The Best Director

Chapter 346 Plum Blossoms Bloom

"Happy New Year, congratulations on wealth! Bring me the red envelope...

It is the Lunar New Year, and the entire land of China is filled with a festive and joyful atmosphere. The annual Wuhan East Lake Plum Blossom Festival has opened a few days ago. The plum blossoms are in full bloom in the East Lake Plum Garden, and the pale pink plum blossoms welcome the cold late winter. Blooming, contrasting with the green grass on the ground, it is very beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m. On this day, not only tourists visited the park to enjoy the plum blossoms, but also the "Firefly" photography team came specially to capture the beautiful plum blossoms.

Entering February... "Firefly" has also launched the last item in its publicity plan, the online viral marketing, trailer spoof contest as scheduled!

"We allow event participants to use the film and television materials of the Flame Group. We hope that while promoting "Firefly", users can also enjoy a better experience in other film and television works." Fiona, the spokesperson of Flame Films... Hassen said this The media told movie fans that she revealed that this activity can allow the audience to have a deeper understanding of the content of these film and television works and the company's brand image, and will be of great benefit to the DVD promotion of "Firefly" and other movies; she also hopes that other The company can be more tolerant, or hold the same event to let netizens have a carnival.

Of course, they will not give up the copyright of the entire movie or TV series. Currently, the activity only allows the production of trailers in the format of "Fireflies" and then uploads them to Utube

Naturally, Flame Films does not expect other entertainment companies to relax their copyrights and allow them to promote them, but they also find ways to make the matter bigger. The more out-of-control the situation, the better! But some things can only rely on chain reactions. They start it, and the netizens will finish it. The marketing department has invited Damian...Hager, Gavin...Richmond and others to assist. They are all enthusiasts and masters of making spoof videos. The first wave of spoof trailers for the Flame film version It's up to them to do it.

"One thing you must know, she is a very dangerous person, and she holds some secrets that you shouldn't know..." after Miraculous Yang uploaded eight spoof trailers. utube. uee. The latest version of "Ice Age" has appeared on other video websites. "Sweetheart Edition". "Saw" version. "The Big Bang Theory" version... Fans and netizens finally understood the true purpose of the spoof trailers. Looking at these funny trailers, it is really fun and attractive! Under the hands of the flames, their click volume and circulation are increasing day by day, but there is still some way to go before they explode.

These publicity tactics will undoubtedly increase the popularity of "Fireflies" and Wang Yang. One of the specific manifestations is the popularity of Google searches.

Recently, Google announced the most popular keywords in the past four years. Britney Spears, who was married and divorced in a flash, ranked first, Paris Hilton, the daughter of a wealthy family who became famous for her video, ranked second, and the popular singer Christina... Aben Leila ranked third. Wang Yang, who has no movie released, did not enter the top ten of the overall list, but ranked third in the category of male stars; the top two are Orlando...Bloom, Tom...Cruise are all "rich, powerful,

"Charming" golden bachelor.

Director, important person in the T world, marriage, YouTube... In fact, just look at "Prison Break" and "The Big Bang Theory" ranked first and third in the TV series category and you will know why. Although Wang Yang considers himself a director, he is no longer a director or producer, but an idol.

However, in mainland China, Wang Yang is far from being a household name. Especially if there is no news about new films, it means that Forgetting is far behind at least in the search rankings. No matter whether it is Google or Baidu, the top ten Chinese keywords are not on the list, and Dao Lang has them all. Among the people on the two lists, Jay Chou, Ruby Lin, Guo Jingjing and others are all at the top. Even among young people, there are still many people who don’t know who Wang Yang is, let alone older people. So these two days Wang Yang Yang led the team to shoot scenes in Wuhan East Lake and went shopping to celebrate the New Year, but no one recognized the great director.

If Jessica was with him, Wang Yang's chance of being recognized would be multiplied several times. After all, beautiful women have a higher rate of turning heads and attract more attention; however, this time Wang Yang was enjoying the journey alone, and it was fine for him to be in love or get married. Sometimes we need to give each other some space to breathe fresh air, especially after such a sweet and exciting paper wedding anniversary. This is the so-called separation is better than a wedding.

Although the commemorative event was full of drama and conflict... he was very forgetful and happy at the time, but as expected afterwards, Wang Yang was beaten and beaten by Jessica as a vicious punishment; despite this, he I still had a very, very happy birthday, and now I am a 25-year-old man.

"The plum blossoms are as white as the snow, but the snow is less fragrant than the plum blossoms! Wow, this poem is great...

