Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 204: Coded instructions

How terrible are zombies, especially high-level zombies after virus alienation.

This tyrant, it was cut into two sections from the waist, only with some muscles and tendons connected, even its bones were broken.

But in this way, after hitting the ground, it screamed, propped itself up with its own arm, chiseled it on the ground with its alienated right arm, and bounced itself up.

The bounced tyrant was more than two meters long, still tall and mighty.

It raised its alienated arm in the sky and slammed it down. The power of terror has not disappeared, as fast as lightning.


In the muffled sound, an elite swift man was hit, following in the footsteps of the previous one, and it was also smashed into mud.

The tragic part of it, of course, needless to say, except for the hands and feet can be intact, the other is the ground meat.


Lu Chuan had a sense of speechlessness, he was already like this, and he killed himself an elite swift man.

Although this swift man only strengthened five times, but with the cost, it was already a loss of 2.1 million. In modern times, it is the price of an entry-level sports car.

When it comes to prodigal, oneself is the real prodigal.

"Stick again!"

Lu Chuan was slightly angry, and through his thoughts, he issued another command.

The zombies surrounded by the circle, they faithfully implemented Lu Chuan's instructions, without any discount, these thirty spears stabbed out and landed on the back and head of this tyrant.

The back is fine, but the spear on the back of the head is deadly enough.

The tyrant roared, and the sound passed for several miles, it was struggling, but under Lu Chuan's instructions, the elite swift force pierced the spear deeper.

The position of the back of the head entered, destroying its brain, resulting in it finally no longer moving.


Don't think that you just lost two elite swifts and an ordinary zombie, but don't look at the comparison of their respective strengths, the opponent is completely dozens of them.

If there are two or three more tyrants, it is not necessarily who will have the last laugh.

Looking at the tyrant lying on the ground, it broke into two parts, even if it was dead, it was still so hideous and intimidating.

"This is a third-level zombie, if it reaches the fourth level..." Lu Chuan shook his head, it seemed that the danger of this apocalypse was still exceeding his expectations.

"Clean up, continue."

Just after a few glances at the tyrant, Lu Chuan gave another order.

Pulling the gun, he strode forward again. The zombies under their hands did not have any emotions because of the appearance of a tyrant. They still had no fluctuations on their faces and were fearless.

This kind of fearlessness can even be manifested when they are smashed into flesh.

Even if people are not afraid of death, they will have some emotions when they die. But zombies don't, it's like a tree, it has life, but its life level is completely different from that of people, and there is no such word as fear.

The factory is indeed large, and with a large number of employees, it only cleared one third of it after a day.

For one thing, Lu Chuan doesn't like dragging things around.

After taking a rest in modern times, Lu Chuan appeared in the end times in the early morning of the next day.

Cold, for Lu Chuan, who is already a Level 3 genetically fortified, hardly feel the presence of cold, this kind of physical improvement has obvious performance.

"Clean up, continue."

Lu Chuan only needs to repeat the instructions.

Under the management of the biochemical factory, the zombies seem to have a self-memory function. The instructions Lu Chuan has directed, they will be executed like code, as long as Lu Chuan's instruction arrives, it will be executed according to this one instruction.

Like a plug-in, the code determines the instructions it executes.

This kind of memory function makes Lu Chuan wonder how much work has been saved. As now, the instructions of Qing and Suppression have been deeply embedded in their memories. As long as Lu Chuan issues the Qing and Suppression, they will know what to do.

Sometimes, Lu Chuan prefers to treat zombies as intelligent robots.

Except for the lack of a metal shell and language system, these zombies are indeed the same as intelligent robots.

The tyrant on the first day was just an accident.

The next advancement has become smoother.

Plants everywhere were swept away, and zombies were killed.

It took three days to clean up the tens of thousands of zombies in the entire Shengmei Electronics Factory. The gain is not only the control of the SUMI electronics factory, but also tens of thousands of fragments.

With this brushing method, one or two pieces of high color grade appear, which is normal.

Inside the storage space.

Lu Chuan's eyes fell on a piece of debris.

First-level orange accounting instinct fragments.

According to Lu Chuan's understanding of fragments, the orange instinct fragments should be behind the two levels of purple (legendary) and pink (sublimation), which is a very high level.

In addition to the accidental piece of legendary marksmanship fragment, Lu Chuan's highest harvest now is this piece of orange accounting instinct.

It's normal to think about it.

The scale of Shengmei Electronics Factory is very large, and it is not surprising that there are several accountants with Niucha. The orange instinct is at least one of the more famous figures in the industry.

"Unfortunately, it's just accounting instinct."

Lu Chuan shook his head, not satisfied.

If it is the instinct of marksmanship, although there is no way to create a spear god, it can strengthen an elite sniper, which will make oneself even more powerful.

Accounting... can only be used in modern times.

In addition to this orange piece of accounting, there are more than a dozen blue and green-level instincts from all walks of life. For Lu Chuan, it is a good harvest.

Of course, in this electronics factory, don't expect to be able to brush up with instincts like marksmanship. Here, it is impossible to have such an instinct.


Nowadays, the top ten of the security guards are no longer held by veterans. There is a shortage of people in this industry, and there are often people applying for jobs.

Putting aside security, expect ordinary employees to have marksmanship?

The completion of the suppression does not mean that it can be put into use. The corpses of tens of thousands of zombies also gave Lu Chuan a headache. Fortunately, there are a group of monsters who don't know that they are exhausted. Lu Chuan only needs to give instructions.

Under the instructions, the zombies who had gone through three days of killings also came to the mover.

The power of the zombies makes them do not need to lift up.

The Death Fighter held the corpse of a zombie in one hand, ignored the snow here, strode towards the fence. When it reached under the fence, it used its arms to throw the dragged corpse over the iron fence that was more than two meters away.

Its power to do this is not difficult.

The other swifts, they also dragged one in one hand, rushing in the snow, dragging out two traces.

In the entire factory area, you can see zombies dragging their bodies and throwing them outside the factory area.

Fortunately, the survivors in the first factory can't see this scene, otherwise they have to be shocked by the founding eyes, after all, this scene is beyond their imagination.

The corpses of tens of thousands of zombies were transferred to more than a hundred normal people, which was almost impossible to complete.

However, under Lu Chuan's instructions, these zombies under his command were like monsters who didn't know tiredness, didn't need to rest, and didn't get hungry, repeating these actions for a moment.

Throwing the corpse of a zombie outside is just the first step.

Next, these corpses need to be moved to further places, and the problem of corpses can be completely solved by incineration.

Can't there be tens of thousands of corpses piled up under the iron fence in the factory?


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