Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 305: Suicide bomb


   In the loud sound, a huge balcony protruding from the street was hit by Roshan, and it was immediately shattered.

  Through the holographic projection, Lu Chuan could find out in detail that under this kind of impact force, this Roshan only had some minor injuries.

   It is not difficult to see that the defense power of this Roshan is amazing, and its muscle strength has reached a point where it can be said to be very hard.

   squeezed into the Roshan on the street, and there were a lot of cracks in the weak buildings on both sides, which shows how powerful it is.


   Lu Chuan didn’t know, where did Roshan come from? Isn’t this too exaggerated? A level 4 biochemical plant, or a level 5 biochemical plant, will this thing happen?

The appearance of    Roshan means that this is the finale type in this zombie attack.

   One time, four of them appeared directly.

   The four directions were all filled with the huge figure of Roshan. The buildings on both sides of the street were almost destroyed where they passed. Rolling past, even the trees on the side of the street are no exception.


   Lu Chuan took a breath. The current situation is the time for real crisis.

   "Javelin Rager."

   Lu Chuan issued an order, and these ragers stepped forward again, and about a hundred meters away from the Roshan, the ragers began to throw their alloy javelins.

  The power of the rager is enough to send the alloy javelin to a hundred meters away, and then use the powerful inertial kinetic energy of the alloy javelin to cause great destructive power.



   The power of this kind of javelin is indeed great, piercing the muscles of Roshan, but it only penetrates 30 or 40 centimeters.

  With the power of the alloy javelin and this powerful kinetic energy, this destructive power has given Lu Chuan a deeper understanding of this Roshan.

   Lu Chuan stared at the alloy javelin that was still out there, but he saw Roshan rolling, and directly pressed it down, causing the alloy javelin to pierce into its body.

   was originally something to cheer about, but Lu Chuan found that he was still too optimistic.

   How can this size of Roshan be wounded by a 1.2-meter alloy javelin? These alloy javelins pierced in, and the effect on Roshan was almost equal to zero. Roshan did not even stop, and continued to roll forward.

  At this kind of distance, Lu Chuan carefully searched through holographic projection, but he couldn't find Roshan's head at all.

   Like this Roshan, it is just a big round ball, it is totally natural.

   "Damn, how do you fight this?"

   Lu Chuan felt a sense of helplessness. According to conventional means, the opponent could just crush it without having to fight. Even if the guns in the hands of the special police zombies have plenty of bullets, they will definitely be of little use in the face of Roshan.

   The bullet can penetrate its skin, but the muscles inside can stop the bullet.

   According to the muscle thickness of Roshan, God knows how many meters of muscle will reach the internal organs? And for zombies, what are the internal organs and can they be eaten? Only the head is the Achilles heel of the zombie.

   What's more, Lu Chuan still doesn't know whether this Roshan has a head or what kind of zombie is it?

   It can be said that he knew nothing.

   This is a new kind of zombie, it is completely out of the type of zombie Lu Chuan knows. This also means that my understanding of zombies is beginning to become less and less. The types of zombies in Resident Evil, their information plays a very small role.

   Roshan rolled and kept approaching.

   They will not stop because of any factors. If they don't want to be crushed, they can only retreat.

   Although the ragers are only second-level zombies, Lu Chuan is still reluctant to give them away. He just lost 200 million yuan. If you lose again, God knows when you can replenish the funds.

   "The javelin rager, withdraw."

   The order was issued, and the Javelin Rager immediately turned and rushed. Although the speed of the javelin rage could not be compared with the swift ones, it was not too slow, and it was almost the same as the running speed of a normal person.

  Like lickers and tyrants, Lu Chuan didn't dare to let them go on top.

   Just kidding, licking the size of the eater, in front of Roshan, similar to the ants at the feet of humans, it has limited effect.

   is the five-meter-high tyrant, who also looks small in front of Roshan.

   Let them go on top, it's no different from killing them. Even if the tyrant's alienated right arm is pierced into Roshan, it is estimated to have a limited effect.

   Just the size of Roshan, the thickness of the muscles, and the effect of cold weapons on it are already very small.

   The streets after Roshan were crushed showed countless cracks and cracks. The streets where 100-ton heavy trucks would not be a problem did not cause any problems, but there were cracks. The weight of the Roshan must far exceed this weight.

   In other words, the position I built before was a joke in front of Roshan.

   As long as Roshan crushes over, the position will be empty.

   The current situation is basically a dead end, no zombies can stop it.

   If the anti-aircraft guns still have shells, it may be stopped, but the anti-aircraft guns are now scrap iron. Lu Chuan wants to add it, not that he can add it if he wants to. In China, this type of ammunition does not need to be replenished.

   fly abroad?

   Just kidding, there will be more than ten minutes from the top of the Roshan Mountain, and it will roll to the construction site of the biochemical factory. Maybe he hasn't arrived at the airport yet. This time the defensive battle of the biochemical factory has failed.

   On individual soldiers, the strongest in Lu Chuan's hands is probably the fifth-level corpse dragon.