It is a good season for plum blossom viewing and the weather is good. Under the blue sky, many tourists are walking in the plum blossom forest with the fragrance of flowers. They are admiring the pink plum blossoms all around. From time to time, they reach out to catch the falling petals. Two lines of ancient poetry made Wang Yang feel really relaxed and cheerful. He thought carefully about what other poems about plum blossoms there were. Fortunately, he had done some research and review before going out in the past year or two. He suddenly thought: "Yes! Yes!" Now, beside the broken bridge outside the post office, I am lonely and without an owner. It is already dusk and I am sad alone, with more wind and rain. I have no intention of struggling for spring, and I will accept the fate of all the flowers..."

Shattered into mud and crushed into dust. "The breeze blew by, and he caught a piece of rotating falling petals and took a deep breath: "Only the fragrance remains the same. Haha, awesome! "

The crew has completed all the framing work, regardless of the reshoots that may be needed... "Fireflies" is officially % finished! These beautiful and refined plum blossoms will be used as one of the materials to form an important scene in Tai Chi City. Warley... Pfister and others returned to Luoxianfan with the film results, but Wang Yang wanted to visit for a few more days before leaving. This was his first time to celebrate the New Year in China. The uniquely strong Spring Festival atmosphere attracted him, and he rudely Singing a song that could always be heard on the streets and shopping malls in a rough voice: "The first snow in 2 years..." When it snowed for the first time in 2 years, Wang Yang estimated that he was 21 years old, maybe 22. He is now 20 years old, and the work situation is similar to now. "District 9" has been completed, and he is eager to start the production of "The Hangover." "Husband Panda", which was planned that year, will be released globally in May. He and Jack Sika came to Asia to watch the World Cup in South Korea and Japan, and set foot on Chinese soil for the first time; now again, the 25-year-old is even crazier than the 22-year-old..."

Well? "Wang Yang suddenly thought that he seems to be a little crazy recently, always likes to be in the limelight. Is it because his rebellious genes are rebounding because the baby is about to arrive? The panic of becoming a father? Thinking about it this way, it seems that, in these buds, Surrounded by the white plum blossoms, the trace of uneasiness hidden under the momentum became more obvious, which made him take a deep breath, and the fragrance of the flowers made his mind refreshed. In March, Jessica will have been recovering for almost half a year. According to the agreed family plan, she will If you are pregnant, the baby will be born by the end of the year. "Provided by Dawn Monk, Baidu"

End of the year! Wang Yang frowned and walked to the lake. His mood was gone. It wasn't that he didn't like the baby. On the contrary, he had been looking forward to it for a long time. But what did the arrival of the baby mean? What changes will happen in life? Whether he can still be crazy or indulge occasionally... whether he is a good police officer or a bad police officer, whether he takes responsibility or evades responsibility... you will only know the moment you hold the baby in your arms. But now it's like there are two Wang Yangs fighting in their hearts... One is saying happily... "Wow, I will be a father by the end of the year, so happy!" The other one keeps repeating a sentence coldly: "That's it!" Let me ask you, is that it?”

"What else do you want? What are you not willing to give in to? What are you dissatisfied with? What are you afraid of? What are you obsessed with? Let them go!!" Wang Yang, who was emitting red light, spoke again; Wang Yang, who was emitting blue light, immediately sneered: "Is that it? I ask you, is that it?" This time he added another sentence: "When you uploaded the video to Utube, did you want Helen to see it and other girls to see it? And then said,' Jan, you guys are so damn happy! Don’t you think this is unfair to Jessica? Isn’t it unfair to Helen? What do you think, bastard!”

Hongguang Wang Yang also sneered: "I have let go of Helen a long time ago, but you didn't let go of all that messy anger! I love Jessica, it's that simple! You bastard! It's you who always want to do bastard things , always want to complicate things, always want to destroy, what are you afraid of? What do you want?" Blu-ray Wang Yang said: "I love Jessica too, you don't understand! I want you to go away and everything is up to me. Come and take control, now is my time!" Hongguang Wang Yang smiled: "Your time has long been used up! If you were still in the last century, you would be finished."...

"That's enough, shut up!" Wang Yang shook his head mockingly and continued walking along the lake, knowing that the person who fused the red light and the blue light was himself... The complexity and contradictions of individuals are often not even fully handled by themselves. clear.

After walking for a while, he suddenly saw a man standing by the lake in front of him, who seemed hesitant to jump in. Wang Yang instinctively shouted: "Hey, hey! Comrade, what are you doing?" After walking around the East Lake for two days, This was the first time in three days that he saw such a suspicious person. The young round-faced man in the coat turned his head and looked here, and immediately shouted like crazy: "Don't come here, get out... don't come here!" Wang Yang was stunned when he heard this, couldn't he go this way? One of the director's skills is his strong observation ability. After sizing up the round-faced man, he asked doubtfully: "You want to commit suicide? It's New Year! You want to commit suicide? Oh my man..."

