The Best Director

Chapter 365 This is shocking!

In the vast and vast universe, a fleet of predators floated quietly in the darkness. There were large battleships and small spaceships. They were countless and densely packed. The patrol team blew up a spacecraft that had no predator characteristics and broke in by mistake. , groups of plundering spaceships that seemed to have just finished their wanderings returned with victory or alone. The Serenity slowly passed through the fleet. Everyone in the cockpit said nothing. Under the soundtrack of the weird and mysterious dog, the audience Most of them held their breath: ""

The special effects are still so real and gorgeous, and the picture composition is still so open and clear! It is actually difficult for global audiences to see this kind of interstellar science fiction spectacle. The production cost of "Star Wars Episode III" was 113 million, "Star Wars Episode II" was 115 million, and "Star Wars Episode I" was 115 million. Woolen cloth? Counting only the one-year sci-fi adventure "Planet of the Apes" with 100 million, 1998's "Star Trek: Uprising" with 10,000, and this summer's "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" with 10,000...

In this era, there is no other way to create background props, special effects, etc., but to use money, technology and hard work. "Firefly", which has a record production cost of 200 million for a science fiction film and was created by an all-Oska-level team, is certainly not what it is. For ordinary people, what distinguishes sophisticated large-scale productions from small and medium-cost productions is the balance between literary, opera and martial arts. Even the literary and opera parts are full of movement, not just character dialogue. For example, in the Bato spaceship repair shop before, if the budget was small and medium, it would be possible to delete the scene. Some of the scenes were simple interior scenes, and the shooting range of the lens was narrowed in a subtle way; tonight, the entire busy and noisy repair shop, the entire loading and unloading of Serenity Everything is clear and even panoramic shots and long shots are often used to give the viewer a clear view of the scene.

There are a lot of martial arts scenes, a lot of outdoor scenes, a lot of scenery shots, and the photography range will not be narrowed even a little bit. On the contrary, there are huge formats of film!

It and the small and medium-cost perception and feeling of martial arts, the holy king of heaven and earth, the creation of the sacred king, the night-killing god, the divine seal throne, seeking the devil, the most powerful and abandoned boy in the ninth heaven, the great Zhou royal family, the night-killing god, the divine seal, the throne, the most powerful and abandoned young man, the proud ninth heaven. The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty uses force to move the universe and will kill the god and seal the throne at night. Asking for the demons and being the most powerful and abandoned young master in the ninth heaven. , the texture and film feel of "Star Wars Episode III" are also inferior. This is destined to be an increasingly amazing visual feast! The flavor of the planet and the cityscape were once again displayed confidently and fearlessly. When the camera cut through the blue suit and came to the square of Kangton Town, watching the residents enthusiastically carving and erecting stone sculptures of heroes, the statue of Marr was pulled up high; over there The audience was relieved that the Serenity passed through the predator fleet smoothly and flew towards Miranda Star.

"The readings I got are all normal. There is no crustal vibration or radiation in the oceans and land..." On the big screen, Serenity is flying in the sky of Miranda Star, with a bird's-eye view of the beautiful Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Clothes The scenery in Jacket M was eye-catching. However, Zoe and Wash said that the instrument could not sense electricity or anything, but detected a very weak signal. So the spacecraft flew towards the position of the signal, and the beautiful scenery that amazed the audience appeared again.

Watching the Serenity flying low over the sea of ​​clouds on the giant screen, José-Weddon's lips trembled with excitement. He suddenly recalled clearly the first time he met Wang Yang.

A passage from a young man today: "Or if you think about it again, it is an endless mountain range with green peaks towering one after another. There is fog everywhere, and then Serenity flies through the fog. But, this is called the Sea of ​​Fog and the Mountains. I was just thinking about how to combine the two. It doesn’t need too much, even just one or two shots that combine naturally and perfectly.”

Sea of ​​fog and mountains! This beautiful face full of oriental artistic conception made the film critics' eyes shine: "!hLy—!" When the "Star Wars" series still stayed in the medieval palace style, "Star Trek" stayed in the bright and clean traditional science fiction "Firefly" We need to integrate western cowboys and oriental artistic conception! The director and his art and special effects teams are really crazy! Even those who dislike Wang Yang can't help but mutter: "Are you kidding me!"

George Lucas sat up straight in surprise. The landform of Guilin, China, was used in the Kasiko planet in "Star Wars Episode III". He thought about how to integrate Chinese landscape paintings into science fiction and how to interpret this ethereal style. Now he sees arrive!

