gloves while typing: "Let me show you a world without sin. How about I show you what kind of faith you are pursuing?" Blue Glove's face immediately changed, and he shouted out loud: "n" Kelly pressed the shooting button heavily, and under the eyes of everyone, all the TV screens in the shooting room lit up. Get up, the signal is synchronized to the world

ps: I can’t finish one chapter in one go. Wow, I’ll finish this chapter first. I’ll continue to write and show the rest of the finale tonight and upload it again. Before the preview, I’ll watch it tomorrow morning if you don’t wait. I’m sorry for not uploading it. I’m feeling stuck in my heart. I'm sorry to ask for a monthly vote. Thank you all for sending your unused wow power to the top ten. Thank you.

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