It turns out that the activities held at the East Lake Plum Blossom Festival today include "Plum as a matchmaker... a blind date conference. These activities and programs are also part of the excitement of Wang Yang these days. This round-faced man just fell out of love a few days ago. Today is really touching the scene, and I can't think of it at the moment." He actually wanted to commit suicide.

The dispute between Wang Yang and the round-faced man immediately attracted some people nearby to point and watch. There were also a few old men and women who helped to persuade: "Young man, look away!" and "Think of you more." Parents.", "It's useless for you to think like this." Seeing that the man was not very determined to die and could save him even if he jumped into the water, Wang Yang was not in a hurry and hit him first, then reported the case and then hit him again. Call Natalie and ask how to persuade a lovelorn person to commit suicide...

ome-on! Come here, comrade, what's your name? "Wang Yang put down the question, and Natalie said that persuasion is best carried out through dialogue. Never argue with the suicidal person, preach, comment, sarcastically, etc. This kind of reverse operation is very dangerous! Don't say something like "everything can be done" like the elderly people next to you. Okay...", "Don't look away... if there is no substance; let the suicidal person talk to relieve his stress and mood.

The round-faced man did not answer, and sighed with dull eyes: "She left me, you don't know, you don't know!" Ignoring the onlookers, Wang Yang immediately asked: "What don't I know? What is the feeling of falling out of love?" ?” The round-faced man’s attitude was still nonchalant: “You don’t understand.”

Then you are wrong. Wang Yang shrugged and rolled his eyes upward in memory: "I'm not at fault for falling out of love?" I fell in love four times! The first time, when I was 12 years old, there was nothing interesting except losing my first kiss. I refused to admit that it was my first love. "Several old men and women were frightened for a moment. Is this young man dating someone at the age of 12? The round-faced man was also startled. He has never seen such a persuasive person. He fell in love for the first time at the age of 5? He is only in the fifth grade. This is nonsense. Right! But he is quite handsome...

Wang Yang continued to talk: "Maybe I didn't understand that time; the second time, it was actually not that good, so I don't mind mentioning it; the third time in middle school, she was a girl with a lot of personality, who played in a band, rebellious, and beautiful, I finally caught her and I was really fascinated by her!" Old men and women were already watching him blankly. Thinking of these past events, Wang Yang shook his head and sighed at himself: "That's how I am. , maybe you are like this too. If you really like someone, you will devote yourself to it. I am so obsessed with her! I gave in a lot. I even put down my level 8 and picked up a white guitar! But!"

Then what? "A young girl in the crowd asked. Wang Yang took a breath and looked at her, then looked at Lan Tiandi and spread his hands: "She thinks I'm old-fashioned and I don't play the guitar well. After listening to her bands, My friend dumped me, and I will never forget her words, 'We are not suitable'! I don’t know what would suit her. I would do almost anything for her. OK, I was dumped for the first time. Then I did something bad and made her friends look embarrassed in public, haha! A bunch of self-righteous idiots. "

That year, a girl who sued him behind his back yelled crazily: "Wang Yang, I will kill you!!"

In this small crowded place by the lake, everyone's attention was no longer on the suicide. Even the round-faced man was fascinated. Wang Yang pinched his forehead and said: "That breakup really hit me hard, I think That was my first love. I told myself that I can no longer fall in love with a girl with this kind of personality. Don’t do stupid things like lowering the eighth grade." Another young girl wearing glasses asked: "What is the eighth grade?" Wang Yang He gestured and said, "It's a home camera that uses 8mm film." ""Provided by Dawn Monk, Baidu"

He got back to the point and said: "But soon, I fell in love with a girl with another type of personality. She is smart, very independent, and neat. She almost doesn't wear a skirt and won't rely on you for anything. Sometimes she is very gentle and laughs." It's very sweet, maybe it's just a way to make you happy. She wants to control me, and I want to control her, and then we all fight to see who can torture and kill whom. It's very fun. Then... …

"Dumped you again?" the round-faced man asked proactively. Wang Yang nodded, shook his head, and sighed with a smile: "We messed up, we must have killed each other!" She told me , Go to hell!... Now I am married." Seeing him flashing the ring, the old man and the old man suddenly realized that he was a young man who got married early! For several years, young girls suddenly felt a little regretful...such a handsome guy had fallen like this! Speaking of which, this man looks familiar, maybe! "

But I had just fallen out of love at that time, and this time it was even more serious than my first love, too serious! I was a lunatic during that time. "Wang Yang couldn't help wiping his head with his hands. That was the time for the blue-light Wang Yang to make the decision. He glanced at everyone, he shrugged and said with a smile: "You know I have arrived at the university I have dreamed of for many years, but the person I love deeply leaves you! I don’t understand that feeling? Don't give up the joke! It seems like something is dead, the whole world has abandoned you, there is no point in doing anything, you are depressed, helpless, annoyed, sometimes embarrassed, any negative emotions are good, it is really more uncomfortable than death! It seems like everyone is so annoying and mn when walking on the road! Sometimes I really think, let this earth explode, I don’t want anything, I don’t want her to come back to me, I don’t want a new girlfriend, let this earth explode! Because, it’s all ‘hy? Why? ! ,I am angry! He glared at everyone: "I'm very angry!" "...