   Then the fifth-level corpse dragon, in front of Roshan, is also just scum.

   Lu Chuan's eyes were fierce. Now that the other party’s final zombie has appeared, how can he hide his own privates?

   "Bomb zombies."

Lu Chuan gave the order, only to see that on the shield near the alloy wall of the biochemical factory, one by one swift people appeared. They have a characteristic, that is, they carry a backpack on their body, and the backpack is locked tightly on it. Body.

   The 1,000 remote-controlled bombs ordered by Lu Chuan at the beginning are now finally time to use.

   Originally Lu Chuan's plan, they would be the last step, they would not be used as a last resort, and they would be the last defensive method.

The appearance of    Roshan made Lu Chuan have to use them.

The power of modern bombs is absolutely beyond imagination. The backpacks of these swift men are packed with five kilograms of bombs. It is no exaggeration to say that they are exactly the level of an aerial bomb. As long as they are detonated, they will be within a radius of tens of meters. There will be no living things, and the affected area may cover hundreds of meters.

   Lu Chuan gave orders, and swift men appeared one by one, they carried their backpacks and started to run.

r/>   cannot be used in the position, otherwise it will destroy the position. It may not be useful to deal with advanced zombies, but it is still very useful to deal with some ordinary zombies.

   The swift man was running, past the construction site, and then continued on the street full of corpses.

   It can be said that this is my last resort.

  If Roshan can't be solved in this way, the defense will definitely end in failure.

   In four directions, the bomb swift gangs were divided into four teams.

   Lu Chuan's expression became tense, even clenching his fists.

Roshan’s speed is not fast. The speed of the swift is naturally faster, not better than the Hellhound, but their running speed is completely the speed of the world sprint champions sprinting, and they can still use this speed for a long time. run.

   Two kilometers, just a few minutes, meet each other.

   Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the swift rushed towards Roshan with gaps.

   Inside the boss's office in the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan took out an operator with a number listed on it. As long as Lu Chuan presses this number, the numbered bomb will explode.

   Roshan is like a wheel rolling, and the swift, like a praying mantis in front of the wheel, is it a mantis arm as a car or a snake swallowing elephant?

   According to the arranged number, Lu Chuan decisively pressed this number when the first swift rushed to Roshan, and at the moment when Roshan was about to press down.


   A violent explosion, a ball of flame appeared.

   This swift man was torn into pieces and disappeared, but the power of this kind of explosion also tears Roshan. Its surface seemed to have been hit hard, the muscles shattered, and a wound was formed that was huge and tens of centimeters deep.

   From this wound, a jet of black liquid poured out, bringing out a lot of minced meat.

   Roshan seemed to have been affected to a certain extent, there was a pause, and then it continued to roll. It's just that this huge wound, so conspicuous, proves that its muscle strength is still unable to resist the power of the bomb.

   "Come again."

   Lu Chuan finally showed a smile, as long as it worked.

   If one bomb swift doesn't die, then only two, three...until Roshan is killed.

   Without thinking, Lu Chuan devoted himself to this kind of micro-manipulation. Four directions were needed to control Lu Chuan's distraction. Under Lu Chuan's micro-control, the bomb swift gangsters lined up, constantly pounced on Roshan, and then detonated by Lu Chuan.

   There was a rumbling noise throughout the city.

   Roshan's body was constantly being blown up, and large pieces of muscles were lifted off, like a ball, constantly being destroyed by people.

   Roshan was still advancing, but its speed started to slow down, and a loud explosion made it from a round ball shape to a moon-like crater, and it began to shrink.

Where    Roshan passed, the floor was covered with liquid and minced meat.

   The bomb swift man was still charging, like a death squad, rushing towards Roshan with the bomb. What made Lu Chuan think of was that China used this suicide method to deal with enemy tanks during World War II.

One by one, the swift bombers followed each other, and eventually blasted Roshan into a tattered mass of meat until it could no longer move and stop on the and this process was a loss. Hundreds of swift people were killed.

   Roshan, they have already rolled to the front of the battlefield before they finally stopped and stopped moving.

Through the holographic projection, Lu Chuan can see that the innermost part of Roshan is actually an empty space, with a head resembling a human growing inside, and there are countless nerves connected to this inside Roshan. A space meat wall.

   At this time, Roshan’s head does not have eyes, but the zombie’s perception and sensitivity to sounds and life are the basis for its attack. Several things resembling tentacles were still shaking, indicating that Roshan was not dead yet, it was just blown to the point where it lost its ability to move.

   Lu Chuan fiercely, under the order, a swift man rushed to Roshan without hesitation, and from the blast out of the rottenness, plunged into the inner space of Roshan.


   Roshan shook again and was violently shaken. It almost shook Roshan off the ground. Flames gushing out from all directions, but the inside of Roshan was blown into pieces of meat.

   Like a big Roshan, it is like a leaky balloon.

   "Ding, you get a level five blank fragment."

   The prompt sound from his ears let Lu Chuan know that Roshan, who had brought him endless fear, was finally dead.

   Three explosions caused the four Roshans that came to be terminated in front of the battlefield.

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