Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 304: Meat mountain

Through holographic projection, Lu Chuan has the overall picture.

This time, except for flying zombies like the corpse dragon, which caused trouble to Lu Chuan, all the others were under Lu Chuan's control. Of course, there is tension, after all, the bullets of the anti-aircraft guns were completely wiped out.

What Lu Chuan regrets most is actually his lack of preparation for anti-aircraft ammunition.

There are two solutions, one is to buy sufficient ammunition, and the second is to enter the end times in a chaotic place abroad when the zombie crisis is about to arrive. The advantage of this is that the weapons can be added in time.

Of course, in the final analysis, I still have enough preparation in my own hands.

If the anti-aircraft gun has enough ammunition, you will not be so passive. Four streets are blocked by a flat shot. Not to mention **** dogs, even if the real pursuers step into the range of one kilometer, they can also be blasted into parts. .





A kind of zombie, except the Hellhound rushed into the construction site, like lickers, tyrants and chasers, they were bombarded and killed if they couldn't even get close.

In the view of the biochemical plant, it was finally quiet.

It lasted for more than an hour, and no zombies could stand up again.

"Clean up and solve all those who are not dead."

Lu Chuan issued an order that the number of swifts had reached more than two thousand. They appeared with weapons, rushed out of the bunkers, and ran towards the traps everywhere. As long as there are still movable Hellhounds in the traps, they will start to move. The hellhound's head burst.

In addition to these hellhounds, there are also zombies that have been chopped off on the street, but there are no dead zombies, which are also the objects of cleaning.

In my mind, the holographic projection uses God's perspective to look down the entire range of vision.

At this moment, Lu Chuan's hanging heart finally let go.

The zombie siege this time can be said to be very stressful and powerful. There were almost 30,000 zombies. At the beginning, Lu Chuan was really frightened, and his heart was hanging, because so many zombies were difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, I'm still quite prepared, and I'll win by myself.

"The loss should be less than ten million."

This result made Lu Chuan very happy. According to previous estimates, the loss would be between one and two hundred million. Lu Chuan was mad at how to make up for this loss.

Zhou Yanhong's acquisition is already underway, and the budget of at least 500 million has caused Lu Chuan a headache. If the losses are greater now, the capital needed is 700 to 800 million.

Seven to eight hundred million, put one year ago, this is a number that Lu Chuan dare not even dream of.


Just when Lu Chuan thought it was over, there was a dull sound in the distance, making Lu Chuan's smile that had just appeared on his face.

The zombies that still appeared at this time, don't need to think about it, definitely not a cat or a dog.

Through the holographic projection, Lu Chuan soon saw several zombies nearly three meters high on the street in every direction. The muscles on their bodies were very developed, and there were no decayed parts on their bodies. The exposed organs were compared to the trial. The shape is slightly smaller, and more parts are wrapped in the body. The most important thing is the normalization of the hand and the rationalization of the claws as the main weapon, with unparalleled destructive power.

With just a glance, Lu Chuan confirmed the identity of this zombie.

"It's Tyrant T-002."

Lu Chuan exclaimed, with horror in his eyes.

The fierce name of the tyrant is absolutely beyond imagination. The tyrant's initial test model has made people feel that it is outrageously strong, but now the tyrant T-002 has appeared. Isn't this life dying?


There was another sound, and then Lu Chuan's face changed again, because Lu Chuan discovered that this kind of "boom" was not made by tyrant T-002 at all, but there were other zombies.

Tyrant T-002 has already made Lu Chuan feel terrified, and the pressure has never been greater, but now there are still zombies appearing. From the sound of "dongdong" that knocks people's hearts, it is not difficult to find that the other party's background is definitely not small.


It's not good to say that what I saw earlier is just an appetizer.

Lu Chuan's eyes widened, staring in one direction.

From the sound, it is not difficult to confirm that this kind of "boom" sound appeared in four directions, which seemed to be a very heavy zombie. Lu Chuan couldn't think of what kind of zombie it was that could reach his ears from a few kilometers away.

Holographic projection, not only the picture, but also the sound can be synchronized. It is more like a development direction of the camera.

No matter what this is coming, what needs to be solved right now is the tyrant T-002.

Tyrant T-002 is an evolutionary version of the Tyrant’s first trial type. It removes some of the shortcomings of the Tyrant’s first trial type. For example, the organ shrinks in. For example, the alienated right arm that is too big to be said to disappear, instead of both hands are balanced . In addition, although the power of Tyrant T-002 is weaker, its speed is still higher than that of the licker.

The licker is agile and fast enough, but the tyrant T-002 is even faster.

In many cases, speed is more terrifying than strength.

With power, you can dodge, evade, and flee, but in front of absolute speed, you are inevitable, and you cannot escape. It is possible that you punched out, the other party has already bypassed, and then hit you back several times.