That year, Luo Xian came to the USC Alumni Park and faced off with several peers. Wang Yang laughed loudly: "How do you think? You don't like me? Do you want a fight? Come on, come on!" The one whom he The provocative boy suppressed his anger and said: "You are a madman!" They were discussing the movie normally, but unexpectedly a madman showed up and made a lot of noise. Is he a new student this year? One of the girls couldn't help but cursed: "Crazy! Go away!"

"I'm laughing so hard!" Wang Yang whistled, but didn't walk away: "Some people actually said that the special effects ruined the movie. Hey girl, is this really the University of Southern California? I thought I really went to the Ivy League... A bunch of nerds! Old die-hards who cling to some old ideas all day long." He pointed at the angry boy with a smile: "Man, do you still want to look cool in front of beautiful women? You think others will say you are stupid if you deliberately say such idiotic views. Handsome? I really might as well say that the golden age was the best! Then you might still be a supporter of silent films. The emergence of sound films was a kind of destruction. Chaplin was funny, right?"

"He's crazy!" The boy snorted angrily, but he didn't want to argue anymore. He had just discussed a lot about special effects and other topics but couldn't explain this guy. He turned around and walked away quickly: "Let's go!"

It was such a mess! Wang Yang shook his head, looked at the crowd of spectators and the round-faced man who committed suicide, and suddenly laughed out loud: "This kind of anger that burned everything made me almost mess up everything! Why is this? I understand It's like this when you're out of love, and you even want to burn yourself and destroy yourself, but man, comrade, is this really good? To put it cliché, uh, there's no grass anywhere in the world? I haven't fallen out of love four times before I broke up with you. Are the current wives together? Of course I will not allow a fifth birth. But you... He said seriously: "Single women all over the world are waiting for you!" Give yourself a chance. "

"No one will like me, and I don't like other people either... The round-faced man still sighed. Although he no longer had any determination, what this man said made some sense. He was thinking about something when he was suddenly disturbed by the plum blossoms who finally arrived. Jie Baoan stopped, twisted around and shouted: "Let me go, ignore me! "

The old man, old woman and other onlookers breathed a sigh of relief and were about to leave; but Wang Yang ran away angrily. Since this guy was caught hand and foot, he was going to do the opposite! He cursed angrily: "I don't know what happened to you! Why did she dump you, but I tell you! I tell you! Either you go to pursue her again," "Provided by the Dawn Monk, Baidu "Let her come back to you; or *** muster up the courage to face reality, look like a man, and then find a girlfriend! Do you want to be happy? You can just be angry, or commit suicide? Wake up! *-u! Playing suicide on New Year's Day? *-u! If I had a bad temper a few years ago, I would have kicked you down. If you want to come up, I will kick you down again and drown you! bsp; " The old men and women were all shocked. The young people, the round-faced men and the security guards were also shocked. They all looked at the tall man who was cursing and talking about something and walked far away, and then they came back to their senses: "Hey, this The young man has such a bad temper!", "I now believe he fell in love when he was 12 years old, so handsome!"..."

Hahaha! "Back in the plum blossom forest, as soon as he sat down on the grass under a plum blossom tree, Wang Yang burst out laughing. What the hell! Just such a fuss and scolding was like a brainstorming, and many things became clear. . He leaned against the plum blossom tree and looked up. One by one, they were either blooming proudly or withering in the wind. It was really a beautiful world of Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Clothes Jacket m! These plum blossoms are everywhere in the world. It will definitely be beautiful on the screen, and there will be those children’s laughter...

There is no grass anywhere in the world. Wang Yang thought about his past all night long, thinking about the present, thinking of Helen, Rachel, and Natalie, and smiled from time to time. Why not just finish "Fireflies" like Natalie said... Make a love movie? What a bad idea to welcome the birth of your baby! This is not a story about a baby, not about being a father, it is about love, loss of love, and letting go. It should be time for him to tell Lan Guang Wang Yang something, and say goodbye to the past Jiang Ye.

The wind blew, the plum blossoms swayed, and he raised the corners of his mouth.

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