This scene also makes Miranda star impressive, and the sense of mystery is suddenly revealed!

"It's so shocking!" Her Majesty Queen Padmé-Amidala Natalie Portman also opened her mouth wide and suddenly flashed back a memory of two years ago in Beijing, China: "I'm doing this too, One hundred percent! I want to bring Chinese landscape painting into the world of science fiction! Wish me luck!" The guy held his right fist in the air and shouted with a smile: "But1u~!" Natalie felt her heart beat faster and sighed with conviction: " But1u!" In another screening room, Rachel McAdams also murmured with a smile: "But1u!"

"But1u!" Movie fans and audiences from all over North America praised one after another. If it were a small-to-medium-budget film, it might just be a white cloud to fool the night. Now just to see these beautiful scenery is almost worth the ticket price, what else is there? Surprise?

No matter how beautiful Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Clothing Winter Jacket m, the scenery will pass. Towards the end of the night, on the big screen, Serenity landed in a city with a beautiful environment. Mal and Jane, who got off the spacecraft, were wearing vacuum masks. In the space suit, checking the data of Miranda Star, Zoe said: "The gravity field is the same as the earth, the oxygen concentration is normal, the air pressure is normal... there are no problems!" Janey looked around in confusion: "This is not a small immigrant. Click." Zoe agreed: "I have flown over dozens of cities of this size along the way."

Miranda's urban style is different from the previous Bator and Condon. If Bator is a representative city on the edge of the galaxy, the futuristic sci-fi western and east; Condon is a typical western town. Oriental elements, then Miranda is a high-tech city with oriental colors in the center of the galaxy. On the one hand, it is a neat and clean futuristic science fiction. On the other hand, it is lined with trees, small bridges and flowing water. It is strange that there are no weeds and waste. The photo

The colors of the movie are particularly soft and the light is particularly bright.

Walking on the streets of this city, Mal and others discovered many creepy anomalies. It seemed that the residents here died suddenly for no reason a long time ago. Seeing these tragic situations, Reeva became even more painful and cried: "God, please turn me into a heartless stone without eyes or ears!" Chu Chu's pitiful appearance was heart-wrenching. The audience was almost fascinated by that beautiful face, so how could they pay attention to her acting skills? Film critics can only lament that Barbie is the most beautiful Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Coat m.

However, there are not many scenes where Rewa has such a big change. Then everyone found the source of the signal in an institution and knew the cause and effect. The virtual three-dimensional female scientist of the signal device first recorded and reported happily: "Today we are the first Put 23 px of hydroxide into the air processor for the first time, it will eliminate the evil side of human neurons, and all bad things will cease to exist! Thirty million people accepted this "Beautiful Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao" Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m New World "Purifying Mind Plan, they are all good! Parkers works!"

The big screen screen suddenly cut to the city of Miranda. The streets that had just been dead were filled with laughter and laughter. People who were neither evil nor good were walking around and chatting. The audience suddenly saw Reeva in a Star Alliance uniform standing on the bridge with her hands picking willows. Today The smiling face shown in the evening stunned the whole audience.

However, the voice of the female scientist's narration became sad and depressed: "It's been the third day since the mutation occurred. The situation is getting more and more serious. The entire social structure has changed. Most people have become low IQ. They no longer work and no longer work." Talk, they... 23 Pax had the opposite effect. These people became more aggressive and could no longer be described as crazy; there were also a small number of people who became their leaders. Those people preserved their IQ, but they thought that this It’s ‘Beautiful Taobao Women’s Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women’s Winter Jacket m New World’, thinking that I am a human being (vn-n).”

The city streets on the screen replayed the tragic scene of the mutation. The mutated people chased the Covenant personnel, fleeing in panic, which was shocking. Reeva was also pulled onto the spacecraft, and the female scientist's voice burst into tears: "It is the evolution of human beings." At the top are the best parts of the human species. They think they are God! They want to rule everything. Those people have no concept of good and evil. We tried to communicate with them, but they...,...killed all of us Most people, forced some people to accept Pax purification... That's not all, they also did some other things, I will not live to report these, but you must know... Our intentions are good, yes To make people live a better life." The camera returned to the institution, and she was seen in a virtual three-dimensional image being pulled down by the predators who rushed over, and she screamed: "Ahhhh~"