One force for ten guilds is mainly to head-to-head with the opponent, but the world is omnipotent, but it does not break quickly. It is possible that you have not even caught the opponent's shadow, and they have already solved you.

Tyrant T-002 is more advanced than the tyrant's initial test. From the rehearsal, it is not difficult to see that Tyrant T-002 is more terrifying.

Lu Chuan's eyes were solemn, and the appearance of Tyrant T-002 meant that he would definitely lose a lot of money.

"Javelin Rager."


"The licker."


Lu Chuan's instructions continued to be issued. The four types of zombies began to gather and move, and they soon formed a team. They formed an echelon. The top one was the javelin rage, and then the **** dog, to the licker. The last is the tyrant.

The speed of Tyrant T-002 was so fast that it was only inferior to some hellhounds, which was almost 70 kilometers per hour, which was frightening.

"Hellhound, come on."

Lu Chuan thought about it for a moment, and then decisively gave the order.

Hundreds of hellhounds, each team is divided into one hundred, placed in four directions. After Lu Chuan's instructions were given, the Hellhounds in four directions rushed out. They ran on the street and greeted them at a speed faster than the Tyrant T-002.

These tyrants T-002 appeared unmoved, they were still advancing.


Hellhounds leaped up and fell again, completely ignoring the corpses full of zombies on the street.

The same is true for Tyrant T-002. They are running fast and steady. Some of the zombies that were trampled by them were trampled and exploded, which shows how powerful their power is.

Lu Chuan stared at one place and clenched his fists.

The next moment, the two sides met.

The hellhound hissed with his mouth wide open, but the tyrant T-002 grabbed his arms. With his extremely sharp claws, the hellhounds were divided into corpses under the continuous cutting of the arm and his own tremendous force.

Many of the Hellhounds that were close by were ferocious, but they only bite a piece of meat on Tyrant T-002's body and were strangled by Tyrant T-002's claws.

Hundreds of Hellhounds were all strangled in just a few minutes.

Of these tyrant T-002, only one was killed, and the others were only bruised.

In one of them, bones can be seen in the calf, which affected its movement, but it continued to move forward with a crutch.

Lu Chuan's face was ugly. Four hundred hellhounds were just scrapped. According to the cost of hellhounds, 120 million yuan would be finished like this. Who wouldn't hurt if they changed?

"Javelin Rager."

Under instructions, the javelin rager moved forward and then held the javelin in his hand.

There are still a lot of javelins left by the Javelin Rager, which are now being used.

Javelins were thrown violently. These tyrant T-002s move very fast, but they have a weakness, that is, they don’t know how to evade. Each javelin, even if only one hits, is enough to make these. Tyrant T-002 was nailed.

Several tyrant T-002, only two broke through after several rounds of javelins.

"The licker."

Lu Chuan almost roared. Following the instructions, the lickers finally moved. They rushed towards the two tyrant T-002, and then tore each other together. The tyrant T-002’s claws were sharp, but they licked. The paws of eaters are also not vegetarian.

Flesh and flesh flew across, just a few breaths, although a few lickers were cut in half, but these two tyrant T-002 were torn apart by lickers ten times more than them. Become fragments.

A lot of flesh and blood splashed, and the two tyrants T-002 almost only had their skeletons left. Their extremely tough muscles did not provide them much defense. The paws of the licker could pierce and scratch even the concrete. What's more, the tyrant T-002 is still of flesh and blood?

"Two hundred million."

Lu Chuan closed his eyes in pain. This is two hundred million, not two or two hundred.

In fact, Lu Chuan wanted the special police zombies to take action, but Lu Chuan found that he was still not prepared enough, and the special police zombies had long empty magazines in their hands. From the beginning to just a short time ago, the firepower of the special police zombies has not been cut off, how much ammunition is enough for them to squander?

It was the lack of preparation that made him have to push the Hellhound and the licker up.

In fact, Lu Chuan's estimation of this zombie attack was still too optimistic, which led to the current situation, which can be said to be a lesson.

"Next time, next time I must get an arsenal out of it. Even in the face of a million zombies, there will be enough ammunition to deal with it. At that time, a large number of Vulcan cannons, near-anti-cannons, even missiles and incendiary bombs will be deployed. , Laser cutter..."

Lu Chuan thought fiercely, as the tyrant T-002's death fell, the sound of "dongdong" was getting closer.

In the field of vision you can see a huge mountain of meat moving, it almost rolls, and wherever it passes, the cars on the street are directly pressed into the form of a discus.

Ruoda's streets were actually covered by this Roshan, as if crowded.

The trees on the side of the street, the building balconies, and the window sills all shattered when Roshan passed by.

This is a Roshan with a height of more than ten meters. The key is that it is spherical, which makes it huge, and it feels like a mountain topping.


Lu Chuan's eyes widened and his mouth widened subconsciously, he was shocked.


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