The Best Director

Chapter 325 KO!

Chapter 325!

"What's the difference?", "ere-e-g."

"In the winter, this location is closer to the heater, so it's warmer, but not too close to cause sweating; while in the summer, the wind blowing in through the windows directly crosses here, that is, the windows here and there. ; When watching TV, the angle is just right, not too straight, which will affect talking to others, and not too tilted, which will cause neck pain. I could go on, but I think you already understand what I mean."

Bursts of laughter kept ringing from the TV and the living room. While Sheldon and Leonard were arguing, Penny sat down on the sofa to start eating lunch. Who knew she would actually take up Sheldon's special attention? Seat, exclusive seat? When asked, Sheldon said a series of words. Penny was stunned. She had never seen such a weirdo before. His tone seemed to be communicating with a child: "Do you want me to move away?" Sheldon did not hesitate: "Yeah !" Leonard sighed helplessly: "Just sit down wherever you want!"

Then the body language that made the audience burst into laughter appeared. Sheldon was dodging and looking for a place where he could "just sit down" uncomfortably. He walked around the living room and finally came to Penny. There was a close-up on the screen. The camera was shown to Penny who was in a daze, and Sheldon suddenly said loudly and fiercely: "I want my special seat!!" In the midst of laughter, Penny closed her eyes and jumped away quickly. Sheldon quickly sat down and leaned back. Show a comfortable, stable and satisfied expression.

In this way, another of Sheldon's hobbies was exposed, and viewers like Rachel, who had been addicted to the series before or were fans of the series now, and countless viewers who watched TV every day, were laughing. At the same time, they also developed a sense of intimacy. Everyone has habits and favorites. When watching TV at home, they naturally like to sit in a certain chair or a certain position on the sofa. Who doesn't have a "special seat"?

The audience continued to laugh, Sheldon continued to make trouble, and Leonard continued to make fools of himself with his arrogant and mean words. People who are used to watching sitcoms around friends and family are used to hearing about ordinary daily life. The laughter of daily conversations, and now the joy brought by "bb" is really fresh.

"Kuslapali and Wolowitz come here often, and on Tuesday night we played 'Klingon Scrabble' until one o'clock in the morning." Amid laughter, the audience learned about another of the scientists' usual entertainment activities. , using the Klingon language of "Star Trek" to play Scrabble, which is a very geeky behavior; "Yes, we can understand that you have mass cultural delusions, which means that you believe that when you are born, relative to arbitrary determination The apparent position of the sun in your zodiac sign may determine your personality." When Penny introduced her as a Sagittarius, Sheldon once again launched an all-out attack that was more sarcastic than sarcastic. Penny was stunned: "Oh... that's really cool. , but what are you talking about?”

The recording scene of this segment erupted with not only roars of laughter, but also applause and cheers. At this time, almost all zodiac fans could not help but laugh, mass cultural delusion!

"Hahaha! This guy is crazy..." Natalie laughed so much that she almost rolled off the sofa,

It was as if he had just heard Wang Yang say it himself, "I want to know what constellation Juno is?" In addition to a woman who loves him deeply and tolerates everything, an Aquarius man also needs a "psychiatrist". Unfortunately, she is that psychiatrist, but it seems to be just right. Their relationship is a typical combination of Aquarius + Gemini, somewhere between Good brothers with an unusually close relationship between friendship and love, so cool! This Sheldon? Based on his character traits, he should be a Zodiac sign.

"What's Sheldon's zodiac sign?" Jessica asked with interest. Although Catholics don't believe in zodiac signs, it doesn't hinder girls' enthusiasm for gossip. Wang Yang shrugged in reply: "Taurus." Jessica seemed to suddenly remember something: "According to the zodiac sign, I am also a Taurus!" Wang Yang laughed out loud: "That's why Sheldon said that, the zodiac sign Sometimes it’s accurate, sometimes it’s fart, maybe it’s psychological suggestion, maybe the comments are general, maybe luck, maybe it’s true, I don’t know.” Jessica, who was also watching it for the first time, asked in surprise: “Isn’t he a Catholic?” Wang Yang shook his head and said: "No, he is a person with no religious beliefs."...

"I'm a vegetarian, but I eat fish and occasionally some steak... I love steak so much!" Penny continued to introduce herself, and the audience's laughter continued, but Natalie suddenly gritted her teeth and became a little angry. Got it! No wonder that guy specially sent a text message today, telling her that she must watch it. "Prison Break" has not aired until the second season, so is this a provocation now? It is said that the hopeless guy likes steak best.