"They created the Plunder Strike!"..." Wash said blankly. Everyone was either expressionless or dumbfounded. Kelly couldn't bear to watch anymore and turned off the playback of the transmitter. Janey said bitterly: "These What are people thinking! What’s ‘Beautiful Taobao Women’s Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women’s Winter Jackets m New World’, I’m so full! If you have this time, you might as well play for a while! "

"Oh!" The mystery veil was lifted, and the audience suddenly realized that this was the case! The Predators are the failed products of the Star Alliance's "Beautiful Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jackets m New World" plan to purify the soul and eliminate the evil side of mankind? Miranda Star, which had been successfully developed, suddenly exploded. The audience also thought of the social structure of the Predators, which is like the shrimp people. The leader and soldiers with no IQ will also purify other humans to "transform" them, thus becoming a galaxy company. Third-party forces that are out of control.

vn-n? Nietzsche? Nazi leader! Fans and film critics also suddenly realized that this can explain the habits and positioning of predators. "Firefly" is getting more and more interesting!

The story of the entire movie tonight is not difficult to understand. It can be said that the plot is not novel, but the director told it in a fascinating way. From a commercial point of view, the audience must have enjoyed the unparalleled visual effects, as well as the ups and downs of emotions following the film, being nervous, excited, mysterious and heartbroken... From an artistic point of view, it is much more complicated, what is said behind the camera There are too many and too profound. Some film critics have figured it out, and some are still thinking about it.

Just like the role of the paper flower prop setting has just been revealed, the flower represents beauty. The paper flower only looks beautiful, but it is fake. Miranda Star is exactly A paper flower.

"Magic Yang's ambition is really big..." At this moment of the movie, senior film critics all vaguely saw Wang Yang's thoughts, and the theme of "Fireflies" also vaguely surfaced, about the world, human nature, and government, The Covenant, the Blue Gloves, the Independents, and the Predators are all different. This is a debate on political concepts and a confession of how to view the world. They are all very big themes that have been discussed hundreds of times, and perhaps nothing new can be said. Whether a movie is a classic or not always depends on how it is said?

If it is preached directly through character dialogue, it will have no impression, no impact, and no room for thinking. It is undoubtedly the worst way; Miraculous Young wants to compete for the best director during the awards season? Being good at setting up props, will he come up with any tricks?

"This report was made about 2 years ago. When the Predators appeared, the Covenant took control of Reva. They were afraid that she would expose this matter. They really should be afraid, because people in the whole universe will also know! It must be Someone needs to stand up and tell the people, everyone should know the truth."

That Captain Marr is back! In the leisure cabin of the Serenity on the big screen, Mal looked serious but mobilized everyone. Under the melancholy and undercurrent-like soundtrack, the audience gradually became excited. From the beginning, they could see that this unruly captain had a hard mouth and a soft heart. From the moment he stepped on The moment Miranda star, Mal put away his playful smile, and his speech revealed a kind of coolness: "You set foot on Serenity for different reasons, but we finally came together! So now I ask you to pay more than To make more contributions before, you may have to give everything you have. I am sure they will try again, maybe in another world, maybe on this land, after cleaning, they will try again, one year, maybe ten years, they will try again They will regain their faith and believe that they can make people live better."

"I don't have this belief!" Mal raised his chin and looked at the silent crew members with an arrogant look on his face: "So don't run away anymore, I just want to fight against them!"

Many film critics immediately discovered another political metaphor: today's young people actually connected the two wars! "I believe they can make the people live a better life..." refers to the United States of America during the US-Iraq war and the Civil War. The edge of the galaxy is the Middle East and the Confederate States of America. Is Miranda Iraq? Looters alluding to the increasingly shambles of post-war reconstruction? Wang Yang's Asian identity is very sensitive. He is walking on a tightrope and could fall miserably at any time.

However, it is worth noting that the Star Alliance is a combination of the United States and China, and it also reveals that the Blue Gloves who pursue a better world and utopia tend to represent Soviet Russia and China.

Blue Gloves are obviously extreme idealists who are divorced from reality, while Nazism and terrorists (predators) are extreme dictators and extreme idealists. They think this is beautiful Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Clothing Jacket M New World, they believe they are right, and they believe so until they die. The same is probably true for Blue Gloves. Even if his intentions are good, once things enter an extreme state, idealism is terrorism, and even more terrifying. . And the Star Alliance has made it clear that when there is only one government in the whole world, things will get messy. They can do some things without telling the people, and power will be controlled by some careerists, who will then control and use some idealists, such as Blue Gloves. This kind of FB helps them hide the truth of history, create a so-called beautiful new world, and lead to chaos in the world.

"yu-kn-T-uh." The Star Alliance is a double irony. The moral of the dog in the whole story can be seen one way or another. The two pairs are intricately intertwined. What does he want to say in the end? More and more film critics are breaking out in a cold sweat, simply enjoying the film without thinking about anything, and that won't go away.

Sometimes audiences who only want to enjoy movies feel that film critics are over-eating? The most stressful thing now is to get the signal out! On the big screen, Jenny drank a sip. Drinking wine, he made up his mind and said, "My mother told me, if you can't do something smart, just do the right thing." Simon asked, "Do we have a plan?" Mal said confidently, "New Shanxi. This signal device It is a format specially developed by the Covenant military. We do not have the equipment to broadcast this footage, but New Shanxi can transmit the signal to every screen in thirty worlds."

"New Shanxi? We went to Jiangye there to die." Wash looked puzzled and surprised. Seeing that Simon was another doubter who didn't know about New Shanxi, Zoe explained: "That's where the Covenant Alliance is connected in the galaxy. The military garrison is no less garrisoned than the plunderers, and it is impossible for us to capture and sneak into New Shanxi with our strength.”

"We have Plunder Qing." The corners of Mal's mouth moved, seeming to think of the leader of the Shark Gang who was killed by Reeva, and he added: "We still have some old friends."

The camera suddenly switched to reveal the predator's ferocious face and cry: "Ahhh--" A huge fist dominated the screen and smashed into the predator. The camera zoomed away and saw an upper body woman in a huge iron cage in the tail cabin of the spacecraft. , a tall and muscular man was fighting fiercely with a predator, while the hot Latina beauty played by Megan Fox stood aside and watched silently with her hands on her chest and a sweatshirt. She was not worried or nervous at all in the close-up shot, and she didn't even look at it. There was no sense of drama at all, as if this was just the most normal thing.

"Oh ho!" The theater was full of exclamations, and many movie fans, especially girls, cheered, Captain Tornado made his appearance! He captured alive a predator that everyone feared and beat him every day! What a domineering way to appear! Nancy-Lino exclaimed, she didn't expect this amazing muscular man to buffer the rhythm of the drama like this!

"Ahhh!" In the iron cage, Tornado's continuous punches left the predator unable to fight back. He raised his kick and kicked the predator in the waist. The predator immediately screamed and fell to the ground. Tornado spat with disdain in his eyes, walked out of the cage sweating profusely and panting, and closed the cage door with a bang. Under the long shot of the sport, the hot beauty handed him the clothes and fixed the cage lock, "Mal looking for me?" Tornado put on his sweats, with the muscles of his upper body exposed and covered, walked to the communication cockpit, and took something out of his pocket He took out a big cigar and held it in his mouth. When walking in the aisle, another hot beauty played by Evangeline Leigh handed him a lighter. Tornado took it and lit the cigar. In the middle leisure cabin, Michelle and Rodriguez The crew member who made a guest appearance was assembling the machine coldly, and Jenson Ackles sat with his eyes closed. When the two saw the captain, they also got up and followed. In the cockpit with sandbags hung, Channing Tatum was operating the machine. spaceship.

It’s the same Firefly spaceship, but compared to the hilarious Serenity, this ship has really powerful people! A fierce force is coming!

Too arrogant and handsome! The male viewers were a little jealous. How could this be? Did this guy keep the good shots to himself? But who played the Latin beauty? So eye-catching and stunning! They paid attention, and the magical fans were so excited that Evelyn screamed: "Cool!!" Natalie and Portman laughed with bright eyes, waiting all night and finally Out! This director is so handsome! Rachel McAdams also said wow, cool! People like Anne Darren and Scarlett Johansson also laughed for no reason.

"It's unbelievable..." -Ty1k Cinema, Megan Fox pursed her lips in excitement, actually joining a big movie and appearing on the big screen, with not many scenes but so eye-catching! She loves Magic Yang! From the front row of the auditorium, Jessica muttered: "

I really want to play that role, the whirlwind is mine..."

Film critics were also very surprised. Claire clenched her fist and waved her hand with a magical aura! On the big screen, the various screens in the cockpit were filled with different captains. Whirlwind looked at Mal in the middle and smiled: "Mal, my old friend! What's wrong with calling so many people?" The camera cut to the driver's cab of Serenity. , the side of the whirlwind suddenly turned into a screen, and all the communication screens showed the faces of different captains. Mal showed a particularly bright smile: "Tp, long time no see! A big deal."