Penny was a waitress at a cheesecake shop and writing a screenplay. She moved to Los Angeles from Omaha, Nebraska, and was doing well until she fell in love with a jerk... "Paradoxes are everywhere in nature. For example, let’s take light. According to Huygens’ theory, light is a kind of wave. The double-slit experiment proved this point. But later, Einstein discovered that light also has particle properties.” Leonard comforted Penny. The lame physics rhetoric caused another burst of laughter, and then because the shower in the new apartment was broken, Penny wanted to borrow their bathroom to take a bath. Who knew that it triggered a series of rules, explanations, and agreements from Sheldon, as well as middlemen After Leonard's mediation and lots of jokes, Penny got the loan.

"Look at this first!" and "It's too strong to be true!" There was a knock on the apartment door, and Jewish space engineer Howard Wolowitz and Indian astronomer Rajesh Kusrapali appeared on the stage. The person's clothing immediately highlights his temperament. Howard has a bowl-shaped haircut, wearing a red dress similar to the flamboyant style of the 1960s, and a pair of black tights, which is very coquettish; Raj is more rustic. purple coat and sweater.

The audience's eyes suddenly brightened, and their interest was once again shocked. What kind of characters would these two weird guys be? What's the matter? Many fans of "Friends" feel that they are like Joey Chandler. Will this be a new popular combination?

The two of them were eager to play the CD in their hands as soon as they entered the door. Leonard just asked them to leave. Howard introduced the good things of the CD with his fingers trembling his lips: "In 1974, Stephen Hawking gave a speech at the conference. At that time, he was not Such creepy computer sounds." He imitated the stiff and weird computer sounds vividly, and developed a sense of superiority over Stephen Hawking, which made the audience burst into laughter; many students in the Department of Theoretical Physics and Hawking admirers laughed and cursed several times. Voice: "This is not fun!", "It's too much!"...

When he heard that there was a lady in the room, Howard, who was casual and sleazy, immediately jumped up from the sofa and immediately put on the posture of pretending to be a cool gentleman, his words and deeds were full of joy. I have to say that Simon Helberg, who comes from an acting family and is only 24 years old, has very mature acting skills. He brings the lustful and narcissistic Howard to life. Of course, this is also due to Helberg. Berg himself has this temperament: "You drove us away because you wanted to have sex with her?"

"Haha!" Natalie smiled again. The word "iu" is really good. She likes these vulgar jokes about shit and piss. She has a contrarian personality formed by her upbringing. But the more she looked at the Jewish Howard Wolowitz, the more she felt that this was Wang Yang's joke on her through the series.

"I don't want to have sex with her." Leonard was helpless, and Howard perked up: "Does that mean she is an available sex partner?" Leonard's voice increased angrily: "Can we stop talking about it? Did you use the word 'coitus'?" Sheldon on the side immediately interrupted with an educational tone: "Strictly speaking, it is a messy, troublesome and unhygienic way of human reproduction." At this time, Penny, wrapped in a bath towel, said While complaining about the problem with the shower, she walked out and found Howard and the two of them. She smiled generously and said: "Oh, hey, I'm sorry, ell~~!"

"Nice to meet you! Charming lady!" In the close-up shot, the smiling Howard held his hands on his hips for half a second, and then suddenly greeted him charmingly, and his funny tone and movements made people laugh. He leaned on the pillar in the apartment hall with one hand and put his hand in his trouser pocket, and introduced himself to Penny: "I am Howard Wolowitz, from the Department of Applied Physics at Caltech. You may be familiar with some of my work results. Now, it is orbiting the largest satellite of Jupiter, taking high-resolution digital photos." His expression as if he was begging for candy aroused laughter again.

"Penny, I work at a cheesecake shop." Penny nodded with a smile and introduced herself. Leonard walked to the bathroom speechlessly: "I'll take you to get the shower head." Just as Penny turned around and walked away, Howard suddenly shouted: "bnne-due!" Penny frowned. , looked back in surprise with anger: "Excuse me, what did you say?" Howard, who successfully attracted attention, quickly explained: "This means 'take a nice bath' in French. It is a beautiful blessing (men). I Can speak in six languages.”

The audience burst into laughter! However, for Natalie, the effect of the joke was ten thousand times more effective. She spat it out and couldn't help but laugh crazily. This time she was really fooled!

In French, bnne is like gd, such as bnne-rè- (good afternoon), bnne-irée (good evening), bnne- (good night), etc. Due means shower, so bnne-due can mean "take a shower" "Good bath"; but in English, bnne often expresses another meaning, maid, maid, and due is not a good word, it means "douching" or "douching device" which is a heavier rinse. , "due-bg" originally refers to the bag containing the douche, and then evolved into a slang term used to insult women, and then became a slang term that can be used to insult anyone, meaning dirty, stupid, and annoying, which is no different from le.

So to Penny's ears, "bnne-due" is really not that good. Enjoying a douche or maid-style douching is not "men (sentimental, beautiful and sentimental)" at all. Girls naturally get angry after hearing such a vulgar remark. This also reveals how poor Howard's skills in picking up girls and 6 languages ​​are, and his character who often just feels good about himself and has no idea what he says and does is disgusting and obscene.

"..." On the TV screen, Penny opened her mouth and pursed her lips without any expression, and nodded without swearing. Leonard looked a little angry and didn't want to know them. He turned around and said sarcastically: "Let's keep it on your blog, Howard!" The two walked a few steps, and Howard behind them shouted in Chinese unwillingly: " Take a nice bath!" He screamed like a eunuch. I don't know if the audience understood it at the time of recording, but almost everyone laughed.

Hahaha——"! That guy is so abominable! Natalie was laughing so much that she collapsed on the sofa and couldn't stop. Is her level of 6 languages ​​​​that bad? Although her "picking up girls" level is indeed quite poor, although He likes to poop and pee! He was tricked by a "girl" again! And in front of at least 20 million American viewers, how could he do that! Natalie's voice was trembling and she laughed and imitated: "It hurts, take a quick shower ~~! bnne-due…”

While laughing, some ancient memories suddenly came flooding back. The day when filming "Juno" was started, that is, the day she asked "What do you think about marriage?", her answer was in German: "nrr!" Wang Yang also said Childish laughter came: "nrr? What do you mean? It's best not to tell me! But I am also a 'language master', English, Chinese, Cantonese... maybe German, nrr? So, nerd." She was also happy He laughed: "I know what 'nerd' means now. I have systematically studied Chinese for a long time!" Then he said in German, English, and Chinese: "nrr, fool, fool!"

The young face that couldn't help laughing and pretending to gnash his teeth was so clear, as well as the laughter that promised: "I was fooled by you, madam, be careful, I will get it back!"

"Obviously you have enough time, but don't let me hit him twice." Natalie smiled and muttered what she said at that time, and shook her head helplessly. Later, she actually hit him to a very high level. Numbers, but I have never played such a large number of cards! This time I lost them all in one go, damn bastard! But her good brother is quite charming. While paying attention to the hilarious TV screen, Natalie picked up her phone and sent him a text message: "e! nrr!" The reply soon came: "n, n!"

Not only Natalie Portman burst into laughter, but Rachel, who was once teased for "speaking messy Chinese", was also laughing. Audiences who understood and didn't understand had their own reasons for being overjoyed, and countless people subconsciously imitated Howard's words: "Take a nice bath~!" Jessica laughed crisply after reading it, and raised her chin with dignity: "Baby, I'm more standard!" Looking at her cuteness Wang Yang couldn't help but hugged her, kissed her, and asked with a smile: "Of course you are a genius! Is your IQ 187?" Jessica raised her eyebrows and imitated Sheldon's accent and language style, She said arrogantly: "187? Can I understand that this is a joke you told?" She raised her open left palm: "When I was 5 years old..." Wang Yang looked helpless as if he couldn't stand his wife's wordy words. , shrugged: “ere-e-g.”…

"Tonight! eue-me, I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper." After Howard completed his gorgeous debut, the NB channel on the TV screen entered the commercial break, although "The Big Bang Theory" has not yet proven itself to advertisers. "Friends" can't sell the usual price of 500,000 US dollars per 30-second ad, but it still sells an expensive 300,000 US dollars per 30-second ad due to its miraculous popularity and time-slot ratings. NB also raised the price by airing two consecutive episodes tonight. The highly rated "bb" left a spot to promote the next episode.

However, since nb is so willing to spend money, the second episode is naturally very interesting. This wonderful trailer made many viewers and fans excited when they saw it for the first time. The trio of "Magic Yang" and "The Hangover" are all here! Sheldon and his party met Magic Yang and others who were dining in a Chinese restaurant. Sheldon approached to chat with him with a very serious expression: "Mr. Wang, I must say that your movie has a very big problem." Wang Young, Bradley Cooper and Ed Helms were all stunned. Wang Yang's face was full of confusion and his innocent eyes were hilarious.

"I'm Dr. Bradley Cooper." The camera turned to the handsome Bradley Cooper. Ed Helms, who was sitting across the table, also said with a grin: " I'm Dr. Ed Helms." Bradley raised his hand and smiled: "Don't be kidding, you're just a dentist." The screen quickly flashed shots of other scenes from the episode, including Sheldon's anger, comic shop, i The cafeteria... Finally, it suddenly stopped at the confused Wang Yang. He looked at Bradley Cooper: "Your brother?" The audience laughed and narrated mixedly: ""e-g-bng-ery", tonight , must-see nb!" Sheldon Cooper shouted indignantly: "You shouldn't let Padmé Amidala play some childish poker with a ridiculous belly."

"Hahaha... You've beaten me to a negative number, and you still won't let me go! Due-bg!" Natalie laughed so hard that she rolled off the sofa, flew up into the air and kicked towards the TV screen, this bastard! ! ~!

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