The camera cut to the Tornado, and Megan walked into the cab, "So we are going to attack New Shanxi! I need you to push back." Mal's voice fell, and the Captain of Tornado was heard laughing boldly and excitedly: "New Shanxi! OK! , I'm joining the team, Megan, go kill that predator." Megan turned around and walked out without any doubts, but the captain hesitated and said: "This is too dangerous!", "You won't tell me the complete attack anyway. I won’t agree to the plan.” Mal in the middle said: “I don’t know who can be trusted.” Another captain asked: “Why should we trust you?”

"I believe it!" Xuanfeng said coldly, immediately silencing everyone. The camera entered the cabs of different spaceships and scanned the hesitant captains and crew members. Attacking New Shanxi is equivalent to risking a life. on the table! The sound of the whirlwind went from deep to heavy to explosive: "Maybe you will think it is dangerous, but 15 years ago! In Tranquility Valley!! I was already dead!!" At this time, I suddenly heard a "bang" gunshot, and the iron Megan, who was beside the cage, retracted her gun, the predator screamed and fell to the ground, and the exciting soundtrack suddenly sounded!

The audience gradually felt their blood burning. Tornado, who was looking at the whole screen on the big screen, gritted his teeth and smiled: "Today, I am alive again! Mal, if this time, I die again - if I die, Please take me back to the Valley of Tranquility! That's enough." Mal nodded with a determined expression and said: "Me too." The whirlwind's laughter was as awakening as the scalp numbing: "But you Fukn bastards, continue to be losers! Keep hiding in your fireflies and cursing the world! I don’t!! This time, I fight for myself. But I will kill you all. I promise that if I survive, I will kill you cowards one by one. !!I swear, LL!!”

"In that case...I'll go too." Suddenly another white captain agreed with a smile, and then the next one: "Mal, I believe you." And the next one: "Then I would rather die in New Shanxi ." Mal smiled, Tornado smiled, everyone mustered up their courage and regained the will to refuse to surrender, and they all survived! "I have joined the group to attack New Shanxi!!" "New Shanxi.", "New Shanxi!", "New Shanxi!"...

"n-shn!" The temperature in the screening room was also rising steadily, and many audience members also shouted silently excitedly, feeling a sense of nervousness and excitement!

The camera cut to New Shanxi, which resembles a desert and a loess plateau, and saw a group of Star Alliance fleet spaceships gathering to take off and land. Under a heavier sense of oppression, Serenity flew out of the Predator Zone, and the blue gloves were like lingering ghosts. Appearing on the cockpit communication screen, he said calmly: "Condon's hero, either hand over Reeva to me, or Condon, die." The reason why he made the threat was that he already knew that Mal was a hard-tongued person with a soft heart.

How abominable! The audience was holding their breath, and then remembered the enthusiasm of the residents of Kangton. This scene made countless people want to punch the screen! Nancy and Lenore could only admire and admire, this villain is really bad to a certain extent! He is not only threatening, he is the kind of bad guy who can provoke others to anger with just a few words and a few facial expressions, and they want to beat him to death. This is an ability that is very in need of beating and makes people angry. It's also charming.

"Okay!" There was no wordiness this time. In fact, the rhythm of the soundtrack did not slow down. Mal said, "I will go to New Shanxi to hand Reeva over to you."

The communication screen went dark, and Mal nodded to Wash. Kelly had mentioned before that the communication system modified by the Predator spacecraft worked, and the screen was immediately connected to the main ship of the Predator fleet, the Predator played by Christoph Waltz. The big boss showed a cold and arrogant voice: "Who are you?" Mal smiled and said: "Hello, I think you will be very interested in someone." Later, Reeva walked out of the hatch, and the big boss was stunned: " This girl..." Mal shouted: "Fire!"

In the vast universe, a Predator fleet floated quietly in the darkness, while the Serenity in the distance fired a Firefly-level missile, destroying a Predator spacecraft with a single missile! All of a sudden, all the densely packed large battleships and small spaceships surged out!

bring it on! Let’s go to New Shanxi to fight to the death! The hearts of movie fans, audiences, and film critics can't help but beat faster. After a long, powerful and interesting foreshadowing, what follows is a decisive battle that lasts for ten minutes, and more than ten minutes of it was filmed with a camera!

Everyone knows that the most exciting scene of the night is coming!

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